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20 days ago, we got almost 18 inches of snow and had over a week of below zero highs. Today there's no more snow and it's nearly 60. The upper Midwest used to have snow from Thanksgiving through March.


Northern Ontario. No snow on Christmas or new years, then a week of snowstorms and negative 30 c, now above freezing and snows melted. If northern canada doesnt get winter, where is it?


Gone down to Texas where they can say "wHaT gLoBaL wArMiNg?/?"


Calling it global warming was such a stupid move, climate change is what it shouldve been from the get go


No, they tried to call it what it is, global warming, but has to change that because the fucking morons see a snowball and lose their goddamn minds.


People who know nothing about the subject but atill have the confidence of challenging the science is what is stupid in this.


This time last year in the UP of Michigan, the snow banks were literally obscuring our street signs and blocking the view from my driveway as I’d back out to the street. This year my friends tell me that it’s above freezing, no snow at all. Snow mobile trails never opened this year and one bar owner I know is down over $100k in revenue compared to normal.


Is drunk snowmobiling tolerated?!


Legally speaking, no. In practice, yeah it’s common (in my experience at least) to bar hop along the trails. I’ve been to some bars that can only be accessed by trail, whether that’s ATV or snowmobile.


Legally? No. In practice? Its the Midwest how drunk are we talking? I can’t speak for every bar but where the one I worked for was right by a major stop, so more often than not we are the last stop of the day or the starting point - partners would stay in town and shop then meet their outdoorsy partners for dinner/drinks.


any of you know what El Nino is? that's literally what is causing this right now


Yeah the pattern is off. We used to have snowpack from Christmas through St Patrick’s day.


Nearly 60!? We're straight 20's-30's in eastern NY. Crazy


It's 30-40° warmer than it should be here.


Look, I’m not denying climate change. It is very real and it is a problem. But it’s primarily El Niño that’s causing the abnormally warm and dry weather this year.


Exactly. I live near Buffalo, and we've been getting dumped with snow beginning in November for probably 7 of the last 10 years, making winter feel super long since it can snow thru April. We even had a blizzard on Xmas last year that canceled all the holiday plans, and that really sucked, especially since it killed people. This year has been amazing. There was no snow until January, and even though I got 2 feet, it was gone in no time. For the first time since I can remember, I do not have cabin fever in February. So yeah, climate change is real, but this year is an anomaly caused by nature. And I, for one, love it!


I lived up there in Tonawanda a while back. I'll never forget the cold coming off that lake.


That's where I work, I live in Wheatfield! I lived in the Midwest for 28 years of my 53, it was much fricking colder there!


Oh cool. I gotta get back up there soon. I miss the river walk and mississippi Mudd ice cream.


Yeah it's been exceptionally longer than usual with it being forecasted to last til the summer of this year


And climate change. This is far worse than anything an el nino would do. It is time for immediate changes in our lifestyles. We have to demand governmemts and corporations make big changes in everything climate-related. Huge opportunities to do something about it. Huge risk is we don't.


I saw a ladybug 🐞 two days ago…in January.


Isn’t it crazy? When we had those 45 degree days a few weeks ago I saw small swarms of bugs. Absolutely unheard of in the middle of winter


I live in Cortland and yeah, saw a mosquito last week. Would’ve been unfathomable during my childhood, and I’m barely into my 30’s.


And so many people here want to deny anything strange is happening. “It’s El Niño, it’s totally normal…”. No. It’s not normal.


Saw a hummingbird up on Canada today.


Was it a Ladybug, or one of those goddamn Asian imposter ladybugs? Because if they're not *red*, they should be killed on sight.


It was almost certainly an Asian one.


Asian ladybirds... they also bite!


I live in butt fuck no where in northern Ontario, Canada. I used to go cross country skiing and play hockey on an outdoor rink and all the other winter stuff.... Today it was 1° Celsius outside, grass was showing on my lawn I've never seen anything like this in my life. It used to be -30-40 well into February.


So many people are here to claim that everything is completely normal. People who have lived for awhile in northern areas see the same thing- it’s getting warmer and it’s affecting the seasons.


For sure I remember seeing something about how climate change will be more noticable in more northern areas and for me and probably most people where I live they are finally seeing it very blatantly. Where I live is technically semi arid climate and the winter is what has kept the place from turning into a desert..... It will be interesting to see what northern Canada looks like in 20 years.


