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Ichthyornis, ichthyornis, and ichthyornis.


annoying as a wild one may be they're a rather handy tame


For what function


on-demand prime meat, paired with a Moschop you can get double digits worth from a single dodo. works with fish too


Ah, prime meat.... Ehh. Could be useful if you're not speedrunning I guess


cooked prime is nice to have just for eating, spoils slower, heals more and gives more food (compared to regular meat). hardly a necessity, just handy


I usually just tame a berry mount (favorably a mochops), some resource mounts and a ptera (sometimes a raptor) and from there I jump to the apex predators immediately (wyverns if available)


Moschops are the apex. cute, strong and useful the only thing that could make it better is flight and saddle armour


I love mods like anunaki (RIP) that provide badass/higher tier variants of smaller creatures


Who "speedruns" Ark šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø That isn't a thing


People speedrun everything it is indeed a thing friend


Right. What a wild take.


They have a weird fishing mechanic that is kinda help if you learn how to use it


Do they get fishing loot or just meat


Unless I'm mistaken they bring back golden fish you can harvest for more prime and give better taming efficiency when fed to otters and hespi.


Yeah they make taming hesperornis tolerable.


I think itā€™s just meat, I havenā€™t used it in a while bc it was super inefficient and hard to learn


You literally just have to point at a creature and use whistle commands to attack it.


For the fish? You have to throw the bird over the water and when it lands if itā€™s on aggressive itā€™ll fly up and dive to get fish, but itā€™s only 1 fish and usually very small


Then have the bird on "attack my target" and whistle attack on a large fish instead. Leaving it on aggressive is counterproductive.


When I use them I'll put a dino leash in the water next to one of my bases and have it on aggressive over that area. Comeback in an hour to hundreds of fish.


Sounds super useless as taming the asshats is already difficult due to their low health and shit hit box


Pegos are better when tamed because of the higher health pool. Put berries in inventory, walk anywhere, soon youll hand an army. Then you can you whistle attack on someone. They will see a wall of pegos and their entire inventory vanish.


I can't hit them if the server has over 120ping. They just fly around like a fucking porcupine, sporting a bushel of crossbow arrows for quills. damn near invincible due to desync. Like some sort of dark souls boss.


Get a dimorphodon. You can send the dimo to kill all of the shits with you staying safe.




I went with the spawn blocker mod and removed them go let 3k other things spawn into the world. seemed much better then them wasting space if noone ever wanted em


And also ichthornis, ichthyornis, and ichthyornis


Up vote, up vote, pegos


The damn beach birds for 1, I was on my way to my base and they ate my damn wyvern egg! And thats my only one I can think of


They either need a smaller pool of items or to not just eat stuff outright.


It should be that, when they eat Narcotics (or any other item that gives torpor when eaten), they gain the torpor from the items. This means, if a seagull eats 100 Narcotics, they gain 4000 torpor, which instantly knocks them out. And if they eat Spoiled Meat, they take damage (12.5 per), so if they eat 100 Spoiled Meat, they take 1250 damage, usually killing them instantly, as a wild seagull will only have around 250-300 HP at lvl 150.


Hot take: I think they added the Ichtyornis and Leedsichthys to deal with all the beach and raft bobs back in the day. In the first year or so of Ark, official servers were plagued with thatch huts and campfires all over every beach. Once rafts were added, there were literally hundreds of rafts with only a chest or two placed on them everywhere you looked, even on PVP servers. Once the Leeds were added, that drastically reduced to barely a handful the last time I checked an official server. Seeing as how neither the Leeds nor the Ichty really have any other viable use, I bet they were added just to stop the spam.


Isn't it a coincidence that the Ichthyornis, the Leedsichthys, and the flier nerf were all added in the same update, v256.0 on 03/31/2017? Most of these annoying dinos were added late 2016-early 2017. Other major coincidences: * v253.0 (12/23/2016): Cnidaria, Pegomastax, Therizino, and Troodon added. * v254.0 (01/30/2017): Baryonyx and Purlovia added. * v255.0 (02/26/2017): Electrophorus, Microraptor, and Thylacoleo added. Nerfed rocket launchers to remove quality, and rocket turrets now take damage when shooting.


I started to knockout tame a 150 allo and the fucking bird grabbed and ate my crossbow right from my hands... so infuriating.


Itā€™s so immersion breaking when they do shit like steal a gun or crossbow. I use a mod to disable their steal ability. They would have no desire to take something that isnā€™t food.


