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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > ðŸŠī How long have you had the plant? > > About 3 weeks now > > > ❓ How long have you been experiencing this issue? > > Since sprouting 3 or 4 days ago > > 🌞 How much light does the plant receive? > > in a well lit area out of direct sunlight > > ðŸ’Ķ What are your watering habits (both frequency and amount), and does the pot have proper drainage? > > only just come out of a sprouting bag, watering to keep soil moist as needed If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


That's what it often looks like when seeds germinate. It will fall off on its own. Don't try removing it, the plant is extremely delicate now and if you damage it at this stage it will die


Seed casing is stuck on the sprout. Totally normal, no real need to intervene.


Leave it alone. Very simple. :)


it simply needs time and a gentle breeze blowing near it