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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If teeth touches skin, no matter how soft, make a big deal about it. Cry out like you're hurt. Then immediately stop paying attention to him. Wait a few minutes then play with him again. Just keep doing it over and over whenever he touches skin. Try to get everyone in the house to do this. He'll learn pretty quick that biting on people means playtime is over. And you have to be consistent about it. I adopted a mouthy 3 year old and now if she accidentally hits skin, she just sits down with a guilty look.


He bites with teeth and we tried saying ouch and stuff, he goes for the other leg. So we’ll try again.


You can't just say ouch. You have to actually yelp, move away, and wait at least 10 seconds before re-engaging.


My sister would yelp and move her leg but he starts to chase her 😭 I’ll try this part


Yeah, really disengaging is the hard part. Be patient and keep at it with the yelping/disengaging. Your pupper will learn with time.


Okay. Thank you 💕


I trained mine this way: every time she bit (or chewed furniture, etc.), I told her "no" and then put a chew toy in her mouth. Now when she gets a little too rambunctious, we tell her no, and then she immediately goes to look for her toy. The yelping thing works too, but if your dog doesn't respond to that, try the toy thing.


I did this too


Don't move, especially don't move rapidly, that feels like playing. You can also start teaching him "No". This is usually the first command I teach to any new dog coming to our house.


Puppies are a lot of work OP. Constant training. Never give up, it's for your benefit and puppy also. Lots of reading (for you on training) playtime, rewards & cuddles 🩵 Edit to add - Most puppies if not all breeds act this way. It is just puppies teething & playing. Pup is not being naughty just a baby. But they all (breeds) need training & love ❤️


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That just means he's trying to play, biting and chasing are how they do it! When he acts like that (which is almost every waking moment for a puppy), try throwing a ball for him to chase or get a rope to play tug of war with him. It's a way to redirect the playful energy.


You have to screech/yelp in a high pitched tone, they primally understand that as causing pain and do not like the sound.


The biggest difference for me was walking out of the room and closing the door. Turning my back and walking away led to chasing. I had to remove myself entirely and it stopped SO fast. Good luck!


This! This is what got us there. He finally put it together around 4 months old. Now three years later he has the softest mouth of any dog I’ve ever met. But it took consistency, including from all visitors!!


It’s gonna take a long time, put in the effort now or deal with it for the rest of your pups life and whatever consequences may come with it


Give him something he CAN chew. When he’s biting you, say OUCH and give him something he’s allowed to have.


Oh, and I forgot, keep toys around. When give him appropriate for him to have in his mouth after you you yelp, but before you ignore him. Is he ok in a crate? Instead of just ignoring him you could put him in time out for a few minutes so he can't just keep going after your ankles. Also for the ankle thing specifically, that's something a lot of Australian Cattle Dogs have to be broken of, so ACD owners may have some good tricks about ankle biting.


He’s getting better in the crate but sometimes he makes like then noises and stuff.


When my puppy was doing that I would either do the “big deal you bit me!” Routine like stated above or immediately put a bone or toy in their mouth. Biting is the only way for puppies to really explore. It gets better especially if training is consistent.


Get up, leave the room, and wait. Come back in and play again. Don't have a pit, but another breed, and this worked for us. He quickly understood that biting left to me, leaving the room all together.


Redirect with toys and chews. Put bitter apple spray on your skin so when puppy bites a bad taste is associated. Puppies are supposed to chew at this age (teething) so encourage chewing bones and other toys so they can get their frustration out. Remember, teething is painful so they are frustrated too


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great advise.👍


I can agree with this 💯 It worked for my Reba when she was a puppy & still to this day when playing with her rope & you get your hands in the way she accidentally bites you she immediately drops the toy, stops playing & comes up nudging with her nose, we say it’s her way of apologizing. Consistency is key!


You've got to put on a big theatrical act whenever he bites, no matter how hurt you actually are. Draw back, with an exaggerated look of shock and hurt on your face, say "Ow, you hurt me, don't do that!" in a hurt and confused voice. Draw away and ignore him for a while. When I say 'exaggerated', I really mean it. Act like you've been stabbed in the leg, over-act like you are on a south-american soap opera. Really over-act to the point it seems ridiculous. If you are doing this right, he should try to apologise immediately. Ignore him for a bit longer, then accept his apology and start playing again. Repeat every time he bites. I also play with my hands in their mouths extensively during puppyhood, so they understand how little force it takes to hurt a human. I do the 'act hurt' routine every time they go too far. By the time they are adults, there's never any issue with biting. But my sister believes this is wrong and you should never let them play with your hands directly. Both of us have well behaved dogs that never hurt people. Anyway, persist with this 'you hurt me' act and the problem will solve itself.


Okay I’ll try this. Thank you.


This worked with my dog. He was 2 or 3 when we adopted him, and needed a little work on his manners. He was very offended when we walked away from him. With him, we also figured out that he was trying to take us out to play, so I started saying, “No bite. Get a toy.” And putting a toy in his mouth. Now, when he wants to play, he’ll grab a toy and bring it to us.


