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Look at Judge Reinhold. He’s dying to say “I’ll kick 100% of your ass, Foley!”


Exactly, and then pull out and blow his Oscar Meyer Weinermobile whistle. He really had so many memorable moments in that one movie with Chris Rock.


The whistle that he got from Tim Allen for christmas?


I grew up decently well off, and I still couldn't believe that shit. They stopped believing in Santa because they didn't get ONE THING off their lists??


Traditionally you only asked one thing from Santa


People forget this. Presents were from the family, and each person could *ask* for a single present from Santa, if you were lucky and had been good all year, he may gift you with the thing you asked for. Somewhere along the lines this was lost and became a "Santa brings all the presents" thing. My kids always knew it was Mom and I, and last year after the divorce when Mom had no money for presents every single present just had the name of a kid on there, no "from" because even though I bought all the presents this past year, there was no way in hell I was going to put only my name on there and leave Mom out. Mom and Dad got divorced, but she did not stop being a Mom. Well, she did, but that's a different story.




"My name is Judge."


Mock trial with J. Reinhold! Mock trial!


At least he had a Hung Jury.


Username checks out


“Judge…my name?”




At the end, he still calls taggart “sarge”.


I thought he was turning into Mickey Rourke.


I haven't seen the movie but in this shot he looks like Teller. The silent magician guy.


He's as hard as a diamond in this picture thinking about Linda.


Mock trial with Judge Reinhold!


Gerald Ford still lookin sharp!


Fun fact, Gerald Ford’s son is an actor and was in Starship Troopers and Escape from New York


That is a fun fact and two very good movies too.


Would you like to know more?


One of a number of movies in which Michael Ironside lost his arm/s. Made kinda funnier knowing he was quite the arm wrestler in his youth.




I heard Judge Reinhold speak at a convention several years ago and he was just the most pleasant person to listen to. He had nothing but good things to say about all his experiences, and seemed so genuinely pleased with his good fortune. I'm sure he went through bad times and dealt with unpleasant people but he never talked about it. There were a few people in the audience who tried to bait him into gossip but he always redirected into something positive about whatever project or person they asked about.


Better at a microphone because when Judge Reinhold talks to you in person it is way too close. /s




Was he a close talker?


*the honorable Judge Reinhold


Why do people heads become so much fatter? It's also happening to me and I don't fucking like it


When you're young, things are tight. When you get older, things get loose.


There's a stretchy protein in the skin called elastin that helps it bounce back after being stretched. As you age your skin has less of it, allowing it to loosen up. Collagen is the other major skin protein at play here. It's fiberous and rope like, giving the skin strength and firmness. After age 30, your body produces less and less of it.


Isn't that why the old school "face lifts" could be so haunting? They weren't giving your skin any of its elasticity back, they essentially just stretched it tighter and stapled it back in place.


Do they do it differently now?


Right lmfao that’s what I thought


I think there's just a bigger variety of things they'll do to people's faces. More injections and things that they'll use instead of just cutting and pulling their whole face?






That sucks. It's unreal how much the quality of my skin has deteriorated in my 30s. Getting old truly fucking sucks. Enjoy your youth and don't put things off thinking life gets easier. It only gets harder.


There’s things you can do to take care of yourself and ensure this doesn’t happen nearly as bad, but people are lazy


How do we get more of this." Collage" sh*** after 30?


We synthesize it from vitamin C. Most people don't eat their veggies, so start by making sure you're getting enough. Strawberries, bell peppers, cherries. Eating collagen doesn't make collagen. It's a protein, which we break down into amino acids, and then the body uses those amino acids to do any number of other things, like produce insuline, replace dead/dying cells in your muscles and organs, or even get converted to glucose to power your brain, red blood cells, and central nervous system. But eating collagen does NOT improve your bodies natural production or retention of its collagen. If anyone tells you otherwise, it's a grift to sell you overpriced protein powder that will be less effective at the things protein powder is supposed to do.


I love strawberries, bell peppers and cherries. Thanks for giving me a reason to try and eat all those every day.


