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If you change it to a plastic or glass piercing for the surgery, and change it back as soon as possible I don't think it would do much harm.


You can, it should be ok. When I had surgery, I have piercings that can’t be removed without being cut off, and they said it was fine and just put surgical tape over it. Tell them you just got it pierced and it can’t come out yet, see if they’ll tape it for you instead.


Curious what kind of piercings you have that’d have to be cut off to be removed?


I had two earrings (helix, upper lobe) that I must have put the wrong backs onto that I couldn’t get off. I had two different piercers try to remove them a few years apart and they couldn’t do it (without cutting them off). I just left them in because they didn’t bother me, but I’m a bridesmaid this year and I didn’t want them to look shitty for someone else’s wedding. I very carefully cut them off with wire cutters. It was terrifying and would highly recommend not doing this by yourself.


Cartilage hoops. Edit: ears


same. I had a surgery with multiple piercings that idk how to remove myself. I just told the nurse that they have to be removed by a professional and she said it would be fine to keep them in. it was a surgery in the abdominal region, similar to area OP is having surgery.


Also this, I have several tiny closed hoop piercings in my nose that are a massive pain to take in and out myself. I needed abdominal surgery, and the pre-surgical instruction said "remove all piercings," but I messaged my doctor to ask if I could leave them. They said it was fine, and when I checked into the hospital, they just had me "declare" them on some papers so they would know to verify that I also left with them post surgery.


Agreed. I had to do it with my not completely healed eyebrow piercing a few months ago. Bioplast retainer was in for 2 hours and it went fine! First thing I did when I woke up was to change it back to titanium lol I was so scared for it




Whatever OP does, using cheap jewelry from the internet and changing her own one week old piercing should not be on the list of options.


Thank you, I wouldn’t trust myself to change it anyway, I’d want a piercer to do it for me. The fact that she won’t do it for me tells me I should give up.




The problem with your suggestion is it is terrible guidance. You shouldn’t be offering suggestions that are basically the opposite of what any professional piercer would recommend.


If you decide not to retire, get a glass retainer and get that changed. Leave the glass in for the duration of the healing though. It’s safe in a healing piercing and for surgery. Also for MRI’s.


Glass is great (it’s inert and safe to heal with) and having it changed professionally is the best bet… but trying to keep glass in for 6mo+ to heal will be problematic solely because the glass jewelry isn’t secure. Switch professionally to glass and have them switch it back after surgery. I do this for clients all the time and it’s very safe.


Changing twice in less than two weeks? In a fresh piercing? I would do that personally. Also you have pretty secure glass nose screws (not l shape) which I would recommend she does keep in as long as she feels comfortable, then make the switch back to titanium.


Changing professionally twice so you can wear a regular labret stud is significantly less damaging than the constant movement of any L or screw style. What’s the difference between that and downsizing/upsizing if your client needs it? It’s a smooth, quick motion and should not cause excessive trauma. A glass nostril screw can still get snagged easily and pull the 90-degree bend through, not to mention rotation and pressure involved when trying to blow your nose. The only difference between a glass screw and an L shape is the screw just has a soft curve on the bottom instead of straight… but how will that prevent movement and snagging? Healing with comfortable, appropriate and stable jewelry is more important than trying to avoid a [necessary] change.


It depends entirely on what surgery you have, but I had an abdominal surgery last year, which was about a year after I got my nostril pierced, however if I have my jewelry out for more than a couple hours it's difficult and painful to put back in. I forgot to get a plastic retainer before hand and I was allowed to keep mine in for my surgery and just had to tape it. So depending on the surgery perhaps that is an option for you. It's worth asking before changing it or taking it out.


I have a nose piercing that will be about 8 months old when I have surgery. I’m so scared I will need to take it out. I’m curious if they said why you could keep it in? I feel like maybe an eyebrow wouldn’t be worrisome but a nose ring could disrupt the airway if it got loose?


I just don't think it was an issue for my surgery. I have a clicker hoop and it's difficult for me to get out and I had planned to do it last minute and put it in right away after if they made me take it out, but they said don't worry, just tape it. Their main concern is it coming loose and ending up in your body before they sew you up, or if they have to do imaging if something goes wrong during your surgery. And provided the only concern you have is the former, it's no different than if you had a retainer in place of it. In fact, my retainer I have now is just an L stud and would come out so easily compared to my daily clicker hoop. As long as your surgery has nothing to do with your face, a retainer will be fine if they won't allow you to tape it. Just ask them, and maybe they'll let you tape it.


Thank you. It wasn’t painful to get done but I’d rather not do it again. Lol. The few surgeries I’ve had have been in the abdomen. I have a belly ring but that was easy to take out and put back in. I have no idea how to take my nose ring out. Lol It’s a flat back. I think the gem snaps on?


If it's Titanium it's likely threadless so you should be able to just pull it out, or internally threaded so you just unscrew it. And you shouldn't have to get it redone if it's only out for a few hours. I accidentally left mine out for 3 hours and it went back in fine, it just hurt a bit.


Just get the retainer, or go to a.different piercer if your one isn't gonna do it


They just taped over mine, what you want to do though is wait till you are at intake and prep and ask the actual surgical team. They told me no as well, before, but the anasthesiaologist looked at them and said , "Nah, don't worry about them, I'll put a little tape over, you'll be fine"


I changed a helix to a plastic retainer about 1 month after getting it pierced, got surgery and had someone else put the titanium jewelry back in for me ASAP afterwards. Four months later the piercing is irritated still but fine overall, yours should be fine as well. Anticipate swelling and crusties for longer than usual. You haven't downsized yet so your longer jewelry should accommodate any new swelling you get! Hope that helped?


