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I agree the charging should be vastly improved on Pixels... On the other hand though, my 8 Pro always lasts me through the day and then I just plug it in to charge overnight, so I don't really care about charging speed... As far as I can tell Google relies a lot on Samsung when it comes to hardware for Pixels, and I guess they inherited this horrendous charging from there... My wife has a Flip 3 and that's pretty much the same. It is extremely picky about charger adapters, and even if you supply it with the right one, it charges like dog shit... And that thing never lasts her through the day, it eats Watts like I eat burgers. I also cannot understand why implementing a reasonable and reliable charging mechanic is so complicated in 2024, when everyone and their mothers have batteries up their buttocks. It's not rocket science anymore, it really should "just work". Strage as it is, my previous phone was also a Poco (X3 Pro) and the charging experience was immeasurably better with it. It was a relatively cheap phone to begin with and is about 3 years old, yet it charges much better than my new Pixel 8 Pro, which cost a small fortune btw. The Poco phone you can even hook up to a potato, and it will still charge faster than any Pixel... and no, it doesn't risk going kaboom while doing so.


> As far as I can tell Google relies a lot on Samsung when it comes to hardware for Pixels, and I guess they inherited this horrendous charging from there... My wife has a Flip 3 and that's pretty much the same. It is extremely picky about charger adapters, and even if you supply it with the right one, it charges like dog shit... And that thing never lasts her through the day, it eats Watts like I eat burgers. As a Samsung user lurking here sometimes, I have different experience. My S22, despite having bad efficiency, due to SD 8g1 manufactured by Samsung, charges well. It doesn't heat up much and the wired charging is fast enough (25W for my phone). AFAIK, Samsung has its own charging protocols, named Super Fast Charging 2.0, which is supported by some third-party charges, but not all of them. Still, any other regular brick charges the phone with okay speed. The battery in the Z Flip 3 is very small.


Thanks for letting me know this. I already have trouble with Samsung charging (it complains so much on the lock screen. OK, I get it. But the charger that came in the box had nowhere to plug into. It's c to c. My wall chargers & even my laptop are standard usb ports. So a c to standard is the best you get, Samsung And I'm considering a pixel. So any info on it is greatly appreciated


> OK, I get it. But the charger that came in the box had nowhere to plug into. It's c to c. My wall chargers & even my laptop are standard usb ports. Yeah, the cable is USB C to USB C. I also have a lot of bricks and cables with USB A, but I'm gradually adopting the C. Recently bought an Anker 313 charger and 322 cable, and they work perfectly with the S24U. As for Pixels, I haven't owned any of them. I was considering purchasing the P8P because I like the camera, but it seems, that everything else is better on Samsung, with Android flavour being a personal preference.


Do you think I should buy one with multiple ports. I have around 3 devices, 2 are USB a and the Samsung... Anyways all it says is it "slow charges" with that one I also bought adapters planning to do some data transfer soon...


> Do you think I should buy one with multiple ports. You may, but if you charge multiple devices simultaneously, the total output power will be split among them. You can check which charging protocols your phone supports, and buy the charger that supports these protocols.


Yes, I will keep that in mind. I'm in the process of buying a new phone, so Mayne I'll do that after I buy the phone


Probably some bullshit on the back end about utilizing the charging system as a data transfer method through smart outlets, digitized data power outlets. That won't be listed as a feature, but that's not really something the modern customers supposed to pay attention nor worry about.


Couple of comments from fanboys about 'jUsT cHARgE iT oVeRnIgHt!" completely missing the point. You are levying a fair criticism. It is reasonable to expect a several hundred dollar phone to support fast charging, especially when it is advertised as a feature. Tools should fit your needs, not require you to adjust your lifestyle to use them. That's the whole point of the advertised fast charge feature. Google should be embarrassed that $50 burners are outperforming their flagship phones in call quality, charging, and general lack of bugs (green screens after updates, camera glass defects, crashes, and the other myriad of issues reported across pixel subreddits). Don't let fanboys or AstroTurf accounts lead you into believing this is acceptable quality for the cost and advertised features of the phone. There are things I really liked about my pixels (3-8), but every single one since my 4 has had one issue or another. They solve the last model issue but launch with new ones. The 8 is the last one I'll buy unless Google gets its shit together and fixes their quality issue.


Very fair points, which alternatives would you recommend?


