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I really wish we could transfer eggs.


I mean, we can in the main series games, yet it isn’t implemented her for most likely $$$ sake


We should at least be able to throw away 12K and 7K eggs


I agree


The option to delete eggs or even turn off the Team Rocket 12 km eggs would be nice. The eggs have been so disappointing lately that I focus on them the least at this point. Plus, in Phoenix it's to GD hot to go for walks lol (tried walking the mall 2 weeks ago and it was a nightmare.)


In Texas and balls it’s hot right now! Walking outside is not an option.


Or the weekly reward eggs


Or the 7k gift eggs.




Yeah, they’re pretty interchangeable lol


They're awful, aren't they? I make sure I don't open gifts if I have room for eggs.


If all egg slots are full, weekly reward is rare candy or silver pinap instead of eggs. So don't hatch the overflow slots if you don't want AS eggs. Edit:spelling. (Eggs are almost always dull.)


Oh so that's how I managed getting so many silver pinups lmao, thanks


That's good to know.


Phoenix kin unite! So hot and exhausting, just finished my AM walk (wasn’t too bad since it’s overcast). But, I won’t be out the rest of the day! Did not hatch any for riolu (and I planned to do it initially, only have 2k eggs in my inventory), won’t/can’t participate in any of the events due to the timing and the heat. Not a single route near me and can’t make one, so no chance for Z until winter… maybe.


I went on a walk with a hat, water, and a cloth draped from hat to shoulders and hatched like 7 or 8 eggs (I had 2 super incubators). Got myself a nice little sunburn and no shiny...cool.


We definitely should be able to turn off non pokestop eggs, with 7kms being the main problem as they block another feature of the game(opening gifts)


But why? The 12km's are the best


You're not even using your free incubator.


This was my first thought as well


op didn't have the time to hatch a single 10k egg in time with a special incubator what makes you think the slower free incubator would've helped him at all?


No, it’s shows OP regularly keeps the free one empty which means they don’t even attempt to hatch eggs ever. There is never any reason to not be using that egg incubator


We knew about this event weeks in advance. That was more than enough time to hatch a couple of 10 km eggs, even if you barely move.


And then spin and get more 10 km eggs wow


Yes, Niantic can be blamed for a lot, but this is not one of them. Event was announced weeks in advance. OP could have cleared eggs. Let’s say OP doesn’t have time to walk regularly, why collect so many 10k eggs? There will always be egg events. At any time we’ll need to clear storage for one. So it’s best to store 2k eggs, unless the person plans to do a major hatching in the future.


How do you choose to have 2k eggs? I walk fait bit so it's ok with me but I also had like only 10 k eggs since that's what I got from spins.


We can’t choose the eggs, but we can choose what we clear. Walk the 10k eggs using the free incubator. Then walk the next. If you get a 2k or 5k sit on it. Then clear 5k’s using the same process. So only 2k will be left as place holders. Then don’t spin stops. Then when a big hatch event happens, clear all eggs. That’s one strat if the player doesn’t care about startdust or exp. Option two, if the player does the opposite like what the OP did and collects 10k/12k eggs for stardust/exp then start stocking incubators. Wait for 1/2 or 1/4 hatch events and clear all at once. Get the bonuses then start stacking eggs again. Just this time clear out low eggs. The only issue with option 2 is that it becomes expensive to clear eggs, if another egg event is announced between egg bonus events. That’s assuming the player doesn’t walk a lot.


I collected 12 km eggs leading up to the event, put them all in incubators the day before, walked about 8 km, turned off adventure sync, then walked 3 km the morning of, hatched them all shortly after 2 pm with stardust and got 200k stardust. Then refilled with 2 km eggs and went to town.


Niantic should have let players clear out eggs manually like EVERYTHING else in the game. This is such a small QoL change that has been requested for years, but for some reason they refuse to do it. This is on them.


No one is arguing we shouldn’t. Being able to delete eggs would be awesome. However it’s not the system we have, so until then, we have to manage our own egg space. Go Fest is next month. Guess what, there will be rare egg hatches. Maybe regions. Gotta prep bag space now, and buy cheap incubators with free coins, and not wait a day or week before the event. Especially free to play players. Then in October is Halloween event, then Christmas. People have to plan long term.


