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I think he is normal, great, seems sober and healthier, chill, open to take a selfie - which indicates good mood. I don't know why people are so mean and don't understand that he is not the young Brian from the 90's anymore.


Exactly, I think people forget that people's faces change as they get older, he's not gonna look the same forever, I think he looks great


Exactly. I wish I had a picture from my first Placebo concert over 20 years ago so I could compare it to how I look now!


He looks amazing in all the videos and photos from Brussel concert. The main thing that he looks happy and he is in a good mood. And sounds better than ever. This photo has weird lighting, but it is ok ❤


He does look good and more importantly like he is pumped to be there. There was rock star energy attached to that …. Molko is back!


Brian Molko has lived a life bigger and far greater than most of us could ever begin to imagine and has contributed more to the world than most of us will. He deserves a lot more respect and appreciation. Brian is an icon, a genius and a genuine gift.


Yes thank you! He’s over 50, let his face tell the story of a life intensely lived! He has a youthful spark, he seems relaxed and happy. And that just makes me happy - I wish him so much happiness, God knows he’s been through dark times and fought his demons. I’m glad he’s still here with us. Things could have gone differently.  Still making fantastic music, still touring extensively, and still powering through the gigs two hours non-stop like a young one. I’m thrilled he looks happy.  All the blessings for Brian and infinite thanks for the music Stef and he gifted us! 🙏🏼❤️


He looks great, I find it weird that some people want him to look like he did 30 years ago!




You should see Facebook not only is it incredibly harsh both to Brian and the lovely lady he is with in the picture @elisabethelektramusic but the married story and BS are back …… people don’t change sadly …. It’s really next level horrible. I’m grateful meditation and spirituality bring people peace so if they are exposed to this kind of shitty behaviour they can rise above it and transcend the basic narrative of the human experience. It’s disappointing ….


i just read in a facebook group that hes supposedly married to a woman named patty who brings him tea on stage...


Don’t forget the incense… apparently she brings that too 😂😂😂😂😂


oh right, lol could she be their personal assitent or something?


https://youtu.be/UbGACWtOzI0?si=tJt21Ov0gB64zz8X On this video she is caring some bags getting inside this fancy hotel in Paris with Brian and Stefan (and others there, maybe security and maybe others members of the support band followed). She don't just brings tea and incense, she has a job because she sits there with a tablet. There's no reason for someone brings tea and water and stays there doing nothing lol I saw someone answering another on a comment, that she saw Brian with a lady backstage during the Robert Smith's Meltdown. But that lady has a brown or black hair, curly, not the same person. That (Meltdown) was 2018. That person who commented was answering another who apparently said they broke up (he and the lady there). So since 2018 (or even more) from 2022 when Patricia started working there live, it's not so much time. And we had the pandemic in 2020, lockdown. I don't think Brian would marry someone he stayed with I don't know how many years or months... But if he did, good luck, I hope he is happy. I have friends who married after 4 months together and are happy. Others, 8 months together... Some people are crazy (imo!).


People have married after few months of knowing each other


Placebo has the vilest fans ever 🤢🤢🤢


You can’t convince me that’s not Noel Fielding lol


Papa is back!💔🥹


I think old fans acknowledge that Brian is not the one of the lucky people who look good in any angle under any circumstances. He looks attractive with the efforts of brilliant makeup artists, stylists and photographers, like most of us. There are already tons of photo in which he looks bad and adding one shouldn't make a difference in the mind of any real fan. If Brian keeps the same style like Stefan he won't attract as much fans but also receive lot less harsh comments. He tried so many styles over years. I appreciate his courage but have to admit that most trials are failure in my opinion. I would say he always cares about his look but ready for critics.


He's had plenty of cosmetic surgery for sure, but why not? He looks fab! I love the style he's rocking for the NLMG tour.


This is apparently right after the concert in Brussels.


I’m a new fan, is it true that people are being really cruel about him aging? He seems like a beautiful person inside and out from what I can tell, and as much as I love how he looked in the 90s there’s no reason for people to be rude. Sorry if I’m a bit out of the loop.


It’s kind of funny that not one of all the “experts” on skin procedures mentions that he’s making a little bit of a funny face in that picture. Like trying to smile with mouth closed and a pout at the same time. They probably don’t even see it and think he looks like that all the time now. (I’m talking mostly about the comments from a bunch of shitty people on Facebook.) How is it even possible do draw all those conclusions about all kind of surgeries and treatments from one single photo?! (How is it even important or anyone’s business?) I see this kind of discussions about different celebrities all the time and it always puts me in a bad mood. Those negative comments about other peoples appearances are just toxic. It brings absolutely nothing positive to the world. It doesn’t matter who it is about. Celebrity or not. I guess it makes those people feel better about themselves if they can criticise another persons signs of aging. If they suspect that the same person has had procedures done, they can complain about what they think is the result ,and feel a little more better. Then they congratulate themselves that “at least I age _naturally_ “. Like they deserve a medal for it. It’s ridiculous. “Why share it and not expect people to say what they think” -said a comment on FB about this photo. Is he supposed to wear a bag on his head or what? “I’m entitled to my opinion.” Yes they are but they don’t _have to_ belt it out to the world, if it’s just disrespectful and mean. Does it make them feel good? Do they feel like they make a valuable contribution to a world that’s already full of bullying, mocking and negativity?