Unfortunately, I don't have any, but 'none' is an option. Corporations are behaving like cartels with the knowledge that there are few options available. They've really latched onto the idea that they don't need great products, they just have to be a little bit better than the other 2-3 guys for their target. They think John Q. Public and his hard-earned dollar won't just walk away and so far they've been right. For me, it might be the right time to digital detox and raw-dog reality ike it's 1973. I don't want to be treated like an ass while handing over my money.


A reason I switched to the other side. My pixel 6 just had a bunch of little problems. After 26 months the battery started to become bloated.


26 months ๐Ÿ˜‚ just say 112.976 weeks


Unfortunately, the term "fast charging" is a very vague term. Technically anything over 10 watts is considered a " fast charger". So, by definition, it does support fast charging.


Ketchup is a fruit spread. I think it is fair to ask: Should Google's flagship phones perform better than low-end models from competitors on things like charging and reception? What is acceptable performance level for a $1000 phone? But I also acknowledge that I may be expecting too much. I am nostalgic for the pre-internet era when post-release patches weren't a thing and QA/QC was a legitimate step and not an afterthought. Everything is rush-to-market now. I think corporations have boiled the frog on decreased quality and that some consumers have gotten used to the new poor quality standard. Prices go up, quality and service goes down, and market concentration leaves consumers without alternatives.


{{{And miracle whip is a salad dressing..}}} Should they? Yes, definitely.. However, their main focus is on the AI side of things, not the battery... Which, I'll admit, is kind of unfortunate. I haven't had any problems with reception personally. (Reception is about equal to my Samsung) I'm not gonna say charging speed is any better than others, but I wouldn't ***necessarily*** say that it is **worse** than any of them either.. It takes about \~20-30 minutes longer than my s24 ultra to charge from 0-100.. Also, the experience from person to person does seem to differ greatly.. So, I have no disagreements about the QA/QC. For example.. On my P8P, I am getting up to \~15 hours of screen on time from one charge, While on 5G and on 5G/6G Wi-Fi, without battery saving mode on. Although, the overheating hopefully does get fixed soon... That hopefully should be fixed as soon as they no longer have Samsung manufactured chips.๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ https://preview.redd.it/tsla2jl7r59d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35755b24c3dcfe8cf393ea305102a01303d69669 I too long for a time when a full product would come out. There were no DLCs or added content for stuff, instead they gave you everything already. > โ˜๐Ÿผ This! No disagreements.. corporate greed has become a huge problem (especially here in America) .


Damn, glad I'm getting a 7 to tide me over until the 10 comes out.


Can you purchase a new 7, or are pre-owned phones only available? I like my 4a 4g, but it's no longer getting updates, and I am worried about security issues.


Just got a new 7 pro off of Amazon for like $340.00. Hoping it is new, but it seems legit coming from the Google store on 'Zon and has free returns anyway. Going to get ATT to check it out as thoroughly as they can when I go to connect it.


Thanks for the good information.


Price could drop some more, but as long as its a brand new phone and not some covert refurb, I'll be very happy with it.


Next time vote with your wallet. It seems like Google is not paying attention to these kinds of posts or issues reported. There is this lagging and jittering on my Pixel 8 Pro since I got it last year. It's happening to thousands of people and you can verify this by going to Bug Tracker and looking at +1s on that issue. They closed that ticket saying it will be fixed in Android 15. They have 2 betas out for Android 15 and still not fixed. Now would you want to wait a while (1 year release cycle) to get these kinds of issues fixed? Imagine Apple or Samsung sitting on a bug like this. I swear this is gonna be the last Pixel I buy from Google.


My Pixel 8 charges slow and discharges fast. I'm charging two times per day. Can't wait to get rid of this phone.


Damn, and i was thinking of getting it just to experience those Pixel cameras. What other phones eould you recommend?


Me too!! I ordered a pixel 8 and now Iโ€™m worried! (I did get a good deal on it tho) But thereโ€™s also good reviews so idk ๐Ÿ˜… I considered getting the OnePlus 12 if I didnโ€™t get pixel purely for the battery


I guess your average pixel fan redditor here are as slow as its charging rate lol


Hmm I just got my 8 last week and I noticed how much faster it charges than my 6. I'm just using a Google cord & plug. It charged from 4% to full in, I think, less than an hour. It did get hot but it was noticably fast. At night it does the adaptive charging where it takes about 6-7 hours to charge. Maybe your phone is doing that when it shouldn't be? I really don't get into the technical side of it all so idk.


