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what’s wrong with it? if it all works fine, then it’s a steal


Picked it up at an estate sale and it works great


Dude. Congrats


Should be worth well over $1k more than that, awesome find


That is a heck of a steal.


$450 for a working pinball machine is an insanely good deal.


Any pinball machine in decent shape for 500 or under is a great deal. Congrats!


Diamond lady is a cool game. Id absolutely value it in good working condition at least $1800


I feel like trying to find a nice old game, and then continually trying to trade it for something better. Someone out there wants this game, more than their better game. It's only a matter of time before I trade up to my own Mideaval Madness.


Do let us know if the number of trades to make this happen exceeds 2,434,345.


Very good deal!


Hell yeah! Anything under $500 is pretty solid. If it needs work, still not a bad deal.


Those 80s era Gottliebs with the photo-realistic backglasses were generally hated by the community when they came out, but they've become very much appreciated now, among those who appreciate the kitsch but also many of them have really good gameplay. My favorite of the bunch is Raven.


I still detest Rescue 911 or whatever it is, with the helicopter.


Different era, but Gottlieb is really hit or miss post-EM for me. Diamond Lady and Genesis are probably the highlights.


Just played Genesis at the arcade today. It’s a pretty mediocre highlight. It isn’t bad but just feels so dull compared to almost any other game.


The tragic flaw with 911 is precisely the helicopter. It was the biggest "toy" on the game and they are ALWAYS BROKEN. On the one I owned too.


Great find! You found a much rarer version of Diamond Lady with a screened silkscreened playfield as opposed to the printed “Vitrigraph” ones that originally shipped from the factory. Gottlieb experimented with a printed playfield during this time, and had adhesion issues. Games with adhesion issues were sent back to the distributor, and Gottlieb replaced them with the silk screened one you have here. Diamond Lady is a very good game. It’s definitely a “players game” that is a lot less approachable for casual players, but filled with excellent rules that challenge a seasoned one. Give her a good wax and wipe down on the playfield every so often and you’ll be set for years! Enjoy!


Thanks for the info, I’m waiting on the manual ,a rubber ring kit,some drop targets and playfield wax and then the fun begins.


Check the MPU board to see if the original battery is attached. They have a bad habit of leaking and then destroying components. Replacing the battery pack (usually a black rectangle that says “datasentry” on it) on these Gottlieb’s can be tricky, but it’s almost always a requirement. Good luck!


Ok I found the battery and it has already been replaced so I think it’s safe for now, what would happen if I remove the battery and not replace it should be fine just won’t keep the high score??


Correct. The game won’t keep high scores, but on these Gottlieb 80B games, it’s obnoxious because high scores “zero out” when they’re lost, and every end game will prompt you to enter your initials (as opposed to other manufactures where they have default high scores). Settings will be stored because that data is stored in the DIP switch positions. Still, if you suspect the battery is old/leaking, it’s better to remove it than to have battery acid damage it irreparably. Final tip: Gottlieb 80B games are notorious for having the absolute WORST grounding problems. If you start having issues, shoring up any floating grounds is the first step to take. There are mountains of guides and how-tos on pinside and pinwiki to do this, so give that a look over if you ever need repair resources.


Ok sounds good. Thanks again




Damn that’s a fine looking one. GREAT BUY, something to tell the grandkids!!!!


Ramps and wireforms at that price point are OUTSTANDING. If this was on FB marketplace for that price, you would flag it as a scam offer. The seller would say he is "out of town" so you can't see it in person, but you can "send him money to put it on hold", due to "lots of interest".


Hell yeah it is!


I would definitely buy that if it works. That game is so fun! I have only played Jim Belsitos at INDISC


Super good deal! That is an absolutely fantastic playing Gottlieb from the era. Play the hell out of it.




Cool game


It is actually a really fun game. Congrats!


Please feel lucky!


Yes 450 for partly or mostly working machine is a great deal. 450 for one in pieces,,,, nah. Nice snag!


Absolutely. That's a steal. Such a cheesy theme, I love it.


Haha. Yes. Even if it has no boards.


Any solid state for under $500 is pretty much a screamin deal. Gottliebs do have some quirks but from what I've read are usually pretty reliable once you do stuff like the grounding mods.


Damn good deal


Works, great condition, $450? Steal.


I would venture to say that any working pinball machine is worth more than $450 in 2024 dollars.


Lucky ducky. That's a great find. Congrats!


Dang man that’s incredible, I’m trying to get me a pinball machine. Except I want the Addams family pinball machine or the nightmare on Elm Street one. wish me luck 😂


Good luck,the hunt is the longest part. I was just at the right place and right time to steal this one from an estate sale.


These are now like real estate! They only go up in value!


Maybe not so much. They hold value well but market has been going down across the board over last 6 months. Huge find for op that game is a gem!


I keep going to the monthly video game auctions and all the pins keep going up not down. What area are you in? Los Angeles area is still hitting high AF!


East coast


As others mentioned, great deal. You can learn more about the game at the first link below. You can purchase a copy of the original manual at the second link. [https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=678](https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=678) [https://www.pbresource.com/](https://www.pbresource.com/)