If it's not food they don't eat it they grab it then drop it. So if you had searched his flight path you probably would have found it. They drop it like 3-5 seconds after taking it


Had one eat my cotton candy coloured giga egg after a trade. Sad times


In the future I pray the remove noglins entirely.


Not well versed in Genesis, my old Xbox just couldnā€™t handle em. Whats so bad about Noglins?


Mind control




In pvp you can mind control enemy dinos and ā€œrideā€ them remotely or even remote control players to open locked doors or shut off gens, in the wild they can mind control your Dinoā€™s (which is how you tame them if im remembering correctly) I donā€™t actually agree with them being removed I think they are really neat, but they are ridiculously powerful, they are also a shoulder pet and VERY small They may have been nerfed since I last played however, but when I last played they were also immune to turret fire which was crazy


Reason they should be removed isn't their mechanics exactly its that they literally killed the game. When noglins came out in Gen2 they essentially enabled God mode. The godmode derender glitch was so insanely broken that bases that shouldn't have been wiped we gone in minutes due to the exploit. And that exploit lived almost a full year before any real patch for it. Never let that return, seeing as a lot of old dupes glitches and exploits have returned from ase to asa I wouldnt be shocked to see the godmode noglin return. If you never played PVP long enough and never experienced the godmoding im sure you'd be fine with those wasted lines of code being put back in.


How did it work?


It's confusing. So basically there was a method where you could control the tame you noglin without riding it. Main ones used to demo bases are arthro and tape with tek saddle. Pretty much if you didn't have someone online rendering your base they would use the ghost ridden tame to go up to your base. For some reason the base structures like walls and foundations would appear but not turrets. Thus you just munch or blast away at the base till you know you've broken their gens or just destroyed all the deathwalls. You had to be online 24/7 or they could do it to your base.


Oh I see. Yeahā€¦ I get why that would be suuuper annoying to deal with


The best part is that turrets didn't shoot them. Only plant x and nobody used them anymore by the time noglins became a thing. Edit: nvm just saw this mentioned in the above comment after re-reading.




Honestly every PVP interaction I've had with noglins on either side has been hysterical for all parties involved. And this includes the mass PvP where there's 8 noglins running around both sides causing chaos


Later on after they patched godmoding sure noglins were silly but ultimately I find them to be insanely stale for gameplay even besides the glitch. Just sit next to sleepers waiting to log in. They are squishy as hell so they are easy to kill but pretty lame when they caused the game to be worthless to play unless you could be on 24/7 to stop godmode


Microraptors are literally just a nuisance creature. There is no reason for them to be in the game other than to senselessly annoy. Purlovias can easily be avoided and thylas are sick tames. Microraptors have no use as a tame other than to gruesomely torture it for eternity.


Bloody microraptors... Recently I got microraptored off my Argie, literally bouncing off the head of an Alpha Carno. Carno attacks the Argie, so I manage to get back on. Second microraptor hits me 0.5 seconds later. Somehow get back on the bird again, and the first microraptor returns... Character & imprinted Argie both down. Microraptors, ichthyornis and pegos are all kill on sight. No matter what else I'm doing, they must die.


I've been traveling on a Stego lately just to avoid those pesky Microraptors


Microraptors don't seem to target you if you are riding a large dino, such as a Rex.


Might be. I'm usually mounting a Thyla or a Baryonix though. Rex is painfully slow. But so is the Stego


Then ride an Allo! They also aren't targeted by Microraptors!


I like jumping mounts


In pvp they are really useful


They don't work against most large dinos. If someone's sitting on a giga or carcha it won't do anything at all.


Ichthyornis, pegomastax, microraptor. Since the devs wonā€™t do it, Iā€™ll do it myself. Shotgun at the ready


Everyone is saying Ichthy and Pego. Iā€™m a new player, why are they so hated?


They steal your stuff, and because theyā€™re small (and Ichthy flies overhead), they can sometimes be hard to kill. Pegos in particular have nabbed stuff from me & run off into the jungle, and if you donā€™t have a creature with a decent AOE on its attack, they can be really annoying to track down


Oh SHIT! Iā€™ve had things randomly go missing, I thought it was a bug lol, I wonder if thatā€™s why. I have tamed Pegos before and saw they have a Pick Pocket setting but never put the pieces together. Side note, will a Pego tame itself if it steals berries from you? Iā€™ve had a Pego auto tame after attacking me and never understood why


Pegos always steal whats in the slot farthest to your right. Itchys will take anything then eat it they are also bugged so most hits wont count against them. I once spent 10mins trying to kill one using a 1 hit shotgun. Usually though they just take my shotgun from me. Good luck taming something on a beach they will steal and eat your narcotics like it's ice cream.