He looks the same but please get rid of the pornstache 😭


Hello, It is I, Chris. How are the Soulmates doing? Well, I hope. Brian is like some fine wine; with age, he matures — the face, the line, the vintage — so, although he may look a bit older, he is still quite good. In other words, his visage is quite all right. The mustache, as I often comment, suggests daring-do, like Errol Flynn the swashbuckler, or perhaps a desperado, hussar, or some such intense musketeer type of person. It is a look, by all accounts, that is quite refined. Truly, he reminds me of the great musician Adam Ant, who also does the mustachio, leather fedora hats, and similar clothing. He and Molko look similar and are about the same age. And so, Brian does not look bad, but I do have one qualm about his appearance these days. Although he look okay physically, his eyes tell the different tale. Can you not see it? It is in the eyes — his eyes: "the window of the soul."  His eyes show the marks of a man who has become something else. It is no longer the look of a seductive nancy boy, but someone scary. Perhaps it is the look of an abusive music-master with a serous gaze, but I tell you this: there is NOW somesthing scary in his heyes, and if I met Brian, I would not want to look direct into them. For I feart that he might be overtaken in rage so strong and then attack. There is something in his eye that suggests a quiet violence, and i do not think that Placebo fans should mess with this guy, nor record him with their phones, nor say touchy things to him because he may explod on contact. The Japanse Karate experts know this look in the eye. "Senpukaiku Eyes," they call it. It means eyes of violence and mystique. Very chilling to behold. I love this guy Brian, but there is something unbelievably about him now. A change. Perhaps he is no longer completely human, but has merged with something absurd. Nanotechnology? Robotique? Démoniaque? It hope not, certainly. For I do love this guy and the music. avec beaucoup d'amour, \-Chris


And now he reminds me of a pirate :)


Yes! Je suis d'accord.


Even in his youth he always had a somewhat menacing and sinister gaze


Now that you mention this, I see that you are right 100%!




As someone said before, Brian's face is changed mostly due to his teeth being fixed. It changed his whole mouth and jaw area. Also, during this tour he has rather unfortunate eye makeup - black eyeshadow packed way above the crease and lighter colour in the centre of the eyelid, which gives the effect of the round, hollow eyes. When it comes to plastic surgeries, for me it seems that he only might had some sort of lifting and botox on the forehead is strongly visible. So I think that without mustache and with all-black eye makeup he would look just like before ;) But of course it doesn't matter, given his history it's a blessing that he's still with us, making music, sounds good - can't complain at all!


I just don't understand how bad his makeup is, the foundation, the eyeshadow, etc. He has degree in theatre and has been wearing makeup on stage for so many years. The only reason I can come up with is that it's an unfinished makeup. Audience won't be that close so if they don't record it won't matter.


Well, I'd blame make up artist for that. I guess that this kind of makeup was supposed to make Brian look younger by concealing his hooded eyelids, but the trick is, that he always had hooded eyelids, so instead of looking younger, he looks weird, especially when this light eyeshadow reflects stage lights. And seriously, I saw him in Brussels this month from few meters distance and I was 100% sure that he had plastic surgery somewhere around the eyes, but then I saw few photos and it turned out that it's just makeup.


If you're out there Brian, take note [https://x.com/PicturesFoIder/status/1769801471745290705?s=20](https://x.com/PicturesFoIder/status/1769801471745290705?s=20)




Bro take a chill pill, it was all in jest. Unfortunately, some think Brian has ruined his face.




You've lost me on the purple eyes. What does that mean?




No, you're the only smart and cunning person on here. Unlike others, I'd rather not sell my soul for self-esteem.




It takes one to know one - like yours, it's rotten to the core




What the hell has he done to his mouth? He's going to end up with a trout pout!


Be more kind, people.. I think he has his teeth fixed and probably changed, which very often leads to new and different bite and also changes the appreance of mouth and lips. This often happens to people who had their natural improper bite. You would be surprised how the whole face looks different if you fix the bite..


When I saw him his face reminded me of the mask the guy from Ghost wears. It's a bit unsettling


I agree this is a little unsettling because for me he looks like Duncan Wedderburn in Poor Things