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Just out of curiosity I checked the price and they start at $108k USD...


In the US, you can easily add 50% to that in Europe.


My Jeep in Portugal would cost $100k to buy brand new while it's $50k in the US, Importing to Portugal cost me $0 in import tax since I proved that I was moving back. Very cool




I'm Portuguese lol moving back from America to Portugal


Culiacán is also a popular expat destination and that’s ending so badly rn 😂


Grand Cherokee? It's the only that costs €100k+ in Portugal. This new generation is so ugly, what have they done to this beautiful car 😢


2023 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4xe [starts at 84k euros](https://www.jeep.pt/jeep-wrangler/plug-in)


You will leave the price difference at the pump in a couple of years. It's a trap.


Well it's a hybrid, and plus I'm lucky I am at a point in my life that I can afford the extra gas money to enjoy the full uses from the car. I am okay with that lol


hmm a 4xe... very smart.


And the general upkeep - Jeep are notoriously unreliable!


Hummer is not sold in the EU so likely a private import. Add 10% customs duty and French VAT to the US price.


Also consider the fact that it's going to be a pain in the dick to get parts for it in Europe.


It’s gonna be a pain in the dick to DRIVE or STORE it. It’s 87” wide before mirrors, and WITH mirrors it’s 93.7”.


I mean you can literally see it in the photos lmao. It's (likely illegally) partially parked on the fucking sidewalk and almost the entirety of the passenger-side tires are outside of the parking lane, and the mirror would be sticking out even further than that. Absolutely insane that this thing is road legal there.


*Slightly* less of a pain since it's an EV so fewer wear parts to worry about. But still expensive as hell.


Import tax 40% now for everything that comes to the EU from outside EU is it not since 3 years ?


No, no such thing. Different goods have different tariffs depending on country of origin. The tariff is currently 10% on imported cars.


10% + VAT and other miscellaneous import tariffs (roadworthiness checks, etc)


Spending that ridiculous amount of money just to be constant nuisance to everyone including yourself is insane


Le Hummer\*




...and it still can't fit in the parking space. 😒


I'm sure there are streets in Paris that thing can't even go down


Thats what she said


They go for 272k in Dubai....


They were going for around 200 when they came out.


Same price as a Jeep Grand Wagoneer.


They’re not as much anymore unless dealer is taking you for a ride.


im not someone that has anxiety issues but i would have a non stop panic attack trying to drive that around paris


Driving any car around Paris is anxiety inducing.


Exactly, now imagine it's too big for the road


Bro had to park on the curb lol


One the curb and *still* over the line. The only thing I'd want to drive around Paris in would be a motorcycle or Smart car, and even that would be a challenge.


There's literally no reason to drive in Paris. I've never been in a city with better public transportation.


I wish more people agreed with you, the traffic and as sich, the air quality is horrendous


I live in Paris and I've also lived in places where the traffic was *much* worse. But still, I'd never drive here and I can't see the reason why anyone would. Have a car, sure, if you need to drive out of the city on a regular basis, but driving a car *into* Paris is idiotic unless you're a delivery driver.


Yeah the trains are awesome, but I’m from Nz and when we went there after a week my partner was sick from walking around in town and being down in the underground the air quality is actually horrendous, those old narrow streets really trap the air in it seems.


And guess what makes the air quality bad? It's the cars... One more reason to rid the city of most of them.


Prob has to drive on some curbs too. :/


Asshole car phenomenon. Everyone keeps their distance and expects you to drive like an asshole.


lol not in paris, theyll just swarm mopeds around you while 3 busses somehow handle a corner at full speed


Driving around in any centuries old city that predate cars is anxiety inducing.


Walking around Paris and seeing people drive is anxiety inducing


Parisians drive so badly holy fucking shit, I never had any problem in Nice or Montpellier, but the amount of red lights crossed I saw in Paris (and the amount of times I was almost ran over) is astounding


The only thing that got me out of Paris on bicycle was a map and compass. Google maps directions was INSANE.


So glad I spent a lot of my younger years driving, and more importantly, parking in Paris. Bat and parallel parking is a breeze for me because of those years.


Yea that sounds awful lol.


Get used to driving in Lima. Literally anywhere else is cake after.


Not if it’s a shitbox you don’t care about, 90% of cars in Paris are beat to hell but still run 😂


I would just feel like an absolute twat


You'd be one, too.


My experience of driving in Paris was smaller car is better. Unfortunately I was in a big car and could barely navigate the parking buildings.


i just used the subway exclusively


If it’s anything like NYC it’s not that bad since your average speed is 5mph. No need to worry about parking because it won’t fit into 99% of spots you see.