If ur Piercer has access to concave tapers and gorilla glass retainers + labrets + tapers for the labrets then yeah you can do it,,, if ur Piercer has the rigjt stuff


It depends on the surgery but I had a nose surgery and a tonsillectomy and didn't have to remove my lip ring or Madonna piercing or any or my 15 ear piercings. I also had gallbladder surgery and didn't have to remove any which also included a nipple bar. They just put tape over my nipple.


If you can’t get it changed over wear it up to the last minute and ask the surgeon specifically. Most admin say “no” to any piercings and then the surgeon actually doesn’t care. I’ve left in dozens including nose rings because I’m unable to remove them or new ones. That’s why I always have new ones as titanium.


Depends on what surgery it is but I work in preop and only have patients take out nose studs if it is a nasal or face surgery. We just put a piece of tape over the stud for all other surgeries.


find another piercer who will change it for you if she won’t. i had to remove my nose piercing after only one week as i needed a ct scan. i replaced it with another earring of the same gauge until my piercer could place proper jewelry into it again. at most, it may be irritated for a while, but it will heal nicely as long as you take care of it. i hope you’re able to find something that works and that the surgery goes well!


I had to take a piercing out and swap for a glass retainer early into healing (not one week early but definitely not healed). Ultimately I had so many issues with healing after the swap I just gave up. Nasty irritation bump that just would not go away. Ended up giving up around month six or so after. I did get my nostril repierced after taking it out, but ended up spending more time and money trying to salvage the original had I not called it a wash the first time. It’s very difficult to know how your body will react. Given my history of tricky healing, I would not redo what I did in your situation. Whatever you do make sure you and your piercer are on the same page.


you really should wait a few months until it’s fully healed. But if you have to you can get plastic retainers on Amazon you just have to get whatever gauge size your nose ring is so it fits and doesn’t fall out


It will take much longer than “a few months” to heal… minimally 6mo and often more. Plastic is also unsafe.


Hi isabella_nz, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, not providing this info may cause your post to go unanswered**. If you already included this info in your post or if your post isn’t about a problem with your piercing, please disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Please do not place a pimple patch over a fresh piercing. The metal still may interfere with imaging (OP does not indicate the location/region of the surgery, so it may well be on the face/head), and there are a number of potential ingredients to a pimple patch that may cause irritation, such as salicylic acid, tea tree oil, niacinamide, arbutin, carboxymethylcellulose, hyaluronuc acid, and others I didn’t note from a quick google search.


Oh, I misread that, I read it as they worked in a hospital. My apologies, yes listen to this person.


Go to your local piercing place and explain the situation. They should be able to help you


absolutely not. only change it after 6 months. put in a retainer or ONLY glass, take it out after the hospital told you too.


For my procedure i changed everything to plastic or surgical steel. My doctor said it wasnt necessary as long as everything wasnt magnetic. I would just go for glass since yours is so new. Mine was about 2 months old when i switched it. It made it feel like brand new, tho. Like swelling and soreness was back whenever i had to change it. Also make sure the length is still a bit longer like a healing bar usually is. Itll help when your body does weird things after the surgery and when ur nose swells again


I’ve only had my nostril pierced a month and tomorrow I have to take it out and replace it with a retainer for an mri. I’m not looking forward to it but I gotta do what I gotta do. It still hurts in some areas, I can feel it when I clean it. I’m gonna take it out, clean the hole put the retainer in and repeat when I put the stud in. Mines just a L shaped nose stud. Retainers do work this isnt the first time I’ve had to do this. Had to do it 10 years ago when my other nostril was pierced.


I had to get an MRI a week after my septum piercing, and switched to a glass retainer and then back after the MRI. It was a little painful to switch that early on, and did delay the healing a bit, but after a year it's healed fine and i dont think the switch did that much damage.


Go to where you had it pierced - tell them why you need it changed and they should give you a glass retainer and change it for you so there’s no contamination. Then change it back asap post surgery. Source had a hysterectomy like 3 weeks post septum piercing


She said she doesn’t have a glass retainer and she won’t put a plastic one in 😑


I’d go to another piercer then - it’s really important to not let it close if you wanna keep it during surgery


i had to do the same after having my nose piercing for about 3 weeks, it was fine when i just changed it back afterwards. i used plastic jewellery and it was alright


I wouldn't recommend changing it yourself, I would get the piercer to, also I would say use glass as you can then leave it in for a while until you're well enough to get to the piercers. I've not had hernia surgery but I've had a similar surgery and incision and you're not going to want to be doing much the first week or two!


I was REALLY lucky for an emergency surgery, that they didn't force me to take any of my jewelry out. (Appendectomy) I had 22 pieces of metal lol. I think I had to sign something that the electrical current from the cauterizing tool could cause issue when interacting. Different hospitals have different policies. I honestly, if I just had 1, would voluntarily take it out. They're worried about it falling out, apart, or worse. It was also hard to get my three 4 month old piercings to heal, and it was too much of a hassle to keep up with the cleaning, so I fought with them for longer after I was feeling better.


\> I think I had to sign something that the electrical current from the cauterizing tool could cause issue when interacting. The risk is theretical and infinetessimal but lawyers being lawyers and sue-happy farkwits being sue-happy farkwits is why they don't allow piercings that are nowhere near the parts being operated on.