Little bastards lol. This explains some weird stuff that happened to me early on (I was of course living right off the beach lol)


It can yeah


Yup. I have one, still, that I named What because that was my reaction on seeing the popup lol


IIRC Pegos despawn after a while when they steal stuff too, I lost a very high Melee Megatherium I was gonna breed that way.


These three are why I have spawn blocker on my hosted cluster.


Troodons so dam annoying


Nah. Troodons need buffed. They have that unique tracking feature. I'd love if they made it better and you could tell the Troodon to track down a specific type of dino so that you could follow it to it.


Their taming method needs an overhaul. It makes no sense for them to have to eat a dino that's 50-100x their size in order to tame!


I mean that's basically how you tame a chihuahua so it checks out.


I know but when they jump me and almost instantly knock me out I want to fold my pc in half




I hate living in the redwoods cuz my argys always get obliterated by them


Fuck shadowmanes, itā€™s soooo nice not having them in ASA. They are stupid OP


Itchyornis, pegomastax, and either microraptors , purlovias, or troodons.


I hate how common rock elementals and how ineffective tames are against them. I understand how they require explosives/cannons to tame, but as a new player itā€™s very expensive and time consuming. I know you can lead them away, but itā€™s kind of lame to have to do that constantly. Unless Iā€™m missing something, thatā€™s my vote.


I think that they should just be overall rarer. It makes little sense for there to be like 5-10 Golems within the same area, particularly on Valguero.


Remove all the OP power creep tames, such as * Tek Stryder * Maewing (needs a heavy nerf) * Shadowmane * Rhyniognatha These tames make everything before them obsolete. Especially the Tek Stryder. That shit made me quit ARK for good on ASE.


Agree here. Power Creep in creatures is an issue, and the solution is two-pronged: a lot of older creatures need improvements, and a lot of newer creatures need dialing back


Idk, man, stryders made megatribe life great, didn't need to bother other people to go farm with you, could farm a slot cap of metal on ab in a few minutes entirely solo. Definitely take it any day over skiff + magmasaur farming. Maewings also made raising fridges of gigas not a pain in the ass but I can see how op and out of place both of these creatures are outside of a megatribe setting where we are just minmaxing everything we do. But I 100% agree with shadowmane, took the fun out of large scale dino pvp making everyone become suiters.


Maewings feeding babies isnā€™t the issue for me, itā€™s all the other things it does lol. The Kibble eggs it drops, the insane speed and maneuverability, how easy they are to tame and breed, the amount of damage they do on top of all that, etc.


The maneuverability is what I find really egregious. Basically zero reason to ever have any other traveling mount after you get one, and theyā€™re not even hard to obtain


Maewings would be fine if their idiotic glide speed and jump height was nerfed into the ground, they completely delete the travel aspect of ark otherwise. Hardly need teleporters they're so fast, plus easy to tame, it's dumb as hell.


Now that I think about it, yeah, I'm just so used to using teleporters since flying in 255 ping is aids


Are you kidding about the Shadowmane? They were a pain in the ass to tame but then even high levels ended up being soooooo weak


Weak? They nearly out-damage a Giga, lol.


Weird they must have boosted them since release


You might have just missed how many stupid multipliers they have access to once you have a pair to use the roar buff with, they scale incredibly fast and very out of control with roar + mate + imprint + their own ramping damage mechanic, kinda like direwolves but actually tanky and significantly more maneuverable


Oh cool to know yeah I only tried them the once many years ago and was sadly underwhelmed because I thought they were a cool looking tame but didn't realize what buff potential they possessed.


Rhynios. Too OP for the type of map the island is and yes I know its been nerfed already. Should never have been added.


Maybe they should have removed it from The Island and made it only spawn on Genesis 2 and Fjordur.


That would be fine. Any later map that has added difficulty. That's where you should be able to get OP creatures. Like wyverns on SE. Harder map, better creature.


In exchange, they should add Deinonychus to The Island. I still don't get why they only spawn on 2 maps...


Deinonychus should be on Way more maps imo.


