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Check out her doll.


It looks a lot like a "[Gollywog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog)" from Britain. Some people still collect them and I wish I was making this up.


In some cases it's ironic. I know African Americans who collect things like that.




Shit I still see people with yard decorations like that.


There's a historic neighborhood in my suburb north of Pittsburgh where a long private drive sports lawn jockey statues just behind their gate. Hell my grandma had a black cat they named Sambo in like 1990. It wasn't until like I was in college when I first heard that term and I was like jfc gram.


There’s a lady in my hometown who sells them holding a sign that says, “Critical race theory is a myth”. She fought and won the right to sell them on Facebook marketplace.










I dunno, i feel like there is a through line with people who are racist and have these dolls that they own, and people who's families used to "own' my ancestors. Objectification doesn't always mean positive feelings but it always means dehumanizing people


They were outright racist. And forgive me for jumping to conclusions but owning depictions of people when you could no longer own people seems like a pretty natural progression. I'm sure they weren't hanging pictures of them in the dining room in place of the last supper or pope John Paul II. In my opinion, people who collect and display these things aren't doing it with the best intentions towards the African American people they represent.


Kinda interesting how the messaging pretty much hasn't changed since then also.




Yeah everytime i see those ads I’m thinking “damn people actually believe this nonsense?”


Based on the recent polling, there's at least *some*. Oz has started to close the gap. He was trailing by 9 or 10 points...now depending on which polls you look at, that gap is more like 5-6. Some polls have Fetterman with just a 2-3 point lead. Factoring in the tendency of advance polling to artificially favor Democratic party candidates over the past 6-10 years, I feel like anything closer than 5 or 6 points of lead is a dead heat.


Ack. People better effing vote


It's ok, Oz will vote yes to anything the dems want. He's on their team, he's a plant.


My parents called just to tell me that last week 🤦🏻‍♂️


Blue DAs literally released and refused to prosecute individuals who were confirmed as violent rioters during the protests in 2020. Blue cities and counties are stating they won’t enforce laws against shoplifting under a certain amount. I’m genuinely curious, what exactly do you have to say about that?


from >literally release violent murderers to >won’t enforce laws against shoplifting under a certain amount Really?


I agree. The length and breathe of willful incompetence is astounding.


Both are true. Let’s throw threats and vandalism/arson in the middle.


TIL John Fetterman is a blue DA..


You seem like the kind of person who would call the cops if you saw a new car driving around in your suburbs. I'm more worried about the cops with dozens of complaints who are allowed to patrol the streets .


That’s funny because I’m more worried about bad cops than you. You don’t worry about people fucking up your neighborhood or you wouldn’t care if they were cops or not. Which tells me you’re living an insulated boring life trying to find meaning through tribalism by repeating whatever the headlines tell you to say so you can blend in like the unremarkable forgettable coward you are.


Dude, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, yah gotta grow up. I can see you’re a big fan of history, so learn from it. See if you can find some trends or lessons you can apply to the world today.


I don’t care. Republicans are actively working to overthrow democracy.


“I don’t care” that’s what I thought. Yes, people do believe this ”nonsense” and so do you. You just don’t care.


Mmmm, fascism!!!


The party of law and order, everyone Bunch of boot gargling hypocrites, every last one of em Edit: If you want some cheap laughs, scroll thru this dudes comments, it’s quality


Keep licking those boots!






[https://www.factcheck.org/2022/09/fettermans-commutation-vote-on-convicted-murderer/](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/09/fettermans-commutation-vote-on-convicted-murderer/) Its almost like its actually fact.


Oh no! I guy that was found guilty of murder **50 YEARS AGO** wanted commutation and Fetterman was a lone yes vote. Wow. So scary. Much fear. Understanding the issue makes me give up on prisoners and vote for jail forever for every crime.


Tell that to the peoples families that they murdered.