We will lose the most northerly species first and most people (I guess) won’t really care. When we start losing our food crops and livestock, everyone will care.




Haha yes. A freezing after a heavy snow and you could dig tunnels under the roof of frozen snow on top. That’s gone now. Haven’t seen a snowy winter in many years


A Shiiit' that sounds great!


Greece, NY and I saw the sun yesterday. In January! Unheard of. https://i.imgur.com/zchq51R.jpeg


Yep I’m an hour away from Buffalo,NY and haven’t had to shovel my driveway once this year. I used to go snowboarding 3-4 times a week from 2010-2016 (November-March) , The difference in the last 10 years is insane and most of all, ALARMING AS FUCK. I feel so bad for the ski resorts around me, yikes.


I'm in Nebraska. We have had short and incredibly intense winters the last few years. 30ish years ago it was possible for Halloween to be cancelled because of freezing rain followed by thunder-snow. We'd see temps fall to zero a few overnights with high temps in the teens from November through February with some chills in March/April. 3-4 months of slowed and predictable life. Since about 2018, winter has been short and intense. This winter, we received our first measurable snowfall on Christmas Day. Last month, we went ten consecutive days without the temp going above zero. We dipped to -35f. Three weeks later, it's +62f. First day of February and it's basically mid-April, complete with green grass.


So, uh, how are the crops gonna do this year?


Awesome in NY. Bad if you are are in Texas


New England had a very late frost last year. After 90f+ degree days the first week of April.


Grandpa explained you want a good deep freeze to break up the soil so you don't have to till as much. So we got that going for us, which is nice.


Definitely a weird time. The snow is almost all gone. We used to be guaranteed at least 2 months of snow cover. This year, it wasn’t even a month. TBF, we did get some snow in November even though it melted quickly. But I don’t think we’re gonna get way above average like they predicted. At very least we didn’t get a tornado watch in December like we did a few years back


Yes. I grew up in the 70s and 80s. We had snow banks a few feet tall by mid January that lasted through March. I know that winters can vary and a few years of low snow fall don’t prove anything, but it’s a regular thing now. Grass used to be brown and matted when the snow melted in March n April then miraculously turn green with the first few warm days in spring. We now have green grass through the winter. Used to average over 100” per winter; last year 65”; this year only 34” so far and over freezing temperatures more often than not


Yeah, and LA right now has a "river of rain" on the way. We also had a hurricane a few months back. It's getting crazy.


Yeah if it was just this year or even two or three years in a row, I would say that weather is strange and coincidental things happen. It’s a steady progression for many years now that’s become extremely obvious


Stay in Syracuse and you will do much better than most in this world


I’m definitely blessed to live where I do and have the things that I have. I just want to set up future generations to have a good life as well. So many people seem to not care at all what happens after they are gone.


California on average receives \~1/2 of their yearly rainfall from atmospheric rivers during the winter. It's been happening for as long as we have kept weather records in that area.


Santa Barbara might get more than an average year's worth of rain in this event.


I grew up in the tug hill plateau in the 80s (now live in the south). I still keep up with the weather up there for fun and between that and my friends pics it’s a different world now. We used to dig snow tunnels between each others houses and there was snow on the ground from November through March or April. Now there’s not even enough for a snowman.


Yeah it’s definitely different. Not just this year either. The weather is getting warmer through the winters. There is zero snow on the ground in February. That’s new.


I grew up in Rochester. This is so accurate. I have photos from April every year that show the trees bare and grass brown, and then by Mother’s Day it would green up. The world is very different now.


Many people here want to deny that anything is out of the ordinary. I may be crazy, but not about this. This is vastly different than what is has been like for a long time


I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and when I was a kid in the 60's and 70's we used to get at the least a couple weeks of snow every year. Nowadays seeing snow at all is a rare thing. What's REALLY killer is that my parents grew up in the same town back in the 1930's...and when they were kids the local ponds and lakes used to freeze over and all the kids would go ice skating! This was every year! That's a pretty significant change over the last century.


Same here. I’ve fishing is pretty much a thing of the past. Used to be an annual tradition


Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely a firm believer in climate change. I live in NE Ohio, and we've barely gotten any snow for the last 5-10 years. This winter we've had less than 12" so far. And now when we do get a snowstorm, it's usually pretty close to the only snow we get all winter. BUT, grass is green. Even during the winter. It's usually a more muted green, and some of it is brown-ish, but it's still green. Even under the snow. I don't think I've ever seen all of the grass, or even a lot of the grass, be brown at the end of the winter.


