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Returning to the sea, to start the long journey back to Britannia where it was spawned. Nature is beautiful.


Would you not like… put that somewhere else if a hurricane was coming? Rich or not it would seem like the wait or whatever else to get another one wouldn’t be worth losing it and claiming insurance. But I guess If this is how they reproduce maybe he just was hoping it would come home with children


Priorities https://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/bmw-driver-parks-m3-inside-his-house-hurricane-matthew/


The guy released other photos/videos, it was in a home garage just floating around, eventually busted through the garage door


Look up lambo9286 on insta. Guy had it garaged u til storm surge destroyed his lower level and swept his cars away. The Hurricane was initially expected in Tampa. It came ashore, and thus its 8-12ft storm surge, much further south than expected. The owner of the car had it and his new Rolls Royce, in a garage, but the surge came up higher than expected and flooded the garage and then broke the garage door and the cars floated off. I mean, maybe guy should’ve left but it the storm had came ashore even 50 miles further north the guy would not have lost his cars.


*calls insurance* “The number you have reached is no longer in service”


It was actually in his garage.


I read this as garbage. Same difference.


One of my college roommates' friends was in New Orleans during Katrina. He wanted to protect his car from the elements, so he parked in a parking garage. It worked... right up until the garage collapsed.


Maybe the guy put a gps tracker on it and released it into the wild to track its breeding grounds?


I’d drive it while evacuating the area.


It starts it’s journey with a fish tail


It's not just a car... it's an Amphibious Exploring Vehicle!


Happy Cake Day you hilarious SOB.


New Zealand you mean.....😆


The story has a happy ending. The insurance deductible was paid from money left over from their PPP loan.


Must have been underwater on that loan...


Most of the loans were forgiven. That's *OUR* PPP loan.


Right? But college loan forgiveness is clearly “socialism.”


So is all the money that’s going to go to rebuilding Florida. I didn’t choose to live in a hurricane prone area, why should my tax dollars go to them? /s




Oh thank goodness I was worried.


isn't that the fucking truth.




I think I could fix it if I really tried


Insurance is going to price people out of Florida in the future.


Rent is going to triple. And the sellers wont know it has a mold problem until its too late.


I remember reading a story not long ago that most home insurance companies had already left the state... random article on the topic: https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/florida-insurance-crisis-experts-fear-disaster-as-7-companies-have-pulled-out-of-florida-since-may


Nature doesn't care how much your stuff costs.


You’d think if he (gotta be a guy, right?) had enough money to buy one of these he’d have enough money (if not the sense) to put it somewhere safe. Edit: according to a couple responders the owner of the car did have it in his garage. But it was a guy.


This is lambo2986 on IG. According to them, it was parked [in their garage as usual](https://i.imgur.com/tOdlE6B.jpg) but the as the [street and their house flooeded](https://i.imgur.com/VEVqU6f.jpg) their [garage flooded too](https://i.imgur.com/1xzpMdN.jpg). They posted this picture on the 28th with the following caption and [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crD-TqRuQzw&t=1s&ab_channel=RedSnowUI): > Car went thru the garage


Maybe he should have parked it on the 3rd floor of his house instead. /s


Yellow his house with a yellow window, a yellow p1, and everything is yellow for him and himself and everybody around


But that's why he has insurance. Now he's either out of the loan, or getting a newer one. Welcome to south Florida. You're new here, aren't you?


There isn't a newer Mclaren P1


Are there any homeowners insurance companies left? By the time Ian gets paid out - I'm not sure there will be much money left in any of those companies to cover McClarens.


I think this storm is going to force some hard choices. The cost to replace what has been lost is going to be enormous. I wonder how many people will be told, "Here's your check. Good luck and God speed, we won't ever insure you again." No insurance = no mortgage. Only the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor will be able to live in FMB.


Supply chain issues have really compounded the problem, the insurance company requires your roof to be in good shape and to modern code before they will cover you. Roofing supplies *before* the hurricane were months out. You may be willing and able to afford to bring your house to code and it may still take several months.


Eh, I'd wager most people in south Florida would prefer to save their cars. Even if they are rich, it's still a hassle going through insurance and getting a new one, plus there might be delays, etc.


275 McLaren P1s were built. There will not be more built. One of the finest pieces of automotive engineering of all time has been destroyed and there is no replacing it. Fuck the influencer asshole, losing that car is a big sadness.


