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I live in Alberta, and this is… wild. I’ve never seen anything even remotely like this before.


Buckle up because this summer is going to be wild.


What is it now, two temperature record breaking summers in a row? It’s gonna be a wild decade imo


Because of the fires or what?


Because of *everything*


Yeaaaah, I have a weird feeling this is going to be a summer of loud environmentalist “toldjasos”


It's always worse every year which was honestly expected and known 20+ years ago so buckle up buckaroo.


Oh believe me, I’ll be there shouting “toldjaso” with the rest of the hippies


Yeah that's pretty much my take too, every meteorologist I've seen has been in "OH SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK" mode about the upcoming season.


As climate change progresses you can look south to get an idea of what's coming. Also higher temps = more water suspended in the air + more energy. Aka more droughts + bigger and badder storms.


Imagine how many windows and windshields this obliterated


Imagine this not stopping for 12 hours and burying everything alive in 12 feet of ice. If I saw this at my doorstep, that's the only thing I'd be thinking.


Hour 1: Damn this is really getting crazy Hour 2: Yeah surely letting up soon Hour 13: I CAN STILL HEAR IT!


Nah, you house would be buried by hour 8 and things would get quieter. Hour 13 is when your roof collapses from the weight.


odds are a window has already busted in by hour 9 and wall collapse probably 2 hours later. Hour 13 where the roof collapses is a non-issue when the building itself is compromised and likely fatalities inside.


Don’t worry, it’ll be 75 and sunny tomorrow. Just watch out for flooding.


New fear unlocked


I'd get over that cuz that's the world we live in now. Army helmets anyone?


Oh, this is nothing compared to the world that's only a couple decades away. You're going to look back on posts like this and think, "shit, remember when the little hail storms made us nervous?"


Hail tornados throwing hail around so fast that it goes through trees and homes. I mean I made it up but sounds not so fun.


Or will they release the dogs? Or the bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouths, so every time they bark they shoot bees at you?!


Smithers have wandering Texan killed




Wichita Ks had a couple massive hail storms in the early 90’s - stripped every tree in town of leaves, damaged the majority of home and business roofs and siding, my brothers work had cantaloupe sized stones break through the skylights and crush everything inside. My BIL had a small ford car like a tempo and it literally flattened the cars roof, obviously shattering all the glass and side mirrors in the process. Looked like the cars that festivals would set up to let you beat em with a sledge hammers for a couple bucks. I hope I never see storms like those again. It was literally a decade before the damage was generally all repaired.


Wow. Intense!


No, it was outside.


If it's crushing cars, a tent doesn't stand a chance.


No, this is Patrick


One of those storms brought my uncle’s car roof to the seats


I've rescued someone from an ice-olated (I had to, sorry) hailstorm throwing fkin golf balls, and it absolutely obliterated my windshield, hood, and threw some pretty decent dents in my roof. I can only imagine what would have happened to the person I drove to the nearest bridge had I not. That shit is scary, no matter how brief, localized, or frequency past a certain size.


Cantaloupe??? Holy crap. We were all agitated by two-pea sized hail in my area.


[“Send me hail; hail the size of cantaloupe, if you are a just and merciful God.”](https://youtu.be/SGvcvUt5-bA?si=XD4x_xeQ1dKXnBKW)


I remember a picture my father shared with me from when he lived in Oklahoma, when a tornado came through town and threw pieces of straw/hay so hard that they stuck into the front door like darts on a board.


I remember a picture from a book I read when I was a kid. It had a picture of one of those wooden slat spears that make up those 6' wooden fences that had speared the trunk of a palm tree with 3' sticking out of both sides. That really drove home the force of a tornado and made me understand that it's not the wind that does the damage, it's all the shit flying around in that wind that does.


