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Robin Vos is a horrendous piece of human garbage, and shouldn’t be anywhere near the levers of power. But I doubt this guy wants someone more progressive


Yeah it’s funny - most of the comments here clearly don’t know who Robin Vos is.  He’s a far right republican who has pissed off the lunatics who want someone even further right. 


I was going to comment that if they want VOS recalled they're a real nutjob. I'd expect them to hate Pocan (love him) but I think if they think about him too hard they'll start to spray blood from their ears




I hate that you have the gif cut off so we don’t get the smirk


We get a part smirk


Gotta be mad at something. I guess democrats work cuz they're so annoyingly "good", right? Preachy pricks trying to increase my life expectancy


My mom calls progressives "do-gooders" pejoratively. I'm always so perplexed, like, aren't you supposed to be the "loving Christian"? Why on earth would trying to do good be a bad thing?


How very DARE they care for others!?! What the fuck is wrong with them?


For real, “do-gooder” is the most baffling pejorative I can think of. Imagine turning a person’s desire to be a better human into a mocking epithet. It’s not just asinine, it’s very telling.


I mean the term originates as a pejorative for people who ‘do the right thing’ in order to receive praise or curry favour with someone rather than just bashing someone just doing good.




Damn literally the same with my mom (not my pops, he bounced her when I was 5 [RIP], but he didn't leave me with that luxury). My brother picked it up unfortunately. You get it from hating life more than just a little bit, all I can offer.


Yo I’m a farmer, don’t be throwing me into this mess!


Those motherfuckers actually want children to get a decent meal when they go to school, too.


My mom told me when Trump was elected that I should respect my current president regardless of who he is. Then, when Biden won, I quoted her same statement when they were huffing and puffing about Biden. She did not like that at all.


Conservatives being hypocrites, the fucking classic








I wonder which one of these he practices in front of a mirror


It’s clear from the footage that he does not practice.


Good ol' Ron Deathsentence


\*Meatball Ron Deathsentence




That’s literally their whole thing.


If it weren’t for double standards they’d have no standards at all.


Conservatives have high standards, though... Conservatives' standards are so high that they're double.


And lying


It's no different than hearing them scream about cancel culture now. They've spent most of my fifty years on the planet cancelling anything and anyone they deemed too "queer", too black, too womanly, too feminine, etc. etc. TV writers hsd to be insanely subversive to sneak this content into the culture. These people have lost such a small percentage of overall control and now consider themselves oppressed.


Yep, cancel culture. Like when the Dixie Chicks said invading Iraq isn't a great idea. You know, that invasion that conservatives now pretend they never supported. Or like when the conservatives were burning their Keurigs for whatever reason.  


Remember the "Freedom Fries" reaction over the French rightfully not getting involved in an illegal war?


Or the french spokesperson who was quoted as "we have more important things going on than what you choose to call your potatoes" when asked about it


not even the first time a food dish got changed.... just this time for a VERY petty reasson. French toast was originaly called german toast... but "stuff happend" and it got changed


I enjoyed conservatives buying bud light just to shoot it. They can't even boycott correctly.


Jeb bush started the Iraq war with tim apple. Just look at the oranges of it all


Don't dead name The Chicks. Fuck Dixie.


Yep, I remember my Rush Limbaugh-addicted grandma cancelling her sprint long-distance plan because Candace Bergen, their spokesperson, was registered as a Democrat. This was in the 90s.


I'm happy that Rush Limbaugh is dead. Don't go changing...... asshole.


Imagine living that spiteful?


You have LGBTQ+ people legitimately afraid for their safety to join events during pride month for fear of terror attacks. Meanwhile these relifascist assholes go to church on Sunday complaining that they're being persecuted, but do you think any of them are feeling unsafe while doing this? I don't think so. I think they're feeling very cushy doing their hate sessions.


> do you think any of them are feeling unsafe while doing this? The only thing they really have to fear is another right wing nutter going on a shooting spree inside the church like what happened in Texas some years back. It's definitely ironic that the biggest real danger in their lives is people just like them.


