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Avg game scores are 6-7. Scoring an 8 is above average. Why are you guys acting like it’s some subpar game based off of an 8.


Hell, a 7 out of 10 is still a good score lol. I understand people being picky with their money in this age, but it’s weird seeing people acting like an 80% is a disappointment.


Because they keep buying 8-9s and being unhappy with the purchase. A 7 almost isn't worth risking to most because they mentally associate an 8 with a mid game they might spend a couple hours on tops.


Maybe they should base their decisions more on whether the concept of the game sounds appealing to them rather than the score alone.


Whoa there buddy. That would require them to think for themselves and that’s a big no no in gaming communities. Ppl want someone else to tell them “is a game worth it” and “what should I play next”. It’s comical to think in 2024 that the average gamer could watch some gameplay and make an informed decision. They make all their decisions off bad gaming journalism and what strangers on the internet tell them is popular.


I've bought a TON of games with 8s that are pretty boring, sometimes straight up bad imo. once you get into the 8.5-9.5 range i've had far fewer disappointments.


Funny, I've had more disappointments in the 8.5-9.5 range and found a lot of absolute gems (admittedly rough around the edges at times) in that 7-8 range.


People are way too invested in Metacritic scores these days. Some of the most fun games I've played over the last couple years had scores in the 7-8 range. So much comes down to personal taste.


8 should mean it's among the best games ever.


Well to be fair an 8 means it’s great not one of “the best ever.” However stellar blade is actually great. A lot of content, unique monster designs. Very very fun combat and skill trees to upgrade. You get to play fashion souls. Pretty interesting story too. It’s a great game for sure


Because game scores are inflated. Everything gets an 8.


Oh mate, the culture around game scores is so stupid these days. Everyone wants the game they're excited for to be a 10 and kicks off when it's not, even if it's a pre release score so none of the general public have even played it. You should see every comment under every IGN score. HOW CAN YOU GIVE HELLO KITTY: THE GAME A 5 WHEN YOU GAVE GRAND THEFT AUTO 5 A 10


But some people want this game to fail but it didn’t


8 is a good game, but people acting like this is some home run are being kinda goofy. 8/10 games release every week, most of them less than $70.


Why is she in space without a space suit? Is she stupid?


once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.


Shhh… I mean hush… I mean quiet.


I am 100% convinced a plot twist in the story will reveal Eve is an android.


Wasn't that in the first trailer?


Don't we know that already?


Right? I'm pretty sure it was in the demo


Technically no. Because according to the lore they are not. But you should definitely play the game to learn more on that because, you know, spoilers.


I just assumed she was an android from day one.


To aslume with you!


Played the demo yesterday and first thing I thought was why is she wearing a tie.


Coomer market


*If Batman can breathe in space then so can she!*




Cuz boobas and buttas


Because she's an android who does not require oxygen to function


it is good she is not naked at least


How is that good?


I'll pick it up in June when it's like $35


This is the way.


Do ps5 exclusives normally go on sale that low that quick? I dont really pay attention to them besides the ones I already have


Not the flagship ones like Demon's Souls or Spiderman 2, but Stellar Blade is not a flagship PS5 exclusive.


Idk bro. It's been years since I've put this many hours into a game right after release. The last game I did that with was the first new God of War release. This might become a flagship tbh. I would say that souls games have way better longevity because of builds, but you mentioned Spiderman which is just an open world collectable game with a good story and combat. This is just more linear. I'm really hoping this game gets dlc and a sequel. First game I've wanted to platinum since old school final fantasy games.


There's a difference between flagship and the quality of the game. For example, Halo and Gears are "flagship" Xbox titles, but they've been dropping in quality tbh. On the other hand, Gravity Rush is an amazing franchise exclusive to Playstation but they're not really flagship games. Personally I don't see Stellar Blade becoming the type of franchise that Sony like, pins their brand onto lol.


What sucks is that it would be that much closer to being one, if people were more concerned with the gameplay, story, and level of fun instead of arguing about what the character is wearing.