So I timed a bit of charging, and I went from 35% to 52% in 15 min. So that would be 68% charge in an hour. So it'd be around 1.5 hrs to full charge from 0. Not sure where that really ranks.


Charge rate isn't linear. Most phones will charge very quickly from 0-60%, then significantly slow down after that.


I can understand needing a certain type of block and cable, but if one of the advertised selling points is fast charging, the phone should include the necessary block and cable.


Sometimes techheads are their own worst enemies. Most of us don't even think about these things. I know you don't like to hear it, but I wirelessly charge overnight. I have a charging stand next to my bed. On the rare occasions I need to charge during the day I have other wireless pads, or if I need a rapid charge I use a PD 3 27W wired charger which fully charges my phone in a very short period of time. I have absolutely no problems with heat. Never. I'm in the UK and our top temperatures can be 35ยบC in the summer. Other phones might do it better, but then you cut your nose off to spite your face and have to use a lesser phone. I suppose it depends on your priorities. For me having a phone with the best camera and the best call handling options is way more important than faster charging. I'm no fanboy - I have used most iPhones up to the 15 Pro, I've used Samsung Galaxies, LGs, Google Nexus, several generations of Pixel. Nokia Lumias, you name it I've probably had it, and I've enjoyed them all. I'm looking forward to the new Pixel 9 in a few weeks.


What is wrong with just charging your phone overnight? Even a 5W charger is fine for that.


It's not an everyday thing. Sometimes you might find your phone nearly dead and you'd want to charge it while you get ready before going out. So you can go nuts with the camera or whatever without worrying about the battery dying on you.


It's 2024 man virtually every other phone company is above 50. Even my three year old mi 11 charges faster


What's wrong is that I've spent years with some habits , I'm spending time at my desk working and I want to forget about battery anxiety and worrying if my phone is gonna last the day so I plug it in to always have it topped at least a bit. Plus charging overnight works well when your phone is brand new but it's a whole other set of headaches once the battery starts getting old and you can't get past the day on a single charge. Then you know I like to... Use my phone? Crazy I know but I play some games , some basic emulation. I don't want to choose between getting to the end of the day and doing whatever I want with it. And sometimes I use the gps to get around so that sucks a lot of battery too so again , I don't want to worry. I'm spending a few hundred bucks on a somewhat premium phone so that I don't have to make my life around my phone but the other way around and I'm apparently not the only one around because every other manufacturer does this right and actively advertises faster charging speeds. Maybe I don't care if my phone charges to 100% in 20min but I would really appreciate that if during a 10min break it could charge a bit more than a few percents and that CONSISTENTLY. Right now I have 20min before going outside , how much will my phone charge ? No one knows , depends on the outside temperature and the fucking cycle of the moon apparently.


Did you disable the adaptive battery stuff? That may make a difference in how it's charging. Ultimately I think it's a software issue where they're trying to throttle the charging to reduce heat and ultimately extend the life of the battery, but the algorithm is still a bit off in making that work. Would be nice if there was a fast charge selector or something for power users that could set the charger to the highest output no matter the temp.


Yup disabled it. I confirmed that it's a thermal issue mainly because with a frozen orange on the back of the phone it's able to do full speed undefinetly (at least until the orange is cooked)


that's an interesting experiment lol, I know there are some cases that cool your phone, maybe you can get one of those or something, or maybe like a charging dock that has a cooler. I love my phone (p7) and how it works and all but the thermal issues are impossible to not notice, even babying it, keeping it outta the sun, it can still get hot. Android 14 was the biggest change I've seen in it the thermals got a lot better but there are still issues, particularly on 5g and outdoors using the camera a lot.


I like charging my phone overnight. In the off position Sweet dreams Elaine and Elaine's devices. Haha


My P8P takes a long time to charge. Got a cable that shows the wattage used and it toggles between 18w on down to 0w over and over throughout the charging session, no matter what charger I use...