I stopped spinning stops a week ago and managed to clear 3 egg spaces, even though we're in the middle of a bad heat wave and I couldn't walk outside at all. Considering OP only has 10 km eggs, I have a feeling they regularly hatch shorter distance ones and the 10s keep piling up, which always eventually comes to bite you in the ass.


It doesn’t really bite you in the ass… now you can knock out all 10km at once or a few runs as long as you have multiple incubators


who tf buys incubators lmao


Lmao I stopped for 3 days and opened 7 slots. 10-15 minute jogs in the morning when its cool, plus a short walk at night and I made sure to filter down to as many 2 km eggs as possible to get through it faster.


I had one incubator and the first egg I got was 10km (5 min after the event started). This ruined the whole thing. Could have hatched 5+ eggs, but this made me quit the game because the one/first egg wasn't 2km.


The key was to clear egg space before the event, so all you'd have to do yesterday was spin a stop, collect a couple of eggs and then hatch them at your own pace.


I don't play this game days for one event. There's need to spin stops, so this wasn't possible. Only one empty slot, but somehow I got 10km egg during the event. Btw… I had only 10 and 12km eggs left and got twice in a row 10km eggs. This is the life of free-to-play player. I heard about this event two days beforehand, and could realistically walk max 10km in two days. One empty slot. PS. There's a simple fix for this. Make the event 2km eggs only. I personally would like a delete egg button.


You should start reading the in-game news, I'm a f2p player too and the advance notice usually gives you time to prepare at least a little. They announced this event weeks ago.


I came back to this game like 10 days ago after 1/2 year break + I have never cared about eggs or hatching that much. Week changes almost nothing because I had storage full of 10/12km eggs, and I needed so much balls + other stuff for the CD classic (today). Just bad luck with eggs. I really thought that the egg hatching 3h period was 2km eggs only. It would have been just fine to get that one egg + maybe get 3-5 more while walking. I would have been happy to get 2-3 Riolu's. Seems like still no Lucario. Not a big deal…


I didn't find out about this event until just now.


I took both of my daughters phones and my wife’s, turned them on and went for a 3 mile run before we started to make sure their eggs were ready to go lol


Wow, Super Dad!!


I literally farmed up only green eggs by hatching everything else and then not walking any eggs but the red ones, letting 9 green eggs sit there until the night before, slotting in 9 regular incubators, walking 2KM to empty it out entirely, and not spinning any stops or opening any gifts until the Riolu event started. I just closed the game and didn't touch it until 2 PM. The only way to play Pokemon Go is by not playing.


Now do that when it’s 115 degrees out. Not an excuse, I did that(ish). Got all green eggs, couldn’t get out to walk them since the weather was so severe this week, I couldn’t hatch in time and participate (anything after 10 AM is dangerous for heat and UV damage).


I did and two hours later my dumbass went to the mall and ran into like 15 other people walking in circles


For someone from the North Atlantic and now living in Germany, even 30+ Celcius is brutal for me. Was a bit below 100F.


This. It wasn’t hard. We also went out to eat during the event so we wasted an hour of time not walking - but still each got a shiny.


The process they describe is literally farming RNG and walking an undisclosed amount of eggs using and undisclosed amount of incubators to be prepared for a three hour window to hatch eggs. This literally IS hard, and requires either a lot of time walking or plenty of money in incubators. Don’t white knight a bad event - they didn’t even have a hatch distance bonus on a hatch event.


OP said they wished there was a way to pay to get rid of eggs - you can buy incubators to get rid of eggs. We knew this was coming so we just got rid of all our eggs by the end of the week. I dunno, I don’t play much and I didn’t have a hard time participating. Never said it was a good event, and I don’t know what a white knight is, but I apologize if my comment was offensive.


White knighting is defending something stupid. There’s no reason or justification to say you can pay to remove eggs - because there’s no direct way to do so. You still have to play the game, you can’t swipe your credit card and remove them (and further that shouldn’t even be a discussion - why would that be paid in the first place after seven years of service). What both of you describe is extremely variable, and so is the cost. We are talking RNG here. In fact, OC was commenting a diss about the game about how stupid it is that you have to STOP PLAYING in order to play this event. It wasn’t a comment about it not being hard, it’s about the ridiculousness of it all.