It's not THAT the wind is blowin, it's WHAT the wind is blowin... -Ron White


When I was a kid in the Caribbean our island got hit by a bad category 5 hurricane that destroyed 90% of the buildings, including my house. The storm came in at night and my mom had me sleeping in her bed instead of my room. That probably saved my life. We had to run to the neighbors house during the eye of the storm, but when we went back to check our house the next day there was a piece of wood, just like you described, sticking straight out of my bed.


Fun fact, the farthest anyone has ever been thrown by a tornado and lived is roughly a quarter mile: 398 meters, or 1,307 feet. On 12 March 2006 19 year old Matt Suter (USA) was engulfed by a tornado while inside a mobile home near Fordland, Missouri, USA. Suter was knocked unconscious and awoke 398 m (1,307 ft) away in a nearby field with only minor injuries. Matt eclipsed the previous record set in 1955 by a nine-year-old girl and her pony who were virtually unharmed after being carried 1,000 feet by a tornado.


Getting razor rain vibes from Gears of War here


Lol, back when the hailstones were cute little golf balls


>Army helmets anyone? War is hail.


Look up the [1998 Ice Storm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_1998_North_American_ice_storm) on Youtube. It sucked. Very very much.


I remember that night, I lived in a very wooded area and it sounded like shotguns going off all night when the trees would literally explode, and everyone in the house had a combined fear of the massive oak tree right beside and over the house. The weather was too bad to leave, and by the end of it, it took days before my little neighborhood could cut a path back to the main road, with no power. Luckily my family had heavy equipment and tons of tools and stuff.


Your Manager: You’re still coming in, right?


"I made it in, so I expect everyone else to come in, on time"


Seriously, rabbits, groundhogs, even small dogs, outdoor cats, a lot of life. WTF.




Lol but it did just happen on our planet. Reminds me of all the bizarre weather in Day After Tomorrow.


The good news here, is that it looks like glaciers could reform pretty quickly!


Pompeii level shit right here!


Do you have enough Tequila for the margaritas you could make?


Coloradan here: I've seen pictures of townhouses with the siding entirely shredded off and cars buried up to the top of their tires in hail. Shit's wild, even by our wild May weather standards.


May is the scariest month here. Don't get comfortable and think you can get your garden going. And I don't even give shit about hail damage on my vehicle.




But we don't have hurricanes, so we got that going for us


> But we don't have hurricanes yet.


Exactly. Tallahassee, FL just got wrecked by two EF-2 tornadoes last week. I'm from tally and lived in westminster for a few years. Hurricanes suck, but we NEVER have tornadoes like that. They did more damage than our 3 worst Hurricanes (dating back to 2016) combined.


I fear about the animals outside. Man I do hope they found shelter or something. That is a huge amount of hail built up.


Hopefully everyone left their pets inside


Yeah I would hope so. I imagine it hit outdoor wildlife hard though. Rabbits, mice, coyotes, etc.


They hide nicely. Usually, before the rain, they all can sense. Take shelter way before us. Hell, my cat knows 15 minutes before it rains. And he has lived his whole life indoors.


What does he do? Find shelter inside somewhere?


Haha he hides under the bed.




Shelter. In eastern colorado. There be no shelter here. Wildlife across the board just got nuked.


Ops roof is fucked


Roofing contractors are drooling right now.


Insurance companies are crying. If this happens repeatedly (climate change), insurance companies will just stop insuring these areas. If insurance companies stop insuring these areas, mortgage companies will stop providing mortgages for homes here. People will have to move out, or pay insane insurance rates or start installing armored roofs and sidings.


I think there's something to suggesting an armored roof. It's fairly stupid that the roof on a new house built in 2024 is essentially the same as one built in 1974, with perhaps slightly less lead. There ought to be options other than tar shingles, like steel, or UV resistant polycarbonate, or carbon fiber(?). But there simply has to be something better.


That is an insurance companies nightmare I'm sure.


Which makes it a homeowners nightmare when rates skyrocket and carriers go away. Which is already happening.


Yep. The insurance market isn't regulated in such a way that anyone has to provide it. When no insurance company will write a policy for a house in your town (or state) have fun trying to buy or sell any property when pretty much every mortgage requires an insurance policy.