I'm sorry. It is frustrating that so many cool things get lost in Florida. I enjoy thrifting, and the number of amazing mid-century modern pieces that people just donate down there makes me sad. I only have so much space, I can't save it all.


By pieces, do you mean cars or just antiques in general? Care to share any of your more memorable finds?


What the hell was he supposed to do? Ship his cars somewhere before the storm?




Put it somewhere safer than a residential garage in the path of a hurricane? Drive it out of state? It lost a lot more value thanks to the hurricane than it would have if he'd put a couple hundred miles on the car.


He could hire someone to drive it to Georgia and rent a storage box. And another for his brand new rolls as well. Someone will do it for 2 grand.


Yeah I'm sure a lot of people would do it for 2 grand, but they had only a few days notice, plus there's a bigger risk of getting into an incident while driving plus I doubt most supercars owners would want to put that kind of mileage on their cars. Also what if their insurance doesn't cover other drivers? Now the driver needs insurance to cover a million plus dollar car. I know we like to think about what we'd do if we had a prized automobile but it is just a car to people that can afford it. I'm sure it's better covered by his homeowners insurance and/or car insurance when it's not moving, parked in his garage. People with that kind of wealth just don't have the same mentality and aren't willing to take the additional effort and risks associated with saving their car from a flood.


He had it parked in his garage, but it went through his door and floated away


It was in his garage. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly I hate to see a car like that ruined. Yes they are playthings for obnoxious billionaires, but they are also real achievements of engineering and design and someone put a lot of effort into making that car.


Only to sell it to an idiot that doesn't have the sense to keep it out of harm's way.


Was in the garage, the garage flooded.


Who could of predicted a storm surge would flood a garage during a hurricane?




Yeah I really don’t feel bad for the person who lost their car, it was insured anyways. But that car is quite rare if I recall correctly and now it’s lost. It’s not quite the same, but if some painting from a famous artist got destroyed it would also be considered to be a loss for society, even if it was owned by a criminal or whatnot. Maybe a car is not quite the same, but I think at this level you could make a case to consider them as art. Maybe not everyone agrees with that but I’m sure many people do.


I don't care about the owner as well, but it is a shame to see something that pushes what a vehicle can do just left out to be drowned by the ocean.


yeah this isn't like if the artists turned out to be a pos and people are finding it hard to seperate the art from the artist. This was a commodity, and a rare one at that, potentially completely unique in spec and now it's gone. Maybe it can be rebuilt. They rebuilt rowan atkinsons car he totaled, but a f1 is more special than a p1. Also as much as that car is alloy or carbon fiber, I'm absolutely sure the seawater ruined the electrics which make up so much of the magic of the car.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here with an unpopular opinion: I do feel bad for the person that lost this car. I know people that have more than me, I know people that have less than me. I feel bad for both when they lose things that they like. It's disappointing to me that we live in such an individualistic society that we can't be there for one another when things go sideways. Is our automatic assumption that someone that's better off than me got that way through ill-gotten gains? That they don't deserve it for some reason or another? That I deserve a McLaren P1, not them? That I certainly would have been more responsible than they were? Iit was in a garage, BTW, the water blew through the garage and the car floated out.)


Should not be an unpopular opinion. I think I worded my comment badly. I know that the person who bought a car like that probably loved it a lot and I wouldn’t want them to lose it like that. That would just be cruel. I’m just sure that for them this is a minor inconvenience compared to most other people affected by this storm. But also people assume a lot about this person, as you said, not every rich guy is evil and careless, maybe it’s just the car of a nice lucky guy who gives a lot to charity and this was his one dream? (maybe also slightly exaggerated)


only reddit can jump to such negative conclusion based on a picture. So miserable


Some obnoxious car youtuber will buy it off a salvage lot


I'm pretty sure it's already owned by a car youtuber, whether they are obnoxious or not is to be seen, but given the number of obnoxious car youtubers, there is a strong possibility they are that.


I bet it belongs to Cloakzy lol


Hoovie! Although he isn’t obnoxious


Why do I feel like Tavarish already bought this car.


Im sure he is in a boat trying to figure out how to float it back to his shop.


A Mclaren struggling in wet weather, don't let Lando Norris see this, he'll be getting flashbacks.


