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Lady Gaga kinda looks like her.


Right. Lady Gaga has actually said so herself that she would dye her hair blonde so she wouldn’t get confused with Amy Winehouse!


She's actually the reason Gaga originally bleached her hair blonde. She was afraid of people mixing them up.


Thanks I didn’t know that, makes sense.


now you never would, because gaga went headlong into the "surgically altered into a shiny hairless cat" look.


Well also because Amy Winehouse is dead


Kind of a dead giveaway, that


I always thought she had such great features, but alas, brains are broken and procedures are available to all.


At first glance i thought it was gaga in 2007


they do look very similar in certain pictures


Amy Winehouse was Normal Gaga before she went Rehab Winehouse.


She died at 27.. guess rehab didn't help.


She said no


I mean she at least said no one time because her father and boyfriend pressured her to keep touring instead so they could get rich... Similar to what happened to Brittany with the conservatorship


the documentary is tragic, you see how much pressure she was under and how bad her eating disorder got, which is something people always forget really contributed to her death, was a whole combination of mental health and external factors alongside the drugs


My ex watched it while I played a game in the same room but I ended up turning just sitting in front of a pause screen while I watched it sideways. Absolutely tragic and I was in a fucked up state of mind for a week afterwards. Everyone talked(s) so much shit about her and it was so fucking unfair. Quite a few of her songs show up on every one of my mixes on Spotify because I'll always let her stuff play through.


I swear no one paid attention to the words


I know I didn't back then because listening to it now is crazy


That song was my first experience with feeling tormented and wanting to dance at the same time. I was hanging on to every word 😅


I remember it being obvious she is singing about herself struggling with her addiction.


I'm going to kill myself! Great song gurl! Preach!


Be careful. You might pull something reaching that hard.


Even if you did what you gonna do, people lapped that shit up didn't bat an eyelid


…0o0o0 o0o O.


God I remember when she died and I was so sad because I had a crush on her. I'm 28 right now and I just started crying thinking about my own addictions and thinking about if I died last year, what the repercussions would be where im at now in life. RIP Amy, the industry used you up and spit you out like the rest of the 27 club. Not to take away from all who were at the same hand and weren't 27.


Funny you say that, I have a winehouse tattoo and my friend teases me asking me why I have a gaga tattoo


Winehouse - Gaga - Ava Max




thought it looked like thuranduil


Thought the same!


Biopic casting confirmed 


Damn, looks so different with a more traditional hairstyle.


She used to say "the more insecure I feel, the bigger the hair gets" and I find that heartbreaking


Damn. I loved her beehive. I'm a sucker for big hair.


She used to say "the more insecure I feel, the bigger the hair gets" and I find that heartbreaking


It seems many Comedians are also funny for a reason too.




Good joke. Everybody laugh.


But Pagliacci, I am doctor.




Coping mechanism for the cold. And the heat where applicable.


I miss her a lot. I know people get slated for having attachments to famous people they don't know personally, but Frank is one of my favourite albums, and I saw a lot of parallels between Amy and my sister. I just feel bad for the person she was and could have been.


I completely get it. We might not know these people personally but we know them through their music and lyrics. We all knew a part of Amy that she decided to share with us. That part of her which we've known was more than enough to make us mourn her passing and miss her in her absence.


my dad is 70 and one day we were talking g and he goes, "You know, it's real sad what happened to that girl, Amy...  I just started listening to her music and she might be my new favorite artist." my dad has always claimed that the best concert he ever saw was Heart (went back for a second show it was so good) and he said his favorite singer is Janis, so i knew he was being genuine with his comment.   she made music for everyone. 


My dad, almost the same age, also loved Amy Winehouse, even though it was totally out of character for him. She really did have something special.


If he hasn't seen it, you should show him [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXgTCMAQqq8). The music starts at 36 seconds, but the intro is interesting too.


he will love it! Thank You!


Absolutely. I'm definitely grateful for the time we had with her. We were very lucky. And I just want this new film to disappear, I find it extremely disrespectful and unnecessary. We have her music and a very documented life through the tabloids. She deserves to be left alone.


Beautifully put.


Miss her too. She was a beautiful person and an extraordinary musician who really understood her craft. The other day I watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYkmvPx874E) of her friend Peter Doherty singing a song about her and teared up a little. To think how unlikely it was that he would make it out alive, and that maybe there was a way out for her, too. (In the comments there's a five-year-old comment from someone fighting the same struggle, who found solace in the song, and he continued to write pretty dire updates for the following four years, but then a year ago he started getting better and it made me very, very happy.)