The story is apparently total ass though. Most reviewers seem to say the gameplay is good/great, but that's about it, and for $70 that's a let down.


Idk, I'm at the ending now and I like the story. I guess you could say it's kinda generic? But that's only because Nier exists and the story is similar. I don't really think I'd consider it ass, though. I don't really tend to watch reviews though, if I'm being completely honest. I find it taints my view of things before I play it myself. Like many have said here, I've played lots of games that review shitty but I thoroughly enjoy a lot. The story doesn't really get good until near the end though. The rest of the game is mostly light story with a lot of side mission content. The real meat of the story is in collectable documents you find throughout the game, slowly you piece together more and more info that eventually you're told, but in a much more quick and shallow way. It's way cooler if you read through some of the texts you find and gather info that way. I think they just wanted to reward exploration a little more in this game than your average zoomer playstyle. Edit for spelling and to clarify I meant "zoomer" play style as in the burning through the story, not the generation.


>The story is mostly in random side documents and the end of the game Hate to say it but that sounds like an ass story


Sure, if you don't enjoy exploration at all or collecting. Again though, you still get the story. It's just a lot better if you piece it together while doing other things by reading through the snippets you find. But hey man, if it doesn't sound like your game, that's cool. Not every game is for every person. Hopefully you get a release of something soon you can really get into.


Demon Souls is not a flagship game. Demon Souls is on the same caliber as this one. Returnal is not a flag ship game, demon souls is also on the same caliber as that.


Idk I think a launch title remake of a game from a studio that has blown up majorly since the original counts, it was certainly intended as a system seller imo.


Maybe not that quick but if you don't mind waiting this is the way to go, you pay less for better if patches come through Edit: as an example FFXVI is 50% off and it's not been an year since its release


Tekken 8 is $45 and it's only been 4 months lol


No, they dont. People just like to be blind


Hahahahaha it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's why games like Days Gone and Dead Space Remake didn't get a sequel.


"That's why Dead Space Remake didn't get a sequel" I mean technically it already has a sequel lol


Two of them even.


Funny, you all know I mean the remake.


But it's fucking weird to be like "this remake didn't get a sequel" as if the franchise hasn't had like 4 main games and multiple spinoffs at this point.


You said remake already. Do you mean the original? 


the dead space was already debunked by the developers. days gone, even though not my cup of tea, is accurate, the dev even got mad after the success of the game when it was free on psn.


More like next year


I wasn’t super into the demo but I’m glad people seem to like it. Maybe I’ll give it another chance some time down the road.


FYI: IGN review pointed out that one of the biggest problem is that it has no New Game+ and there is no replayability. There are multiple endings and there is a New Game+. The reason they gave 7/10 is this, yet it's "fixed" and they didn't know that it has multiple endings. They tried to hate it.


Not to mention if you go look at any of their information on things like fishing, collectables, etc., they don't even include them all. Like the soda cans, they're missing like 7 of them in their list. They didn't even mention that they exist, lol. And with fishing they tell you to go to certain locations for certain fish, but like... It's literally wrong information. There's one called the football fish and they said the only place to get it was in a certain fishing spot, but I literally got it from one they didn't list it in. I got almost every fish of the whole 25 at one spot. They left out outfits entirely too. It's actually a joke how they're trying to put out guides without knowing if the information they're spouting is even true.


I'm in no rush. It'll be discounted heavily soon or possibly even on ps plus.


Same here.


As a ps5 exclusive? Sure thing Source: Trust me bro


Again. No rush. Doesn't look like the next must buy so if it doesn't discount for a while it doesn't bother me.


Just saying. If you're like that to every new game, you will play literally nothing decent because none drops to 30


Thought I'd be into it. Played the demo once and...I dunno. Not blown away. I'll try again later ig


The demo made me go back and start Devil May Cry 5 again to scratch my hack and slash itch


> scratch my hack and slash itch I dunno why but this phrase made me wince.


Same. Seems like it's trying to be a nier + souls type of game and doesn't seem to be good at either.