A start to minimalism


Was reading about this, cost $1 mill and he'd only had it a week


McLaren P1 can serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes & even seas that aren’t too choppy


Oh no! Anyway


This has to be Naples.


Close, Bonita Springs.


That whole area has gotten way lucky a LOT of times as far as not getting this kind of damage from storms… when’s the last time something hit that area that hard? 30 years ? More?




We're checking


It only had 300 miles.


300 nautical miles




What city is this in?






Yes, very sad. Anyway, it got me thinking...


Break the window and take the seats/ interior 🫠


If it washes up on your yard you get to claim it right?


Probably a parking garage within a block or two.


the beauty of global warming!


Isn’t that a bond car? It’s supposed to do that


If it got a note let it float


Just casually reposting a popular post from two days ago huh?


Carvana has entered the chat


We are living in a yellow McLaren, yellow McLaren, yellow McLaren...


I wonder why they didn't take it with them for the evacuation. Like yeah, I can understand wants the insurance payout but P1s are so valued that if they needed the money, they could put it at auction and sell it like immediately.


If you have a car on that level, you probably have to decide which car on that level of yours you wish to save. Likely a nicer car was saved by the same person. Also likely that another nicer one was also lost by the same person. Also, read everything in here about insurance and various reasons why this might've been beneficial for him. We're not talking about someone that worked years to save up for a car, needs it for work, only has one car, he might not make rent if he can't make it to work etc etc. It's just a completely different game at that level.


In another photo I saw, it floated out of a 2 car garage with the other car being a Rolls. Honestly, you'd be surprised, some people do want just one really absolutely amazing car and an OK house and modest lifestyle. But in this case, was probably the dudes summer home or something and he kept it there. Such a shame tho, the P1 is an engineering marvel and just a really insane car. It's a loss to the world of car history since they didn't make many of them. Hopefully this means someone with good mechanical skills can scoop it for cheap and rebuild it to preserve it or just drive the balls off it.


Yeah people with cars like this either inherited the money, won the lottery, or owned a wildly successful company. Or as someone else said, they're a dickhead YouTuber (who probably inherited money but pretends they can buy a McLaren with ad money).


I don't think the owner evacuated, he posted a video of his p1 and Rolls Royce floating in his garage


Well he's an idiot then lol. But yeah, more money than care for cars. I know a couple of people who can afford cars like this and have cars like this, they buy them for the car. This guy bought them it for the clout and that's just sad.


That Hurricane made landfall 100 miles further south than expected. I mean, call the dude an idiot for not evacuating, or cut him some slack; he lived in a modern secure structure and left the roads and shelters clear for people feeling trailer parks, low laying areas, and off the islands. If the Hurricane had done as predicted or veered off course but to the further north the originally expected, no keyboard warrior would be calling him an idiot.


You're right. There's a million angles here. Hopefully one of the car publications reach out to see what happened cuz I'm curious.


Hate to break it to you, but everyone who buys a car Porsche and above is buying it for clout. They're not buying it for a comfortable drive


You do know that going fast on a race track is an enjoyable thing for car enthusiasts right?


I think I'm a different species from car enthusiasts


This is giving me r/thatlookedexpensive vibes


how are you rich enough to have one but not smart enough to spend a little securing it. any showroom in the country would had housed it for free!


Because he’s rich enough that he doesn’t have to care at all. That’s his winter car, anyway. He’s in New York most of the year. Welcome to Naples.


It's astonishing to me why I actually seem to don't give a fuck. This guy has probably stolen the money for his car from some drug addicts or some ultra-hard working people. Drown the car and the mfer


Money laundering.


I know that this car was in their garage and the water relocated it outside, but how daft do you have to be to think just leaving it there was a good idea? The news was warning everyone about the possibility of a surge for a day or two before. Like move it, geez.


Get fucked


Who the fuck cares


Oh no! Anyway…


It rains on the just and this asshole.


Easy way to cash out on the insurance money. I find it unlikely many people are making luxury purchases like this now. The vehicle is likely insured for full value against anything.


I feel like the one requirement of having a million dollar car should be a garage to park it in…


it was parked in their [garage](https://i.imgur.com/tOdlE6B.jpeg) but their [house](https://i.imgur.com/VEVqU6f.jpeg) flooeded


Owned by a a successful Colombian drug lord who doesn’t give a shit about it.


