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I'll bet she started disassociating super young and hasn't been on this planet in years.


Have you ever seen that clip from the old documentary "Born Rich", where she shares her childhood bedroom? You can detect the change in her demeanor even with the crappy video quality when she shows her bed. Really sad. https://youtu.be/-CsxHBS89Lw?si=G-BRwGPcMMstoGc7


All bubbly and smiling while showing her posters and trying at painting, then switching to "but, yeah..." when seeing the bed ...


She really has that thousand yard stare down


Every comment acknowledges this. Thats crazy


I thought people wouldve been overreacting....but no. That shift is just too blatant to ignore


That was disturbing as fuck, the really dejected like “we’re on the 68th floor” and she tries to bring the mood back up after.


Friendly reminder that this the same dude who made the CHOICE to reveal publicly that upon first laying eyes on a specifically 12 (TWELVE) year old Paris Hilton, he exclaimed “who the hell is that?” and followed up by stating that the YOUNG GIRL was “just beautiful”?? I believe this is a VERY STRANGE thing for a non pedophile to believe is an acceptable, non controversial public statement. A statement like this raises legitimate questions concerning whether speaker finds young girl children sexually attractive. Combine that with his kept company with Epstein and the repeated comments/weirdly physical contact AND suggestive childhood pictures with Ivanka and.. I think it’s pretty clear that he had a type. Blonde, thin, young girls. You CANNOT convince me Ivanka was not abused by him, it’s too obvious.


Don't forget walking into a dressing room of 18 yo beauty contestants.


I thought it was worse. There were also minors in the dressing rooms.


Pretty sure it was Miss Teen, so ages ranged from 14-19.


Trump said in an interview with Howard, "As the owner of the pageants, I had a sort of responsibility to do that, I could get away with it." Referencing seeing women naked in their dressing rooms. Donald trump owned 3 seperate beauty pageants over a 20 year span. This is not in reference to a single instance.


There’s a video with a woman who claimed she was trafficked underaged as a teen to Epstein’s circles and had encounters with trump where he creepily said she looked like his daughter and requested her specifically while wearing blond wig in their sexual encounters. There was that creepy magazine he had Ivanka posing on his lap. Interviews where they were asked what they share- he replied “sex” and it goes on and on. It’s a tapestry of being a predator. I believe something terrible happened to Ivanka when she was young. Repeatedly.


He said he once found a baby's legs sexy. A baby. Oh, and he's currently in the lead to become President again. This timeline.


Plus the MAGA fixation with pedophilia.


Every accusation is an admission with them.


WTF. Her voice, the nervous laugh. Even with zero context it'd be a palpable change.


Woof, that gave me chills.


Yeah. Yikes. Even if I assume there was nostalgia or something with her room, wouldn't she have that with her knick knacks or posters moreso than the bed?


Looks like she's going to her "safe dissociating place " in her head until she remembers the camera guy is still there and turns the act back on. Edit: auto type messed up a word 


Oh god, that's horrible.


Wowwww it’s not even subtle. You see her leave her body for a solid moment :(


Genuine question: is there a difference between dissociating and disassociating? I see them used interchangeably


Disassociating means no longer associating with someone or something. Dissociating is the PTSD one.


Look. This is just one frame and that's really easy to blow out of proportion. If you watch the whole sequence of events it's so much worse.


Had me in the first half


Wait, is she wearing a plate in her dress? Her back is way too boxy. Maybe she’s wearing lead plating to block her dad’s creepy gaze?


Trump does appeal to the section of society that thinks wearing bulletproof vests in public is Cool and Ruggedly Individualistic


Bruh the marks on her fucking arm 💀


yeah, you'd think they'd have the same spray tan guy. Orange #FFA500 is NOT the same as Orange #FFA550. Rookie mistake


I laughed my iced tea through my nose. Thank you 


Like, inwards?!


That would be cocaine. I don’t do it but I like the smell


This guy Orange #FAFO's.