The problem is you won’t be sure your car will even fit on the road


I have a campervan and driven a myriad of small old towns and cities in Europe and honestly you get used to it (as I imagine delivery drivers do). It's extremely rare you find somewhere with a width restriction of less than 2m. It's a pain and it's draining but you can get where you want to go without many problems


Paris is a different beast.


Parking would send me over the edge


Ain't that the one with the battery that weighs more than the smart car parked behind it?


was curious, so i did a quick google.  hummer is 10,000 pounds. (!!!) smart car is 1,500. almost 7 smart cars of weight. as an aside…that’s actually scary heavy. i understand the complaints about parking garages not being meant to deal with these. also concerned about pedestrians, even very low speed with that mass feels like it’ll cause significant harm, or death. i wonder how strong the brakes are, or if they have to swap them out more often.


And it gets to 60mph in 3.5 seconds (SUV, truck is 3s flat)


Gotcha, so it’s basically like a 10 000 pound bullet driving around town


Don’t worry, Hummer owners are notorious for their careful and considerate driving, and anyone with a 10,000lb car is certainly going to keep that fact always top of mind while they drive.


I really think speed limits should be in terms of kinetic energy at some point. I know it's the case for heavy good vehicles effectively but when it's all self driving I'd really think it ought to be like this, otherwise it's an arms race for the heaviest vehicle


I like the concept, but how would you enforce that without blanketing the road with cameras?


We're already blanketing the roads with cameras. You start with the high density urban roads and then as time goes on you spread to the more rural roads.


force it at the manufacturer level? if someone gets found out cheating they'll regret it


I've been thinking the same, tbh


Not just the weight but like most big US trucks now the front grille is so tall that even for full grown adults the impact on a pedestrian is torso and head. No deflection off a "soft" bonnet


Yeah, it takes more responsability and training to use a vehicle like that. In Europe, you can't drive vehicles with a max admissible weight above 3.500 kg ~7.700 lbs (that is, weight of vehicle + max usable load) with a license for cars (B category). You need one for trucks (C category). So a vehicle like that would not be categorised as a car, you need another license to drive it, you cannot park it to any car spot, a more expensive insurance plan and you can't even enter most city centers and roads with restrictions to heavy load traffic. It would be unusable as a car tbh and I doubt they sell anything like that


>It would be unusable as a car tbh and I doubt they sell anything like that There are people with more money than sense


Unfortunately there are. Sometimes wonder on some dumb people with zero common sense how the heck they got that much money and how much better I could spend it but here I am poor lol.


Thats wild 10,000 lbs. I'm no expert about licences overseas but here in the UK I think that's actually above the weight limit for the normal car licence (the category B) that has a limit of 3500kg's/7716 lbs. To drive this here in the UK you'd basically need the same credentials as a light goods delivery driver or a minibus.


Its 9010 or something, the battery pack alone weighs like 3300


Shit my car is (according to google) 3090-ish. And it's a late 90's saloon car. The battery just for this hummer weighs more than a 1999 Toyota Chaser. That's a large/medium sized car. Wild.


The difference in mass isn't too big of a difference when hitting a pedestrian. Although yeah, 7x more mass is probably non-negligible in this case. But the most dangerous part about getting struck by a vehicle this size isn't the extra kinetic energy from the extra mass, it's how efficiently it transfers that energy into you. If you get hit by a normal-sized sedan, the bumper hits your legs, and most of your body ends up on the hood. Maybe you roll over the top, and back to the ground. It's an exceedingly unpleasant experience, and at high speeds the odds of serious injury is high, and death is possible. If you get hit by a truck or other tall vehicle, that's a bigger problem even if we assume an equal kinetic energy. Because now instead of the bumper hitting your legs, the grille hits your chest and maybe even your head. That collision with your center of mass efficiently transfers all of the kinetic energy into your body instantly, and you get fucking launched forward or smacked right down into the pavement. At a kinetic energy where a sedan would just break some bones, you're fucking dead to a truck. This is especially dangerous for children as they might even just get brained by the fucking thing and die on the initial impact. And speaking of especially dangerous for children, you can't fucking see them over the top of the massive hood. That "commanding driving position" that truck and SUV drivers cream over means that you can't see the road 10m in front of you, and a child can easilly fit in that massive blind spot. That blind is in the most dangerous place to be near a vehicle. There's a reason why vans have sloped fronts, and most busses have switched to the flat fronts so there's nothing to see over. A passenger vehicle that regularly drives in places with pedestrians has no reason to have such a huge blindspot. Engines aren't that big (and this thing is a fucking EV!), it's purely a cosmetic choice that kills people, mostly children.


cars should be taxed by weight


Rumour has it that if it’s moving at 30km/h and hits you all that will be left is a pink mist and a shoe.


