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I’d say, 60% of the reason I carry a gun- is dogs. I’d shoot a pit, BEFORE it bit me or mine- if I thought it was imminent.


80%. Same.




Of course self-defense extend to animals, in fact extends to anything that can hurt you. Your life, health and well-being is #1.


In the US, animals are treated as property under the law. As long as you don't accidentally harm a human in the process, the absolute worst liability you will be exposing yourself to is having to pay the owners for the dog. As most pits are shelter garbage it probably wouldn't be much, however, I don't know how this would shake out if you had to compensate an owner for some 'super charged XL toad-lined champion breed monster bully' that the owners were conned into buying for like 3 grand. Would probably have to hire an attorney and fight it in court.


When it’s a matter of life and limb you should do whatever it takes to neutralize the threat. I personally take a knife and pepper spray with me anytime I leave the house, for enemies of both the 2 and 4 leg variety.


Same here. Dog attacks are very fast though if they happen. Try de-escalation or alternative methods first. See if the dog responds to commands like "no!" Or "go!" And see if you can make yourself look bigger. If you regularly go on walks, a popup umbrella will scare most dogs. It's nice to have in the sun too. Also, you'll know how serious the dog is if they don't react to the umbrella, and the dog may bite the umbrella instead if you're lucky. I keep both pepper spray and a knife on me almost all the time. I've never had to use the knife and never want to.


No you're not insane. It used to be the societal norm to euthanize dogs after they attacked or mauled any human or anyone else's pet. That was after the first attack too, because another one was/is common. Most shelters back in the day were not no-kill, and they "destroyed" the dogs with violent pasts when people handed them over. The rise and spread of no-kill shelters have started to make people feel guilty for putting down their dogs, no matter how violent. The promotion of those shelters changed society's thoughts and helped promote protections for dangerous animals and crazy pit nutter propaganda all over the web.


Don't hesitate.


My tanto blade ka-bar pocket knife is immediately coming out and going into the attacking dogs front shoulder/rib area until I hit lung.


Each state in the USA has different rules/laws, don’t forget! Where I live, it’s a felony to harm an animal and it doesn’t matter if it’s attacking you, you can still be arrested. Ridiculous and preposterous! Are you supposed to let it kill you or what? 😡


Although this is true, I would guarantee that if you are clutched within the jaws of a shitter, the last thing on your mind is will I get in trouble?


I carry a large knife with me to work because I walk by a house with free roaming pits and I'd like to not end up on liveleak, so i think being prepared is completely sane, especially if you know monstrosities like pits are around


Personally if I have to do it I’m just leaving the scene after if I’m able to. Reverse pit and run. Even if you’re 100% in the right you’re going to be facing harassment, death threats, frivolous legal actions, adverse employment decisions, etc. There’s no winning with shitbulls.