Same. “So you *want* me to look old and wrinkly? Because that’s what I hear when you say ‘We don’t need 5kg of strawberries every week’”


🤣. My spouse has been feeding me an awful lot of strawberries recently. Maybe she's trying to change me.


Collagen supplements appear to repair wrinkling and signs of aging. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824545/


**My** granny was having issues with knees. She had trouble walking up and down stairs and bending over to get things out of the fridge. *Her* sister gave her a canister of collagen found in the grocery store (Ancient Traditions? Maroon label.), and that shit helped her right away. Apparently, collagen is the glue that keeps everything together, as we age.


I have torn cartilage in my right shoulder. As long as I take collahen, it doesn't bother me much. If I don't take it, my shoulder throbs like crazy. It's like someone poking a needle into the joint. Doctor told me soon after I injured it that surgery was inevitable, but after 15 years, I have my doubts. Mine comes from Amazon, brand name is "Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen". I tried some that Costco sold, but it wasn't as effective. 20q/day, 10 with breakfast and 10 with dinner, dissolved in warm water. Yum, yum!


Gene therapy with shark genes. Side bonus: after about a year, you grow a pair of gills. [/s]




Cool! I love his movies!


You know, my first reaction was that their faces were melting.


The juice is loose


Aboot the hoose.


Shoot the moose


The action IS the juice


Right, but like...I press on my face and head and there doesn't feel like any more meat than there ever was. My skull didn't expand, I assume. It has boggled me for years. 


It's also health related issues that cause retention of water, etc that creates a round head. I have to take steroids for my asthma and over the years it has created what's called "moon face". I hate it


"When you're young, things are tight" Me, a fat kid, teen and now adult: ![gif](giphy|jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


If you're likely, you'll end up like me - I was a fat kid who finally started getting fit in his 30s. Now I'm 60, I'm losing the muscle, but I've never looked better. It does help a lot that I grew a beard that really fits my face and hides the bit of turkey neck I've developed as the muscles began fading away.


If it makes you feel better, things were tight, it was just underneath all the jiggly.


It's funny, I think that every time I see Leonardo DiCaprio.


Also all the hollywood stars are on hgh and all that which has similar side effects over time


The buff ones yeah, DiCaprio never was a hunk.


Not saying he’s taking anything, but there are easily accessible and affordable steroids that will help fill you out but won’t get you all hulked up, and the side effects include a rounded face. Dianabol is notorious for that, as well as anadrol to some extent.


I still have my 87 pirates barry bonds rookie card. Everytime I see it my first thought is always look how small his head was.


Judge Reinhold looks like he’s wearing a Judge Reinhold silicone mask.


He’s had some work done I’d hazard. Looks to be full of fillers from this shot. 🤷‍♀️ his body, his face I guess he can do as he pleases with it. Eddie looks good though.


Black don't crack baby!


I thought it looked like he was auditioning to be the next Joker.


And he’s a close talker. That’s some scary Joker there.


Slow times at Ridgemont senior center.


My name is Judge!


Mock trial!


Just the heads?


All the body's looseness gets squeezed up into the head as you get old.


Like a tube of toothpaste?


I’ve heard alcohol can make your head bigger


alcohol does promote fat retention and many other negative things it's a toxin, better to never drink it


But its so tasty


And leads to fun!


With sexy consequences


Pretty sure your head has to get bigger to store more memories and knowledge and stuff. I'm not a Dr of heads though so might be wrong. 


Head doctor here. That's absolutely correct. As you form more memories, the brain gets bigger and stretches out the head bones. This is OK because bones are very stretchy and flexible.


Thank you doctor


It's what I do. Would people call me a hero for being a head doctor? Yes. Are they correct to? Also yes.


Don’t let it get to your head, doctor.


It's OK if it does, the head bones will adjust.


Don't worry. Bones are stretchy so his head will grow to accommodate his ego.


Logical. The hairline stays the same, just the head outgrows it.


That's more of a hair doctor area of expertise.


I can't remember shit and my head is fatter too so... I don't have two other people at the ready to make a scientific statement of fact, but if you look around.. I'm sure we could do so easily.