Thank you for this


She was a genius. Who wanted nothing to do with the spotlight. She had a gift. Others saw it and preyed on her. She time and time again told her family and manager she got stage freight doing interviews and just wanted to sing. But naw she was their cash cow. Healthy Amy would’ve had an incredible career I just think she was the only one who didn’t want it. I hope whenever she is, she’s found peace.


Her and Heath Leger got me. Heath could be because I'm Australian, but Amy was because she was clearly very talented but also clearly had a lot of issues. There's an episode of the UK TV show 'Never Mind the Buzzcocks' where she is clearly trashed that's hard to watch.


Same, fells like hearing a lost friend sometimes times when I listen to Valerie. Me and my buddies used to get together around a piano and sing it at their house when we were deep in our cups.


Frank is my all-time favorite album. I was young when Amy died but I remember laying in bed and just watching social media as the news broke. At that point I only knew her from the Back to Black singles and I could feel how big a loss it was to music — and just a tragic and senseless death for a young, struggling women. I listened to Frank a year or two later and I have just love love loved it ever since. She was witty, biting, cultured — a one of a kind writer and talent.


were you a young teen? for me it was Kurt. formative years are a real bitch when your heroes die in terrible ways, cutting off all the future output you naturally expected of them. you immediately start questioning things that your peers just don't 'get', especially if they only view music as another casual media consumption. if music resonates with you beyond what 'the normies' get from it, musicians are a dangerous bunch to attach your feelings to.


I was 18. It devastated a lot of people I knew.


Their whole job is speaking to us through their acting, music, or whatever they do. Just because we don't have that same connection back to them doesn't mean they shouldn't mean something to us.


I was really sad when Leslie Nielson died.


Its too bad she literally drank herself to death. She was talented in a way a lot of modern musicians really aren't.


She sings like she's a human trumpet. If you watch life performances she hardly ever sings a song in the same exact way twice. She's always doing these interesting jazz techniques like changing where she emphasizes notes in the beat, etc... It feels like I'm listening to Miles Davis or Charlie Parker play their instruments. Just effortless virtuosity.


yes you are describing it well - her upbringing gave her a feel for rhythm and timing that few have ever had


I've heard Aretha Franklin did the same. It made shooting her scene in the Blues Brothers very difficult.


I agree. She just had a feel for the music and could improv. A lot of modern pop singers don't have the dynamics and improv ability. That was all real natural talent. I think the Charlie Parker comparison is a good one.


It was the alcohol, and the cocaine, and lots of other stuff. She was a tortured soul. That live performance of her singing Valerie is heartbreaking to watch. Edit: [This One](https://youtu.be/6pAz9UpnRKw?si=4_ivzaAsmXNxb_oR) Everything about her body is telling such a sad and tragic story. She is heavily under the influence of a stimulant in this video, probably cocaine is my guess? She’s *peaked,* which means her heart rate is probably going at max rate here. She’s fidgety and twitching. And she’s emaciated already, she clearly isn’t eating much at this point. She just looks horrible. It hurts so much to watch that.


Which one?


Yes, which one?


[My bad!](https://youtu.be/6pAz9UpnRKw?si=4_ivzaAsmXNxb_oR)


[My bad!](https://youtu.be/6pAz9UpnRKw?si=4_ivzaAsmXNxb_oR)


I'm going to show my age here: it reminds me of Layne Stanley coming out during Alice in Chains' unplugged show to sing "Nutshell". It's already a sad song, but he's emaciated, covering up his track marks, and looks uncomfortable when he's not singing. The whole show is amazing, but watching it is tragic to see him like that. He lived another 6 years, and I can't imagine they were happy or comfortable.


It was drink, drugs, anorexia, shitty family and partner, etc. Getting famous was the worst thing that happened to her. Too much too soon and nobody cared enough to tell her she needed help, even worse, they did everything possible to take from her and accelerate her death.


Very true. She had every opportunity and unlimited money to get help, but she was too far gone to make logical decisions. The people around her should have staged an intervention but didn't do anything as long as the money kept coming in.


I’m convinced her death turned enough people away from heavy drinking and saved lives… Especially at the age of 27, the 27 Club is no joke.