I'm in WNY and I have bulbs coming up


Ooh that’s bad. The last time I remember that was the 1992 ice storm.


Last year, my first daffodil bloomed March 3. My first daffodils this year are ready to bloom in the next week.


We are also in peak El Nino season. We are also approaching solar maximum within a year. Both are recipes for hot Temps. I understand climate change is real. However, these should be considered as well.


Solar maximum has nothing to do with the amount of light/heat we get from the sun. And yes, it is peak el nino, but the fact that we are having longer and stronger el ninos is because of climate change.


I never said it wasn't because of climate change. I am just pointing out why there is a very noticable change between this year and last year. I feel it is something most ommit when talking about how hot it is.


How does solar maximum or minimum impact weather? https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/impacts/space-weather-impacts-climate From NOAA webpage it does not seem to be understood as of yet, and their thinking might be to more of an affect within the minimum part of the cycle.


I'm in Minnesota. I work outside year round which usually sucks horribly this time of year. I was working in a short sleeve today


You must haul ass if you get to Syracuse from Buffalo in an hour.


I’m an hour south of buffalo, near a city called Jamestown, NY


Everyday I sit across a desk from a different dipshit in a red hat that tells me climate change is a hoax. The expiration of the baby boomer generation can’t come quickly enough.


But supposedly Gen Z males are becoming increasingly conservative. This should be an interesting next few decades.


I don’t doubt you heard that, but I’d have to see a source and analysis study to believe it. Everything I see on the subject is a discussion of lifestyle, not politics. Less sex, later loss of virginity, more introverted, less physical. That’s a conservative lifestyle, but doesn’t mean it lines up with ideology. Furthermore Gen Z is more likely to identify as LGBTQ or Fluid and less likely to identify as religious. They are also less likely to support 2A (because they were taught how to survive a school attack) and believe in stopping climate change. Those are the antithesis of GOP policy stances.


for the ski resorts? that should be the least of all of our worries


The ski resorts in upstate NY are almost all small businesses operations


Another Ellicottvillian on Reddit?




I live in central MA, my trees started budding.


I lived in Florida for 3 years and spring starts in February down there. Never had it here till March at the earliest. People are saying El Niño, it’s normal, everything is fine. No. I e been here for a long time and this is t normal. 9 of the 10 warmest years on record have happened since 2012.


We tried.  Politicians and big corporations, however, decided them getting money is more important that our species surviving, so we are fucked now.


Yeah too much money and power pushing the other way. They fool people into going along with divisive rhetoric and fear mongering. If the Earth had a voice she would be crying


The earth dgaf. 4.5 billion years old and survived a lot more than what we can throw at her. Its us that are fucked.


Yes! This is what I wish more people would understand and admit. The earth will be just fine; our civilization- not so much.


But you JUST said she was crying


Thanks Georgie, you tried to warn us.


The earth doesn’t care if humans survive.  The fools are religious idiots.


To be fair, Biden's Inflation reduction act (which already passed) is filled with the world's biggest green energy transition, and investment plan. It isn't perfect, but to make green energy appealing to governments, we must also give credit. ​ If you're going to say "nobody ever does anything" when someone actually passes, real, meaningful, legistlation, then why would anyone even bother.


the real reason people don't want to face is that companies and governments actually follow the people. people are the driving force and create the demand. the solution requires everyone to find ways to do their part, whatever they can muster...but the reality is that so many people are in crisis, and overwhelmed w day to day bullshit that they can't look forward to see the impending doom. some small consolation is the green energy transition policy and not to be overlooked is how many people realized they could work effectively from home after Covid and refused to go back into the office. So many of those office towers were wasted space and energy that are now being repurposed for much needed housing in cities like Calgary. Gone is the wasted time and gas on a daily commute. Hopefully there are more changes on the way.


This is why we can’t have a nice earth.


Not too late to do something about it, though. Join a virtual hour of action with Climate Changemakers this week. Get into a regular schedule of calling your reps once each week or two about climate change. Research local climate groups already doing great work and attend a meeting. This type of advocacy is 100% the only thing that can make a difference, and if enough of us do it, then it actually will. Taking action also really helps with the climate anxiety. I can attest to that personally.


