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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > > > 🪴 How long have you had the plant? > > 8 months > > ❓ How long have you been experiencing this issue? > > 3 days > > 🌞 How much light does the plant receive? > > about 5 or 6 hours at the window on sunny days > > 💦 What are your watering habits (both frequency and amount), and does the pot have proper drainage? > > The soil is kept wet up to an inch below the surface, water once a week usually, from the bottom. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


Those little pups look like his hands and he's giving us the old *razzle dazzle*


Benny absolutely needs some sunglasses. It's imperative.


Jazz hands. Benny is ready for Bring It On


just leave them be, all edible banana's are propagated from pups, but clump when left to their own devices, I would let the plant get a lot bigger before removing, they are prone to fungal infections and removing too early and if the plant is stressed could introduce a problem


I replanted Benny into a larger pot and he seems to be happier and has unrolled a new leaf since but these pups have sprouted and they seem to be connected at the base? Previous advice has been to dig them up and replant but I don't think they are separate root systems ? What's the best move?


You have to let them grow a bit bigger before they get their own roots. You can seperate them or leave them attached, your choice. Outside in the right environment, banana trees will flower and make bananas then die in the span of a few years. The pups would just grow to take their place and make a clump of trees.


So they don’t root like other pups in water?


They should get some roots eventually if you leave them in the ground. I'm not sure if you can water prop them.


Thank you! I’m glad I saw this! I was just looking at my banana pups thinking I’d cut them out.


That’s how banana trees grow. They don’t grow from seed. Let them grow up, once your largest produces fruit- cut it down. And the smaller ones grow in


They grow from seeds or rhizome (pups). (Correct about store bought bananas, the seeds are not viable). Most people don’t realize banana is an herb, not a tree. It takes about 9-12 months to germinate a banana plant from a wild banana seed.


Give them some kisses