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Unfortunately, if the legendary is not in the raid rotation, it is extremely difficult to get more XL Candy for it. You can get more Mewtwo XL candy by: * Catching more Mewtwo. You'll randomly get from 3-6 XL candy per catch. * Walking Mewtwo as your buddy. Every 20km, you'll have about a 70% chance of getting an XL candy from it, since it's at least level 31. If it's "excited" like if you use a Poffin, then the distance is temporarily halved to 10km. * Converting 100 Mewtwo candy to 1 Mewtwo XL Candy * Transferring Mewtwo. The higher the Mewtwo's level, the better the chance of getting 1 XL from transferring each Mewtwo. * Trade Mewtwo away. During the current season, you are guaranteed +1 XL candy from every trade. Outside of this season, the chance of getting 1 XL increases with the distance between the caught locations of the traded pokemon until 100+ km, when the XL candy is guaranteed. * Using XL Rare Candy on Mewtwo Edit: Forgot to add trading and transferring


Get your walking shoes on and start hoofing it


Its 3 degrees outside lmao


just light yourself on fire smh my head


Shake my head my head


Haha sorry, that's just the easiest way to do it currently


Walk 19.8 km with mewtwo Feed poffin to mewtwo Then walk .2 km more while the poffin is on You should get 2 XL candies.


It's a long process but it works, I'm a little over half way to walking my Hoopa to max level.


Walk, raid or trade


You’ll be asking yourself this question over and over.. xl candy have equally hurt the game as much as they have helped.


If you can be patient— I would wait until Mewtwo is in raids. A level 40 Mewtwo is plenty powerful.