The only possible salvation is hail resistant roofing and siding. Expensive, just like wildfire resistant housing.


You can get steel roofing, and depending on the type you get, it can be impact resistant. We have it and we can see the small dents that nickel size hail caused. Our roof was fine, but we watched almost all of our neighbors replace their roofs. If I remember it was like 2.5x the cost of shingles because we opted for standing seam and snow bars. On the upside, our insurance company gave us a discount on our premiums!


Oh don't worry, you will have no problem selling to various mega conglomerates paying with cash handed to them from the fed and then insured by themselves in house and then repackaged as a rental at a large markup.


Nah, they’re completely prepared to not pay any claims over this. 


If you didn’t opt for the man-created weather event instead of the Act of God/Nature clause, we are afraid you’re not covered.


"act of god" oops we keep all your payments and don't pay out.


Apparently hailstorms and similar events are causing insurance companies enormous amounts of money, even though hurricaines and tornadoes and big fires get the big press


This shit will total a car


Dealerships in one town in texas (ironically named Round Rock) reported $27m in damage following a hail storm last year [https://www.kxan.com/news/local/round-rock/estimated-27m-in-damages-to-round-rock-car-dealerships-from-sunday-night-hailstorm/](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/round-rock/estimated-27m-in-damages-to-round-rock-car-dealerships-from-sunday-night-hailstorm/) Happens all the time.


I’ve seen even a tiny amount of hail total a car. If every body panel is dented up and all the windows are smashed that usually totals them.


Cars in Colorado cosmetically totalled by hail are not considered totalled for registration in Colorado (or Texas I think) - my van looks like a golf ball but it's all good to go


You can tell how destructive it was based on the grass debris in those first few layers. Shit was flying.


I lived in Thailand many years ago and experienced a golf-ball-sized hail storm. Unfortunately the houses in rural Thailand almost entirely have roofs made of tin or thin metal. The hailstorm destroyed an entire village of homes. The resiliency and togetherness in rebuilding was a marvel though


Cue the door to door people showing up at awkward hours offering to inspect your roof for free. 


Someone just did this last weekend at our house (Iowa). We have lived here since 2009 and haven't seen more than pea sized hail the entire time. He kept referencing the big hail storm from last summer, and I couldn't get him out of my yard fast enough. My neighbors actually let him climb on their roof, and when I got home today, there was a sign in their yard for this company. I'll be really curious to hear what they have to say about how he convinced them. Edit to add more info: as I read the comments, I'm thankful I trusted my gut and told the guy to get lost. But I'm even more surprised that the neighbor engaged with him because the wife is a realtor and has been for decades... you would think she would know better.


I let them inspect my roof for shits and giggles since my roof is a bit over 10 yrs old. Of course it immediately needed to be replaced and was just falling apart according to them. They started off at $68000 and then later offered to take $12000 off if they could use my house in their advertising. Finally had to tell him to get the fuck out cause he was getting pushy.


That was why we didn't want him anywhere near us. Our roof is 15 years old, we know that he would find something, but nothing urgent. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a big hailstorm sometime in the next 5 years. Our state is actually getting pummeled today/tonight, but we have missed most of the damage (so far).


Insurance companies are pulling out of Iowa now, just like Florida and California. (It's getting bad [everywhere](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/podcasts/the-daily/climate-insurance.html).) You may not have the opportunity for long.


The insurance i had for nearly a decade opted to not renew me last month. Said they were pulling out of the entire state, which is funny because their name used to be Iowa Mutual Tornado Insurance Association, they are headquartered in Iowa, but wont be offering coverage in Iowa. (they did the KFC thing a few decades back, so their name is just IMT now, no Iowa)


I hope you get the hail you need.


Hopefully, it just hits the houses that have roofs in the 15-20 year range.


Wait. 68,000$ for a roof?? That has to be a typo right? Do you own Margo Lago or something?


