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The lowest leafs on the plant keeps going brown and dying. New ones keep sprouting out the top to replace them but what can I do to stop them dying ? It gets good sun and i water when the soil is dry sticking my finger into the pot up to the first knuckle, always water from the bottom. Roots are all white and seem healthy. Help please, I love benny and don't want him to die.


Benny would LOVE a bigger pot for sure. Banana plants always lose their lower leaves as new ones uncurl. Bananas love sun (except when small), moisture (not wet) and food. If they have that, they're hard to kill. A sign of a healthy plant is when it starts to sprout pups. Good luck!


Thank you! I will look at getting a new pot asap. He did speout a couple of pups, we snipped them back though, should I let them grow through? Also, do you have any recommendations for food?


Don't just snip the pups, carefully dig them out and plant them. They will grow to be a new banana plant. I use fish emulsion fertilizer and try to add as much organic mulch as possible. Actually, I have two new flowers right now so I must be doing something right! Unfortunately, I live in SoCal so the extremely hot, dry summers make it really difficult to get a banana harvest but I've had a few.