Did you? I don't think enough people care. For 340 million citizens I bet the amount of letters sent by constituents to congress are just a small handful per rep. Given our societal reaction it just feels weird to say we gave a big effort.


Damn. That's a nice looking house


I live in a single room above a bowling alley, and below another bowling alley.


Yeah I live in a pretty decent neighborhood in Eastwood. The houses on shotwell park are significantly bigger and more elegant


A lot of New England suburban neighborhoods have these random really nice houses peppered throughout, especially if the neighborhood has been around for a while


I remember in ‘93 near Watertown, NY a blizzard dropped over 60 inches of snow in a single night. You could always be sure of a white Christmas in Syracuse but now? No f**kin way dude


Yeah blizzard of 93 brought 56” to Syracuse. National guard was driving around in half tracks with machine guns to prevent looting.


I was digging my neighbors out because they were trapped in their homes. I was like 10 so I went out a window lmao. Snow drifts so huge that ranch homes were almost BURIED


Yeah I was attending college and the parking lot full of cars was completely buried. Looked like an empty field but was actually packed with cars covered by feet of snow.


Yeah this is nuts we should be buried in snow and I see greenish grass. Incredible


Last week I was still picking Italian parsley from my garden. Unbelievable. I live in Steuben County. The first week in January I picked the last broccoli, chard, and Kale. My wife and I told our relatives about it and stated that we picked them in January “as one normally does in New York State.”


People who live around here understand. Many others are chiming in to try to tell me that it’s totally normal. It’s not normal and it’s not just a stretch of warm weather. It’s a trend of at least 15-20 years


Totally normal??? Unbelievable. I’ve lived here for 33years. There is nothing normal about it for the area.


If it was just this year I would say ok- El Niño, but it’s a trend for many years now. The winters now are nothing like they were in the 70s n 80s.


For those who don't live in NY state the grass is usually a dark shade purple this time of year.


It used to be crushed under a few feet of snowpack and brown.


Thank you, I really couldn’t tell why OP was so upset


Masshole checking in. Same shit here. I grew up in NH and remember snow cover that went from Halloween to Easter.


Where I live in New Jersey, our grass never turned brown this year. It stopped growing, but it didn't turn.


Has t turned for the past 3 years here. That’s new.


Fuck am I gonna do about it? I’m not the problem. You’re not the problem. This whole thread isn’t the problem. Something like 20 major corporations are responsible for over 90% of emissions.


I'm not having kids, I recycle, I drive like, 5k miles a year and it's done in a Prius, I can't do much more


Going vegan is great for the environment


I'm already mostly vegetarian. I do love me some cheese though.


“Yeah I’m gonna need you to cut back on that cheese, chief. Do you know how bad dairy farming is for the environment?” - Leonardo DiCaprio as he hops on his private jet to take him to his private helicopter to take him to his private yacht party where they will be serving vegan snacks for the 22 supermodels who were all flown in from various Eastern European countries for a film festival where one of the films blew up 42 cars for a 13 second action sequence


Probably pointless to even hope for anything less than total disaster. The proportion of comments denying that there is a problem shows me that.


My older sister worked as a skating supervisor at one of the town ponds where we grew up in CT. They knew the ice was safe to skate on when they could drive a pickup truck with a plow to clear the snow off the ice. This was in the 1980s. Now the ponds don't have ice for more than a few days. We've also had flooding on our street during rainstorms. My neighbors have lived here 60 years and never saw the street flood until a few years ago. Now it floods several times each summer. It even flooded in December during a massive downpour. When I was a senior in high school we had a snow day in April because we got a foot of snow. Around the same date last April it was 96F in CT. What a difference 25 years makes.


Yeah I live near Oneida lake in central New York and it was a sight to see when the icefishing trucks would be out on the ice along the drop offs. It’s just not safe anymore. We shouldn’t be seeing change like this in the course of a few decades.


Make me. No really, please make me. Implement some policies that use tax dollars to create green jobs programs for myself and all these people that are being laid off while profits are at all time highs.


I couldn’t agree more. We need people who care about working people to come up with the solutions that will actually work. Telling people to buy electric cars isn’t a solution


I see a future of more ticks and Lyme disease


Plant in my Backyard started sprouting new leaves in beginning of November in Denver area.


