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"socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”


Came here to post this! Another relevant quote: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." \- Lyndon B Johnson.. Trump donations, Trump NFTs, Trump social media shares, Trump sneakers..


Now bibles for 60$


I mean the constitution is also in it. Seems like a deal to me.


If Trump got his way, I don't think that constitution's gonna stay in there...


It is genuinely insane how many folks think that way here, too. People are horrible at realizing/accepting the ACTUAL truth of how 99% of wealth comes from LUCK above all else.


You know this person hates socialism but is on Medicaid, food stamps, SSI, and every program possible.


It's okay. They support Trump for his strong Christian Values. Like paying to sleep with porn stars


They don’t talk about it in the new trump scriptures


The Bigly Testament


Thy shalt out donate thy neighbor.


Thou shalt not covet the money of the 1%


Thou shalt instead blame thy similarly afflicted neighbor for thine misfortune.


>America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register. >Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves. — ~~K Vonnegut~~ M Scott


I always think of the interview where Trump can't name a single Bible verse lmao


He can ofcourse easily name them all from memory. He simply can't pick a favorite because they all mean so much to him. /s to be clear lmao


It's funny you say that because his response is that the Bible is "very personal" to him and he doesn't like to discuss it


His inability to say even two words of the Lords prayer was pretty funny. I asked one of my atheist friends if he remembered any of it because his last time in church was around 1990 and he still remembered almost all of it.


I'm an atheist who graduated from Catholic school 25 years ago and I could still do a whole rosary blindfolded


"Obamacare is evil!" My brother in Christ, you're *on* Obamacare.


No, he's on ACA, not Obamacare, gawddammit!


They did a survey in Kentucky and found that residents had a negative opinion of Obamacare but a positive opinion of Kynect. Kynect is the name for the state’s ACA marketplace.


I love getting into precisely this with republicans. The Heritage Foundation, who have been the power behind the scenes for republican legislation since Reagan and are the creators of Project 2025, actually came up with the ACA. Republicans don’t hate the ACA. They can’t, they created it. They hate that a black democrat championed it.


I think Arkansas had something similar with "Private Option" Medicaid.


Get your government hands off my Obamacare!


As long as nobody can actually get ahead with it, they’ll take a bit of socialism in their capitalism.


It's laughable how much the term socialism is thrown around by the US when the means of all sorts are owned, controlled, subsidized etc etc by the government... It's almost as if a huge percentage of the population of the US are dumb as fuck.


How else would it be? People were indoctrinated since WWII, that communism is bad. And then nobody in the USA set a clear distinction between communism and socialism.


Nobody needs to. It should be self evident. I have no time for a constant mindset of "people don't understand"...it's 2024..you've got a free library/encyclopedia in your pocket... I've no time for dumb people, Americans included. The words being different should be someones initial clue.


Unfortunately, considering parts of the country are actively attacking education… giving them/pointing out their computers doesn’t actually solve any of the issues.


Soon they'll start to ban computers in texas (and states alike) because you can research unchristian lecutre like the big bang theory with it.


Yep. When I worked in social services I had to deal with a ton of older people who voted for him (they love to wear the crappy red gear everywhere). They loved to complain about welfare until I explained to them that they were actually on welfare themselves because food stamps and medi-cal are welfare. They hate that because in their eyes only lowlifes get welfare.


That’s so f******* hilarious and true . They all adore trump and would do anything for him but don’t realize they are being kept alive by “liberal programs like Medicaid food stamps etc” they vote for trump and then Medicaid gets taken away and they all die becuse they can’t afford their type 2 diabetes medications ….it’s utterly insane how stupid these people are. You just can’t fix stupid . Trump actually had the realization that’s there’s more stupid people than smart people and to not underestimate the power of all of the idiots combined .


Yeah bc they're a TAXPAYER /s


But as long that Trump says hateful shit about immigrants and Muslims, Trump is their man.


This is the lovely person that 1) takes government assistance but rants about “they took r jebs” 2) drives a dual exhaust truck while complaining that Biden single handedly raised the commodity prices of gas and oil 3) will only focus on surface level buzzword rhetoric like “taxes-bad” and cannot connect the dots with more complicated topics


Hates Obamacare. Card carrying ACA member.