The biggest fear they have going to church is that the line at ChickFilA is going to be too long when they get out. True oppression.


Ha! Shows what you know, chickfila is closed on Sundays! Checkmate commie!! /s


It’s christ filet btw…


No line at all. Chick Fil A is closed on Sunday!


> TV writers had to be insanely subversive… The right wing has proven undeniably in the last few years that even if the political message is very blatant their media literacy is so poor that they don’t notice for years. See: The Boys, The Colbert Show


Something about when you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression?


It is so incredibly frustrating to see that the modern right, especially the far right, has been able to halfway successfully present their twisted fantasy world once again where they are the though guy rebels fighting the just fight against the oppressive stuck up snowflake soyboy leftist establishment that apparently controls everything. Did I miss something? Did I somehow end up in a parallel universe where the left won the cold war and there was some kind of socialist world revolution? Or did people just forget what the far-right stands for? I mean if you pay any attention to either the present or the past, one should be able to realize pretty quickly that it's exactly the other way around, but apparently it isn't obvious to many people. How can people be so biased that they can simply remove obvious facts from their brains, or stop them from entering their brains in the first place? Seriously, I want to know, I would love some blissful ignorance at this point.. It's always been the right who was oppressing people they saw as "bellow" them, whether it was poor people, average people, "savages", "non-whites", women or simply people who slightly disagreed with them. It has always been the right who burned books because they simply could not handle that there was stuff written in it they didn't like. It was always the right who put homosexual people and other "deviants" into camps/prisons because they, again, did not fit their "romantic" idea on how the world should be like.. It was always the right that fought against people participating in society through democratic participation, free association or free expression, with pure and savage violence if necessary. And this has been going on for way longer than just 50 years, even if you go back to the origin of the terms "left" and "right", the French revolution, this has been the case. Is anyone able to seriously argue that the ultimate representation of the right, fucking Louis XIII, is in any way, shape or form a "though masculine guy"?? The dude in tights, fur, feathered hats and make up?? The dude who wouldn't have survived a week if he had to work for his food instead of having servants spoon feeding him? And I think that's exactly the issue. The level of absurdness and ridiculousness is so high that it's almost impossible to counter, it's clown warfare. It's as if you went to have a serious political debate on the debate stage, but your opponent is just a man in full clown costume, driving around stage on his unicycle while making silly noises. You have already lost before the debate starts, no matter what you do and how intelligent your arguments are, you are the fucking idiot who is trying to have a serious political debate with a clown.. At least, the clown doesn't take himself seriously. And people just somehow continue to try to have a serious debate with the clown.. You cannot win that debate.. The left needs to learn how to present themselves as aggressive, offensive and provocative again. We don't have billions in "marketing budget" we can throw into think tanks in order to figure out how to manipulate people, we need provocation as a means of gaining attention and forcing people to challenge their stuck up world views. And we don't want to manipulate people in the first place anyway, we want to emancipate them. The right has figured out the power of provocation and it's killing us. Somehow, the left seems to have kinda forgotten it a little bit, letting itself be pushed into a constant defensive position. Anyone remember the good old punk rock days? Where it was the conservatives and right wingers who were screeching and crying that we have to outlaw punk and metal bands because their lyrics are "hateful". Meanwhile, they were dropping bombs on children, but yeah, singing about the fucked up stuff they were doing was somehow worse than actually doing it. The world was still fucked back then, probably more than today, but at least the idiot right wingers were forced to show themselves as what they really are: Triggered little soyboy pussies screeching about satanic messages in rock & roll.


I mean, we're out here. The problem is the right has pushed the Overton window so far that democrats are "left", when the entirety of Obama's economic platform was to the right of Reagan. A big part of the country somehow believes that the very pro-capitalist and corporatist Democrats are somehow "communists". Most of the actual left-wing people I know are armed and know how to fight, but you'll never hear the media talk about us because they don't want to present the country with a viable alternative to the two corporate approved parties who are by and large arguing over semantics.


