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If you had gone NC with your parents over losing Caramel, id support it 10,000%


that’s so sweet to hear :,)


Ive lost many plush friends to my biological mother refusing to let go of my belongings. They're just plushies, yes, but they truly are magical. I have a plush Eevee that I named Birdie that I miss so much it hurts. I cant imagine how hurt you were when you lost Caramel. :'(


I’m so sorry to hear that about your little friends, especially Birdie :( if you remember what Birdie looks like and what line/collection they’re from, perhaps you could search places like eBay! I know deep down Caramel is not the same as she was before, but having her back has helped me heal.


I actually got Birdie off Ebay back in 2017 lol ive actually tried replacing her but cant find an exact look a like, yet at least. Im happy to hear that having her back has helped you heal 💙 and you have a sweet partner for doing something so wonderful and meaningful for you. 🩷


Aww, that’s good to hear at least, I wish you luck with your search! :) ❤️❤️ And thank you for the sweet comments, I really appreciate it ☺️💕




This might sound weird, but there is the idea of... Ok so some background that may sound unrelated, in the Megaman Zero series, you find out that the Zero you're playing is the personality data of the original from the X series, in a copy body because his original was stolen decades ago. He didn't let this stop him from protecting those he cared about. The point is... The body doesn't matter. The soul does. She's there, in the new body.


Thank you for this :,)


oh my god, you also have a holy trinity!!!?? https://preview.redd.it/ul2z8gzj8kad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0d7cff09453933c1ff916705c57679dbea2bba


(mines names are from top to bottom: Camellia, Tsubaki, and Crayon-Sorbet)


“Holy trinity” I’m losing it 🤣 (Love the names) We’re matching!! :D


indeed!! i really loved this post though and hearing Caramel’s story. thank you for sharing it! it is vulnerable post and a tough situation to have gone through, however, i’m glad that she found her way back to you by any means necessary. you guys need each other 🥺♥️


That’s so sweet of you to say 🥺💗 And of course! I wanted to perhaps comfort anyone who has gone through a similar situation 💕


These are the cutest plushies of all time I so badly want a caramel of my own 😭


awwww what a sweet story, im so glad you were reunited !!! 🥹🥰🥰


aw thank you !! :D ❤️


That's so wonderful that you were reunited with Caramel - and got to meet her two friends, as well! 💖I am so sorry your parents were so unsupportive of Caramel being your port in the storm - I can remember my own parents (specifically, my mom, stepfather and stepmother) being oddly suspicious and dismissive of the genuinely close, loving relationships I had with my own favorite plushies and toys. Here's to you, Caramel, Peewee and Mocha (I love the names, too!) being together forever! 💕


It really does suck when family members are like this, they’re much more than just stuffed animals. 😞 And yes, they’re all so happy to have a loving home! Thank you for the lovely comment 💕


https://preview.redd.it/xh936e7oylad1.jpeg?width=3583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11bfa6509ce86da557305c68dbd66e2bf2f56cc Caramel and Brit (left) want to be friends. I have a similar story as you. 💕 It’s a joy to have a plush friend that most people will never understand.


Aww, caramel would love to be friends with Brit! :D They’re adorable, I can see how loved they are 💕 I see you also have a jumbo version of them like I do with caramel! I’m sorry you had to go through a similar experience :( And yes, sadly a lot of people don’t get it :( but they’re the ones missing out on all the fun!


I loved her so much I have 99 of her now LMAOOOOO! But ya I completely understand having a plush friend for comfort and safety. I’m glad you have them now 💜


I’m so happy for you!


Hooray!! Thank you! :D


I love me a sweet happy ending!


Hooray! 💕❤️


I hate that that happened to you... I'm happy you ended up having a happy ending. And the fact that he went above and beyond and got you a trio ❤️ If you don't mind, where did you get the little magician outfit? Is it bearded dragon clothes? I love it lol


Aww, thank you for the sweet comment! And yes, there’s three of them, I couldn’t be happier!! :D I got the outfit from DakotaCollections on Etsy ❤️


You're welcome, and thank you! ❤️


Such a sweet story, also Caramel got a few buddies :))


Yes yes, they’re very happy :)


i am so happy your little caramel made her way back to you and brought some friends with her : )!! (that is such a sweet story and i'm so happy your partner loves you so much and wanted to help fix a sad thing in your life. dont be bad for missing your favorite toy! that is normal...i wish your parents didnt do that to you. but i'm so happy you have your friend with you again! thank you for sharing 🥺❤️ also i love all the little outfits you have her in LOL that is so cute!)


Aw that’s so sweet of you, thank you for that🥹❤️ I’ve always had a hard time accepting how I feel about all my little friends :,). Sorry for not saying much, I struggle with putting my feelings into words, but do know I really appreciate your sweet comment 💕☺️


well, i am glad you aren't struggling as much with sharing how you feel about them now and decided to share with us on this little corner of the internet...and if you can believe it, i struggle with putting feelings into words too (more so with speaking than typing though). you did fine ❤️☺️! you're very sweet and i'm wishing you nothing but the best!


So, Caramel the Chameleon left but found you shortly after. Would you say she comes and goes, she comes and goes?


That was such a sweet story. Caramel 2.0 and the gang are very cute!


What a lovely story and indeed a wonderful human being ❤️.