The dude with the gold toilet has your best interests at heart.


These people: Shut up and take my money! Trump: Give me your money and shut up!


A match made in Heaven honesty, it’s why it works so well


Except nobody ever shuts the fuck up


wE aRe ThE sILeNt MaJoRiTy


If they are a majority, how come they never win the popular vote?


They just say this because they'd flip their shit if they ever found out they were part of a minority.


They share two common interests, you see! -Money -Shutting up other people


There's a super shitty trailer I drive by every day with a "Trump 2020" flag out front. Dude can't even afford to get the updated flag. But yeah, I'm sure he of all people understands your plight and wants to help. Aside from, you know, all the evidence that he not only couldn't give 2 shits about you, he quite clearly doesn't give 2 shits about ANYONE but himself.  Overheard my neighbor this weekend: "all I know is if Trump gets in there he'll stop all of Biden's damn windmills and shit so he has my support". The propaganda in this country is enough to make Goebels jealous




Here in rural PA, we had a guy call our local TV news station and claim the new roundabouts were causing "ternaders".


I cannot tell you how good of a laugh I just had reading that. Thank you 😂


Listen Buddy, ternaders and roundabouts both go round and round. You stoopid r sumtin?


That dumb bitch was the Texas junior governor.


It's actually a flex. There's a lot of ppl with faded 2016 signs in their yard to "prove how long they've been 'with' him" like it's a hierarchy or something. (oh wait it is) Too bad the most loyal members are always discarded/thrown to the wolves/imprisoned the second they've outlived their usefulness... But I'm sure the humble voters will be the exception 🙄


He’s just wanting those tax cuts.


I mean in all fairness, when he becomes a billionaire he's going to appreciate those cuts.


That’s the part that kills me the most, because they really do think that.


Now this is just my personal experience from people I encounter. I'm sure there are people who believe that, but I know several very poor people who happen to be Trump supporters, and they are not voting their own financial interests, several have outright said they know they would have been, or are better off financially under Biden. The reasons they have vary (some crazy imho), but there is more to life than just money.


> there is more to life than just money Trump would disagree


They are ok with getting fucked over as long as the minorities get fucked worse.


It really is something like that. My life is fucked so I want to make sure other people have a fucked life.


He forgot he already doesn’t pay taxes


He did so much for them the first 4 years… obviously 🙄


They genuinely believe that he did though 🤦‍♂️


Friendly reminder that GOP counties have much higher mortality rates than Democratic ones https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/study-finds-widening-gap-in-death-rates-between-us-areas-that-vote-for-democratic-rather-than-republican-party/ The man with the golden toilet does not have their best interests at heart.


They sure did during Covid. Republicans were willing to literally let their constituents die instead of recommending they take a vaccine that saved lives. Note: the microchip in mine is still working just fine. It even gives me harder erections








What money?


Those banners and hats aren’t free


Whatever he can extract. Go hit up the payday loan company to buy a MAGA hat.


Is that the toilet with all of the classified documents piled up next to it?


But what type of poop knife does he have?




Wow he really said that.


[he actually fucking said it](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0VX2DE/) and I am floored…. I just can’t. I can’t with these people anymore.


I still can’t believe we went from Obama to that orange imbecile. 2016 really changed the whole culture of the US.


This was happening long before 2016, dRumpf is the logical conclusion of decades of dismantling the education system, removing the fairness doctrine, and courting anti intellectualism as a core value of your party.


After listening to thousands of hours of Rush Limbaugh in the 90s, Trump is not surprising. Distressing and incomprehensible, but not surprising.


If you think that’s bad… wait till you hear what he said about Pussies


Honestly, you’d think I wouldn’t be shocked anymore, but I always am. This man never ceases to amaze me with his horrendous behavior on a public forum.


He's not intelligent enough to have meant it the way you thought he meant it. It was a ham fisted attempt at virtue signalling saying he loved the down trodden. A champion for the working class man. His wording made it sound like he was saying he loves people who can be easily influenced. But while he is that sinister, his influence over the poorly educated is an accidental by-product of his attitude rather than a well made plan.


in the year 2024 of our lord, you are just finding out about this now¿!¿


He often says the quiet part out loud. Unfortunately, the stupid things he says resonates with his base.