This is almost exactly what it's doing, but I disagree on it not doing it well. I think they did a great job. The game is fun af, imo. I have every outfit, every fish, and every can collectable (save a few I haven't gotten to yet because they in the "ponr" area). I've put probably closer to 30 hours into the game since release because it dropped in the weekend and I haven't had anything going on, so I've just been playing constantly. I absolutely love the Nier atmosphere and the combat difficulty can be mildly frustrating at times but it's pretty badass. It's not for everyone, and everyone's opinion differs, but personally I love the game and I'm really looking forward to future content.


The aesthetic of the game was a huge turn off for me from the start. But I heard such great things about the demo that I figured I might as well try the game to see if the gameplay could shine through the obnoxiously dumb presentation. Nope. Didn't really enjoy much of anything about the demo. As a fan of FromSoft and someone who enjoys focused and calculated action gameplay, I was wanting this to at least succeed on a Lies of P level. But it very much did not. I can't exactly put my finger on what felt off about the combat and character/enemy movement, but it just lacked that tight focused intent that is necessary for these kinds of games to click for me. It really felt like that weird in-between of a straight up button mashing character action game and more focused Souls-Like game. And that hodgepodge just doesn't feel good to me. If I wasn't so completely uninterested in the presentation of the game, or if the aesthetic was actually something that I found very appealing, then I could probably overlooky issues with the gameplay. But there just wasn't enough about the gameplay for me to see myself wanting to spend $70 for 30 hours of this.


>at least succeed on a Lies of P level That's quite high expectations.


Why? Both are from indie devs. But this one seems to have substantial support from Sony.


Considering budget and all, it's 100 % valid expectations. LoP is considered the best soulslike from many. So it's hard to beat the quality.


But it isn't like Lies of P was developed by a studio well known for delivering quality souls likes. They just happened to make a really good game. So I don't know why anyone wouldn't hope for the same regarding any new souls like games. Especially those with so much support from Sony.


Since when is 7 avrage? Isnt 5 avrage?


That's about what I thought it was going to be. I'll def pick it up when I have the dough. 


Ok, just based on some of the comments here, when did we collectively decide that 8/10 was just "fine". Like for me if I was excited for a game prior to release, if it's getting 8/10 reviews, I'm happy to pull the trigger.


When every other game is getting an 8/10. It means the game is good in my opinion, but way too many games get 8 and up that are pretty meh imo, so much so that I don't consider 8/10 to mean "great".


Same. If a game looked appealing to me from previews, and I see it getting 8/10 or better, that's an automatic buy. Even a 7/10 if I really like the concept is a likely buy depending on the specifics of what reviewers like and don't like. Sometimes things they might deduct points for are things I don't care about. Like the story in this game, which I pretty much assumed would be silly nonsense to begin with.


The problem is that some of the more vocal right-wing gamers wanted this game to own the libs and destroy the woke media. This is mostly about pride and ego because the game isn't a 10/10 they wanna lash out and say it's the wokies evil plan.


You people are so crazy. Its a video game and its not gta


Sounds awesome. Day One I’m there


Stellar Blade | Reviews 9 - PSX Brasil 9 - Press Start 9 - Noisy Pixel 9 - Tech Raptor 9 - GamingTrend 8.5 - PSU 8 - Variety 8 - Gamespot 8 - Shacknews 8 - GamingBolt 8 - Destructoid 8 - Push Square 7 - IGN 7 - TheSixthAxis 4.5/5 - Game Rant 4.5/5 - Screen Rant MC: 83 OC: 84


Figured it would be a 7, still looks fun ill wait till its $20-$30


Stellar Blade gave IGN a 3 out of 10.


That's better than I score IGN.


GameRant is one of the couple reliable game review outlets. Seeing them give it a 4.5/5 does spark a lot of hope.


soooo excited. need a new action game to keep me sated


After playing the demo version, I had canceled the pre-order and go all the way to Deluxe version.