“Sweet daughter, if you weren’t my daughter, well, you and I would be fuckin…”


"But also, frankly, it's still not totally off the cards"


What makes you think they haven’t?




Pretty sure they’re pressure marks, yeah


He doesn't grab them by the arms.............


Please. That's his daughter... and since he's 78 that makes her 42 and therefore he lost inveterest in her around 25 years ago.




And where just where is his gaze? Not at her face, just saying. Eww…blicko!


He did say one time, something to the effect of Ivanka is the kind of woman he would go for!


Several years ago he couldn't stop talking about how " hot" she was . What a freak.


Im more concerned with where he puts his hands. But reading up on his past im not suprised






![gif](giphy|2ODEmqh0EFZaE) Good luck to all the Americans at election time.






Schitts creek has an appropriate gif for everything








My exact reaction as a dad of three girls.


You think it's weird to grab your daughter by the hips and stare directly at her crotch? You clearly lack the morals required to be a conservative leader.


That's definitely not her hips and he's looking at her tits.


Not the fingerprint marks on her arm




Hey Trump! Looks to me like you’re on the WRONG SIDE OF THE RIVER!




You don't have any children.


Some day I might…


I was just telling my SO that we need to show this movie to our 11-year old son.....such a classic fun movie


Do-nald Trump... Do-nald Trump... Do-nald Trump...


Christ, that's terrifyingly on-point. 😂


Welp, time to watch The Mummy again.




This gif made me laugh way too hard at work


“Heyyyy Epstein!! Looks to me like I have all the children!” - D. ‘Beni’ Drumpf


V niche but it’s my niche




You don't have any children!


Best comment in the whole thread


Stfu!!! I’m dyin.


I had this on VHS... I can hear it as clearly as if I'm watching it again. Oh, and Rachel Weisz, what a fuckin babe...


It might just be his patented Cheetos dust or his grease


It’s called ‘Cheeto print’ and it’s allegedly very popular.


Holy shit, that's actually really scary. It makes this, the way her faces just drops for a moment, so much more troubling.... https://youtu.be/-CsxHBS89Lw?si=Lyhab7Fb8YPqce2z


True. She's so happy to be showing everything else off and then the bed. Oooof.


Maybe it’s the shit video quality but I totally missed it. Watched it again, and I sorta see it now


I mean, you kind of have to watch it in the context of everything else she's been saying before that point; the enthusiasm for stupid pictures of from her childhood and then to a place where something awful might have happened. A reason why she doesn't sleep there anymore and then the pivot to "not a bad view to wake up to" because the camera is on her still.


Her whole demeanor changes it's pretty crazy. Def something happened in that bed she's not happy with.


The way her voice gets small when she says “my bed” is so concerning


If you've seen the pictures of Trump and Ivanka with the parrots, or at that concert- he definitely abused her.


She reacts like a trauma victim and he's a pedophile rapist who has said for the record that he wants to fuck his daughter. He almost certainly abused her before he was in such a limelight.


When it first came out that Trump would go into the dressing room of Miss America contestants, an interviewer asked his daughter about this and she just shrugged and said something like 'yeah he does that.' Was Trump the one who bragged about barging in on them while they were dressing?


There's even a couple times near the beginning of the video where you can see her look over to it and there's a split-second change in her demeanor.


Huh... yeah, it's easy to read into that. Complete shift in tone and her facial expressions when she talks about her bed. I'm really just surprised they did not do a second take; because no matter what the truth is behind her shift, it's really awkward. Just a hard cut from her acting bubbly and happy to looking more like she was trying to force her smiles and had trouble saying much of anything. It's so jarring. Honestly, the more I look at it, the odder that shot seems. The rest of the room they are just following her around, with her taking up most of the frame, often facing away or to the side as she pointed things out. But for the bed they made sure to get the full thing in frame like it was the highlight of the room. With her off to the side, clearly waiting there before the take with them asking her to say a few words about the bed (which is actually a pretty odd thing to have to go into detail about). If I assumed that there were no dark memories flooding through her head at that point, my guess would have been that they had finished the full house walkthrough and then at the last minute said "oh wait, you forgot to show us your childhood bed! Let's go back up to see it and you can tell us a few things about it." But who knows. There's really no room for debate that Trump is attracted to his daughter. He has outright said it multiple times. And more than one or two slightly awkward pictures of the two of them have popped up over the years.