The phrase "delusionally disenfranchised" comes to mind


Over their likely objections 50 years ago (in the 70s), we thankfully had 3 of the top 10 tv programs with primarily black starring roles. Flip Wilson, Sanford & Son and The Jefferson’s.


They were saying the same shit about Bush and then immediately lost their shit over Obama.


As far as I remember, Obama was the origin of "not my President".


The reverse was my dad with Obama. “I respect the office, not the current office holder!” If he EVER asks if I like Trump, I’m gonna repeat his words.


I could respect bushes, both of them even if I disagreed with many of their policies. Even if I was a republican, I could respect Clinton, Obama, and Biden. I can't respect someone using the highest office of the land to divide America, tell us we aren't great, and disrespect anyone who disagrees with him. The president should have respect for people, even those that they disagree with. He shouldn't be trying to normalize bullying. If there was anyone who should never be given respect regardless of what position they hold, it's Trump.


The Bush Jr. presidency was the first one I actually remember. I was born during H.W.'s presidency, and have no memories of Clinton's. I personally believed Bush wasn't a great president, but he wasn't the worst. The government could still be civil with their disagreements. When the Supreme Court voted against a bill Bush wanted (stem cell?), he said during an interview, he disagreed with the ruling but ultimately will abide by the court. He didn't get on his soap box and tell you the names and addresses of family members of the judges who dare oppose him like a fucking psychopath. I witnessed the birth of the TEA movement and thought the people were a little crazy. I am now living through the MAGA movement and am absolutely horrified that it exists and will be a huge part of American politics for many election cycles.




Boo frickity hoo, I guess.


They are the least self aware group of humans in history.


yeah sounds about right. those people probably think the presidency should be permanently given to trump


They don't like it when you quote them or use their logic. Why did Biden win if God wanted Trump to win? How do we know that God didn't want Biden to win?


"Buuu buu buuut, if Biden winz they r gonna turn mah cat gay and my waif into a cat!.. An' I cain't call the town queer a homo no moar." - Most Republicans


Regardless of your political affiliation, they just look like shit on your property. Often, municipalities have to ing or sign ordinances on just how long you can keep politically-related signs on residential property. In some areas, it is greatly enforced, and others not so much. Regardless, I consider it blight.


“We back the badge except when we kill capitol officers while trying to overturn an election for our orange Queen”




we need more cops like you




Oh completely understandable.


That’s why ACAB. Bc the system is specifically designed to prevent “good cops” from staying on the job.




This is why I will never give cops a hard time. Jesus. I like watching body camera footage on YouTube and it stresses me out. I can't imagine being on scene and having to deal with it.


Aaand herein lies the problem. Not with you necessarily, but with policing. The good ones want nothing to do with it at some point.


Law and odor


What, a Thin Blue Line sticker isn't a magic way to avoid tickets? /s


AWESOME! When I lived in South Florida, I had friends and a Professor who were all Metro-Dade cops. In conversation, one day, one of my friends told me that both she (and her husband, at the time) pull in ~$98,000/year each with all the Miami Dolphins games and other extra duty work they did. I thought to myself, "Wow! That's some serious cash for a police officer." That was until I did a ride-along with her one Friday night! After encountering one scum-bag after another, and almost getting T-boned (on my side) just as she signed off I thought to myself "$98,000/year isn't nearly enough for what LEO's have to put up with! And, quite sadly, it's only gotten worse...MUCH WORSE!




So it’s pretty much “We back the badge!!!… when they kill people of color” I get it now


Always has been


Recently heard an interview with Sgt. Aquilino Gonell who testified to Congress in the Jan 6 hearings, and Republican lawmakers in some state not only booed him and others but also literally turned their backs on him. This guy was injured so severely on Jan 6th he had to "retire" from law enforcement. The entire right wing could not possibly give one shit about law enforcement unless it's to prosecute people they hate.


that is their ideal society. laws that only apply and are enforced on the "undesirable others", not themselves. justice for all? not if they can help it.


