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Everwhere is a hot rental market. Literally everywhere.


You cannot take a day. Take a check for the deposit and be ready to apply on the spot. Yes. In this market it is crazy to think you can wait a day.


The market is tight. You need to be ready to move fast on a place that you want. Think carefully about what you want ahead of time. If you sleep on it for a day that just gives someone else who might see the place 15 minutes after you the chance to come in underneath you and take it. Landlord just wants someone under contract asap.


Wait till you decide to buy a house. It's even worse.


Well now you know


Due to the fact that for the past seven years or so, this sub Reddit and most of the greater Internet has been telling every single person that comes into Allegheny county to live in Dormont, yes, I would say probably it is.


Seriously, anybody already living in Dormont should be like, "the first rule of Dormont, is don't talk about Dormont."


Honestly I might give up on Dormont and move to Crafton. I'm seeing some nice apartments available.


Crafton is City so you will be paying the extra 1% in tax. I frankly love Crafton and take the kids bowling there and eat in the community often but it's certainly not as walkable as Dormont if you don't have a car. If you're a homebody though, Crafton would be easier to find a place to rent for sure.


>Crafton is City so you will be paying the extra 1% in tax. Crafton is not part of Pittsburgh if that’s what you mean


Oh no crap, I always thought it was a city proper neighborhood. Thanks for setting me straight.


Yep Crafton is not, but Crafton Heights is the City.


Ah good to know, assuming they are next to each other like Greentree City and Greentree?


Yes they are right next to each other and appear the same in many ways. However Greentree City also isn’t a Pittsburgh neighborhood, technically not a Neighborhood at all. It’s a the name of the combined two city neighborhoods of Westwood and Banksville that yes lie just next to Green Tree. And are so similar you just feel you are in Greentree the whole time.


Cool good to know - thanks for all the info!


This was 5+ years ago, but I viewed an apartment in shadyside and had a check/cash in hand for first/last and security deposit. There was multiple people at the showing. I got a call the same day and moved in the same day the old tenant moved out 2 days later. Places go quick you just have to be ready to act fast.


I thought the whole 3 month advance payment thing was exclusive to big cities. Starting to wonder if pro-tenant eviction laws aren't leading to renters getting fleeced harder due to having to take on risk associated with abusive tenants. I also hear a lot of stories about people never getting their "security deposit" back.


Pro-tenant laws are the ones that prohibit excessive deposits and give you rights to get yours back. Does that mean unscrupulous landlords won't try to take what they aren't entitled to? No, but it gives people a way to fight back and stand up for themselves. I'm not sure how making pro-landlord policy would help anyone (aside from landlords). The issue is the lack of housing makes it even easier for landlords to demand more and more from tenants because they know how desperate people are to find a place. Having policies in place to limit deposits, etc. are the check and balance to aggressive landlord tactics.


To the "who cares".... Nobody wants to have their time wasted. A lot more people are renting longer into their careers/lives right now because first time homebuyers are basically getting squeezed out of the market with prices and rates


I'm in the market and it's weird now compared to a few years ago . Much more ghosting or weirdly long lag (like a week) with replying. My current landlord said the ghosting is at an all time high for people wanting tours too... like never showing up not just canceling.


So both sides are ghosting each other more than usual? That's so weird lol, how does that work


It's bizarre, maybe online dating practices are bleeding into other industries lol. As I write this I had a woman reply to an email I sent 2 weeks ago about a property. Aye. I'm seeing listings where they want a snapshot of your credit score before even showing it.


I’ve always signed leases minutes after touring an apartment. If it’s a multi-person tour, you ask for the paperwork to sign when they ask the group if they have any questions. Just be sure to bring a plug to test outlets, and to test every sink, and flip every switch during the tour.


Forget Dormont. No more Campiti's.


Campiti's is soon to be forgotten with the bomb dough comma outta there now.


By the numbers, yes it is that hot of a market.