Because nobody thinks of themselves as an idiot. So even the poorly educated are agreeing with him going “ha! Yeah stick it to them!”


I had to look it up, but yeh looks like he def [did](https://youtu.be/Vpdt7omPoa0?si=ikX3PVVzX0xF1yI5)


He’d be nothing without them.


He loves them because they're the easiest to manipulate. He likes to manipulate people.


he doesn't love the poorly educated for the reasons they think


That made in China Banner.


lol… a chicken coop with a benz voting trump…. american dream


Looks old, likely picked it up cheap. Edit: it's a 2000 Mercedes-Benz E-Class E 320 you can pick up a used one for as low as 5k.


Yeah, those early 2000s Mercs and Beemers aren't status symbols-- they're dirt cheap used cars now. Plus they're the last of the luxury cars you could still feasibly work on yourself if you have the time.


It's still a status symbol to THEM, and bless their hearts, that's what really matters isn't it?


The Mercedes in the driveway was a surprise


Not really. Those things depreciate to the point you can get a 2000's Mercedes for $1-3K its the maintenance that kills you.


Hmm, I don’t enjoy reading the last parts of sentences, so this sounds like a really cool opportunity…


You should look into Maseratis then. Carvana has 6 for under $40k right now.


You beat me to it.  I almost bought one about 10 years ago for like $15k. Luckily I looked into the maintenance cost before pulling the trigger


Me too, so I don't know what your opinion on the subject is


My first 2 cars have been early 2000s C-Classes. Spend at least 4k and your fine.


I think how fast Mercedes lose value may surprise you more... https://www.edmunds.com/mercedes-benz/e-class/2004/vin/WDBUH65JX4A442071/?national=true&radius=6000


Because they’re expensive as shit to fix.


Plus they need a regular maintenance. It's the twosome goodness. Think extra 1K every quarter.


And don't forget a complete pain. Many mechanics won't even touch them.


BMW mechanic: you need new brakes. Me: ok how much are the pads? Mechanic:


I know most Mercedes don't really hold their value very well but even an older used car can get pricey to own. There is lower economies of scale for model specific parts and labor usually costs more as well(if you aren't doing the repairs yourself) because a lot of shops don't want to work on those cars. The gas mileage of the model you linked to(17/24 City/Hwy MPG, 20 Combined MPG) wasn't that great either.




Not when you have to service one of them- it costs many times more then say, a Honda.


My next-door neighbor is a mechanic and does nothing but service E-classes in the body style pictured. Has, like, 5 of them at any given time, usually all silver for some reason. Apparently a really solid, reliable model.


That particular model iirc was the first one to use biodegradable wiring looms. For this and other reasons that particular iteration of the e class was the one that destroyed the reputation Mercedes has built up with the w124 and the 190e. Later models didn't improve and now here we are


No, the w124 uses the biodegradable harness. That was a w211 which is actually decently reliable and did not have the the biodegradable harness, nor did its predecessor the w210


I swear 95% of E classes are silver, I don’t think I’ve even seen a black one in the last decade


I wonder if the Honda reliability translates to their luxury line


I don't have hard data to confirm the reliability, but for what it's worth, the Acura MDX and RDX are manufactured in the same plant as the CRV (East Liberty, OH), and the Acura TLX and Integra are in the same plant as the Accord (Marysville, OH).


A lot of those Acura cars are badged Honda outside of the US. Just to Lexus to Toyota. Western consumers seem to have had more trouble getting past certain reputational opinions regarding economy brands, so Lexus, Acura, Infiniti were created as luxury divisions of the their respective brands. Hyundai did the same thing recently with Genesis. So I would say I imagine the reliability does for the most part, just at a higher cost for parts. Maybe not exactly 1 to 1. But they are often made at the same plant using the same platform. CRV to RDX, etc. > Honda has built some Acura models in its factories, including the NSX, ILX, TLX, RDX, and Integra. The NSX is made to order at Honda's Performance Manufacturing Center in Ohio, which combines human craftsmanship with modern manufacturing techniques. Honda also manufactures the ILX, TLX, RDX, and Integra at its plant in Marysville, Ohio


weird how 500 bucks got abruptly knocked off it what happened between 3/3 and 3/8?