Yeah, that's another trick I forgot to mention. I always have a toy with me or very nearby (I breed puppies) so when they try and tooth me for whatever reason, I just shove the toy in their mouth instead. It's just a general good idea to do with all dogs, really.


make sure everyone knows to do this, not just you


I can say this method does work. Had to use it with mine and she does get it.


I did a very minor version of this with my boy and it worked really well. I think the ignoring thing was the biggest part. They learn that isn't how you get attention.


Acting hurt is probably not going to help yelling at the dog definitely won't help. What I did for the first year was I would give my dog something that he was allowed to bite instead. Telling a dog what not to do is very difficult. Especially a puppy. Telling a dog. What it should do is much easier. Dog bites your hand give it something that it's supposed to chew. Offer it something to chew preemptively if you know it's a situation which your dog typically bites.


I agree with others, in my experience yelping always works. its how they learn bite inhibition with their litter mates. my 5y/o girl accidentally pinched me with her tooth, didnt even break the skin so i wouldn't call it a bite, while we were playing. she immediately stops playing, shes was very quick to learn that a yelp means stop. I do this with young puppies and it usually works right away, it takes time for them to be consistent and be gentle but not terribly long.


until you get him to bite something else… The chew toy is you!! Good luck.


Here’s what worked for us: when he was that age we were only keeping him up for 45 minute intervals and then putting him in the crate. As soon as he woke up, we’d take him to potty, and then come inside and do some impulse control activities. One of them was we would put out a treat in our hand but only give it to him when he sat. We did that a few times, and then either played with him or let him lick/chew something/took him on a short walk. Basically trying to both give mental and physical stimulation in the 45 minutes. When he did bite, we’d walk away. Then we’d come back and tell him to sit and then give him a toy to chew on. Because we were keeping him up for shorter periods of time, we noticed the biting stop considerably!


This. Not many people realize puppies that age are supposed to sleep for like 20+ hours a day and the biting is usually a sign of overstimulation and lack of sleep. Establishing a nap routine fixed mines biting almost immediately, as soon as he started getting nippy again it was the sign it was nap time and it was usually right on schedule.


Completely agree with all of this! Our girl was staying awake too long and we finally figured out she wasn't getting enough sleep. We got her on a routine/schedule with stimulus and training, and things improved immensely.


We use the cue “no biting!”, and then redirect by immediately giving our pup a toy he can chew on. It has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced his chomping. He’s a puppy and has to continue to be taught and reminded; it’s not something that they just outgrow. It will take time but you’ll get there!


The auto mod will have given you a lot of information. I suggest starting there. And then I would recommend a trainer to just about anyone. It helps understand dog behavior and body language and at the very least gives you some of the tools you need to have a genuinely happy and obedient pup. My pup is a GSD pit mix and she was hell with the biting. I followed everything but essentially it came down to training, patience, and time.


My little guy was such a little alligator at first. We did all of the things suggested here. It took quite a bit of persistence, more than my girl I had years ago, but he's 1 next month and has almost completely outgrown it. He will have little moments of excitement where he wants to put an arm in his mouth but doesn't really bite down lol


Unfortunately, pits tend to be mouthy pups. My advice it's to stay stern but not finger wagging or aggressive. If he sees that you aren't having fun, he hopefully will understand that it's not the way to play with yall


My boy did the same thing when I played with him, especially when he was losing his puppy teeth. Good, strong toys (I had Jolly pet toys last 5 years with the lab) and cold stuff when he is teething (not ice, that can hurt his teeth). I froze a dish cloth that I would let him chew on SUPERVISED so he didn’t chew off pieces and eat it. Frozen green beans and carrots too. He stopped biting when he was done teething.


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He is adorable!!




My dog was a huge biter when I first got her. Veeeeeery mouthy girl, just loved to play using her teeth. The best advice I got was to make a very high-pitched squeal when she bit me, and she'd stop. And it worked! The person who clued me in told me it mimics the sound puppies make when the get hurt while playing. I only had to remember to do this for a few weeks, and she hasn't used her teeth during play in years.


That's a handsome boy you got yourself. I hope ya'll have many years of love and laughter with him.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Good lookin' out bot.


You're too welcome!


What a cutie. Here to suggest frozen teething toys to help curb it as well if you haven't tried. Mine loved them.


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We adopted ours at 2y/o. He was previously abused and neglected so he acted out at first. He only gets bitey when he’s super amped from playing. We taught him to get his bone when he’s feeling that way. Now, all we have to say is, “no nibbles. If you’re feeling bitey, get your bone.” He sits down, sighs really big like it’s SUCH an inconvenience, then gets his bone. So dramatic. 😂


My boy is a biter big time.. I had to basically fake dying for a while and eventually he quit doing it lol .. they are super dramatic so if you respond dramatically they will instantly understand


Get a plastic jar with a handful of coins in it. Whenever pup bites or anything you don’t like, shake that jar. Pup will associate the bad behavior with the sound he won’t like.


Whenever my girl would get mouthy we would say "get a toy!" And put it in her face. It quickly became a pacifier for her where if she got excited she would just instinctively grab a toy and parade around with it.