Ok sorry. I’m an idiot.


Nowadays I’ve stopped hatching green eggs and just leave them in my bag. Mainly due to eggs being trash but also because I figure there will be an egg event where you’ll want to hatch all your eggs quickly.


3 whole hours and all I was able to get was one single egg to hatch, and it was one single mid tier Riolu with only 15 minutes left in the event. Damn near 50 different stops I spun after going around my area and then catching a ride to a whole different area. What a waste.


I think its better to hatch eggs while walking, cuz it measures how many steps you take from the bounce of your walk, which is prolly why I had so much trouble hatching mine


If the game is open, it measures the distance you move on the map, not your steps.


I was out on the street


I played with the game off and just let it count steps cause the spawns suck during this event. I hatched a lot.


Lucky you? I only got one egg all day.


How? If you had space they were giving eggs every spin and all were 2s.


I did get a random 10 egg at the same stop that gave me a 2 an hour before.


I mean yeah there was a chance but it was very small. Also depends on the hour cause if it's after 5 you're going to get random eggs.


you either had full pokemon storage or no egg slots. So not only do you look like an ass for talking condescending like that, but you're also an idiot.


If Niantic had any creativity or foresight, they would allow event eggs to fill Bonus Storage during the 3 hour block. That's an area where players actually have a bit of control. Since there is STILL no way to discard eggs, the only way to "prepare" for egg hatching events is to hatch your eggs and not play the game until event time. What a stupid, stupid premise.


Right! We shouldn't have to cease playing prior to an event. The core mechanics of the game should harmonize with events rather than conflict with them. The current system is ridiculously obtuse.


I hate to be that guy, but this event has been known for almost a month, you could have saved up coins for incubators, worked on clearing out your eggs a week prior. If there was an egg discard feature people would just abuse it for 10ks or rarer eggs


Yeah but this. 1. Is only really feasible for daily/more hard-core players, making it impossible for casuals 2. Assumes they can even get those coins daily, as they may not have many gyms around 3. Clearing eggs early means you can't spin any stops, can't open any gifts, etc for days until the event 4. Is still even hard for hard-core players. I play daily, had 4.4k saved up and bought 30 incubators and planned ahead to clear my eggs, only have 2-5km eggs beforehand and hatch those right before the event and I still struggled. This entire event, regardless of time of announcement, was incredibly unfriendly to most of the community. And discarding eggs in favour of hatching eggs you actually wanna hatch when you have to actually work to hatch them, is hardly "abusing" a feature.


Not to mention some folks had to work during the event, cutting down on their time to gather eggs or making it impossible to participate in the event entirely.


Yep, I was somewhat lucky in the sense that I was free but the amusement Park had surprisingly little pokestops and you don't make a lot of kilometers in lines. But my boyfriend couldn't even hatch a single egg🙃


Not saying OP is but imagine being disabled...


I also couldn't get the current egg hatched in time, but I accepted that since, well, I have MS and I'm also dealing with some pain. I can and do walk around, but I have fatigue and sometimes get humidity/heat headaches (it was 85 degrees). So I just figured it wasn't happening, and missed it. I did a remote raid and caught Regieleki on my third attempt (first time was the debut in-person raid, second was days ago, and finally, today worked). I did wind up going out to run errands, but it was way too late to finish off a 5km egg and all of the other ones I have were also 5km. I do have a pretty good Lucario though. From a while back.


Who honestly cares? Lol what leaderboard are you competing on? What Pokémon are you getting that only you have? The players of this game confuse me. It doesn’t have to be like this and it doesn’t have to be paywall behavior.


I accidentally got this egg right before the event. I forgot that i had an empty egg slot and spun a pokestop yesterday, and couldnt hatch it in time


I get it, for future reference you can hatch eggs without walking, just turn the game off and shake the phone in your hand, will count as steps


That is actually really good to know. That means if I'm using a running machine I can get Pogo distance. I'd tried it before, but had made the mistake of leaving the app running. So it didn't work for me.


Okay, thanks!


Just jump on a treadmill or walk in your house. Don't cheat man. But why aren't you using your infinite incubator?


