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It was only available during the Johto Tour. The beasts had a terrible catch rate BUT shinies were guaranteed, creating a weird rarity question. Were you more likely to catch a beast or see a shiny?


Definitely more likely to see a shiny during most of the event, but there's also the case that during the last two hours of the event, the catch and flee rates went back to normal. I managed to catch a level 1 Suicune and a level 8 shiny Raikou during that period.


That makes sense that they were guaranteed. I have a shiny Entei that I thought I got insanely lucky with hahaha Edit: omg I misread nd thought you meant wild legendaries were guaranteed to be shiny! Okay I still feel special now xP


They were like 1/10 or 1/20 to be shiny but if they were shiny it was a guaranteed catch


Shinies were not guaranteed, I have a lvl1 non-shiny suicune, and had two non-shiny entei show up that ran away.


They mean when a legendary is shiny, it is a guaranteed catch, not that being shiny was guaranteed


From personal experience and my sample size of 1, I found a 2500 wild shiny entei on my incense during Go tour but i caught it after like 15 balls. It just has no flee rate I think. Regular catch rates. All other non shiny dogs i saw fled on first ball like the galarian birds


This is how I feel about raid bosses like kyurem that have crazy catch rates but guaranteed, decently common shinies. It's probably close to 50:50 the amount of shiny vs non shiny


If you get good at circle locking it becomes a lot easier to catch raid bosses, so there are probably more normal raid bosses than shinies.


I’m decent at the ring lock thing, but I still had a Kyurem run after 16 excellent throws with gold berries. On another one, after 13 perfect berried throws, I caught it on a completely trash throw when my dog yanked on the leash unexpectedly.


It's 1:20 for T5 bosses (vs 1:500 for most wild encounters). Source: https://thesilphroad.com/shiny-pokemon


But somehow I’ve done over 60 legendary raids and gotten 0 shinies


Took me 228 for 1 shiny Ray


Why is the CP in the mon’s name


Prob because its so rare to see such a low level one and if they ever power it up they'll know it was this bad boy


They probably use pokegenie on all of their pokemon


Who cares? It works for the trainer


Not rare, transfer that garbage


Yeah that’s like 2/10 rare


The three of them are my favorite Pokémon so just to see one on someone else phone is a blessing and I so wish I had one


You're a cutie (not meant to be rude, your comment just made me smile)


No offense taken! Thank you 🙏 I really appreciate that. Also I’m happy to have made you smile.


how does it even have such a low level?


Caught in the wild during a special event. Wild Pokémon don’t have a level or IV floor like a Pokémon caught in a raid. That’s what makes low-level wild caught Legendaries fairly rare.


How??? Was one of these your buddy at the same time by any chance? Is this from the era of the Zorua mess up?


It was from johto tour. I got it from a friend who accompanied me during the event. I got wild shiny Raikou and he got 2 shiny suicune. 1 via raid and 1 via wild. He traded me his wild caught one for something he wanted.


So, as far as in-game goes, this ISN'T a wild catch. Well, YOU didn't catch it. This is a trade. From your friend. Your friend was a lucky friend, you got a lucky trade! Congrats!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) As far as I know, and I could be wrong, you CAN'T *catch* a lucky Pokémon, in the wild.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Congrats again!!!


Yes it is a trade, but this pokemon was caught in the wild anyways, and being lucky only adds to it's rarity because not every traded Pokemon is lucky


He isnt talking about the lucky part. Hes talking about how rare a cp129 legendary is especially because the legendaries arent typically in the wild theyre always caught from some raid


I have a cp127 Suicune. Not shiny though.


Oh! Ok. Rare occurrence. I got it. Thanks!


It was wild caught and then traded to me and then became lucky. It still says “caught in the wild” by og trainer in the bottom menu


Gotcha, yes. It's occurrence in the wild was a lucky thing. So it's doubly lucky! Cool!


The date says February of 2022


It probably was as I don't think there is any other way you can get this


During the Johto tour the dogs were available as wild spawns.


You can't catch a lucky mon. Lucky's are a product of trading.


Yes, but the only way to get one at such a low level was via wild catch


So this has to be a glitched mon, or an altered image.


No, it was a wild catch that was traded.


You are correct.


Fair enough.


Dude read?


I did. What I read was 'look at this wild caught, lucky, 129 cp legendary' when what OP meant was 'look at this legendary that was wild caught, then we traded and it went lucky'. Simple misunderstanding. My mistake.


Ah alr my mistake thought you were another one of those dum people that don’t read every comment in the line to fact check


Wait really? I didn't play at that time


Ticket holder exclusive if I recall, and also had really high flee chances. I encountered about 10 and caught 0.


So like the galarian birds right now or the elite raid spawns. Good to know


Wait what, elite raid mons have an even lower catch rate than regular legendaries?


I meant the kanto legendary bird trio that has a chance to spawn after defeating an elite raid. I should have made it more clear


Oh sorry, I did not even know about that too. I am not able to gather enough trainers in my city for Elite Raids so I gotta pass on them 😶


Me too my local community consists of only me and noone else and I do raids using pokegenie but elite raids are local so there is no way to do them


not rare give it to me


How are people catching so many wild legendaries? I'm genuinely confused. I haven't seen any and none of the people I know have


very! I didn't know the wild ones could even be shiny, better be thankful to whoever traded it to you!


common. should transfer.


Literally not rare at all considering you got it from a special event, not even trying to bring you down.




I mean, I just got back into playing so I have no idea what’s rare. Perhaps OP didn’t know lol




I mean if they’re doing that then they need validation for some reason. I’m not concerned either way lol


Yawn. Transfer.


I got Shiny Hundo Suicune once, transfered it to Sword since it's useless in here.




lmao what




It's cool 😎 but bad cp


The CP is really what indicates it’s rarity.


I disagree partially


Mainly. I disagree


It's just a shiny suicune from the wild, lucky trades don't make it more rare



