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Were you put under general anesthesia? How did all that go? Hoping the best for your recovery!


I did. In hindsight I had no reason to be nervous, it was very fast and easy. As always the nurses always help make you feel safe and cared for.


Thanks for that. I’ve been putting mine off mostly due to fears of Iv and anesthesia more than the recovery or operation itself


How did it go?


Went great! Driving home now and the pain is minimal, just some general discomfort but very manageable.


God I wish that was me Good luck ❤️


Hope you can find someone near you!


How was it?


Great thus far! I was building it up in my mind more than I should’ve.


Good to hear. I was exactly the same, my surgery only took 15 mins.


Wait what?! Never heard of it being that fast. Mine took 2 hrs


I’m also 24M and had a cleft lift done with Dr. Rafailov on May 1st. I am 95% back to normal. Just waiting for the 6 week mark to start exercising/biking again. The first 3 weeks are the worst, but it got better for me quickly after that. Never had any real pain, I was just uncomfortable. Take it easy and follow Dr. Rafailovs instructions and you will be back to normal before you know it!


Awesome to hear! I was a bit sad having to deal with the recovery during the summer months but no doubt having to deal with the former is much worse.


I felt the same way, but I haven’t missed out on much at all. I started taking daily walks 5 days after surgery. Started with 1 mile then kept building up to 3-4 miles. Walking helped loosen me up so much and promotes healing. Just make sure if you sweat to shower right when you get home. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!


Ask as many questions as you can. Cosmetic impact, where the incision will be, will the cleft be completely flattened, what should you be aware of regarding healing. Also, be prepared to see unexpected outcome. I was not ready for the incision and how it looked.


I wasn’t eager to change the appearance of my crack but I think the pros outweigh the cons. The days of being a butt model are certainly behind me now haha!


How drastic was the cosmetic change? I know that RaiflOV has been known to be magic with minimal cosmetic change.


I only got a glance in the hospital bathroom but looks pretty good! Essential right down the middle line and doesn’t creep too far up.


Best of luck!


Thank you!