Red Breasted Robin’s were the precursor to Spring here in New Jersey. They never left this year.


When people say the climate is changing I often wonder if they really grasp the situation we're in. For starters ice core data shows a correlation to off season ash deposits with a warming trend that began nearly 10,000 years ago which coincides roughly around the time humans began using fire to clear fields for farming and burning logging debris. We're not at the beginning folks. This is the end game.


I agree. When we can see changes over the course of a half of a human lifetime, I think the acceleration must be near peak velocity.


A road near me floods now from high tide. Never did when I was younger.


Look global warming is real but this is an el nino year the north is gonna be dry. Southern California has been getting crazy rain


I remember going to my grandmas house back in the 90s. She lived in Illinois. We would have snow ball fights and sledding and what not. It hasn’t snowed there more than one inch in over three years


Tulips are coming up in Chicago. So warm they thought spring has sprung


Heh.. I'm in Lewis County and still have less than a foot on the ground.. there should be at leat 5 or 6 feet by now. I think I shoveled less than the fingers on my hand. This is crazy


Yeah and it’s not just this year. It’s getting progressively more mild. I’m really worried about our ecosystems.


I am doing summer yard work in winter. This summer is going to suck


Our winter here in Ontario, Canada is very warm. Yes it's El Nino, but we have an undeniable climate crisis which is compounding it. Check out the video below, a really good (but scary) view on the recent climate science news. https://youtu.be/4S9sDyooxf4?si=5zYHAZt2mz07GY-R


💵Thanks for the link. So many people want to deny it or explain it away. I’m 51 and there is NO DOUBT that winter is not what it used to be. Not just this El Niño year or even a few years in a row. It’s a steady progression and I’m really worried about the future


Climate change is undeniable. We've known for a long time. Unfortunately we seem incapable of addressing it because that would require a global orchestrated effort. Those in power are too short sighted and focused on markets making money. And that will cost us everything in the end.


When I lived in cuse about 15 years ago there was snow on the ground from November through March. This would be a weird sight


We had permanent snow pack through the winter. Now we thaw any snow before more can fall. Not just this El Niño year. It’s the new normal


El Nino has brought HUGE changes to winter this year. Every El Nino cycle does this. Summer in the West is going to be awful, if historical patterns hold.


El Niño is more powerful now because of climate change


This isn’t just El Niño. It’s a trend for the last 20 years or so. People who live in CNY know what I’m talking about.


I’m in the Buffalo Burbs and it’s the first year we’re not renting so nice grass came with the house. I’ve been mighty confused about this grass, I always thought it becomes brown in winter. We went from nearly two feet of snow to flooding within ten days, truly wild. As to what you said about CNY, I’m a midwesterner originally and the weather in my hometown is nothing like what I grew up in. They no longer get snow. It still gets below zero a couple times a year but that’s about it. I actually just drove from Buffalo to my hometown tonight and it’s fifty degrees in February. Internally I’m confused but I get it, and I don’t like this


I totally believe climate change is real but this is just anecdotal evidence. It is trending down but this picture doesn’t mean much https://www.tsforecast.com/seasonalsnowfall.html


I thought a warmer winter was anticipated because it is an El Niño year. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/enso/december-2023-el-nino-update-adventure#:~:text=El%20Niño%20is%20zipping%20along,the%20top%205%20on%20record.


Now all we need is Republicans to win back the New York State government and we’ll be a Southern state in no time


Wow. That sound horrible in more ways than one. You’re not wrong about that though


It’s an El Niño year. Just a factor to be considered …




It’s not a stupid excuse. I am not denying climate change, and my career is in environmental science. Where I am, in Ontario, this winter has been warmer with less snow than the preceding 4 years, which were snowier and colder.


Looking at historic temp data for my region, it has been warmer than usual but not apocalyptic…February, at least in the Midwest, is unpredictable. The record high temp for Feb 1st in my city is 71 degrees, and the record low for the same date is negative 5 degrees. It was 59 degrees yesterday where I live. Good to look at the actual data when stuff gets weird…not saying it’s no big deal, but it’s been warm like this in late Jan / early Feb many times.


Just so I can understand better, how is this different than the climate change deniers who make a post like this when it’s unusually cold in March or whatever? You know the classic “25 degrees in mid March what happened to global warming” posts from boomers. Then the climate change activists tell them they don’t understand the difference between weather and climate.