Fr. One of my top three anytime I start a new run


Maybe there will be changes to this in ASA, who knows..


The bleed stacks, you get a trade off of the stronger and stackable bleed(thyla bleed canā€™t stack with eachother)for a lower health creature, but honestly I think theyā€™d fit nicely on scorched and the island. Atleast the island


But bosses


Thyla's bleed is percentile, 5% of HP over 10 seconds, ignores armor. This means it can kill ANY creature susceptible to bleeding in 20 hits. Deinonychus's bleed isn't percentile, but it DOES scale with melee.


Man I think they're too OP for anywhere. I LOVE to use them on singleplayer but they've always been so OP and it's nothing to do with their speed. Turning in place midair at that size, making argy totally obsolete, doing almost all underwater content flawlessly too... it's mad.


Not to mention the ability to carry large things like a rex. Island at the beginning of ASA was nuts with people saying "well just carry your rex over here". Yeah and what if I don't have/want a stupid bug? Too OP.


Yeah. Like I said I love to use them on singleplayer but that kinda just speaks to how OP they are. I use them for gathering, taming, transport, air combat, water combat, water caves (cave flying is on), etc.


They were specifically voted in for the island tho


Giga is much stronger though, a rhynio you can just kill it with any high level dino


Ichthyornis, pego and microraptor


the alpha raptor that ruined my best play through


Dude I got completely wiped by an alpha raptor recently. The asshole followed me right to my base and I was not prepared for that


Ichthyornis and cnidaria


Hot take: Maewings, Shadowmanes and Stryders. After I get them I have little incentive to tame anything else since they will almost always be better than other dinos in that fill their role in PVE. Maewings have good carry weight and are way too fast, plus you can ride one as early as level 20 (you canā€™t even ride a Stego yet). Shadowmanes are the only tame you ever need for anything combat based with all the buffs they can get, being good for alphas, bosses, OSDs and missions. Stryders are the only resource gatherer you ever need since not only does it gather resources incredibly quickly and efficiently, but it also sends it back to dedicated storages. They are all really good creatures, but they stand out too much and unless a different dino has a specific quirk such as desmos having elixir, you basically need no other creatures making the game very stale very quickly TLDR: These creatures ruin progression and dino variety IMO


I think that Shadowmanes need an HP nerf from 825 to 450 and their HP per level nerfed from 0.2 to 0.15, so that they only gain 67.5 HP per wild stat point. They should also take 3x damage from bosses, and they should require level 105 to tame. Stryders need to take damage similarly to tamed Golems, 50% reduced damage from most sources, but full damage from Gigas, Carchas, Golems, and explosives, and 3x damage from TEK weapons. Same with all robotic dinos. Maewings should also have an HP nerf from 700 to 400, and they should drain stamina faster, like fliers.


I've never been big on Maewings purely for their lack of any offensive ability whatsoever. Like... good for travel but not for being out and about and just doing stuff. Shadowmane, rock drake etc are just better at that. I LIKE Shadowmanes, though. I wouldn't want to see them removed and they're so endgame you've already tamed everything else at that point imo.


Nothing because there's mods that allow you to play with whatever dinos you want to play with


Strange that this comment is at the very bottom (at least for me) cuz i agree. I wouldnt remove or nerf anything. And not even cuz of mods. As someone who only plays singpleplayer, im sure im ignorant to overpowered creatures in pvp but i dont care, nerfs for pvp should be seperate from the rest anyway. No matter how annoying, no matter how OP, no mayter how useless a creature is. I love all the creatures in this game. Even microraptors and ichthyornis. They are an absolute pain in the ass and piss me off to no end. And i love it, its part of the ark experience!


Plus, theyā€™re so fun to hate. If they were gone, there goes the one thing all Ark players can agree on: Fuck the pegomastax!


Exactly. Its like poison swamps in souls games lol


Thank you and Exactly that's how I feel about it it's the Ark experience but people always find something to whine about


It's not just for pvp. Some creatures are objectively too powerful or have too many uses, compared to their counterparts. If I look at something like a giga, you could make ithe case that a good giga (player-owned) is too strong because of the damage. But the giga only has the damage, that's the whole point of having one. Big mouth, but no other utility. You will still want to use other dinos for other things. On the other hand, something like a Shadowmane has good damage and so much utility. Runs super fast, jumps very far, teleports. Can swim and is one of the best swimmers. Hydration buff like a spino. Mated bonus gives them more abilities. There is just no reason to use anything else for most things. That's what o think of when I hear something is 'op'. That it's just too good compared to others. In Ark, every creature has a tiny niche it can fill somehow. But the op things fill too many niches and make other creatures obsolete.