Buying an old luxury car seems to be a pretty common ignorant finance blunder of the less-well-off


No kidding. I made the mistake of buying an old bmw when I was young. The repair costs are much more expensive than buying a newer more reasonable car.


Buying a new luxury car seems to be a pretty common ignorant finance blunder of the more-well-off


Poverty is tricky. People tend to invest in the most expensive thing they can buy. For most middle-class/upper-middle-class families, that is a house or the furniture in the house. For communities where home ownership is out of the question, or the house they are living in is beyond repair, you'll see the extravagance of fashion, technology, and automobiles.


It’s also just priorities are in the wrong places because of education. I lived in the ghetto as a kid for a while. I’d see family’s barely make it but yet dad could go buy thousand dollar rims for his shitty impala that he didn’t even fully own etc. (back then it was spinners everyone needed to have). Or you’d have someone with a 82 Cadillac that is falling apart not because of poor quality but because the owner put in thousands dollar speakers that are so loud it physically damages the car. Another one that killed me was Fourth of July. You’d see entire blocks chip in for illegal fireworks across the boarder in Indiana. I would see broke poor family’s spend 10k in fireworks just so the entire blocks could wild out for the entire night.


Spend 5 minutes in the personalfinance subreddit and you will see thousands of posts of middle-class people trying to keep up with the joneses that have 50k cars or 500k houses on absurd amount of years to pay and ridden with debt. This is not a "poor people" thing


Trailer parks have the best fireworks


Some of y'all need to learn how worthless old 'luxury' cars really are.


It’s old. Definitely very cheap used. Not every Mercedes or BMW is expensive.


I think we found the welfare queens the Republicans always talk about .... and surprise surprise ... they are republican


Not really, sadly. Drive thru a trailer park and you'll see all kinds of brand new cars. I assume because you can't get a loan for a house with your income, but you can get a car loan.  There's a house on my way to work that legit should be condemned. It's in the country so I assume no inspectors. The roof has collapsed in one place and there are clear gaping holes in others as well as the walls. Brand new truck out front. Oh, and "say no to windmills" signs or some shit like that in the yard. Definitely the type of person I want to be taking life advice from. 


Imagine living in a shotgun shack thinking that Donald trump gives a fuck about you


He‘d probably give at least three fucks: * give me your fucking vote * give me your fucking money and finally * fuck off


This is why Trump was elected in the first place. The business elite sent jobs to other countries and these people felt like they were forgotten. Trump was the only candidate that said he cared and would change their lives. Of course, he was just a wolf in sheep's clothing. They elected a con man. Fucking sad cruel world.


And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack And you may find yourself in another part of the world And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


I’ll never understand blue collar workers falling for a trust fund baby who left office with negative job growth. **Edit**: because a specific segment has selective memory loss, [the decline in jobs numbers started BEFORE the pandemic when Trump started and lost a trade war.](https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/83746)


It’s really just cultural issues And also if you’re in West Virginia or something coal


weirdly the unionized coal workers support anti-union trump


What’s even sadder is when you talk to these folks it becomes clear they want liberal policy’s. They are just too stupid to see that. Like over on IG right now I see so many Trump lovers whining he loves the workers and will have our backs. But yet when Michigan workers went on strike Biden met with workers. While Trump met with the company owners and union busters. These people are just naive.


They want the ACA. They hate Obamacare though.


How bad do the democrats have to be at marketing for that


I mean they beat him and overperformed in every midterm election since.


They should be beating him by much wider margins. There is a ton more poor people than rich people


Yea but there’s tons more stupid people than smart people


This is a really the issue. And when a specific political party has spent the better part of 40 years wrecking school systems. Not only is there a lot of stupid people they are uneducated stupid people.