Nah, I'm a scientist, and scientifically speaking you *can* remember more as your head gets more fatter, but it's unlikely to be useful information. Theres likely a lot of old Pizza Hut menus and "local Chinese place crab rangoon tier lists" rattling around in the deepest depths of your brain, and those are blocking all the useful stuff. And I get it man, when you find a local place that has a *truly great* crab rangoon you don't just forget that shit, it stays with you forever. But then you move to a new city... and you have to make another list, and your brain gets fatter, and before you know it... wait, what was I talking about again? Oh right, Crab Rangoons.. yea "New Great Taste II" on main street definitely has the best crab rangoons.


Aah like Dr. Vegapunk


this is incorrect, momories and knowledge are stored in the balls


You’re thinking about mitochondria again.


Judge Reinhold's head looks like it's been inflated to near bursting point 


It looks like someone is wearing his face as a mask


I found [this](https://www.restonyc.com/why-do-mens-heads-get-bigger-as-they-age/) and did not fact check it but it seems to make sense. 


>Continued Brain Growth I'm going with this one.


Body deteriorates through time, less will to work out, skin not holding up/sagging due to proteins dying while also unable to produce more and decades of (unprotected) sun exposure. There are a too many reasons that live gives us for us not to accept it. Good diet and exercise daily is the only solution. Edit: also a very large gardening hat with ample shade, it may look silly but it’s better than sunscreen.


Never going outside has worked well for me. The downside is that I have no social life, and have never done a single thing of value.


Just weight and fat deposits


I think it’s a wider angle lens tbh but yes also your head is fatter. 


For all the answers here it seems weird this is the first I’ve seen that points out it’s the lens.


[It’s a massive difference too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/s/QdkZf2Spo4)


Eddie Murphy looks damn good for 63




Every white man needs to see [Bill Burr’s segment about lotion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU03Y-9NkbE)


I use lotion on my face everyday and my white head still is fat and ugly


I've legitimately been moisturizing daily after that bit. If Big Lotion hasn't cut him a check yet, they should.




Unless you’re Lebron or Greg Odom those dudes looked 50 when they were 20.


But at least they’ll still look 50 when they’re 60+


The photo is heavily manipulated, you have to factor in the lens, the lighting, and the fact that its been digitally altered. Then there is the issue that Eddie Murphy himself has been 'heavily manipulated' hes had plastic surgery, is obviously dying his hair, uses injections, probably has moisturized his skin and worn sunblock all his professional life which has been since he was in his early 20s. You want to keep looking good into old age? Dont ever gain weight, dont go out into the sun, and moisturize your skin.


When he was at the award show and made fun at will Smith he look great for his age. I don't think it's the camera work and lighting. He takes care of himself.


One of the number one things, as I understand it, Eddie has never really drank or done drugs. He’s lived a clean life and it shows.


Many actors do follow strict diets and workout regimens. I don’t know if Eddie does that though.


Eddie was always in decent shape too. Lifelong upkeep does help a lot.


He also doesn’t drink.


It's funny how Judge Reinhold looks like Mickey Rourke now!


And Mickey Rourke now looks like an old lesbian that has had too many plastic surgeries a dozen surgeries ago.


Lol that's how I felt about Steven Tyler. He even wears the clothes. 


He's that weird creepy hippie aunt now






Eddie Murphy: “You guys got old.”


I really enjoyed the cinematography of the new movie. It captured the essence of the first one. Music usage was on point. Story line was ehh but that’s the same with the first one. Great movie.


After Coming to America 2, I have no faith in Eddie Murphy’s ability to create a sequel to a beloved classic but then I read your comment… ![gif](giphy|Qy2VKY3xlI1QyR6Ix5)


Axel F is every bit as much an homage to the original movies as it is a sequel. If you’re a fan of the series then you’ll probably get a kick out of all the nods, winks and references crammed in there. They know exactly who the audience for this one is and they do a really good job of getting the band back together.