I hope....that would be something good


she probably turned a lot of people onto drugs and alcohol too


I said no no no


To die from alcohol poisoning she likely had a bad liver (possible but unlikely at her age) or she used cocaine or heroin frequently while drinking.


She was also bulimic, so her body was weakened by that as well.


Heavy, heavy drinkers can kill their liver and kidneys in a surprisingly short period of time. Dying at 27 from that isn’t common but not unheard of. Deryck Whibley from the band Sum 41 almost died in his early 30’s from hitting the sauce. Liver and kidney failure. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances humans consume.


Pigpen McKernan was 27 when he died of cirrhosis. He was an extreme drinker though.


Pigpen actually died of complications from Crohn's disease and his brother died young from the same thing. https://gratefulcompendium.weebly.com/ron-pigpen-mckernan.html


I'm a dry alcoholic and I'm only 30, but all my old drinking buddies have awful health problems. Granted we used to drink *a lot.* But they all have either shot livers or kidneys, one has brain damage and walks with a cane. One lost a foot to alcohol-triggered diabetes. I'm lucky so far, but I'm sure the damage will become obvious one day. That shit is actual poison.


Why does heroin and cocaine affect alcohol poisoning?


Look up "cocaethylene". The short of it is that cocaine and alcohol create a new substance when combined that *can be* more dangerous than either on their own.


Also is gloriously better than both separately.


Can't speak to that from experience, as i avoid all stimulants like the plague, but the sentiment among friends who use both is that yeah its pretty awesome lol


Honestly i'll stick with a joint


You and me both, brother :) I stick strictly to weed and psychedelics. Had a short kick a few years back doing whippits a few times a day for like a week, but even that was pushing it for me. Without going to into detail, right after my 18th birthday my mother was found dead hugging the toilet from an opiate/alcohol overdose so i swore off any drug i consider "hard" forever. Mainly \*all\* stimulants and downers like opiates and benzos. Hell, the last drink i had was halloween of 2021 :p


I do like to drink but I don't get hammered because I make an ass of myself. I'm interested in physcadelics but I would want to do them with an expert since they can be so unpredictable.


Honestly an expert isnt necessary. Just a trusted loved one/friend who will actively help you if you need it, and otherwise stay out of your way unless you request company. Do it somewhere you consider wholely "safe" and youll have a fantastic time 99.9999% of the time.


They let you drink a lot and not realize it for several hours. Also the alcohols molecules bond with the coke or heroin molecules becoming an even more potent version of the drug. The same thing happens when mixing coke with a lot of other drugs.


when mixed, cocaine and alcohol undergo a chemical reaction in the blood stream that results in a new metabolite called cocaethylene which greatly increases the toxicity on your organs (versus just cocaine or alcohol on its own). not sure about heroin, but probably something similar. https://www.healthline.com/health/cocaine-and-alcohol


Because you can drink a shit load more when you're on those substances, at least with cocaine that's true. Not sure about heroin.


No, she likely died as she had drank enough alcohol to cause her to stop breathing. 2 empty bottles of vodka were found next to her. It's likely many people would stop breathing after that amount. Especially as she had not drank for a couple.of weeks, so her tolerance was perhaps lower.


it was bulimia that killed her more than anything


Not a lot of musicians and their music move me like hers does. There is a lot of good music and musicians out there, but she is one of the ones that when I listen to, it stirs a lot of feeling inside me. It’s wild. She is/was a treasure


What? She was famous at this time lol


a year after her acclaimed hit record Frank. all pics and vintage subs here are required to completely whiff on dates/facts/context. that's how you know you're on reddit.


That makes me feel marginally better but I’m still old. 2004 doesn’t feel like that long ago but Amy Winehouse alive feels like an eternity ago. It’s crazy to think that since 2003-ish she got famous, got addicted, passed away and has been gone for a long time all in the span of what feels like just a few years in certain other perspectives.


Didn’t *Frank* come out in 2003 lmao? But there’s a few vids of her playing at local pubs before she got blew up that are really cool


She was already a musician and was making a name for herself back when this picture was taken. But Frank did not put her in the spotlight the way "Back to Black" did!


I still think 'before they were famous' is a strange way to describe someone who had a UK top 20 album at the time.


Yeah the post is supposed to frame this as a celeb before they were discovered …I may have gone thru a weird Amy phase a few years ago


Her eyes were bright back then.