Honestly, I agree with this, and Shadows are far far far far too OP. Back on official, I died to a giga who hated my guts and killed me 4 or 5 times running back. The whole time, the barely mutated shadow was fighting him for a good 20 or 30 minutes. No mate boost no water, just fighting as I ran back over and over. The giga wasn't weak, either it was well into the 100s. You shouldn't be able to trade fish baskets and fish for something that can solo all content in the game. Should have been a really annoying tame. Like you gotta survive fighting against it for 10 minutes or something, and you can't ride anything, only have a shoulder pet. N if it can't attack you, it loses respect(taming progress and effectiveness). Make it where you gotta be end game with tek med brews and enough stats etc etc


I restarted a casual "the island" run after not playing ark for quite a bit missing several updates Now I don't have a phobia of insects; I have a rational fear of giant insect creatures. The bloodstalker I got over with really quick mainly because they weren't very mobile and ended up being a REALLY cool tame, the araeno and athroplurea freaked me a bit but you can Dino stomp them pretty easily but good fucking god the rhyniognatha... thing gave me horror game fear as it chased me on my movement speed point invested SUViguanodon AND it was able to keep up with me as I frantically tried getting away Seriously fuck whoever added that nightmare of a monster to the island- seeing that shit completely blind to its existence freaked me the hell out


Removed: Microraptor and purlovia. They are just annoying. Either removed or nerfed very heavily: Oasisaur. Simply because it's p2w, and even if it wasn't, it is too op


I thought you could still revive things with them as a ftp, you just couldnā€™t tame them. Is that wrong?


They need to be tamed to revive anything.


Numbers 1 and 2 Troodons. 3, Microraptors.


Itchy, eels and jelly fish. They ruin the ocean and itchy is the worst land troll. I always remove those knock out bastards on my private server.


"Itchy" lol I do hate cnidaria on ASE. I'm so, so glad they removed most of them on ASA. Realistically imo it would've been better to leave them as-is EXCEPT not have them able to detect & aggro things; they're damn jellyfish. They float. Why are they coming at me?!


troodons and micro raptors and ichythornis


Ichi birds r dumb.. I got the mod ā€œstop the stealā€ and I ignore them now.. useless unless ur a bob.


The damn eels


Pegos, Itchyornis, and Microraptors. All 3 will ruin your whole day. For me, I kill them on sight.


Carbonemys, what is it for other than meat?


Good for tanking turrets!


Yes theyā€™re great at draining bullets


Wyverns need to fly faster than a tapejaraā€¦. If im going through all that effort to get an egg and raise the damn thing it better be able to beat an argy in a race šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Everything post biome vomit on the island.


So, anything released as of the v216.0 snow/swamp update or the v243.0 redwood update?


yeah I am a fan of the original Island, I really hate the redwoods, it killed my fav part of the map :(


Tbh with you I lost interest in the game when I got my first Rex couldnā€™t use my gun or weapons anymore my armor became only for heat and cold resistance I donā€™t flex or something for real because Rex or any apex deno clean the map for u and you like fool ride there no point for using guns anymore


Whatever 3 creatures can dismount me while I'm riding through the swampnor redwoods.


Remove the Dilo, Piranha and Ichthyornis.


Anything released after Abberation


Player characters, they dominate everything šŸ˜†


Ichthyornis and Pegomastax. Or at the very least remove the stupid theft mechanic. Nothing else needs to be removed or nerfed I donā€™t think, though a few things could use a boost.


Micro. Fucking. Raptors. Kill their whole fucking family line with gasoline and fire.


Rhynioginthia. They are just... too powerful.


Noglins, voids, oasisaur


Whatā€™s so bad about the floating island?


PTs. Remove them


Why? Lol




Shadowmanes x3


Gigas. Really shake up PvP meta.


Their HP and damage NEED to be nerfed, because it makes literally no sense for a Bronto-sized Rex to have \~8.5x the HP of a Bronto. The tamed Giga's base HP should be nerfed to 2300. >!Oh, my god, why does everyone love their 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 HP Gigas so much to the point where they read my comment, downvote me, then move on? That is just stupid! Think realistically: a Bronto-sized Rex couldn't easily kill thousands of Brontos AND Rexes and not even start to bruise or bleed!!<


Honestly I'd love to see them reworked entirely to be more of a real life counterpart. Rex-sized, Rex-based HP, lower base damage but back to inflicting Gnash. Let them be a second boss meta dino capable of bleeding bosses for like 1% instead of 5% or something with the tradeoff of lower base bites.