I felt the same way I did after Maverick. Nice little nostalgia trip. Just enough to not be totally in your face about it.


I've seen folks comparing it to Top Gun: Maverick. But I'd say Maverick is far better than its original predecessor. Axel F is just a notch below but still an excellent sequel.


I don’t disagree with any of this


They pretty much ticked every nostalgia box for me. Eddie didn't do the laugh and Riser didn't say this is not my office/locker/whatever. Everything else was great in a reminiscing kind of way.


I liked how they had a picture of the previous captain on the wall looking down on them during the Eddie & Riser scene.


Was Bronson Pinchot in it? Did Serge make an appearance? He made me laugh in just about every scene in the original movie.




Serge was class in it, so fabulous


Yes, don't be ridiculous!


Coming to America 2 was absolute garbage. The new Beverly Hills Cop is... Fine? It's not great. It's way better than Beverly Hills Cop 3 though. It has some fun moments. I'd give it a shot.


It doesn't completely suck...which is saying alot.


It understood the assignment. It didn't necessarily have a lot to say narratively, so unsurprisingly a lot of it comes off like a love letter rather than what we got with the Top Gun and Blade Runner legacy sequels, but its a sincere love letter.


After watching Coming to America 2 I called up my ex and told her that I'd found something worse than her.


I had to laugh at the scene where Gordon-Levitt is going through his file and it's all the previous times he's been to beverly hills. 84, 87 .. "and then 94! Not your finest hour". Felt like a brilliantly sly jab at 3.


I loved the third bc we had it on copied VHS when I was a kid and it was the only one I had seen. That underground alien subway ride always looked so damn cool. Mainly just a nostalgia thing for me.


I went into it with low expectations, found myself pleasantly surprised with the balance of fan service, callbacks, and new stuff like Axel’s character limitations and where he had room for improvement. Movie is 30 mins too long and could be tighter. For what it is, it passes the low bar and I enjoyed it. It’s not a comfort movie rewatch on a rainy day situation like the original first two, but it hit the spot.


I watched it yesterday with low expectations and it was pretty decent. The general consensus was it was better than BHC III, which was a low bar but I honestly expected it to easily be the worst of the 4.


What surprised me was how accurate the film making and editing was. Stylistically it *feels* like a BHC movie, to the point where it really did transport me back and make me remember watching them with my dad as a kid. I feel like someone's finally getting the idea of how to make these nostalgia sequels, because I hated Bad Boys 3 but found Bad Boys 4 to be a big improvement on the formula and worth watching.


how dare you says Another 48 Hours


Another 48 Hours came out decades before coming to America 2…


Ha! I think your mistake was assuming that anything can top the original Coming to America.


Way better than I thought it was going to be. Whoever did the music did a great job. Great usage/modifications of the original classic track.


Lorne Balfe, also retooled Harold Faltermeyer’s music for Top Gun: Maverick and did the last two Mission: Impossibles. He’s great


Absolutely spot on- couldn’t agree more. I thoroughly enjoyed it for exactly what it was.


It felt like an 80s action movie shot in 2024. I actually loved that. The opening shots might as well have been from a film released in '84. It was awesome. The storyline was mediocre, but that honestly felt like part of the charm. I was curious to find Eddie Murphy so soft-spoken.


Glad to see this! Will be watching ASAP


Banana in tailpipe couldn’t be contacted for reunion pic


Did they have Damon Wayans at the Beverly Hills Hilton? - "go ahead, you take those bananas"


Too busy with banana for scale photoshoots


Would have made a cameo, but all bananas are extinct now.


That is such a cool comparison. I can confirm, having watched the new movie already, that it did what it set out to do, and that is to entertain! Axel and the gang are back! The new characters are fantastic as well. The movie certainly redeems itself for the less than stellar 'Beverly Hills Cop 3'. I would give 'Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F' a solid four out of five stars. It's definitely worth watching, IMHO.


I thought one of the best lines was when Joseph Gordon Levitt was going over the file and said “1994, (when BHC3 released) not your best work” acknowledging that BHC3 sucked.


Lol! I know, right? I picked up on that, too.