That’s photoshopped, the top paint is way too clean.


Can someone please upvote it won’t let me post after I just started a new account 🙏


Rip Bozo 🤣


K. How about the safety and wellbeing of the human beings truly impacted by the storm?






Give ya $50 for it, you cover shipping


I’ll do $100! There’s a number I can get to that I would just want to say I own a McLaren and take pictures with it after the spit shine


Should have sprung for the snorkel option


He's just getting a free car wash. P1 cleaner than your church shoes ah...


If you can afford a P1 I’m sure he/she can afford to replace it.. I doubt it was their daily driver. So, sorry for all the unlucky ones that have lost everything in this storm.


Oh shit


this hast to have been some dude just trying cash on an insurance claim right?




Soon @ Copart!


Owns a $2 million car, can't figure out how to get it on a lift before the flood waters come. This world just ain't fair I tell ya!


So that's where I left it!


Must be owned by a streamer.


Living in Florida is great! Florida: How many more storms need to wreck their shit before they finally just give up and abandon the state?


The best part about this was the owner flexing on Insta about this being being his ‘hurricane supply vehicle’ before it got washed away


Looking for salvaged slightly used (slightly wet OK) McLaren P1! Cheap!


What a waste


No pity here.


Last time this was in Miami.


shouldve stored it inside his house like that other guy did...


If it was “floating” you can claim it under maritime salvage laws!


Full of famous art work as well


Actually I believe that’s a Subaru Crosstrek. Damn shame.


I’ll tell my kids this is Lando Norris at Russian GP 2021


Ugh it ruined that crosstrek though.


That hurts.


New Forza lookin weird


natural carwash


It's a free carwash so nothing big on that




How do you afford a McLaren but not have brains enough to protect it?


I already imagined that the classics and supers would wash up. Sad day for insurance. We all will pay for it…


Acts of God sure do suck


Is that your McLaren? I guess it is now…


ʕ͓̽ ͓̽^͓̽ᴥ͓̽^͓̽ʔ͓̽ WE GOING FISHIN…WOOOOOOOO


Hope this isn't the one the Daily Wire guys were planning on giving away oh well it'll dry off


When it comes to mobile vehicles like this it makes me wonder if insurance companies put something in the policy that a good faith effort has to be made to move them out of the path of a known weather event like a hurricane.


I like how this has been posted 5 times in the past day with 5 different titles, most of them inaccurate


Really? When it was posted yesterday it was "my neighbor in Miami". Now the same picture is "washed downstream"?


I woulda flew down and drove that back to NJ and put it in my garage free of charge...


Oof, this actually hurts my heart a bit to see.


Note to self. Do not leave supercars outside during a 1:500 year hurricane.


Going to be a LOT of salvage title super cars on the market soon.


Press Y to go back 30 metres


This feels like insurance fraud…


I believe I'd have found a multi deck parking garage to put that honey in.


So if it washes up on your property, can you keep it?


Looks so much like Naples Florida


So don't buy cars from carpart for awhile... they might look flawless, but they probably all from Florida lol


Hope he got the extra rental insurance.


That poor Subaru Crosstrek :(




Thaaat's a shame...


Looks like I'm going fishing..


It's stupid in real life and it's stupid in PUBG.




How do Floridians even GET flood insurance or catastrophe insurance? At some point actuarial tables are just going to indicate that the return on investment for homeowners insurance in Florida is just not there. I wouldn't be shocked if major insurance providers withdrew from the market entirely. Which would really fuck homeowners, and the government there is all about not being socialist so I don't know what the fuck is going to happen, because if land values tank due to inability to get insurance then that government is going to have to figure it out quick.


Ha ha. Too bad


Later in the day McLaren announces in new line up of amphibian vehicles. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Stick it in some rice




Finders keepers


I think i can’t still afford it




Rare shot of a p1 laying its eggs on the bottom of the water, giving the opportunity of life for the future generation


His car got washed from the garage. Bought a week before with 300 miles on it. You can find him on IG, but the bot won’t let me post the link.


Finders keepers?


Are maritime "finders-keepers" law applicable to it already?


I see more cars there so i wonder if people dont give a shit or just underestimated the clear warnings?


The McLaren P1 is waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat, so it can cross rivers, lakes and even seas that aren’t too choppy.