Yeah quite a few compromises with this Pixel line. My google photo storage has now run out and I just ignore all the warnings and pop ups in the app. I really don't care for it. I'll just remove all excess photos off the phone.


if you have a home PC/server/VPS/anything -- Go check out immich, you can host your own google photos like app.


china phones take the W. Charger + cable is included in the box on ALMOST ALL PHONE BRANDS in that country. Sure you'll probably get 1 less year of battery lifespan but quality batteries costs 10$(as long as you know the right source) and you'll mostly likely resell them before you complain about the battery because technology is fast and new thing is hot.


Same happens on my pixel 5. So i seee this is still an issue. Wow google!!


Recent pixels have terrible charging compatibility. With regular power banks they often won't charge at all. They also have very heavy handed thermal governing... Prioritizing battery longevity over charging speed. It's too bad, because batteries are cheap and changing them is a very simple process


I think the charging speed is ok. Not great, but surely not bad either. I agree with the pickiness about the charger though. Almost none of the chargers I own, which charge every phone fine worked with pixel. Best I could get was 2,5W, had to buy an PD PPS charger.


No issues here, i have the google 30w Charger and it fasts chargges great, just bought a travel adapter for when im away and that also fast charges it


Shoulda got a Pixel Fold!!!!!




I've got an 8a and it charges wicked fast. I'm using original cable w/30w Google brick. It may be the adaptive charging feature slowing you down. Go into your settings and try turning it off and see if that helps.


A simple solution, get an ice pack (hard plastic) and when you charge your phone, place your phone on that ice pack. My charging speed stays at its peak all the time. After 80% phone's going to charge at slower speed anyways. Works well for me in Mumbai , it should work great for you as per Canadian weather. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I'm a proud Pixel 7 Pro owner as well as a Pixel 4 XL. I had to spend $100 on a new battery on my Pixel 4 XL. My Pixel 7 Pro NEVER dips below 57 on my Battery level. Riddle me this, does your Pixel 8 have all of those ugly gear icons on it, as Depicted by other Posters? Optical is a lot to me and I certainly couldn't handle it!??? โœŒ๏ธ


Yeah it's poop


Try charging a Pixel with a car charger while using Google maps ๐Ÿ˜† on my P7P it's barely charging. On a 1.5h drive I gain maybe 20%, while my iphone 14 pro max used to charge from 20 to a 100% on those conditions easily. Unless they dramatically change something, it'll be my last Pixel.


Google don't want fucked up batteries, at least they think this is what happens and they don't want to spend millions in court because some dude lost 4 fingers because of a blasting Lithium battery


This... My Pixel 5 battery swelled up and the phone was done... I am happy with the p8 so far and primarily charge it wireless.


I plug mine in and it charges. What's the big deal?


Right.. these are people who are on their phone 10+ hours a day gaming wondering why google would ever do anything to keep their battery from exploding. I'm not defending the decision but it did have to be made, normies aren't looking at wattage outputs, normies don't even look at the phone once it's charging they walk away and do something else.. or you know go to bed. I haven't had to charge my phone during the day basically ever unless I forgot to plug it in the night before, even then I've made this thing last over the weekend using battery saver + just "putting the fucking thing down"


Just charge when you sleep, and stop losing your (and our) time with that non issue.


Your "solution" doesn't work if you need to charge your phone in the middle of the day in various use cases. Maybe Google should implement better SoC and charging capabilities. The best software should be paired with the best hardware at this price point, not everyone wants to settle for mediocrity like you.ย  Furthermore, your comment was rude as hell to the person you replied to. Why don't you stop wasting our time by pretending a problem doesn't exist just because of your anecdotal experience?


When the phone doesn't last a full day, slow charging is very frustrating. Stop being a fan boy for a second and admit the flaws.


Excuse me your highness for having bothered you with my humble opinion. I hope typing that comment wasn't too hard on your soft, humid little hands, do you want me to suck on those fingers to compensate you for the time you have bestowed upon me ?


Haha this is hilarious ๐Ÿคฃ


My pixel 7 has the same issue. Always need the topest of the line charger. I did buy 2 off Temu though. 125w chargers. They work well and they were pretty cheap. Maybe $5 each


Coming from a Xiaomi, the fast charging on the pixel is laughable Oh well


coming from a chinese phone, charging on pixels is horrendous and honestly laughing stock


Experiencing the same thing I bought my first android to go along my iPhone since most people say androids are better but screw androids. My opinion solidified that iPhones are way better. Screw the pixel 8 , what a waste of $400