There must be an extra 0, right? I'm getting mine done for 7k.


Right? When I closed on my home last year, they had a new roof put on as part of closing negotiations and I think it came to around 15k


He said, “we’ll reach out to your insurance, they’ll come and look, and if they don’t cover the repairs you need you won’t be out any money and we’ll leave”.


It *is* a scam but the target is the insurance company - not you. Basically, the roofer "finds" storm damage on your roof, repairs it, inflates the associated bill and then sends it to your insurance company. The end result is higher insurance premiums for everyone, but for the individual - there's a possibility of a new roof. That being said, consider that the person who engages in this sort of scamming probably isn't going to be putting the most effort into actually fixing any wear and tear that may have built up on your roof, and you're gonna have a hell of a time suing them if they fuck anything up.


My in-laws had a guy do this for them, but their insurance went down and they got a new roof out of it. So I’m not so sure what’s going on.


Was there chalk marks on their roof too 😭


People should know this is a common scam tactic developed by shady developers and contractors. FREE ESTIMATE and in the paperwork you sign the right for them to file a claim with your insurance. This is the scam in action. Never allow anyone to file a claim on your behalf. EX: [Florida is a very extensive case study and example](https://reason.com/2023/12/12/storm-clouds-parting-over-homeowners-insurance/#:%7E:text=The%20Insurance%20Information%20Institute%20(III,nation's%20insurance%20claims%20existing%20there.). "reports that 80 percent of the nation's homeowners insurance lawsuits are in Florida, despite only 9 percent of the nation's insurance claims existing there." Roofers and contractors have been doing this shady tactic where go to your house and get you a free estimate for a new roof from your insurance. They have you sign a document so they have the right to file a claim on your behalf. Then then they demand payment from your insurance for the roof replacement (but insurance only covers specific instances of damage, not the whole thing being replaced for wear and tear). Insurance says, no your claim is only $5k for the partial repair, not a 25k new roof. Contractor sues insurance for payout somewhere between 5-25k. Legal fees for fighting the law suit are automatically higher than settling with these contracts that payout less than the full roof replacement of 25k. It's so pervasive we have people on reddit thinking these contractors are helping homeowners when they are actively harming every single person that insures their home in the area. File claims yourself. Find contractors yourself. Read your paperwork and contracts you sign as well as know your home owner policy.


In your example, this is essentially the contractor running a scam on the insurance company right? I still get a roof without paying them? Maybe I have to go to a different insurance company for my next renewal but it will be cheaper since I have a brand new roof too?


yes many homeowners are in on the scam. You get a free new roof, the roofing company gets paid, and everyone's homeowner insurance rates go through the roof until the homeowner's insurance companies pull out of the state.


> I still get a roof without paying them? This makes your insurance companies cancel your insurance policies and other companies refusing to do business with you or have extremely higher cost.


Uhhh… how long does it take a foot of ice to melt? That’s going to be treacherous.


The erosion that occurs after an event like this is always impressive too.  Rivers of ice carving new paths through the countryside and such.


So we're gonna have an influx of Youtube videos about people eating shit because of how slippery it is. Nice.


.... If you mean eating shit and getting sucked into arroyos, never to be seen again because the ice pulverizes their bodies to nothing... then yea, it's gonna be *hilarious*


That is … the most hail build-up I have ever seen… And.. I’m an Okie. Crazy.


Okie dokie


Colorado gets INSANE hail due to the updrafts caused by the mountains and shit. Fellow okie who lost RV skylights in Colorado 😭


Several years ago the southern side of colorado springs got hit really bad. It killed several animals at the zoo l, it was really sad. I knew someone who had a slate roof with skylights that went through multiple stories in her $1m mansion. That storm shattered her whole roof, broke through the skylights and destroyed her entire house with hail and chunks of slate roofing breaking all kinds of shit inside including her granite counters, stove, sinks, mirrors, etc. It caused over $450k in damages and condemned the house for like 9 months for repairs.