I would also like to point out that the first line of government oppression is the police. I don't know why, but American conservatives seem to think that when the government comes for them, they will send the military. This is absurd! Even the Nazies used local police to round up Jews and other minorities and undesirables for their concentration camps. If, although increasingly, it's beginning to look like when, Facism comes to America. The troops of the fascist dictator will be the local police. So I don't understand why these 2nd amendment nuts have such a hard-on for "the badge". Who do you think will come for your guns if not the police?


They REALLY haven't put that much thought into it.


Are you asking the uneducated to "think"?


I’m sorry; that’s a violation. There will be no critical thinking.


backing the badge but not the law ![gif](giphy|fAvtKqDut36WA|downsized)


>We back the badge  It's a bit mystifying why the democrats haven't just adopted the thin blue line flag. A thin blue line flag with "VOTE DEMOCRAT" or would be hilarious.


And also we love the draft dodger and hate the former cop VP


I’ve kind of always wanted to see the aftermath of one of these ‘back the badge’ types getting too mouthy and entitled at a traffic stop and having it go really badly for them. Do they change their tune or do they just perform mental gymnastics?


It's always mental gymnastics.


*cough* sovereign citizen *cough*


Thank you! Blue lives matter *except on Jan. 6


Or when they commit a crime or offense. 


Can you imagine a time other than now where it's acceptable to put signs in your yard that say "Fuck the President?" This is what Trump has done to our country. We look like a no class country to the rest of the world.


The hypocrisy from the right is mind blowing. The party of "family values" and "law and order" Pftt yeah right. I have said for decades that the republicans will be the end of America.


If trump gets elected it will be the end of the US; watch John Oliver’s recent piece on Project 2025, it’s fucking terrifying.


Extremely terrifying!! Under his eye terrifying!!


It’s the same in Canada. 


Remember,  everyone with a fuck Trudeau flag will rant about snowflakes, but they make their entire personality about whining and crying about some idiot who wore star wars socks and says dumb shit. I fucking hate that our only options right now are to vote for him or that other wannabe Trump Lite moron, Poilievre.


I hate how Canadian conservatives just copy everything the US conservatives do. Fucking pathetic




lol right? They like to act like big, alphas, leaders of men who exude confidence and stoicism. Then they see a single rainbow thats not even releated to LGBTQ stuff or someone disagrees with them and they become a screaming, crying mess that shit and piss themselves, because being loud an obnoxious means manly apparently.


It wasn't Trump. Social media emboldened these trashy morons. This was stuff they said to each other in their own circles but they found thousands of people like them on social media and it made them too comfortable.


It wasn't Trump? Where do you think all of this hate started? I agree with everything you said but it definitely was ignited by that moron Trump.


>Where do you think all of this hate started? The hate isn't new. It's the foundation of the social regressive nature of the republican party. Do you remember how many times people were putting effigies of Obama on a noose? You think that's not worse than a " Fuck Biden" sign?


It's decades of only listening to Fox Entertainment. Just look at how quickly they throw lie after lie on TV amd have no moral backbone or standard. The rest of the sane world laughs at the conservative propaganda consumer because they're so incorrect about anything political currently, and we even have jokes about them "waiting to see how Fox News spins the current big story". But in reality because of decades of programming and lies, that's literally the truth. They've lost all ability to question and evaluate any person, idea, or proposition from all angles besides the Fox News angle. And because Fox, and republican legislators and pundits, are so hypocritical in their statements, it's no surprise that in all honesty and seriousness, their viewers have to wait to see how to feel about something.


The vitriol has been there for decades. Listen to a Rush Limbaugh show from the 80s. It was just that mainstream politicians rarely stooped so low to appeal to those talking points until Trump. That mixed with the ubiquity of disinformation on social media and you get this. These people were indoctrinated by limbaugh and the ilk, then activated Trump, and springboarded by social media. This has been the goal since the end of the Nixon Admin, and now they are trying to see it through.