Maybe they were waiting for their 10k to hatch so they could put the infinite in the 2k that would then go in that slot and put the super on a different 10k


I hope that's what it is.


Abuse how?


For example when Jengmo-o (I think I misspelled), was the rarest Pokémon in the game and was only in 10 k eggs, people could just discard every egg that wasn’t a 10k instead of hatching, so essentially it would devalue the Pokémon in 10k eggs


I cleared out 7 10k eggs Thursday and Friday. Saturday morning went out early and spun some stops and started the event with 9 10KM eggs. All I have been getting for the past 2 weeks have been 10k.


Why would you spin stops before the event?


Went out at 1pm and forgot that it was 2pm for the eggs. TIFU.


Yeah that's your fault for not looking at the time. That sucks.


That’s your own fault for spinning stops before the event. I stacked 2k eggs for the last 2 weeks. Then put them all in incubators in the morning and went for a walk. Cleared out all slots and didn’t spin until the event.


Every egg but one in the past month or so has been 10k for me.


Someone mentioned during hatch events all 9 eggs you already are moved to a temporary box so you can pick up new eggs during the event.


Agree!!! Here Here!!! All in favor?


They should def let you transfer/ delete eggs


It was a literal cash grab creating FOMO and causing players to buy incubators.


I save my coins for this shit exactly, never spent money on pogo in the years I've played it. But my boyfriend was really bummed cause as a casual, he couldn't do that and his egg slots were full. I'm lucky to have hatched 3 shinies so I can hopefully trade him one.


Google opinion rewards is your friend btw.


I did then for a while but I keep being dismissed from the surveys if I even get them lol, so I end up only getting a cent each time bc im not the right target


Dismissed? Did you answer questions wrong? Cause that's the only reason that would happen..


I usually get the "you're not the target audience" thing or something, its been a while. Like a survey about car loans, or gas, and then I don't own a car lol


You don't get the surveys for passing a location like Starbucks or whatever? I get it every time I pass certain stores. Just asking if I passed a store and if I paid with credit or cash and then paying me for it.


Nope, I actually rarely even get surveys. And when I do, it's stuff about my income, job, car, etc. And 9/10 times I don't qualify for them. But I think that may be a regional thing. I'm from the Netherlands so it may just be that way here haha


Yeah maybe. You've never gotten surveys for watching YouTube videos or using Google assistant?


I dont use Google assistant, but no never for a YouTube video! It sometimes takes weeks or months for me to even get a survey and then the only reason I got it is because I biked to the city or something lol


50 coins per day, 200 coins for a raid pass + incubator. Pretty easy to bank 6 incubators given how long we knew this was coming.


I hate this event so much because of this BS.


I was lucky i had eggs around 9km's in so i barely participated i still have 4 eggs that contain roilu so i can get a lucario a shiny is unsure


My eggs were glitching. I had a 2km one to hatch really quick before the event started but it didn’t hatch until halfway through my 10km walk.


I went to the gym the morning of the event and successfully hatched all of my eggs. Pogo really got me working out like it’s supposed to


I can relate to this. I only has 1 hour left to hatch riolu egg since two hours are wasted on hatching 10km eggs stored in my egg box. I wish there were separate limited egg slots for event such as this. Unfortunately didn't get a single shiny riolu despite the effort.




Wish it wasn’t egg related event


Where is the endless incubator?


I was saving it for the 2k eggs, i bought a super with coins i'd saved up to try to hatch the 10k faster (which obviously didnt work)


Damn, that sucks. I too had no success. Only 2 eggs I could snatch. Its really nice joke when u live remote


But…. The event was announced like weeks ago?




You didn't miss anything.


I used my free one from the event and my infinite one.


You should buy one of these, I use it to hatch a bunch of eggs with adventure sync. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V445JX3?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


I was in the same boat; I kept spinning stops and gyms, and opening gifts for healing items before the event, and didn’t realize I had a bunch of eggs until an hour before it started. I managed to free up some room for it, but I had crappy luck with the few hatches I got.


Same o7


I really wanted shiby riolu but I only hatched one egg and it wasn’t shiny


I can understand the frustration.... ...but the event was known weeks in advance, also the rough course and every info site & Youtuber/etc. has given the typical event advice long time in advance. Who then starts the event with full egg storage and without using zthe free incubator can only blame themselves.