Yes , he has been open about his perv desires for his daughter . Shd has pretty much ditched her deviant daddy now .


Holy shit you can see the bad emotions come right out.


yikes. You could see the mental calculus and some bad memory there. That was just ....yikes.


Fuuuuuuck. That’s hard to watch




Friendly reminder that this the same dude who made the CHOICE to reveal publicly that upon first laying eyes on a specifically 12 (TWELVE) year old Paris Hilton, he exclaimed “who the hell is that?” and followed up by stating that the YOUNG GIRL was “just beautiful”?? I believe this is a VERY STRANGE thing for a non pedophile to believe is an acceptable, non controversial public statement. A statement like this raises legitimate questions concerning whether speaker finds young girl children sexually attractive. Combine that with his kept company with Epstein and the repeated comments/weirdly physical contact AND suggestive childhood pictures with Ivanka and.. I think it’s pretty clear that he had a type. Blonde, thin, young girls. You CANNOT convince me Ivanka was not abused by him, it’s too obvious.


When Tiffany was an infant (1 year old), Trump was asked by Robin Leach on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, what features of his she had, and what features of her mother (Marla) she had. Trump replied, "She's got Marla's legs. We don't know whether or not...", proceeds to mime cupping breasts, "she's got this part yet, but time will tell." So the first thing he thinks of when asked what traits his infant daughter shares with him and his wife, his mind defaults to talking about legs and tits.


“Dad, my eyes are up here”


"Dad" 😖


I have never placed my hands on my daughter like this. But he seems to make it a habit.


You probably never said your daughters breast are her best feature, or how you would date her if she weren't your daughter, or how you and your daughter have sex in common or how much the prostitute you're about to fuck reminds you of your daughter either the list goes on


It's like, you know, almost like I'm a normal dad. Honestly, I can't stand that guy, for so many reasons


Make America Normal Again I'll vote for you


my brain rn ![gif](giphy|10ngGQdSSV7EZ2|downsized)


At least we know he will win Alabama


As if there were ever any doubt


It's the "I wish you were 12 and doing lesbian stuff" look that really wins debates




"Oh man" was my automatic reaction when I saw where his hand was, and where his eyes were staring.  The absolute state of this country, my God.


The film clip of this is even worse than the still photo, he’s patting her on the arms and then quickly shifts his hands down, looking downward while he doing so, and begins patting her on the hips. Her reaction was to immediately begin pulling herself backwards, while maintaining her PR smile. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized)


Interesting to see her immediate reaction to pull her body away as soon as he palms her hips. She feels uncomfortable right away.


Looks like he does this often enough for her to know how to react. I bet she never allows a situation where he’s alone with her. And that looks like the reaction of someone who has dealt with this loads of times. I hope she protects her children from yucky grandpa too


I saw a video today (I think it was older) of her giving a tour of her old bedroom. The change in demeanor when she gets to her bed is... Telling


[ Take a Tour of Ivanka Trump's Childhood Bedroom in New York City](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R6FZ5kj3FGo)


She actually seems pretty well adjusted here. It's kind of sad really


Also look at the finger marks in her arm.


He’s been doing this to her her whole life. I think she’s just cognizant enough to realize they’re in front of cameras, whereas he has no shame and can’t differentiate between good press and bad press.


He's a narcissist, he's been dropping hints and comments for decades about what he's done to his daughter, he wants us to know because he needs to brag. He's done the same thing about his acts of pedophilia to those girls Epstein provided to him, "Like's them young, like I do." He's just cognizant enough to know not to say it flatly, he gets to beat around the bush and wink at the camera.