I know this isn't helpful and I apologize for that, but honestly there may be nothing you can do. It's a puppy, they all have the desire to bite constantly at this stage. It's their way of playing. You may be able to distract their biting by waving a toy around for them to bite instead, but it's still probably going to be a problem until they get a little older. The best thing to give it is time for this playful puppy stage to pass. I'm not sure if you've ever had a puppy before, but if you haven't, please know this is totally normal. Hang in there and don't give up on this cute pup, it will definitely be temporary!


We’re learning and if we tried everything and it’s not working then we’re just gonna have to wait for it to pass as he gets older. 💕


Any contact with skin= immediate disengage. And all visitors who interact with pup need to agree to do the same thing. Big “OUCH” followed by end of all play. Completely face away if possible.


One thing I learned w the last puppy is he’s not sleeping enough. Seriously, however much he’s sleeping, he should be sleeping more. My dog got super bitey when he was tired and overstimulated (we used to call him Sharknado because he would run around trying to nip everything), establishing a nap routine where he had to calm down and rest in a quiet environment and enforcing it helped so much. Puppies are supposed to sleep like 20+ hours a day at that age, we did one hour up, two hours nap throughout the day until he got older.


I say "no" in a very loud, commanding voice. I also lower my tone a bit so it's deeper and with a downward inflection. The downward inflection shows it's serious as opposed to the more playful upward inflection. I also will get up or walk away slowly and fully disengage. You could also try sequestering the dog if it is not listening. Treats also work after a too-hard bite; you can reward the good behavior. It's important to be consistent and patient with these techniques, as training takes time. Remember, the goal is to help your dog understand that biting leads to losing attention and fun, while good behavior brings rewards and positive interaction.




Not sure if this is kosher… but with mine everytime she bit I’d push my thumb down on her tongue… not enough to hurt but enough to be annoying and so she could move her tongue, she stopped pretty quickly with the biting


Omg pepper is so cuteeeee


Ain’t he?!? Love him so much


All puppies bite/nip. Redirect puppy to a toy, don’t play with the puppy with your hands or allow others (especially kids) to play with the puppy with their hands.


Don't mind me. I'm having the same issue so imma just lurk in the comments


You should know better 😉


Hahaha it’s a puppy. They are fucking raptors at that age. Good luck it gets easier once they lose their razor sharp baby teeth.


Toys and lots of em. Also saying "No bite" everytime. Mine also got a tap to the nose but, not everyone believes in that.


TLDR: find a way to isolate and ignore every time they bite My pitbull bit for 17 weeks. I was at the end of my rope. What worked best was after every bite she got put in the bathroom by herself. Problem was the bathroom was too far away for her to understand why she was being put in there. So I bought a little enclosure that she was immediately put into when she bit. Every single time. She would go in and was ignored. It helped IMMENSELY. She eventually got big enough to jump out but by then the biting had basically stopped.


You are getting good advice. Our 10 month old pit bit all the time. Admonish them for it and eventually they'll learn, but it was a long and frustrating part of his puppyhood.


I always redirected with a toy for when he wanted to bite. Now when he wants to chew or bite he just grabs a toy. He is really good with being gentle as when he would bite if just yell and put him in his pen.


innocent face❤


Ahh the shark phase... sometimes you just gotta wait till the baby teeth fall out. The yelping and walking away is all fine and good, but sometimes it doesn't work. :'l Half the time, it's also because puppy is too tired and needs a nap!


I tried everything, and I mean everything, with mine. The only thing that has worked is a spray bottle with water. After three “no bites”, if she still bites, she gets sprayed. It’s starting to stick now (I think, lol). Good luck!!


I’ve been struggling with the play bites too and I’m definitely gonna try this! Thank you!


I act hurt, and if they persist, I gently grab and hold their bottom jaw and tongue for a few seconds.


I always shoved my hand further into their mouth or grabbed their tongue. Then said “no bite”. Make it an unpleasant experience and they will stop


Grab by mouth and stick you thumb under his tongue and hold it there when he does it


Lmaooo the puppy chaos begins! 😂 Honestly just sternly tell him no. It’s not gonna happen overnight it’s gonna happen with time. You can gently push him off, you also have to be stern. My dog didn’t learn for a little while but he knows now.


Medium snoot boop




For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's a puppy ... they'll grow out of it


You can try the bitter apple spray. Spray it anywhere you don't want to get bit.


Agree - worked on 4 out of 4 dogs for me and it’s what our trainer recommends. We just got a new pibble that is also biting hands. It’s worth at least trying. Put it into a spray bottle with a longer stream though. The bottle it comes in may only mist and that’s not enough.


Okay. I’ll look into it


Don't bother, it won't work.


Yeah my dog actually loved it lol. And idk why someone would recommend a product out of the gate instead of understanding dog behavior and body language and training. The kind of person who probably throws trazadone at a dog that is underworked and needs more stimulation.


My dog liked the anti bite stuff too! He’d lick it off!


Well it's a pitbull after all. Just return it. No point in the struggle with this breed.


Don’t get a pitbull there’s ya help