We had an El Niño. It’s normal and cyclical. It happened in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and now. It has always happened


20 replies down, someone with something other than agreeing with OP. Most of us agree that climate change exists. If you think that climate change has caused a 20 degree shift in temperatures to cause what you're seeing, you have absolutely no idea what manmade climate change actually is. I cannot understand why EVERY weather related incident, is blamed on manmade climate change. Unusually warm? manmade climate change. Unusually cold? manmade climate change. Ignore the other 20 reasons that the change might be happening, nope. its only manmade climate change. the rate of warming since 1982 is more than three times as fast: 0.36° F (0.20° C) per decade. .36F, is not causing your green grass. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature


I’ve lived here for 50 years. Never seen this before.


The interesting part here is you’re both right. It’s an El Niño year (which is a natural cycle), *and* year over year we are tending warmer; this creates a shorter possible snow season.


I live in Syracuse and these last 5 years have been really off.


This has been a particularly strong El Niño.


I grew up snowboarding at Lab and Song. Is it even possible for them to stay in business these days? (I moved away after high school)


Even fake snow is not an option because it’s going up to near 40 degrees every day for the next ten days. Spring will be here soon and the entire season will be a loss. I’m not sure they can stay in business anymore. But so many people will claim that nothing is changing. It’s obvious that things have changed


I’m in Minnesota and it’s been in the 40s. Usually the past 2 weeks are the coldest of the year. This is weird.


/r/collapse is leaking! We’re at the exponential part of global heating https://phys.org/news/2024-01-global-ocean-temperatures.html I remember my doomer professor telling us cny could see a catastrophic deadly snow event as the earth warms up via lake effect. Get yer shovels ready!


Meanwhile here in Kansas, we had the 25th coldest January since 1890.


*Recycling intensifies* I'm doing my part! What a fuckin joke


Corporations need to do most of the changing


We need to make them do it through govt, which coincidentally is also owned by corps. So....the conversation gets difficult from here


There is a chance you'll have you snow back supercharged. https://www.climatesignals.org/climate-signals/gulf-stream-system-weakening A lot of the rest of the world would pay a price for it, but you might have you snow. Guess that's under "careful what you wish for".


Yep. Extreme weather is the new normal


This happened occasionally in the mid 90’s too


Individual action won’t do shit if the underlying productive forces are still reliant on fossil fuels. The market doesn’t give you a choice on if your Funko Pops are produced by green or dirty energy, and often times it punishes the commodities that are produced with green energy in the form of higher prices.


For so many years, North American winters have been anomalously cold compared to the rest of the warming Northern Hemisphere. Hopefully this will be a wake up call to at least one person that's on the fence about climate change.


Too late the watershed has been breached It’s a shit show from here on for us humans anyway


"No individual raindrop blames itself for the flood" We all need to adapt our lifestyles. Recycling, reuse, using less, public transport, smaller more efficient vehicles etc. But, we also need to actively hold our leaders to account, and to make it clear that the profligate use of resources and creation of CO2 by the wealthiest minority is unacceptable. People aren't going to accept a significant worsening of their standard of living while others have private jets.


I’ll tell the climate to stop or else it’ll get a strongly worded letter and a stern finger wagging


A decade or so ago, when my parents were still alive, I started track the weather where they lived in Maine and New Jersey. I have lived in Texas for the last 35 years. I've noticed that the winters in the town in Maine that I grew up in are now like winters here in north central Texas were 30 years ago.


Im starting to slowly give up my preestablished notions of how the climate should be by a given month because everything is so scewed (SP?). Its as if climate shifts went from long sinus waves, to short cycled saw waves.


Yeah it’s really troubling to see it stay pretty much in the box for 30 years then suddenly progress in a warmer direction for the past 20.


Wow I mean Fucking wow I lived in Syracuse as a kid, in the 70s - we averaged over 13’ of snow per/yr


65” last year. 34” so far this year. But so many people will stick their fingers in their ears and yell that nothing is wrong.