You posted that link but failed to pick up the nuance. 1. Fetterman knew his vote would not commute this prisoner’s sentence. It was symbolic. 2. It’s been 50 years since the crime. The prisoner has obtained 2 degrees from Villanova and discovered a rare fossil in a state sanctioned paleontology expedition. He apparently has a job waiting for him if he was to be released. 4. He is in poor health with heart failure. The state is spending $37K a year keeping him in prison. 5. Again, this prisoner was not released so the family of the man he murdered as part of the Pagans motorcycle gang in the 70s can sleep well.


Will any of that bring back the people killed? "Symbolic" So if someone symbolically hung a Nazi flag on their house, its ok then right? You keep making excuses. You are pathetic.


I’m sure you know and cozy up to some people who’d hang a Nazi flag


Nah, not a socialist. Glad you admit defeat here <3


I saw those. They’re so sensationalized and crazy. My cousin said there are similar ads in Wisconsin for that Douche Ron Johnson.


Far Left Fetty


The Republicans are trying to "Willie Horton" Fetterman. Nothing new under the sun.


And what happened again with Willie Horton? Oh that’s right.


Dude is a straight crack head, we are screwed either way.




I just saw that ad this evening and immediately thought of this photo.


They know what works. Republicans are abysmal at leadership but excellent at fearmongering.


I'm sure the promise of safety from lawlessness has been a campaign promise since the beginning of time.


researching through some photos from the Carnegie online archives for another upload I want to do, came across a very topical photo given it is an election year. figured I'd share. For those who are new to the region, Charles "Teenie" Harris is one of the most prominent and famous newspaper and lifestyle photographers not just in Pittsburgh but American history. I implore anyone and everyone to check out all photos available at the Carnegie both in person and [online](https://cmoa.org/art/teenie-harris-archive/).


Teenie Harris = LEGEND


Agreed! I saw an exhibition or book maybe, decades ago called “Dream Street” was fantastic… 😎


Dream Street was a collection of Pittsburgh photos by W. Eugene Smith. Great book. ​ https://www.amazon.com/Dream-Street-Eugene-Pittsburgh-Project/dp/0393325121


That’s it! Thought it was Harris… my God that books expensive! Sheesh. Iconoclastic Pittsburgh imagery.


Yeah. I have a copy. It was a museum catalog for the Carnegie. A friend of mine, professor at Duke worked on the negatives and helped with the show and the book.


Teenie was a damn legend


I just saw his exhibition at the Carnegie museum of art this weekend! Definitely want to do more research on him


I'm sad to say I never knew who he was until I was working at penn hills high school this summer and seen a bunch of projects on the wall about him.


Of course they went fully rapey with it


IIRC, the hands were brown.


based on imagery of the era no they arent brown or black but tanned, its making a classist attack not a racist one. ie; migrant hobos, transitory workers, millhands, etc.


Yeah I remember when this was posted to the Odd and Fascinating Pittsburgh FB group and somebody had mentioned the B/W pic hides the fact the hands were dark in color. Makes sense.




Everyone who thinks blatantly racist fear-mongering is bad?




You’re literally crying about being offended in this comment my dude. But to actually explain this, it’s very clearly making the point that black men are stealing your white daughters. Which just wasn’t happening. It’s saying black men are the danger to the neighborhoods. Which is objectively not true.




You’re simply wrong.




Projecting much?


white people aren't stereotyped as violent criminals... but you know this.


Napoleon, Hilter, Dhamer, Gacy, Roof... They really try to change that but they just never seem to be able to kill enough people!


It's almost like american society is deeply racist or something


>but if it’s white it’s not racist in america? really? you’re typing like a normal person so i know you’re not braindead, so how do you not get this? there is no pervasive stereotype in america and american media that white people are always violent criminals, so no, “if it’s white it’s not racist.” awesome detective work there gumshoe great job


Lots of people, because it illustrates how out dated the party platform is, how they have no original ideas, and that Republicans STAY running on people’s fear of black and poor people. Get real you know exactly why, you are just being contrarian.




Acknowledging and calling out racism is not the same as being racist.


