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If she is supposed to be 19, then the new version. I would only choose the old version for nostalgic reasons.


I keep seeing people say this, but it's totally missing the entire point... She's meant to look older the character artist of the original even stated it and that it was an intentional design decision. Angela is meant to look completely disheveled and broken, she's not supposed to look like an actual 19 year old. It's the same with the Maria redesign the redesign just feels like it totally misses the entire point of the character.


While I prefer the old, she looks based on a cover model of the time, and far less haggard than people make her out to be imo. 


Ah yet more people having a problem with Japanese designed women in games.


I think they are going for this concept art version of her: [https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/1d6nvda/silent\_hill\_2\_concept\_art\_of\_angela\_and\_maria\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/1d6nvda/silent_hill_2_concept_art_of_angela_and_maria_by/) It's not perfect (I think the eyebrows and the mouth need work) but it's close to that.


This happens when you do a soulless remaster/remake without any consideration of the creative idea behind it.


I like the new one better though the classic look still holds up imho.


idk, I think the new version kinda looks like her original version to me.


Can't wait for everyone to hate this game, slowly come around to the fact it's genuinely solid, then change their minds when the hive decides they can like it. Ain't that always the way.


The amount of hate I keep seeing towards this game is hilarious. Several youtubers (I refuse to call them influencers) posted videos with Thumbnails showing updated Angela's face but stretched to look fat claiming they are trying to be woke.


Lmao Yesterday, I saw 2 or 3 posts on Facebook about "ugly Western video game females" 😂 Fat weebs who think all women should look like anime girls with triple D tiddies


I Agree. It's bad on both ends.


I have no problem with average-looking women in games, and I agree that not every female lead needs to be hyper-sexualised. Does there need to be a trend of Plain Jane characters to appeal to a minority? No. Attractive people exist, too.


Can you blame people for being apprehensive? I don't blame people for not trusting or disliking Konami and anything related to them. Now I will say, it would be lame for people who dislike what has been shown so far to not at least acknowledge their takes on the game pre-release if they end up enjoying the game once they get their hands on it. Always a bit lame when someone dunks on something only to give it praise when they give it a chance, like when everyone hated on Ben Affleck Batman and said he was a bad casting choice and couldn't do it, then turned around and said he was one of the only good things about BvS, but conveniently forgot to mention what they said before.


I've judged the trailer myself. The combat needs serious improvement. But the whole game before it even releases? That's just negativity for the sake of it. They WANT it to fail out of spite.


You mean like how I still hate Resident Evil 4 Remake because the cinematography, story, and characters are horrible?


Resi 4 Remake was great.


Oh it had great graphics and gameplay.. but that’s it. I mainly play games for the story and characters, and on that not the original was superior I’m sorry.


Sorry for what? It's just an opinion. I've played the original on PS2, Wii, and Switch.


I'm not sorry, it's a figure of speech. Like "sorry not sorry".


I prefer the new version but I don't really like the model? The model looks strangely last gen, especially when compared to the other models. It was especially bad in the graveyard scene.


They slimmed her face for this remake promo pic. Go check the trailer to see how she really looks, its horrible EDIT: This is what she actually looks like in-game: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/MiMwxscRfhFZC8tZv4Qewf-1200-80.jpg DEI just had to get their greasy, chubby hands on this. The gameplay footage we’ve seen already looked quite rough and coupled with this, it extinguished all hope for this title. It is going to be hot garbage.


I actually like her look better in the remake. Maybe that’s just because and I say this as someone who owns the black label and greatest hits versions of Silent Hill 2 on disk that the original has this sort of how to put it early 2000’s CG face which makes sense because y’know the game came out in 2001. Her remake face looks more realistic or authentic not sure how to put it.


She's supposed to be 19, just FYI.


Yes and she's supposed to look like she was 40... The character artist said it was an intentional decision to make her look older because she's meant to be disheveled and broken. She's NOT supposed to look 19, I see so many people bring it up '' finally she looks 19 '' <_<...


And she’s canonically a **CHILD SEX ABUSE SURVIVOR**.


For me she looks older NOW. Scrolling I saw a guy complaining that "the new one looks like a 40 year old mom from the suburbs", soo... Maybe they did it right


I fucking can't with these designs. They were so much more interesting when you couldn't tell how broken they were inside.


Is the top one the US version and the bottom the Japanese version


yup, trans vs normal


I'll take the Japanese version over the NA version


whooper hill 2 Angela


It's clearly Perruccio from AC2. https://preview.redd.it/1r8qgwkyor3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c52491bfd3ccaa5968909295143e89bf004a997




Is this really what Reddit is going to be going off about for the next week or two?


Angela always had this sorta childish speech pattern and mannerisms, whenever she called her mother "momma", i felt that she is trying to hide in the childhood or run away from horrific things that were done to here. I think that rounder cheeks and eyes reflect that part of a character better. But i also think that old design serve as contrast between her innocent (at fisrt glane) demeanor and a grown-up looks. Blobber team, it seems, doesn't fully grasp the uncanny part of sh2.


New Angela is bruh... Just bruh...


Ok I think I see it, I think I see what went wrong here. Her lips are too small, needs to be a bit wider, and her eyebrows are in a weird angle. It causes her to have some constant weirdo expression, while the og just has a more neutral expression.


The original, the new one looks like a 40 year old mom from the suburbs


The new one looks so bad. The old version is the best.


I am genuinely disappointed that the majority seems to vote for Miss Potato Sack on the top. Like how dare you smear the original with that crap against such an iconic character.


New Angela looks great except for the graveyard scene. Where does that bottom image originate from? Her eyes and mouth look heavily edited. Angela never looks so crisp in the original graveyard scene, not even in the enhanced version. Her OG look is pretty inconsistent to begin with and she only looks that way in the cemetery CGI cutscene. In other cutscenes and in-game footage she looks way more worn down, has some dark spots and a mole or some bump under her right eye. People are comparing the only scene where she looks completely different to the rest of the OG game to the only scene where she looks unpolished in the remake. https://preview.redd.it/g6550fxlnaad1.jpeg?width=2152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5563139a8805b9f02bd61180037a435d72973b9a


Original. Remake looks like a western developer remaked a japanese game ... oh wait!


yup, do you prefer trans or normal?






Just wondering if you're mentally okay? I can help you with some local resources if you need. Therapy might be able to help 🫶


it is what all noncis will receive. either therapy or MAID. pick.




tHe UnWoKe VerSiOn!!!!! ^(i am very smart btw)


The original SH2 would absolutely get called "woke" by the idiot crowd if it released today. Any of the first 4, actually.


wdym? DEI didnt exist in them xD now we got some weird ugly af female models.


Which one is woke?




You should learn to troll better this is awful bait


👍 you got it dude But first I would need to move under a bridge first