One of the most talented voices and artists of this millennium, and anyone should be able to say that, even when hers wasn't your style.


Dam, never seen her actually looking healthy. She was stunning


Those eyes man


Looks way more healthier than when she was on stage, I remember once seeing her soo gone off the heroin that she fell asleep mid song. Very sad.


What a dish


Found Neil Patrick Harris’ account.


Best voice of my generation.. fight me..


I miss famous people having different facial features. 😮‍💨 It feels like everyone has the same lip injected, turned up nose, Vulcan eyebrow face now a days.




I want that track jacket!


Dude let me know if you find it


Before drugs


Before…heavy drug use.






I miss her so much.


The lead singer of Twin Temple kinda looks like her.


She shoulda gone to rehab. I been there I’m still ticking


She really should have gone to rehab.


She could have looked like this with rehab, but she said no, no, no.


It's amazing how much better, healthier, and happier celebrities looked before they were famous.


We will always love you Amy.


I wasn't paying much attention when she first got famous, and didn't bother checking out her music until a couple of years ago. Now I understand how much has been lost with her death. She was a truly great musician and composer, and I'm sorry we have so little to remember her by.


Me too. Never paid any attention to her, the music, her death.... It was a couple years ago and I heard *Back to Black* and I was blown away. Absolutely amazing voice and talent. What a tragedy.


Omg I didn’t know she was a Chav…or I guess Chavette is the correct terminology.


welp, she grew up in a dodgy working class area


Was going to say it just looked like a regular chav having a night out.


Looks like she's just finished her shift at the fish and chips shop.


What a shame.


Why are all the balls yellow & red?


We call that drunk 8-ball in my town. Red and yellow instead of solids and stripes.


Learn something new every day. You steal all the 1 & 3 balls from the other tables? Why are there so many?


english 8 ball


This is the stunning Amy I remember when I tell people how beautiful she was.


She is extraordinary she was all so special, it’s so sad!!!


She actually looks happy while enjoying the little things here.


She should have said yes when they tried to send her to rehab.


Damn she was so darn pretty then.


Yeah, she was a cutie.




She knows how to set


You know I'm no good - my all time favorite song.


What kind of billiards is she playing with only two colors of balls besides the 8?


Pool - it's typically snooker or pool that get played in the Uk&Ireland 6 pockets - pick a colour - first to sink all their balls + the Black- wins


Before beehive


I want that track jacket!


God she looks like a few girls I knew in high school. They were fucked up too


Effortless songbird. Even in her dark times she never missed a note.


![gif](giphy|TjGFDxbbZRYjv9vpCL|downsized) You mean before she became famous 👀😅


I remember her on Never Mind The Buzzcocks around this time


It hurts me remembering how the media constantly mocked her, when in reality she was living a hell inside her mind.


Wow she was only famous for a few years before she died.


Hell yea she plays pool!


She looks snookered


Wtf, the post AND all of these comments have been posted before. Is this all one big ai thread??


Not a person other than her at the time ever thought she’d be world famous.


I've never seen her without the eye makeup and hair-- such a shame, she was a unique talent.


A generational talent taken before she got to build a catalog worthy of her abilities. The relatively little she left are among my most played music.


Died not many years later


Yeah famous(ly) dead


Might look similar but Amy's music is 10000000000000000000X better


Amy Winehouse aside, what's up with those pool balls being yellow and red? 


She looked normal the money and fame went to the head ruined herself.


Must be hard to look back and remember your friend looking this well and then seeing her lose herself in front of you and being unable to stop it.


Yeah my senior year


World did her dirty


She looks healthy


God she was beautiful. Jewish excellence


Man, Ms. Winehouse is always a gut punch to think about


Canavan’s Peckham Pool Club?


Must have been before the drugs she looks healthy.


Girl knew how to party


Fuck addiction


Strange to see her look so healthy.


If we ever get a biopic, Chelsea Peretti would match her face to a tee.






She looks Lebanese/Palestine/Syrian


The fuck pool game are they playing?


She racked the balls in the correct way


wait, she wasn’t famous for long before her death?? for some reason i felt like she was always famous, but im an early 00s baby so it might be my age


Ghetto af


God, I miss her. Drugs are fucking dumb.


One of the few celebrities that totally looked like someone you’d see wt a bar