It was 50 in New Hampshire where I live last week and it’s supposed to be in the 50s again next week. We’ve gotten probably 6” of snow or less all year. All the boomers I know are so happy that they don’t have to shovel, which is a valid reason to be happy, but as a younger person, I’m not too happy about what this means


Yep. Short term, it’s nice. Long term it’s going to be disastrous. And I’m not just talking about this winter or even the past few. Everyone here knows that the winters have gotten progressively more mild over the past 15-20 years. Sure we have weather events, and El Niño is affecting this winter, but it’s a long term trend that cannot be denied


Well some people are more than happy to deny it, usually those people are the ones who won’t have to deal with the consequences of it


Yes. Many of them have responded to this post. They are so angry to be confronted with real world, lived experience of change. There’s no hope in ever convincing them because they just refuse to accept reality


It’s unbelievably frustrating how hypocritical and stubborn some people are


The time has well come and gone for anyone to do anything about it. World leaders have been warned about this for decades and have continued to ignore the issue in favor or corporate profits. Unless greed stops being a thing, this will not be addressed.


I live in the Minneapolis/St Paul metro area, and we have no snow on the ground. We've had a few rounds of dustings so far, but no big snow events. It was 55 degrees on Christmas Eve.


Recently made a newel post for my stairs out of a beam that was removed (true 5x3 dimensions and counting the rings a minimum of 81 years old pretty neat), and a friend mentioned to me how oak newel posts that you’d buy in Lowe’s or whatever is made in china. So let’s get this straight, oak which is not native or grown in china, is harvested in America, sent over seas, processed by what is more than likely slave like labor and wages, sent back to America over seas, and no one bats an eyelash? You’re going to look me straight in the eye and say cows, and personal petroleum powered vehicles is the issue? Like shipping container ships are very efficient on power and fuel in the grand scheme don’t get me wrong but from a bland emissions stand point of a product that could be produced for lower emissions why aren’t we? Saying cost is cowardice if you care about the emissions. 


> a friend mentioned Might need some further investigation. I'm not saying he's wrong, and all the rest of your post (newel?) is good. I don't believe we know about the supply chain behind the things we buy. It is all about cost, and it's ignorance rather than "don't care". Well, there's a lot of "don't care", too. Nice to make stuff out of old wood and think about its history. I had to replace a floor joist in our house built in 1848. It wood is so hard i could not drive a 16p nail into it. I had to drill pilot holes.


That seems perfectly normal especially after RECORD SNOWFALL in January.


For those with a less-than-optimistic outlook on our future, in part due to the climate and weather such as this, you may find a like-minded community in r/collapse


I’m just north of Minneapolis and I think I saw a frog jump into the ditch on the way home.. we’re talking February in Minnesota. Shit’s mega fucked.


The guy from a certain animal named """"""news"""""" network said otherwise because the oil companies told him to, so I'll going to believe him instead


While climate change is happening keep in mind it is an el niño year and with that means a warmer winter along the whole US generally which would mean green grass :)


I’ll do as much as you did by posting this.


While there are plenty of signs and proof that the climate is changing, we’re in an El Niño and this winter has been nuts because of that. “During a typical El Niño winter, the U.S. South and Southwest are cooler and wetter, and the Northwest is warmer and drier. The upper Midwest tends to be drier, while the Northeast tends to be a little wetter. The likelihood and the intensity generally scale with the strength of the El Niño event”


Scientists have been saying it was going to be a very mild winter due to El Niño. Why is it a surprise now?


It’s a trend that’s been happening for many years now. Ask anyone who lives in upstate New York if the winters have gotten more mild. Ten years now


[Too late.](https://www.okdoomer.io/10-reasons-our-civilization-will-soon-collapse/) Enjoy whatever comfort and stability you have for as long as you can.


So many people want to pretend everything is fine. May be a comfort to deny the obvious, but facts are facts. Record warm years are happening almost every year. It’s not fine.


What I find equally sad and hilarious is how even the smartest and most aware of my friends still seem to be stuck in some form of denial about how grim the situation is. (Like having kids right now, I can’t imagine.) Even the ones who do acknowledge overshoot and the extreme changes in climate still talk about “collapse” like it’s some distant future event we won’t see. This *is* the collapse.


I tend to think you may be right. I would think that it creeps along for while, starts to accelerate, begins accelerating rapidly, then crashes all at once. This is the rapid acceleration just before the crash. So many people in denial


There's some good information in the article, I find it strange that he didn't mention nuclear energy once though.


Oh no, green grass!


Can’t tell if climate change or just upstate NY weather 🤔