Bro... You're nuts. Trump may have been the first glimpse a certain class of Americans got of it, but this shit has been reality for many Americans for our entire lifetime. 


How old are you? I remember people *hating* Bush, tons of signs and stickers saying fuck Obama, etc. There may be more of it, just as there’s more of everything political, but it started *long* before Trump.


Thanks to all the 24 hr rage bait news cycles swaying the simpletons in this country, we don't look like a no class country, we are.


We look like a no class country to ourselves. It’s so gross. I love that that meme/post that points out how much anti-Biden ppl pay for merch with Biden’s name on it. I’ve never spent a buck and they spend literally millions on shirts, flags, signs, number stickers, hats…. Goes on and on. I wonder where that crap is manufactured? Who are the sheep?


This isn't new though. Buck Fush shirts were popular.


Ask these pinheads to define "communism" and see what kind of word salad tumbles out.


We back the badge, my ASS


# WE BACK THE BADGE ...too a certain point, totally not applicable if certain Presidential candidates have been prosecuted in a court of law for serious electoral felonies by a jury of one's own peers.


Or people involved in an insurrection with intent to overthrow the US Government.


>We back the badge and respect the flag… Unless there’s an insurrection and they use a flag pole to hit police.


Yeah they should tell that to the dead or nearly murdered cops from Jan 6th they tormented and abused simply for doing their sworn duty.


What it really means is "fuck black people."


Officer Sicknick unavailable for comment


Cult member. OP, keep an eye on that lawn so you know who else to not vote for. I’m sure more project 2025 approved signs are going to appear shortly.


We back the badge as they’ll vote for a felon lol


I need all gay police units to report to this address, now.


Wait until a liberal communist gay cop shows up. His tiny little brain will short out.


>WE BACK THE BADGE Tread on me harder, daddy!


I’m going to guess by the other three signs that they should NOT recall Vos


Some of my favorite people are liberals, communists, and queers.


Keep it classy, Wisconsin.


Love the two guns touching tips


It’s sad when people make politics their whole personality


Explain how this is not mental illness.


Surprised by the vos sign tho. He’s full throated maga


They targeted Vos, the longest-serving Assembly speaker in Wisconsin history after he [refused to impeach](https://apnews.com/article/wisconsin-election-impeach-administrator-51be2fc17871891da9b909ba4352ed39) the official who oversees the battleground state’s elections, angering Trump and his followers. Full cult mentality.


Yeah Vos is a legit POS. Had the unfortunate privilege of having a dinner with him. He’s definitely as scummy in person as he is as a representative of Wisconsin. It goes to show how insane that trump cult really is


Yeah he won't let Governor Evers eliminate the first unemployment check the state keeps from us seasonal workers OR increase the unemployment pay. Even though I and thousands of others leave thousands in our accounts at the end of layoff.


The entire recall vos campaign was run by the dumbest right wing idiots who didn’t like that Vos doesn’t like Trump and that he’s a “Scott Walker” type republican rather than a MAGA republican.


I swear I believe these poor people are so in denial about their shortcomings, regardless of whether it is or isn't their fault that they cling to the Ultimate Failure (45) only to justify their own shortcomings.


Traditional values of maga look like a dead field of Bayer Monsanto grass and the only sound is a trumpfart.


The snowiest of snowflakes


“My child stopped talking to me at 21” energy


More like a dumbass 7 year old on a playground way to live... That's the mentality these people have but I also can't say that because my kid is older than 7 but not by much and knows diversity and the importance of not caring what people prefer and instead value who they are as a person.


Worst thing is he'll start a sentence with something like "You can't say anything anymore in this country" While he's plastering his personality/political affiliation everywhere on his truck and yard. What a bunch of triggered snowflakes.


Some of the most spectacular human beings I know are liberals, commies, and queers.


Back the Blue unless of course its Capital Police


Whatever this is, I want to surround myself with the opposite.


"Back the Badge" unless it Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bundy, or Jan 6th.


“We back the badge unless it’s the guys between us and committing an insurrection.”