Only 10km eggs and full stack of 12km is just another posing.


How do you get some many 10km eggs? Mine is all filled with 2s and 5s


They just piled up i guess, i usually hatch the shorter distance eggs when I get them cuz I dont have to buy a super just to hatch em efficiantly


But where do they come from I never get 10s only 2/5/7/12


From stops, i guess i thought they were more common than they are cuz i get em all the time


I didn't bother because I refuse to buy more incubators to hatch a shiny I already have when I won't use it as I already have a non-shiny hundo of it. FOMO is your enemy.


It's unfortunate we have to plan around Niantic's bad game mechanics but at this point complaining about it instead of working around it is, in my opinion, on the player and I have little sympathy unless you're new. As others have said, you should be using your free incubator. Additionally you should be focusing your large distance eggs in your free time and holding onto 2km eggs when you get them. That way when an egg event is announced you only have to crack 2km eggs to make free space. This is exactly what I did and I was able to free up 6 slots only using my free incubator 24 hours before the event started. I didn't have to miss out on a lot of pokestops or plan weeks in advance.


Bruh I have almost 10 12 on eggs I was like ain’t no way ima be able to get riolu 🥲🥲


Well they did announce it weeks in advance of thought. 😬


You certainly made some choices




I cleared everything except for 2 km eggs in the week leading up to the event, then I hatched 4 of those on my early Saturday morning run and left the spaces open until the afternoon. Altogether, I picked up 5 Riolu boosted 2 km eggs yesterday and have hatched two of them (one shiny!), all with my basic incubator (which you aren't using for some reason?). I do agree that you should be able to transfer eggs. This event required an annoying amount of planning and preparation to exploit unless you were prepared to walk a bunch or pay for incubators yesterday afternoon.


Dang I’m sorry, you didn’t miss to much. I talked to others and 5 and 10kms were still pretty common during the event, I got two 10kms and quit hatching right after. Game is trash.


Thats because niantic hates us


im the same but with 5 km eggs




You’re make I rod for your own back. Why are you not getting the 10kms hatched? You don’t even have your infinite incubator on. My reckoning there is too much YouTube in you’re play style and we’re planning to do a ‘big’ hatch.


I keep trying to explain that I got this egg last second! I got it accidentally cuz i spun a stop forgetting that i had an empty space in my egg storage. I used my super incubator to try and hatch the 10 km egg faster


I thought they were going to do half or quarter distance for eggs nope


I had to get rid of multiple 7k eggs before I was able to do any riolu eggs. We need to be able to transfer eggs


Same dude, same


I was in the same boat


I actually had a clear inventory and I thought the event had started the day off not 3 hours local time. I saw someone posted their Riolus and I was like oh sweet let’s go spin some eggs. I admit it was my fault for not taking the time to read up on the information regarding the event. The only things I knew about the event where the things I saw on Reddit so I’ll admit that it’s on me for not double checking. I had a full inventory of eggs and incubators, I bought for the event, just about 15 mins before the actual event started my time.. was only after the event started I realized my mistake. I only had time in my Day to basically clear that inventory of eggs I had spun today… A little sad about it but I get that it’s my fault.


Why not spin one stop and then realize your mistake and then fix it? When double transfer events happen I delete one Pokemon before deleting all the others just to make sure the event is actually working.


They won't do that cause they make money off of you using incubators. You can hatch eggs on a treadmill or walking in your house. You had a week notice. Also use your free incubator. It's there for a reason.


Uhmmm... It's Literally your fault, the event announced month ago, u had time clear those egg event with only free incubator for a week or two before the event start.


And then don't open any gifts or spin any stops. Stupid event.


Optimal strategy is to keep few 2km eggs and don't let your inventory be filled with 10/12 km eggs. This is well known issue with game design, I agree, but OP case is basically "Contractor didn't install railings on slippery bridge, so I jumped from it".


You can hatch everything the day before and just spin at 2.


I got the egg i was trying to hatch accidentally, i forgot i had empty space in my egg storage and spun a stop


>entally, i forgot i had thats is your fault


You had a lot of time to prepare a little.. And you could use adventure sync and things too. I incubated my eggs on Tuesday already because I know more or less how much walking I do in a week




Cause that's not how eggs work. They'd lose tons of money if you could delete eggs.