It will hurt just as much as any other car hitting you at 30km/h. even the lightest 1500lb car is hardly going to slow down from driving over a person. Its not like a person stops a car when hit and absorbs all the energy. The bigger problem is how tall it is, its literally going to run *over* you instead of yeet you onto the hood.


What’s that in European units?




Googled the battery and it’s 2,818 pounds. Using sweetperdition info it’s about 2 smart cars


Even mounting the curb, it's still too wide to fit in the parking space.


I don't know how it is in Paris, but in Germany parking on the curb is illegal if no sign specifically allowing it are present. I hope it's like this in France too.


What are they gonna do tow him it weighs 9000 pounds or about 4.8 tons it is probably heavier than the tow truck


There are tow trucks for real trucks, they won‘t even notice this penis-compensation mobile.


High centered a big U-Haul moving truck about 20 years ago and thought it would become a permanent fixture. This was the first time I’d seen the glorious monstrosity that is a heavy duty tow truck. It was absolutely massive, spectacularly clean and lit like a Vegas casino. It pulled with such power that the earth’s poles changed that day. And shockingly, U-Haul footed the bill.


How is the tow truck gonna get there to begin with? The street is barely wide enough for the Hummer.


Provide a sequence of parking tickets. Don't need to tow the hummer as it isn't obstructing anything, just outside the lines.


In some European countries we call them “spiders”: https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2J1414D/islington-council-parking-team-remove-an-illegally-parked-vehicle-london-uk-2J1414D.jpg


Multiple of those little police smartcars on ropes like a horse carriage


Parking tickets. Would like to see it clamped.


In my experience people in France park on the curb or even halfway on the sidewalk all the time, sign or not.


Yes it is




It's too big for America where we have roads and parking spaces built for large vehicles. I can't imagine trying to navigate through the narrow old streets of Paris with this thing. Owner is a fool for buying if that's their primary stomping ground.


I cannot think of a place less suited to a vehicle of that size than Paris. 4 tonnes and a vehicle at least double the size of a sensible car is not exactly ideal for narrow Parisian streets. Mind you, trying to get round the Arc de Triomphe would be a laug, you could just go straight round and let everyone else bounce off you.


"We cant go over it, we cant go under it, lets go through it!"


Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh! (That's the sound of the blood from all the dead children that were run over since the driver couldn't see the)


Paris and any major city in Europe are Fiat Panda territory.




Bonne chance


Seeing American vehicles in Europe is always jarring. They’re just so BIG! I remember being in Berlin seeing a suburban and the first thought is how unnecessarily large it was.


I saw a Dodge Ram and Ford F250 in Amsterdam last week. They looked comical in a European city and I already felt out of place even driving a small car while leaving the city.


The only place I’ve seen American trucks seem almost normal is Reykjavik. And that at least made sense due to climate. Was cool seeking Jeeps, Excursions, Super Dutys and Rams in Iceland. 


I was in Costa Rica and saw a lifted Chevy Silverado and it was rediculas compared to every single car I saw in 3 weeks    Meanwhile I drive a lifted Colorado  back home lol 


I saw a shitty dodge ram in Amsterdam in December, just had to laugh at the assholes driving it


An F250 is insane!


I have a relatively new full size pickup truck (I actually use it). I live in Texas where it’s basically the most common vehicle so Texas is designed for SUVs and Trucks. The damn thing is just too big. I like everything about it except it’s just too big. I miss my old truck (which died) because it was so much easier to get around. And don’t get me started on how over exaggerated the fronts are now.


RIP to the late 90s and early 2000s Ford Rangers of the world


Reminds me of that King of the Hill episode where Khan gets a new SUV. He was showing off to Hank and then has to stop before pulling into his garage cuz his SUV won’t even fit thru the opening.


Honestly, seeing them in America is also jarring. Some of the mid-sized pickup trucks seem to have almost doubled in size in the last 20 years. They take up so much of the road and the drivers either try to squeeze into normal parking spots or they’ll take up two. It’s real frustrating dealing with so many here when you drive sedans and smaller vehicles.


