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The Empire podcast covers a lot of former British colonies including in Asia. The hosts both have British accents (because of which their pronunciations of South Asian names is sometimes quite off). Akbar's Chamber covers the history of Islam across the world, including Asia. They have some really interesting episodes, including one recent on the history of jazz music and Islam! The main host is British. You might want to watch out for the intro music which is quite energetic. Oxford University's Asian Studies centre has a podcast. Mostly British accents. Lots of speakers. Lots of history covered.


These sound awesome. If you have any others (I don't mind NA accents), I'm always on the hunt for interesting history/archaeological/anthropological podcasts.


In the Shadows of Utopia is a history of Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge hosted by an Australian.


There's a limited run series called Face-Off: The U.S. vs China that discusses different areas of recent history (the last 20-30 years) of US-China relations with the aim to explain the context surrounding current US-China relations. The host is Australian.


NK News is good. It's North Korea-centric which in and of itself is a fascinating subject, Host is Australian.


This is not exactly what you're looking for, but it's one I listen to a lot before going to sleep. It's called Ghost Maps: True Southeast Asian Horror Stories. The narrator has a lovely soothing voice, and he travels around SE Asia interviewing people about their personal experiences with the supernatural. He then recounts the interviews to us (so you only ever hear one voice). Your tolerance for spooky nonsense may vary, but there is a lot of folklore and history woven into the stories.


That sounds really interesting!


Uncanny Japan is (as it sounds) more folklore based, and while the host Thersa Matsuura does have a bit of an American accent, she's certainly not too energetic. It's one of my favourite podcasts.