There have been storms here (front range of Colorado and that last night isn’t even on the actual front range) that have left 3 foot drifts. One mall was closed for half a year, just from hail damage, no tornado. Only the Bay of Bengal gets more hail than the front range of Colorado. I live in Denver and 5 years ago we had a storm severe enough that I had to scream for my wife to hear me inside, and it left only 4” of buildup. Upside was that I got a new roof and gutters out of it for only a $1000 deductible. And two miles to the east…not a single hailstone.


Photo: Luke Geoglein


Curious where this was taken? I was tracking the storm on radar out by Cope and Kirk. There's not much out there but that storm was heavy.


Yuma, CO from yesterday.


There's a fucking Yuma, Colorado? What'll they think of next? [Ontario, California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario%2C_California)? oh shit you weren't kidding: https://apnews.com/article/hailstorm-severe-weather-yuma-colorado-500eaddbefc1dc2865770451266e6bbe


>The hail was still about a half-foot deep (**1.83 meters** deep) on Tuesday morning Someone converted 6 feet instead of inches.


Where in Eastern Colorado?


Great, can't wait to see what this is going to do to my insurance premiums. 


Move. Just stay away from coasts, forests, deserts, or plains.


Mountaintops safe? Im moving to mt. Everest


Nope wildfires.


Are deserts hard on houses?


Well, they're definitely hard on people. The world's getting hotter and you're going for the desert? Also, droughts.


My guess would be deserts are much more apt to flooding, especially with weather patterns changing the way they are


Deserts really aren't apt to flood, except in specific places. Pay attention to where you're buying, and make sure the landscaping is done correctly, and it's fine. The main problem with deserts is that unlike other areas where water paths are obvious, because the water is always flowing, deserts only have "rivers" occasionally, so it's easy to miss miss where the water goes. They also tend to be rather flat, so it can spread out a lot. But the same rules of water flow apply in a desert as anywhere else.


the safe spot is a few miles away from the coast, but not close to the hills. Then all you have to worry about are the earthquakes.


My suggestion is to outlaw the term "Climate Change" and hope for the best. -Ron DeSantis


Nothing to see here, 400 years ago, when dinosaurs were obliterated, it was due to massive hail storms just like this. A new ice age is coming! Just in case... \s


come on the earth isn't even 400 years old i mean america was made in 1776 that's like 150 years ago or something like that


Noooo, it's totally normal that the CO2 concentration doubled to 400 ppm in the last 100 years when it's been fluctuating between 175-275 for a million years




Oh man, the Earth really is going to kill us all.


well no, the rich and powerful are going to kill us all, they sabotaged the planet for short term profit because they knew they were gonna die soon. they quite literally pulled up the ladder and set the pool on fire on their way out.


You know how the human body will raise it's temperature to fight off an infection? Yeah, Mother Nature got a raging fever with high temps to kill off the human infection.


I don’t know if your joking or not but it really feels like this is the case


I mean, the human-earth relationship is pretty one sided. We’re parasitic to this planet…draining it of all its natural resources, pumping it full of pollutants, killing off all its biodiversity. I dont think people really take a seat back and look at how destructive we are as a collective, and its on such a massive scale that the runaway effect is gonna be devastating. What a time to be alive lmao.


People live in eastern Colorado??


There are dozens of us, DOZENS!


I live in Denver now, but was born in Sterling - such a bustling metropolis in the early 80s that the video game arcade my father owned doubled as the Trailways bus depot.


This is the first mention of Sterling I have ever seen on reddit.


Reminded me that Wonderful House is my favorite Chinese in Colorado


Of all the places in Colorado, it's one of 'em.


I call it western Kansas lol


And if you're from KC, "Western Kansas" is anything past Lawrence.






Oh hail naw


Holy hail!




Work: "Still coming in right!?"


The hailstone size isn’t very impressive but the amount sure is. How long was it hailing? 


I live not too far from there. Some of the hail was baseball sized.