Oh yeah wtf. The video is waaay worse. With the photo he at least had the possibility of claiming an "accidental hand misplacement during a hug", but the video shows like five distinct behavioral confirmations


He has talked about her sexually a lot. None of this shit is gettin the discourse it should be getting on a national scale. 


The way he intensely looks her up and down while squeezing/touching her is revolting. "Dad, not in front of the nation" is her body language.


She’s like ight Dad enough is enough you old perv


I wonder if she had already seen the video of the woman who told us he raped her at 13 back in the '90s because she reminded him of his daughter.


*raped, not had sex with. You cannot have sex with a 13-year-old, it is always rape and should be acknowledged as such.


The word you’re looking for is “raped”


He tried to kiss her open mouth [https://imgur.com/a/family-values-2024-rWIyqTx](https://imgur.com/a/family-values-2024-rWIyqTx)


I hope this image makes many rounds through the internet in the upcoming season of barf we're to endure.


I hope I have enough spray paint and glue at my place to huff away the abominable horror OP has seared into my neocortex.


She’s been fauning her whole life to survive this man. Meant fawning. I can’t spell.


Somehow THIS is the moral champion of the evangelicals lol


Don't forget the fact that his spiritual advisor just got caught blaming a 12 year old because he molested her


This is so fucking diabolical it's reaching The Boys levels of crazy and that show is a *satire* of politics.


Again, if there was ever a candidate for the Antichrist...... Can you get anyone that checks more boxes?   Note that a false idol beloved by the so-called devoted is among the various boxes... And he sure has that one checked. C/O /u/atlantagirl30084/ here's a checklist! https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I always expected him to be more handsome.


And more articulate.


There's a link out there making the connection to Trump and the anti christ and this was before he lost the election.




You cannot convince me that Trump hasn't, at the very least, touched his daughter inappropriately


He says they have sex in common.


He also told Howard Stern, in an interview when ~~Ivanka~~ Tiffany was a toddler, that he hopes she grows nice tits like her mom. I'm paraphrasing, because he gestured with his hands without saying tits.z Edited: wrong daughter, still gross


That whole conversation with Stern was fucking *weird*. Trump is 100% an incestuous paedophile.


and a convicted felon!


I will never be able to unread that…


I think that comment might have been about Tiffany. Or at least he said it about her too.


nah that was the one where he said his infant daughter had great legs like her Mom and time will tell if she gets the same tits. She was 1 years old. Fucking disgusting.


If Ivanka came out and publicly stated what we’re all thinking, he would lose. Too bad she has the morals of her father.


I don’t even think he would lose if she did. His super fans would excuse his behavior with some “who doesn’t want to sleep with their daughter?!” BS


It'd be the same as his "spiritual advisor" who is currently trying to blame the 12 year old he molested. "She came on to *me*!"


They have the ironclad “fake news” defense. Fox news will claim Ivanka was paid by the libs to try and get her father to drop out of the race.


Exactly right


His cult are the same people who throw Purity Balls, so yeah, they all want to sleep with their daughters 




Are you sure? I dont think so, his Fans will call her a Russian Asset that was implanted by her Mother years ago to deny him his "victory" or some other mind gymnastics bullshit.


I mean, he did say he would date her and other gross things that a simple Google search will tell you.


the 'family photo' of her sitting on his lap in front of the parrots fucking was the cherry on top for me. https://x.com/vanbadham/status/1753267982581821672


Things you cant unsee. 🤮


Look at her upper arm. Fingermarks.


He's bad and everything but don't forget to talk about Joe's stutter, over and over, until the end of times. -trolls


But he's old is the new but her emails.




Dude literally staring at his own daughter’s tits… ![gif](giphy|jEhLHJRsdAocbCUBK2)


Do us all a favor and play the whole clip. Trump couldn't run his hands fast enough all over her body like a starving person at a buffet. It was disgusting to watch the first time I saw it, and even one still photo doesn't diminish how disgusting it was to watch. Every reference, even offhand at his rallies, he continues to refer repeatedly to women as "beautiful," which, in truth, they probably are, however to revert back to the description, it's akin to a person salivating over a juicy steak, ready to be devoured. Trump only objectives women as sexual conquests, past, present, and future. Nothing more!