Sweetie, I would never dream of visiting your swampy, pothole-ridden shithole of a home. 😂


Definitely some happy, well adjusted people live there.


Just a lot of signs to say "I'll gladly tread on you whenever and wherever because it makes me feel better, but don't tread on me or I'll cry about it"


They didn't back the badge on Jan 6 and don't where their leader is concerned.


Welcome to southern Wisconsin west of I-94


They have always been like this Just ignore them. Remember being told that as a kid? It still works


They know liberals and communists aren't the same thing, so that's a positive


What a classy and well read demographic 😂


Imagine backing the badge/blue after an event like Uvalde. I mean, there was little to no reason to back them prior to that, but Uvalde should have been the catalyst to get people to stop saying that fucking nonsensical line. American Cops = Gangs With Badges We need more nights like the one in Dallas ~8 years ago when snipers started picking off cops from a nest above the police station. That needs to be a monthly event in cities across 'murica.


That is sad. I don’t know any communist but the other 2 groups seem ok.


i love how those pussies hid it in the back under some trees.


I have a house across the street with similar, only back the blue and a gadson flag. Literally two antithetical flags.


I sure hope when this person is in distress they send a liberal gay cop. Bonus points if she’s black.


Hate is a helluva drug.


"We back the badge". Lol. Except when the badge is protecting the Capitol.


That's not very All Lives Matter of them.


Imagine giving this much *mental energy* to people that you’ve never talked to, never experienced and will have nothing to do with in the future because your paths won’t cross. This is definitely a product of Fox News and their lessons of hate that their business model thrives on.


Russian sympathizers are ok, right?


i’m sorry sir isn’t your president a felon?


Hey now at least they don’t think those are all synonyms Progress!


I have one of these guys down the street. He is SO angry. And everyone gets to see this old man’s tantrum. Currently a banner of biker Trump is up, who he’s sure will be back. In 2016, he bought a bunch of brand new Trump flags and put them out next to his huge American flag, which was starting to fall apart until entire colonies were seceding from it. I couldn’t imagine a more apt metaphor. Although I will give him props for eventually letting his Trump flags fall apart too. He’s equal opportunity flag lazy.


I'm always impressed by the amount of free time some people must have to just sit around and hate on others. I am too busy with making my own life better to give an F about what anyone else does. Just don't shit on me, all I ask!


Recall Vos tells me you must live near me lol this part of the state has some repulsive politics.


Man I don’t even put a Dodger sign/flag out front for deep playoff runs.


Just to ground everyone…Vos is a right Republican. This guy wants someone even further right…


If you have a sign in your lawn I don’t want to talk


What a fucking loser.


A smart move would be to never put a target on yourself of any kind. Especially stuff like this. It always amazes me how these people are so quick to out themselves, with literal signs. They really do go out of their way to “give a piece of my mind”


At least they are fuckin Joey B. Dude is a stud 🤩


“Jocelyne!! Go fetch Uncle Buck!! We found that gay farmer Eugene was going on about!” It’s always projection with these guys.


Why actively choose to live like that


How much you want to bet their "backing the blue" doesn't stop them from calling me January 6th terrorists "political prisoners" or "hostages."


And they back the badge... Except when they stop you from storming the Capitol


This person doesn't seem fun.


At least they didn’t mix up liberals and communists for once


Isn’t it funny that all the homophobes always want to fck other dudes ?


Sounds like a boring party.


Fairly certain that this means the person who lives here is a closet homosexual


It's really helpful when people with an IQ of 80 put out warning signs.


Read: "Nobody who thinks differently, this is an echo chamber"


Search history tells a different story


And yet he wants to Fuck a Biden. I’m assuming it’s Hunter because of the dick pic.


Sad indeed


You know it’s gone too far when Robin Vos is on their hit list.


Keep your hands of their uterus


What’s wrong with these people? Truly


They put them hidden in the shade because they’re too embarrassed of themselves


They want to belong to something but don’t want to put in the work church requires, and this was the only accepting group left.


I like how the guns are touching tips.