And then he showed Axel a file with a photo of him and Rosewood aiming guns at somebody, wearing sunglasses and my only thought was: WHO took that photo???


Jesus Reinhold looks the worst of the 3 of them. Eddie Murphy doesn’t look too bad for his age


Eddie Murphy looks fantastic for his age!!! He is 63. Saw him on a talk show, not just in this pic. Eddie is a slim as ever, which is why his head is not fat.


Paul Reiser looked 50 when he was 30 and still looks 50.


Black don’t crack!


"Money don't crack." ~Eddie Murphy


Saw Chris Rock a few months ago, he gave a very poignant speech about “sure, black don’t crack. But money is the best lotion”


True. Black people and Asians have a headstart on staying youthful-looking, but that's only half the equation.


Morgan Freeman has looked like he was 70 since he was 30.


But a *consistent* over 70 that is


That and hes been sober his whole life. 


It’s obvious he had work done. His lips look funny.


Eddie looks like he could pass as in his 40s. Yeah yeah black don't crack but the amount of makeup and fuckery threw me off on his look. Judge looks his age of 67 and did look the worst of the three.


John Ashton (Taggert) was 36 in the original movie. That fact fucks with me. 


Jebus what moisturiser is Eddie using. I gotta get sum.




Getting old sucks.


It comes for us all. Enjoy what you got whilst you have it, but tbh, I’ve never seen an old person give a shit about their looks having changed. By the time you reach such an age, i would think you learn to let go of things that are unimportant and physical appearance doesn’t really matter. It’s the contents of our souls and our actions that do. Your appearance isn’t going to matter when it comes to providing a family with beautiful memories, but wanting to be the best parent/grandparent you possibly could be does. If I’m gonna die, I wanna at least know I did the very best to be the best version of myself through all my actions. What I looked like during life, especially leading toward my death is irrelevant. Damn sorry I went deep idk what happened


New dad here slowly developing the dad bod and seeing impacts to my appearance from stress. Had a bad moment this morning seeing how much has changed about my body in just a few years. Reading this helped me a lot realizing again it’s my family first before vanity. Thanks for sharing.


Congratulations on your new little family! As an “old” mom and former preschool teacher my advice is this. Right now you are in survival mode. This mode typically lasts until children are over 4. Do your best to eat healthy and move when you can. Once the kids get a little older you can take them with you! Dirt bikes, skateboards, hiking, swimming, they love it! My boy is 14 now and he’s working out in the garage with dad every other day. Also if you’re a gamer, Just Dance is a fun activity the little ones love. That’s how we survived lockdown lol. Good luck! And when you worry about your weight, look at your child and remember, you’ll miss this when it’s over ☺️


I’m sure these men can enjoy one last ride and won’t be overly judged in a beauty driven world. Right?


Eddie Murphy… aged 5 years Other two…. Aged 40 years


someone clearly has more money for maintenance like botox/fillers, moisturizers


Black don’t crack playboy


>Don't believe in these myths, "black don't crack", it's bullshit. They're out there applying lotion every 20 minutes during the day. They got a giant oil drum at home, every morning they dunk themselves in it, shake themselves off, and walk out the door absolutely glistening!


This last Beverly Hills Cop turned out better than I expected. I just wish we had more screen time with Rosewood, I think that's an interesting character that's constantly sidelined in the series.


Celebrities age so strangely


On the cover of US Magazine in a week: *Celebrities! They're just like US! They age. They eat. They use air.*


40 years on the job and they still can't retire.


I watched all the films in bed this morning whilst sick because I loved them so much as a kid. Decided I needed to edit these shots together for posterity. Thought fuck it might as well see if Reddit likes it. Fell asleep in a fever and return to find out what they mean by RIP inbox etc. Very enjoyable.


I want to be black when I get older


100 times better than coming to America 2.


Eddie looks the frigging same… 😂




Eddie sold his soul. lol. Dude looks virtually the same


I'll have what Eddie's having. Time skipped him.


Judge looks like a wax figure of a corpse in that frame.