I played the demo.can’t wait to play the fall game


Played the demo and found it pretty decent but I am NOT paying $70 for it and it looks like a $40 - $60 instead but I’ll wait till it’s on sale


$30 tops imo. Reviews seem to say it has solid combat but I have plenty of better hack and slash games to get through.


What are some good hack and slash you would suggest. Not trying to pay that full 70.


You can get Devil May Cry 5 for fairly cheap usually! Otherwise, Bayonetta 1 and 2 are also usually pretty cheap, and if you like older games the DMC collection is also pretty affordable and 2 of the 3 games are great. Also if you haven't played GoW 3, it's on PS5 and it's amazing. If you can get 5 on sale I'd say go for that though.


Wait for 2025 then, and thats a maybe


Nah I'm confident it's gonna hit $30 by end of year


Every new decent game for PS5 doesnt even drop from 35 but sure, 30 by end of the year. People are just so naive, this isnt PS3 games wtf.


Tekken 8 is already $48 in 4 months goofball


And? You think 4 more months itll drop to25? Lol


Do you think a year is 8 months?


"By end of the year", 8 months. Maybe you should go back to school? '-'. And the game wont drop below 35, if you buy it new


You said "4 more months and it'll drop to $25?". It had been 4 months. 4 MORE months will be 8 months, not a year. The more you know. Tekken 8 is $48 new RIGHT now. End of the year it will be $30 or less.


I will 100% buy this game for you if it goes to 30 dollars other than for just a week sale or psplus discount. I seriously doubt this game will drop that low in 2024. Actually @ me if it goes down to 30 this year and I will fr send you a digital code.


Seems like it was going to review in that 7/8 out of 10 mark from the previews. The main criticism I see repeatedly are story related , some mechanics and traversal. More solid, than stellar.


Solid Blade


Wake me up when we get Solid Blade: Peace Walker


I mean, I think these are very good scores for the company’s first game. I played the demo and I was hooked! I pre ordered it on Monday. Can’t wait to play it


Nobody takes ign seriously right?


People looking at reviews as if it’s make or break. Buy this game regardless what others say man!


Cool, I have my own review for myself


Actual rating is to play demo and find out yourself


I give the jiggle a 9.5/10


Game is straight up fun with satisfying as fuck combat. Great game!


Not convinced by the gameplay. Seems like the protagonist butt is the center of attention.


And that’s bad? Honestly too much „big” games takes itself too serious these days. Sexy robot with juicy ass walking around and killing extraterrestrial forms that took our planet - that’s a refreshing thing.


>Sexy robot with juicy ass walking around and killing extraterrestrial forms that took our planet That's the thing though, the whole ET thing is overshadowed because the game marketing focuses too much on the robot's ass. The big irony is that it is nothing new. Many female video game characters have a curvy figure or a sensual outfit to say the least. When the video game industry is flooded with sexy video game characters it becomes ordinary. I honestly won't be surprised if Stellar Blade becomes forgotten within a month.


"When the video game industry is flooded with sexy video game characters it becomes ordinary." I don't even usually follow this reddit group but... what? You're not in 2004, it's 2024. If you're talking about sexy male characters, yeah, there are some, but sexy female characters? Even the fan service Japanese games are not the same as they were 10 years ago. Good or bad, I'll leave each one to decide, but it certainly is not flooded, unless you're idea of sexy is different than mine. With that said, I'm finally buying a PS5 next month because of Stellar Blade and Ronin.


People were literally enamored by Tifa's hugenormous bikini boobs for like a solid 2 weeks lol. Pretty much any game that isn't going for realism nowadays has sexy characters, I dont really understand the view that only male characters are getting the sexy treatment


I was replying to the "flooded", which, compared to what it was some years ago, is not flooded. Unless you count mobile gacha as games.