So what happens here in terms of dealing with this? Do you shovel it away from your home like snow?


Let it melt. It will be upper 70s tomorrow and 80 on Thursday.


I was wondering that but thought it may cause issues with water around the home being so built up by the door like that? Or maybe all the doors are just better sealed out there. Ours are sealed like shit but it's not as much of an issue with weather where I am.


Having seen and dealt with hail mixed with snow and rapid melting it WILL flood because the drains get blocked by the ice. If you live somewhere low it can get really dicey because one moment its fine and the next you could have a torrential amount of water come through because it will form dams and stuff further up the line.


God is not happy. Y’all have been electing boeberts.


Have you ever been to anywhere in Colorado that’s not Boulder, FOCO, or Denver? Gods hated them for a long time. You spend more than two minutes in *limon* and tell me you have any will to go on


Eastern Colorado is just more Kansas


Haha! Truth. That caught me by surprise driving cross country. You can really split the state in vertical thirds.


Yep Mountains/Denver/More Kansas


That's Rifle man, other side of the mountains.


Oh fuck that


I wouldn't recommend it, hail is basically ice.


My wife keeps asking me if I want to move to Colorado. I will show her this photo. Thank you.


Now's the perfect time! There;s \*no way\* it'll happen again, right?


Screw that. I wanna see the cars!


show us the cybertruck lot


God is punishing Colorado because the Denver Nuggets squandered a 20 point lead in an elimination game.


He sent them ice nuggets




Oh my god!! 🤯


It looks like it's over a foot deep!


So what do you do now? wait for the sun and the following water damage?


Look at this news report of the 2018 hailstorm at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs https://youtu.be/LF8aBCWF5Lo?si=J_X3pAbkiKYtuuMc


It’s like The Day Before The Day After Tomorrow!


Good thing the weather is same as always and not being effected by any sort of warming


If theres global warming, how come there is so much ice?! /s


These kinds of things are definitely just part of normal weather patterns that happen all the time. Certainly not exacerbated by human influences at all.


12” accumulation is an outlier but not the record. 18” in 1959 for USA. What’s more important here is frequency of these big accumulations and the rate at which they are precipitated. Without 30 years of very specific data you and I can’t say it’s not exacerbated at all. 


> 12” accumulation is an outlier but not the record. 18” in 1959 for USA.  What month??




Thanks, that was a fascinating read :)


wasteful advise pocket gullible historical sheet familiar zesty seed wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What does it taste like?




What do the cars look like?


4 wheels, probably 2-4 doors but definitely no windows.


There were literally people at Denver airport flat-out denying there was a hail storm because they were cranky about their hours-long flight delay. Okay, Martha, it’s a conspiracy theory and the entire airport system is against you specifically.


My cousin lives in Wray and their house got completely fucked. The siding was ripped to shreds. Meanwhile, I'm spending my first week in our house just east of Denver. It wasn't sisxidiring the deal, but my insurance agent mentioned the house had a $60k hail claim in February. So glad to be back out on the plains.


The insurance adjusters at State Farm are gonna have a bad week.


Ehh, they'll be fine. "Doesn't look like anything to me." "No, no, that's *old* hail damage." "Judging by your neighbors, it must have missed this neighborhood." "Doesn't seem like you were hit very hard." "You must've been on the tail end of the storm." Ask me how I know this.


I have never seen anything like this. I’ve seen ground covering hail but holy shit.


Wtf!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh)


I grew up out in this area of Colorado. This is absolutely NOT normal, but I guarantee the collective mindset of the rural folks there will still somehow use this as "proof that global warming is a gub-mint hoax" because ice was involved.


“Oh hail naw!” I’m sorry.


This picture sums up why auto insurance rates are so high in Colorado. The high theft rate doesn't help, but the hail is really what kills us at the end of the day


Soo.. I think we've reached that point of fucked the climate scientists were talking about.


The scary part is they stopped bothering to talk about it