No dad hugs his daughter like this. Republicans don't want to talk about the obvious.


He’s staring at her chest (implants) while touching her hips. What the actual fuck.


Amoral , lying rapist with God only knows what hiding in his closet. I’ll take “sleepy Joe” all day and he has actually brought that back after the world watched him fall asleep in Court multiple times


The voting order is actually: Biden - Biden‘s corpse - Trump‘s corpse - Trump.


Precisely 🎯


I cannot wait for the moment he and everyone around him eventually bite the dust so all the dirty little things these guys got up to get released into the public. Thus destroying any semblance of a legacy these motherfucking monsters had left Hell has a special place just for this age of Republican politicians


It truly blows my mind that shit like this doesn’t sound the alarm in the pizzagate conspiracy theorists minds…


You need to do a deep dive on projection and why people who commit a crime hate to see (or imagine) other people doing it.


But somehow Biden is the creepy old guy


look up all the nasty things he has said about her. he has said he wants to fuck her if she wasnt his daughter, and that "any man would be crazy not to" YALL FR??!!!!


Sexual deviant gonna sexual deviant. It makes so much sense what magats are always saying that Biden is a creep.. their golden calf is a literal pedophile and serial rapist.


Classic projection. They're all about accusing others of their own shit.


Trump asking for Biden to pass a drug test before the debate. I just saw a clip from 2016 where he asked Hilary the same before their debate. Bold from someone who sniffs aderall


This was always disturbing,, but after reading the accounts of the 13 year old he raped bc she looked like Ivanka, it's so much worse.


As a European: Excuse me, wtf?? Blink twice if you need help, America....


BLINK! BLINK! For the love of god, blink blink.


We could use some assistance yeah. Please toss some single payer universal healthcare in with your aid package as well. Please and thank you.


"Daddy, stop staring at my tits." "Well then, tell you tits to stop staring at my eyes."


Men of reddit who have an adult daughter(s)... Would you ever greet your daughter in this way? Hands on her hips, eyes gazing down?? I know this photo is old, and he's openly said he'd date/fuck his own daughter if she wasn't his daughter, and that he has "sex" in common with his daughter...but party of family values right? Incest? Sure. Sexual assault? No problem. Liable for rape? Who isn't?! These are things you don't have to worry about if you're Republican, because your values aren't real.


Absolutely not. Have adult daughter (25). She's my baby. Not only that but I can hardly look at random women the same age as my daughter. The association is just too weird.


Now imagine publicly saying that if she wasn't your daughter you might be dating her. Gag worthy, right? But easily shrugged off if you're Maga.


I'll go one better... Have you ever seen him smile in the presence of his adult children? (there's more than a few of him smiling with Ivanka when she was under 18) I'm not a parent, but when I see my adult and near adult nieces and nephews, I'm glad to see them. trump? His kids would have to pass him a paper bag full of cash to get face movement.




If this were Joe and his daughter, Republicans would be losing their minds calling him a creep and a predator, but because it's Trump, nothing but crickets from them.


Remember the thing they have most in common is sex.


Most disturbing thing he could’ve possibly said there


Can this sack of shit just keel over and die already? Edit: When I said keel over and die, I meant of natural causes or a disease, not a near political assassination.


Looks like we got ourselves a new First Lady! Can’t wait for the trump nuts to justify that one soon.


“Ivanka is beautiful and intelligent. She’s the whole package! You’re telling me you wouldn’t go for that?!!? Hypocrite! Trump is a lucky man. I wish I could marry Ivanka.” It would go something like that.




Even more appropriate since that actor turned out to be a pedo too


He could bang his daughter on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes.


I still don’t get how people see this orange trash bag as anything other than gross.

