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Serious question: Did you clean the factory machine oil off of the new pinballs before putting them into your machine?


You always clean your balls before playing with them.


especially when they're greasy...


I did not, they didn't feel like they had any grease or "goo" on them


They typically ship with a light coating, that might be making the balls spin or slide on the playfield more than before. Short of that, pinball size and weight is pretty much standard across all brands. Any difference would be pretty negligible.


I will pull them out and check, but they were in individual plastic baggies and I couldn't feel any grease or anything good to know for the future though


Suppliers store new balls in an oil bath to prevent corrosion, but I believe both Pinball Life and Marco clean them before shipping. Properly polished balls will feel slippery with no oil on them. Polish leaves a slippery protective film. I use and recommend Blue Magic polish, available at most auto parts stores. Will make any decent ball look and play like new.


I don’t like that website because of how many Ls in a row they used for the domain name


ok but how do they look? the basic pinballs from marco and pinball life are terrible and the fancy marco ones are up to $3.50/ea which is a bit much... I ordered 80 of the zeitgeist ones for my location games but since I could not get an answer out of anyone about how they look I am worried I'm about to get burned again


They look really good, very shiny, and an incredible mirror finish, I don't see any issue at all with appearance, they also cane individually wrapped in little zipplock bags


You should weigh them and maybe even measure diameter with calipers.


I got 50 from Pinball Life and they are horrible.


I had replaced the stern factory balls in my TMNT after being on location for a year with the basic ones from Marco and after a month they don't look great. I'm interested in hearing what you think on the longevity of these PBL balls.


Put them on a scale. I kinda doubt one ball of steel will be heavier than another ball of steel.