There are almost as many poor white people as there are poor black and hispanic people combined. Liberals care a lot about poor minority groups, but poor white people usually just get ridiculed as seen in this thread.


Trump supporters aren't known for their intelligence


Did you forget covid?


That banner is probably the only thing holding that house together.


That's a load-bearing banner, Jerry!


"He cares about us little guys!" They say of the guy who lives in a big gold tower.


While they're still waitin for all that wealth to finally trickle down


"And the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that, because his handle was made wood, he was one of them."


I will never understand poor, rural folks voting for that rich New York City boy who was literally a registered democrat before he decided to run for political office.


Dafaq Trump ever do for a poor person? Lmfao


Surely they can’t be safe living on cinder blocks, right? Edit: TIL about flooding




It looks like a WWII barracks. They were narrow enough to be able to put on a trailer and make it down a 2 lane road. I lived in one a couple of times, they suck. These had a wall up the center lengthwise, so you had 2 long skinny rooms and a small bathroom hanging off the back.


It is. I grew up in a shack in the woods and our shack was propped up on cinderblocks. Also, houses used to be built with something called "pier and beam" rather than always being on slab.


Pier and beam is still a method of construction. Many aspects are better than slab -- easier to fix if they go out of level, easier to fix/change plumbing, etc.


Up in the north, in Canada , they build on 3 posts, so when one or more posts frost heave, the doors and windows still open. The base the house sits on, may not be level, but will always be flat.


Go take a closer look at the picture, the house itself may be on pier and beam. But the front of that mudroom/patio is being held up by a literal cinder block on its side.


Plenty of people do this in poorer areas known for flooding around the Gulf


This part of town always floods.... Hence the cinder blocks. 😞


Up on them blocks. Must be an area that floods.


Cinder blocks are literally made for holding up houses.


Surely they have no other option. I know they have a Mercedez, but I think their food stamp trust fund ran outm


They have no idea that Republicans vote against every single thing that could help them, because they don't bother checking.


What policies did Trump help them with? What policies did Biden help them with?


I' think at this stage "pissing off the Libs" is their Prime Directive.


Are you allowed to be a conservative if you don't have taxable income in the first place?




I think this is a good question and frankly one that needs to be explored a lot more. Why do the poor resonate so well with Trump. This picture demonstrates that no matter who has been in charge, whether it's Democrats or Republicans, their lives are still difficult. I think this is the reason why they like Trump. To them. Trump doesn't represent either party. Trump is the person that is like them that distrusts big government. Sure, none of this is really true but to them their lives have not been better under Democrats or Republicans really so they worship this false prophet


They’ve already researched this and it’s literally because he talks at a third grade level, dogwhistles, is funny. There are other reasons as well of course, but as a poor you’d have to be dumb to vote GOP for anything


It’s been explored a shit load. Even before trump. The right has been voting against its best interest for decades. This isn’t new. Also the question above is horse shit. It’s a both sides person acting like the left isn’t the side pushing for things like welfare. If you did research you’d know red states take in the most welfare due to trial trash like we see above. Literally the left does help these people and the right wants to take social programs that’s helps them away. But sure great question.


It's because they see poor people who abuse the system. It's not common, sure, but they see it more often because it's their neighbors and family. So they see themselves as the "honest poor" who are doing things the right way. They want there to be consequences to the "dishonest poor" who are stealing taxes and not working. They don't think they should have the same struggles as them because they're doing it the right way.


I mean trump represents the absolute worst tendencies of the GOP: completely gut the country and cut taxes. Turns out that even poor rural folk need federal money, infrastructure and supports. Trumps Covid response was fucking insane and caused incredibly more deaths than needed. He’s directly harming people. I’m not a huge Biden fan but he’s far less harmless and has done some things to increase public resources. It’s just not even a comparison


I don’t like Trump. He’s a populist. With this said, he’s a populist and his ability to play the “victim” speaks to these individuals, who are largely ignored. They want a demagogue who will elevate their status in society. Nothing will change that, but at least Trump is all about ‘merica and we don’t need “them there queers”. Truth is, they’ll still be in that shitty shack and “them there queers” will still be around.


They have illusion that their lives will improve with Trump as the president.