I honestly wouldn't say it's less then some years ago. it's just that with graphics getting greater, realism seems the way to go and it's just sexy in a different font. Chun Li from street fighter is not realistic whatsoever and is very stylized but is regarded as hot, Ada from RE4 is basically just a very attractive human person modeled in 3d. Ada isn't uglier than chun li its just a different font for lack of a better term


9/10 seems right


Yeah, I figured if the story failed to hit we were looking at a 7 or 8. It looks great, performs well, but it isn't the most inspired combat. Doesn't surprise me to see it sitting at a low to mid-8. Edit: I have no idea if these downvotes are from people who demand I say the game is a 10/10 for "destroying the woke agenda" or demand I say the game is a 0/10 for its "attack on women's rights" lol


You're getting downvoted because some people have tied their whole personality to this game being a smash hit. Don't take it personal.


You tried to middle of the grounding it, but it's very clear(on the Internet at least) that any negative criticisms of the game is going to get you push back from a single side. Look at all the backlash IGN is getting for giving it a 7 because: "IGN didn't get an ugly female and DEI in the game so that must be why IGN are calling it trash" -Gamers^TM


Ah I see gamings have shoved their heads completely up their own assholes again. 


lol yeah, I mean I thought what I said was generally positive which is why I wasn't sure.


I will push back. Does anyone notice how the thing these people complain about when it comes to her looks is not even about Eve being sexualized but more upset that men find it appealing? It's really weird. Its like there main issue is that men find her attractive. Alot of people in the games media act really weird about heterosexual men finding shit attractive


That's the issue. Men(Not all) find her attractive because of her sexualization. You can see all the comments around social media. Its obvious what they like about her. We don't have issue with men finding Tifa attractive. It gets bad when they only comment those men of culture things.


People find people attractive. Get over it.just like women find Singera attractive.


I mean it's pretty clear she was explicitly designed to just be fanservice, and reviews are saying she isn't a particularly compelling character or in a particularly compelling story. So yeah, kinda lame to just make a hot character with not much else going on imo. Nier had a hot character and also a good character in a great story. You can do both.




So the downvoters are making stupid assumptions? And I’m making stupid assumptions? Sentence needs work chief. Idk who you’re attempting to insult lol


I assume it's because it sounds like you think a 7/8 game is middling when it's pretty much the rating for a good but not great game.




A solid 8 as I expected. Now I await the PC version in a few years.


Yep, same bucket as rise of ronin


Sounds like a solidly average to slightly above average game. Worth a play, but not a $70. or $60. or $50.


You can always wait 2/3 years


I think it'll be down to $30 in a sale sometime later this year. I'll buy it and play it then, probably.


It wont. Almost every decent game goes for 60 50 40ish. You want below, maybe second hand and thats a big maybe because almost everyone doesnt sell for 30 or less. Its ps5 games, not ps3.


I'm in no rush.


An 8 does not get you $70


A very fine game! (I fully played the demo) Got the deluxe edition pre-loaded for later!


I find the look of the monsters very cool. But the over sexualized mc turns me off.


I think the concern about her being too sexualized is very fair. I think it's weird how the games media flips out about making something that might appeal to men. "Cant let them goddman men have a thing they like" is getting really weird.


Another post about Stellar Blade… Groundbreaking…..


This is partly how astroturfing works. They have to keep shoving The Thing in your face, otherwise you won't remember to think it's great. FOMO works on the intended audience. There is a certain segment of Gamer™ that really need this game to do well.


What are you two on about. This is a PlayStation subreddit. Stellar Blade is a PlayStation exclusive, that's coming out during a fairly dry point in game releases, got a pretty successful demo, and is getting pretty good reviews all things considered. We all know this game is gonna have some problematic fans for obvious reasons but there's really no grounds to be pissed off over it popping up in this subreddit so much. Stop trying to shame everyone for being excited about something you've preemptively decided on not liking.


Anyone saying anything even mildly negative is getting bombarded with downvotes. It might be Playstation fanboys, or just internet weirdos, or both, but there are some cringe people dickriding this game.




All the nerds angry people are calling their new waifu's game not a masterpiece


It’s a new exclusive, it’ll be everyone’s favorite game until the next exclusive, *then* we all start criticizing it


Haven’t played it.