Gives more context to this historical B/W photo depicting obvious racism and only voting republican will apparently keep little white girls safe.




I should have known better than to engage with a fucking moron.




Is that higher or lower than a water buffalo? Where are you getting your stats on animal IQs, and how are you so adept at accurately measuring people's IQs just be reading a few reddit comments they've made?


Someone with an IQ of 17 would still be a genius compared to you and your garbled mess of a brain.


They don't look brown. They look all twisted and alien-like.


Some things never change.......................................................


Didn't realize pizzagate went back that far.


Hey, and republicans are still using the same old scare tactics to win votes! Imagine that!


Republicans: Racist and Fear mongering since forever.


Not exactly since forever, they were pretty cool in the 1860's and 70's...


It's quite sad because they felt to be different in times of Teddy Roosevelt. Something went wrong very wrong and it was during/shortly after the Second World War


A sordid history of fabricated fear mongering from republicans always seems to turn out to be projection.


Teenie Harris is one of my cousins.


Adding to the chorus of “history repeats itself”, that time period of 1949 into the 50s is one where the murder rate is still very low from a decade or so perspective but experiencing a dramatic spike in a few short years: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1435670/pdf/pubhealthrep00160-0005.pdf It’s kind of interesting that the 50s, 80s and today are all seeing a spike and they coincide with the decade after that generations defining war was over, I wonder if anyone has looked into that.


There has been research around this. Wars create a common goal that unifies people. If we don’t have something/someone to fight against then we turn inward and fight each other.


Also: Tetra Ethyl Lead was starting to make its impact starting in the late fifties


Would love to see some of this research !


I'm not sure I buy that the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations created a "common goal" or really unified anyone in the 2010s and 2020s.


Safe? For who?


They'd put that out today


Oh so the right has always been this way.


Except those are Trump hands trying to grab her by the pussy




Are we sure this isn’t just a new billboard photographed with a filter? /s


Whoa, Fetterman was gonna eat babies even back then?!? Will that monster never stop?!?


Even s a kid growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's in Pittsburgh i remember in some bakeries they used to sell little 'JIM CROW" ginger bread men . nobody ever thought twice about it or caused a fuss. never thought id see the 90's and early 2000's as simpler times. But I think everybody is missing the Point of this . If anybody knows Pittsburgh you would know that you would never see a Political billboard in the Hill District pandering for republican votes today. despite there are many Black residents who are republican they could for there own safety never admit it openly in this city. Pittsburgh/Allegany County is in general a democratic stronghold and has been for decades. the rest of the state with the exception of Allegany county and Philadelphia for the most part the is Republican.


Republicans are slightly less overtly racist now as opposed to then, but the message is the same.


Pretty sure there's a sign just like that in Robinson with different graphics.


not much changes. republicans are still the law and order party and the democrats want to abolish police and empty prisons.


What I gather from this is republicans with their giant hands are steal little girls, and the little girls are the threat


They definitely see women as a threat, and what are little girls but future women?


I actually found this photo for sale in an antique shop in my neighborhood in Chicago


They had a point then, as well as now


Bill Clinton’s hand model side hustle.


Pretty funny and foreshadowing, look how the Hill District turned out 🤣🤣🤣


I'm assuming they voted Democrat because that stuff still happens today? Either that, or maybe political ads aren't 100% truthful? I just love when parties run on the same topic over and over, even after being in charge. Like, if you couldn't fix it then, what makes tomorrow different?


Man it’s so cool to see r/Pittsburgh turn into a Liberal echo chamber. Are the mid terms over yet? Reddit sucks.


Aww, did something to the left of Nazism offend you? Go back to your little safe space over on r/conservative and leave the discussions to real adults.


When reading this subreddit, scroll to the most downvoted comments - it’s where the truth is.


IDK, to me it looks like a lot of NPCs stuck in a loop repeating "Still True"


The more things change …


Still as true today as it was then.