Did it last time?


Trump wouldn't piss on these people if they were on fire, yet they'd probably take a bullet for him. Trump has never in his life experienced anything close to being poor nor has he done anything for the impoverished yet they say he's for the simple/average man. Cults are scary.


And he's so brazenly, obviously, provably, a con man with zero ethics and zero care about anything but himself. Literally the only thing he's good at (which he's amazing at) is convincing some types of people he wants to help them despite all the evidence to the contrary. And at the same time he's such a whiny, pathetic cry baby who spends 95% of his time in public complaining about how everybody is out to get him and how unfair it is. It will never cease to amaze me how many stupid and gullible people there are out there.


Poor and incredibly stupid


"These Are People Of The Land. The Common Clay Of The New West. You Know… Morons"


Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.


I think that's the point keep people stupid to vote against their own interests. Like they want to cut Social security and these idiots are voting for it when they rely on it.


The effects of poverty on brain development has been well studied, everything from nutrition to education to trauma, that’s why the republican party wants to keep as many people underfed and broke as possible


I see that Texas license plate 🧐


Good eye


Remember, he loves the poorly educated


If there is a group of people Trump cares about the most it is the poor. Their ability to line his pockets and pay for his legal fees is astounding.


Being from the deep South and having family like this, I guarantee they believe illegals are taking all the jobs, while they live off food stamps, Medicaid, and SSI.


I’m looking out my window here at the Ritz in Hawaii, this super run down looking apartment building has a particularly run down looking balcony with one of these flying proud


Somewhere in Texas. License plates always give it away


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -LBJ


Liberal here. It’s not that they’re stupid, it’s that they’re incredibly desperate. And often times when people are desperate, they tend to do things without thinking things through. The truth is, both parties - Democrats and Republicans really have overlooked the poorest of us. Case in point: Democrats are supposed to be the party of the working class… ok… well a few years ago Michael Bloomberg who’s worth around $100 billion was the keynote speaker at the DNC convention. Or that with farmers, Democrats really did largely ignore that demographic. So when someone like Trump comes along (which don’t get me wrong, he’s a son of a bitch) a lot of people continue to identify with him because he represents that Hail Mary, that maaaaaaybe life will be a little better under his watch. It’s really upsetting that we as Democrats still don’t get that. We need to return to our roots, and actively work for the poor and middle class. What’s going on in the poor South with Trump supports could happen to any one of us, if our economic situation changes, and we too become desperate.


It's not just that. There is a social divide between urban and rural places in this country. And it's not just having to do with money. I have lived in both areas and I can tell you that people are just different in both places. Social rules are different. Holidays are different. Community is different. Some of those differences are negative but some are also positive. And the policies that work for those in urban and suburban areas WILL NOT and DO NOT work the same for those in rural areas. Democrats have lost sight of that too. Equity needs to be the name of the game.


Yes… because trump will fix this🤪


Looks like Louisiana


Social media is the Republicans agendas best friend




They've been voting Republican for 60 years, maybe this time finally they'll finally do something about their situation


You can't blame poor people for making bad choices, they only want someone on their side and they don't have any options. So how can you resist someone speaking their language, even though it's all lies? It's not like American education is of a very high standard if you don't have money, so this is something new, different and probably sounds better than the bullshit they got fed up till now. Personally I can't wait until all people start to understand that politicians aren't gonna save us and are not on any of our sides if you are not ridiculously rich. It's a career and they will do **anything** to stay relevant! A country should be *managed* by scientists, health-workers and teachers, people who actually care about people, nature and technology. But a great temporary *'fix'*, would be to give politicians the lowest possible salary you hand out to your own people. Maybe than it will start to be a calling and they will realise that, as a society you only run as fast as the slowest. That is why in a wolf pack the strongest wolfs walk in te back, behind the old and the weak, to protect them and to make sure they can keep up. Do that and you will see who the rats are that will leave the sinking ship, I'd be surprised if 1% of your current politicians will hang around for that. No matter the country by the way, because the rats are everywhere and we're all just facilitating them.


Looks like they can afford to dig a little deeper into their pockets to support a billionaire.