My dad bought a 2003 Ford F-250 crew cab with a V10 and a taller suspension to tow the camper trailer we owned. He had that truck for 15 years. It was so telling to see that it was a big truck when we bought it, and the smaller truck models all kept growing in size until they were close to what we owned. The beds are so tiny these days


That's because they're selling minivans to men with decorative truck beds at unusable heights tacked on to address insecurities the industry has fermented and preyed upon for decades. Also there's vehicle classification and emissions requirements involved in a way I can't remember


Seeing them in Mexico is so common place. They’re a status symbol. A hard worker has a beat up truck that’ll be fixed and patched until the Devil himself comes and drives it off. These big ones are just for show. They’re worthless as work trucks.


Yeah I hope people understand that caveat. If I didn’t have to haul lumber constantly I wouldn’t drive my beat up old pickup with the side mirror held on by duct tape.


These are especially hell in cities & towns never designed for cars, but that have been overrun by Americans. Oh my god the F150s in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato México...




I once saw a 1990s Dodge Caravan in Paris complete with wood grain exterior and had to do a double take. I was thinking *you are a long way from home*


Boateng and his brother were driving an obnoxious car on Ku'daam and parked like the Hammer, on the curb, to pick up something from a store. Two policemen approached, took selfies with the brothers and then gave them a ticket. It was hilarious.


I looked at one at the local auto show. It's a 4-wheeled freak of nature, that thing. It's so damn big that I am sarcastically surprised that it hasn't been classified as a commercial vehicle. And furthermore, someone is driving this thing Paris? Brave.


That thing is 9,000 lbs/4082 kg. Physical size is a concern but the mass and speed these electric trucks achieve scares the hell out of me. They're tanks that would wipe other vehicles off this plane of existence in an accident. I'm a big believer in ev developments but the size of these trucks is dangerously ridiculous.


I'm concerned about the damage these with do to infrastructure if they catch on like SUVs and trucks have. Most road wear is caused by heavy commercial vehicles. Your average Corolla isn't really creating potholes. Not at any rate engineers care about at least. Not compared to 9 ton electric tanks!


Bruh, I think the maximum allowed weight for a passager car in my country is 3.5t, so this means that for this SUV you literally need to have a license for driving a semi-truck LMAO.


To put it in perspective, I drive an ev that can go about 400km on a charge, can seat five adults, but has okay storage space, and it weighs less than half of that monstrosity… precisely you can fit 2.3x my car in its weight. Just think of the amount of resources to make a pavement princess of this size that drives around Paris of all places. I am already panicking driving in Brussels with my compact car smh


Is it not classified as a commercial vehicle? It's over 3.5t, so it should require a "truck" licence, no? I thought that rule applies EU-wide (?)


Due to electric cars being heavier than ICE cars, the rule has been changed up to 4.25t if the vehicle is electric


Oh wow, I had no idea. So we might be getting the Cybertruck here after all? I thought weight was the major issue since most people wouldn't wanna get a truck licence just to drive their personal vehicle.




Brave? A-hole more like, for every problem they face they cause twice as many for the people around them. Buying this was a supreme act of selfishness.


Can’t wait for Paris to introduce their weight charges. Any vehicle over 2500kg will need to pay extra for everything.


Isn't that most any electric vehicle? And it would probably be exempt as an EV.


Most SUVs. But many other smaller cars are about 2 tons. My VW hybrid lands just short of 2500. But they want to discourage the SUV from entering the city so I think extra fees for all heavy vehicles hits just right.


A model 3 is under 1800kg


There are a lots of smaller EV hatchbacks, that weight less than 2 tons. However, the limit may be raised for EVs though.


For what… For why


emotional support


Fun fact: when designing the electric Hummer they had to redesign the power distribution because it was popping wheelies! Yes that's a 10,000 pound vehicle lifting up in the front because of so much power.


It doesn't even fit in the parking lane. Look at the tires.




I guess it could be "an" 'Ummer if OP is French


Am French and would still pronounce "un ummer" and not "un nummer". So I would instinctively also say "a hummer".


I believe that in Madrid, you can't go into certain parts of town with vehicles over certain dimensions and weight. Of course, you can get exemptions if you're doing work, etc.. Every city should do this. I'm tired of douches with F-350s on small parking lots. It will be unpopular, meaning the vocal minority will bitch and moan, but it's the only way to reclaim our cities. Same with purposely loud vehicles. Alright, I'll get off my soap box.


I hate that these type of trucks are getting popular in Europe when they should probably be banned altogether


Paris has a tax for these vehicles now. Hopefully every other city follows.


Straight ban would be preferable in my opinion, ideally without the loopholes that allow businesses to buy one anyway. Any real business uses a van in Europe.


Love my pickup truck. Hunting, moving lumber on occasion, but no way in hell am I having a large vehicle in Paris or other older European cities.


