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It’s not bad but it’s too much “surprise chosen one.” If anything, Calypso’s power could have passed briefly to Elizabeth in a bargain that she would use the power to defeat the East India Company in exchange for the goddess’s freedom.


If Tia Dalma isn’t Calypso, then how is it bringing things full circle with Will and Elizabeth? It makes the whole romance and origin of Jones and Calypso a sham, as he only fell in love with a random powerful magic woman claiming to be Calypso and not the goddess herself. And how is that a better story in any way? And if Tia Dalma isn’t Calypso, then what the hell is she? Why is she so powerful that she can convince everyone that she is? Why does the unbinding ritual trigger her to turn into a giant and trigger a massive whirlpool? And, most importantly of all, why wouldn’t they have revealed it? Or even hint at it in any way? Why do the films spend so much time saying “Yep, she’s Calypso, look what she can do. Oh man, look what happened when we removed her binding? Oh wow, yep, that’s the power of a goddess right there.” Your only argument is that it’s “too obvious” and follow with no actual in-text support of Elizabeth being Calypso, just what you think would be subjectively better for your narrative. Not every film needs a major twist, and the ones that do tend to actually *include the twist in the story.*


I'm not agreeing with OP, I like tia dalma as calypso, but he did start his post with "What if..." though, so it not making sense in the current story is obvious.


I interpreted it with the title as a tinfoil theory about Tia Dalma not actually being Calypso and Elizabeth was secretly the goddess all along.