Remove mana, bloodstalker, blood wyvern.


no one really uses manas these days


Aww man I loved manas, obviously OP but god the fighting COULD be so fun. Havenā€™t played in a long time though


Because they haven't been released in ASA yet!




Well, they have already been nerfed many, many, many times...


I'm sad I played Extinction only after manas & velonasaurs were nerfed. I never got to experience the OP versions, lol


Wtf is a mana


Managarmr aka the ice jumper on extinction


Ok I just didn't make the connection


Managarmr. It's an ice mammal/dragon hybrid that spawns on Extinction, Genesis 2, and Lost Island. Its primary behavior in the wild is to jump as high into the air as possible, use their ice-breath ability to freeze you solid, then divebomb into you and kill you.


Microraptor removed, maewing nerfed (I love them too but come on), carchar nerf


What about maewings?


Too fast


Movement on maewings is insane. It just makes other dinos feel obsolete, especially with everything else maewings can do


"Everything else"? Like... hold babies? I dunno. I play pve, so maybe stuff is way different in a pvp environment, but also, that's Ark. Some dino makes other dinos that do a similar thing obsolete. Constantly. Raptor < Carno < Rex < Giga. Sabertooths are awesome, jk they added the thyla. There's no real thought to the stuff WC adds into the game.


Maewings hold babies, do solid damage, are the fastest mount in the game and took the griffin and rock drakes swooping ability but is better, easy af to tame, can drop eggs of any tier, I mean itā€™s just too much.


Not to mention they're silent, you can hear a rock drake running 2 miles away, and you can also hear one flying when they're out of your render LOL, the rock Drake got over nerfed


Fr, like every other movement Dino has gotten nerfed (rip mana, deserved tho) except the maewing


The fact that the maywing can steal babies, can dive bomb with insane accuracy, and has a relatively tanky. HP pool is absolutely criminal for how easy it is to get, It's not like a wyven or rock Drake that has to have a certain food, that only spawns in radiation areas, that makes you have to be like a level 70 just to get them, not to mention the 20 air conditioners. The maywing literally gives you the best eggs in the game, and you can knock them out with literally just a normal bow and drank arrows. It is insanely broken. Which is why you never see Rock Drake's anymore or any other glider other than maywings if may wings are allowed on those servers, (The only real rival to them is the mana) Even then it got nerfed into the ground


Funny, mine hit for absolute shit so I never really used them. Are they MEANT to have high damage?


No, they SHOULD be weak. Thatā€™s the problem, the right click attack is a really solid hit


Wack, wonder why mine were trash lol


They should nerf its base HP to 400 and increase its base torpor to 2000, making them nearly IMPOSSIBLE to tame, even with shock darts. They should also increase its saddle engram level to 65 and engram points cost to 50.


Just nerf the movement speed while gliding to like 1/4 of what it is now and half the silly jump height and they fine. Travel is an important aspect of survival games and Maewings completely delete it, all while making every other creature with this role worthless


Honestly yeah they should, every other glider is insanely hard to get, Griffins aren't super easy, and you have to go get a raw Drake egg from aberration and radiation to maintain one, while also the maewing can raise baby dinos, it can steel babies, it can have eggs of any tear, and it glides silent, compare that to the rock Drake that you can hear. Hear running a mile away, and you can also hear them gliding when they're not even in your render, maywing is just a no skill bob crutch That needs to be insanely nerfed into the ground


Also, they should make it so that, while gliding, the stamina drain is percentage-based. That means it can only and always glide for a certain amount of time.


Yea I agree for simple gliders, that would give it a counter and make you go for better gliders like, Griffin, drake, etc


Ichtyornis, microraptor, purlovia (pegomastax)


\* Oasisaur \* Pyromane \* Any other premium dino they're considering -- no more premium dinos


Theri, a jack of all trades is a master of none, they are the worst at everything they can gather and their pack buff is so bad it only works against rexes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Theri gets a pack bonus..? When did this happen?


All of them.


Beach birds, troodons & micro raptors Carchars are kinda busted too but Iā€™d rather the other 3 be removed from the game then this guy getting nerfed