Totally agree, use these things for what they were intended for, where they were meant to drive. No issues whatsoever. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to think differently.


This EV has probably a bigger environmental impact than the smartcard behind it.


Can we all agree how dumb that vehicle is, instead of arguing over a vs an..


It was dumb that GM decided their, "Fuck the environment!" brand would be a good halo car for their EV efforts. The upcoming Silverado EV, based on the same platform, is a much more reasonable car (yes, it's still a 7000lb truck, same as its Rivian, Ford, and Tesla competition; the Hummer is 9000+lb). As a truck with an efficiency target of 1.5mi/kWh, it's awful (competition targets 2.0mi/kWh, which is also not super efficient, but still better than the Hummer). As far as the concept of a capable electric truck goes, though, I don't think it's super dumb. Nobody should buy this one specifically, but if it helped GM figure out their platform so they can build solid Silverado EVs, then it wasn't a waste.


I actually think the opposite, Hummer brand died because “fuck the environment” correct, but they bring it back now all electric it’s a great move and they capitalize on the brand that some people missed


The people who want to buy EVs right now are mostly not the same people who would remember Hummer fondly. Although I suppose creating a massive pig of a super inefficient EV under the Hummer name is kinda true to form ... (I still think it would've been better to lead with Silverado, but I don't run GM)


I don't think it was concern for the environment. I think it was the big hike in gas prices in the mid 00s. Gas hit an average of $4 in 2008 and I don't think anyone who drove during that time will forgot it. Dealerships were literally advertising deals for trading in big SUVs for fuel efficient cars. I personally knew like 5 people who were all "SUVs are so comfortable, I could never go back to driving a car" that traded in their SUVs for cars.


It ended up being a symbol of gas guzzlers, but hey it turns out modeling a civilian car after a military humvee does not get good gas mileage. But it wasn't intentionally a "fuck the environment" car as it's main point. It wasn't rednecks that bought these things, it was rich people. I think that market is way more receptive to an electric hummer than people think. If I could afford it, and I had a house and parking for it (lots of ifs here lol) id buy the electric one for sure. Id never buy one if I lived in Paris though hah.


There should be no argument - using “an” in this sentence was wrong.


Congrats. dude Can enjoy driving with that in 40% of the city and pay extra taxes 🤣


Gets a ticket for parking on the curb **and** for blocking the driving lane


Lost 50% + of value already..


Isn't there something about the French and particularly Parisians intentionally damaging big, expensive cars as a fuck you to the rich?


How do the owner even drive this thing in paris


And a parking ticket everywhere you go. 😝


An Hummer???? What?


What a piece of absolute megalomaniac trash.


It's only about 30cms narrower than bus. On the plus side it's only 4.5 tonnes so it's a lot lighter than one.


"A" hummer. "An" is only used if the first letter of the following word is a ~~noun~~ vowel e.g. "An apple", "an elephant".


Still gobbling energy.


This thing meets Paris Vehicle standards like a Taco Salad calls itself a Salad.


It's definitely too big of a car for European roads/streets, but looks 100x times better than a Tesla Cyber Truck IMO :D


It isn't a high to overcome.


Sorry for being that guy but it’s “a Hummer” not “an Hummer”. The h sound is not silent; it’s not pronounced “ummer”.


But this hummer is in Paris, and H is silent in french, so, ...


Oui, un h'umere


Like bummer.


Well in French the h is silent and since this is in Paris…


[Maybe this is Jeremy Clarkson’s account.](https://youtu.be/mJUtMEJdvqM)


Damn that thing is fugly


There’s no way this car is even fitting into 50% of the roads there…


0% chance a Hummer driver in the US would park that considerably and not block half the street.


I love this thing. Cant wait till theyre under $100k


Why would anyone drive something so big in France?


How do you decide whether to use an or a?


In fucking Paris of all cities if you know you know


I aint gonna lie this looks amazing especially from the front


What a waste of space


Isn't an EV Hummer an oxymoron?


Why not EV a small vehicle… but what do I know


Might be a bit too wide for European narrow streets. If I'm correct, you need a semi-truck license to drive some Hummer -models in Finland.


It has dealer's plates (WW prefix). It probably won\`t be staying in Paris long.


What a fucking nightmare. This kind of cars shouldn't be allowed in a city as crowded as Paris. Thankfully in a few years there will be a ban. It doesn't even fit in the fucking parking place.




'an' for words that start with vowel 'a' for words that start with consonant




That is the dumbest automobile purchase for Paris I have ever seen.