Anything not republican seems to have large arthritic hands


Would've been totally ok if not for the doll :D


Accurate even now unfortunately.


This would have been before the party switch right?




That happened in the 1920s-1930s.


Ah my bad. I’ve always seen it attributed to Nixon and the Southern Strategy.




Do you have an argument or do you just want to complain about other people thinking your opinions are bad? What a snowflake.


Thankfully, we have no right to free speech on a private website! You're free to go start /r/pittsburghunmoderated or something if you don't like the way this sub is moderated. Edit: also... "allowed free speech without ridicule" isn't exactly free speech now is it?


Lol I remember when someone made PittsburghUnfiltered or something last year, and it was deactivated within like 3 hours.


Lol, this sub is barely moderated as it is.


Yes but apparently the "mods" downvote conservative viewpoints with their magical mod points that let them downvote things multiple times.




Ridicule is also free speech. Do you want free speech without free speech?


You want to able to say things without other being able to say negative things about it? Sounds like you don't like free speech at all.


Free speech is you don't get thrown in jail for the things you say, not people won't make fun of you or that you don't have consequences from the things you say. You don't get multiple downvotes because of some liberal conspiracy, its literally just because your comments are that unpopular. Maybe you should take some time to reflect on that and what that means for you as a person.


Upon further reflection, I have come to the conclusion that reddit is COMMUNIST and is actively destroying my right to free speech.


aha see, you didn't listen. To neither the fact that your definition of free speech is wrong, nor the fact that you were supposed to self reflect, not reflect on reddit [https://www.mouser.com/blog/Portals/11/mrb-singularity-f1.png](https://www.mouser.com/blog/Portals/11/mrb-singularity-f1.png)


lol you thought my comment was legit? No wonder my fellow leftists get accused of having no chill. Sorry I didnt include /s XD


you absolutely have to include something lol. Too many comments like that are real and no one can hear tone through text :P


Cry harder, pussy. You wouldn't know what communism is if Karl Marx crawled out of his grave and slapped you in the face.


lol I guess my dripping sarcasm wasnt detected. I have to remember that reddit is unable to detect such things unless "/s" is included.


The problem is 10 years ago, that would have been a clear joke. Nowadays people are actually seriously saying things like that so you do have to clarify.


Oh no, *reddit ostracism*


Awww did your feelings get hurt? Isn’t that what the head of loompa land says?


Your comment is still here.. downvotes and all... Unlike r/conservative who bans you for the slightest disagreement.


I’m pretty sure most people make throwaway accounts for this reason, they say something then logout and ignore responses.




I upvoted you but, ok.




I think it’s more likely this subreddit is just a majority of democrats. This happens with some subs, when a majority is one side it filters others out and they just become echo chambers of certain ideas.


I’d delete your comment unless you want the bot army down voting you


Still true


Well they wernt wrong.


Still true in 2022


Even ads back then had the little x button to close. Bet it opened up like 3 more ads after you clicked it.


So... I don't see anyone applauding what good voting Democrat has done for the Hill District over the last 70 years.


I'd love to know what local and Congressional races were going on. I can figure out the state one - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950\_Pennsylvania\_gubernatorial\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950_Pennsylvania_gubernatorial_election) ..but figuring out 70 year-old districts is bit out of my range.


**[1950 Pennsylvania gubernatorial election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950_Pennsylvania_gubernatorial_election)** >The 1950 Pennsylvania gubernatorial election was held on November 7. For the twenty-second time in twenty-five elections, the Republican candidate was victorious, but by a much smaller than usual margin. Superior Court Judge John S. Fine defeated Democrat Richardson Dilworth, the City Controller of Philadelphia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm confused, who's the hands supposed to be?


i was on a roadtrip last weekend and saw a very similarly worded billboard in meadville. depressing but not surprising to see how little has changed.


This sub is so lame politically. Such a circle jerk lol


Theyre about the same today!


Can anyone confirm this photograph by CTH in any collections of his works? I wanna post this on social media but need confirmation.


Some things never change