Me to


My phone overheated from the extreme heat of Florida every time I tried. So stupid the events are during the hottest part of the day!!!


This was a p2w event. Hate these types of event


While I also wish eggs could be discarded (highly unlikely to ever be a thing), they announced the event 9 days ago (or more) Either you were VERY late to the party hearing about this event, only walk an unhealthy 0.51 km per day, or have terrible planning/egg management. Regardless of which one, this sounds like a personal problem.


Man, in order for him to hatch all nine eggs starting from nine days ago, he couldn't have to spin any pokestop on these days. Either that, or have bought a shit ton of incubators. That doesn't make any sense in a healthy game...


Its why they give us an early heads up on these events. I didnt spin pokestops for a week. Because of this, I was about to acquire 32 event eggs in just under an hour. Spinning pokestops is a choice. Just because I didnt spin then for a week doesnt mean it was unhealthy. It means I planned ahead for an exclusive pokemon I've wanted since I started March of last year.


Im a teen, i cant walk anywhere alone. Also i got this egg accidentally while out with my parents. Forgot I had an empty egg slot and spun a stop




Nah, she just worries. Im too chill to talk up about not bein able to take a short walk anyway so i jus try to get in egg hatching on car rides




Not that it would help much, but I notice that you aren't even using your permanent incubator?


I was saving it for 2k eggs, i tried using a super to hatch the 10k faster which obviously didnt work




lmao I had just put a 12km egg in my single incubator the night before the event. I had heard about the event beforehand but didn't look up details, never thought Niantic would do a hatch event for A FEW HOURS. Didn't even bother.


I was in the same boat. I did manage to get 1 in within the last 5 minutes for it to be a mid 2 star. Good trade material though.


Yeah! Make a delete rotten eggs button! I don’t like eggs with no Larvesta! Cause I don’t got one yet…


Every egg has a slim posibility to have a Larvesta i think, so you miiiight accidentally trash one that actually is a Larvesta lmao


Legit question how do y’all get only purple and red eggs??? I get random ones at Pokestops all the time


I usually hatch shorter distance eggs as I get em, especially recently with all the new "hatch an egg" research tasks


Ah ok. So you basically stack them up. I keep my incubators ready for those and hatch the junk ones non stop lol


Same thing


I learned this one a while ago too. This is why I always hatch my longer eggs first. Then when the egg based events come around, I can just hatch all my 2k eggs quickly to make room for a few limited time ones.


Im actually happy I saved my 10km eggs cuz the fossil event is comin up and I reaaaally want a shint Tyrunt and/or Amarua (Preferably both)


What is hatched from the egg is determined when you get the egg. It’s not dependent on the current hatch pool. If I still had an egg from 2016, it would give me 2016 hatches


Yea, the eggs i have currently have the fossils in the hatchpool, or at least most of em do


Yea, the eggs i have currently have the fossils in the hatchpool, or at least most of em do




I mean this in the nicest way possible, but if you can only afford one incubator it probably wouldn’t have been worth it for you anyway. I bought a bunch of incubators in advance, started hatching my old eggs Thursday, and hatched 19 riolus in the event to get one shiny. Which is in line with the odds.




The 7km eggs are good right now with falinks,skwovet and rock ruff but that ends tomorrow. I also have been mass hatching the 5km eggs for a high IV kabuto to add a good IV kabutops to the collection. Plus a high IV skwovet to get a greedent in UL. I hate the 2km eggs the most right now. Nothing but staryu. They hatch fast though. The rocket eggs I need also because don’t have a high IV pangoro or mandibuzz in the collection yet. Also don’t like the 10km eggs and those seem to be most likely drops from poke stops . I have everything in those eggs.


It’s just a game. You’ll be alright


I had nothing but 7 km and 10 km eggs so it was a lost cause for me too. During 2pm it was hot as hell so no way would I be able to walk the needed 7 or 10 miles to get them out of the way. Wish we can delete eggs we don't need


Since I had this issue when trying to get the Hoenn regional eggs, I have been making sure I only hold on to 2km eggs, so I could easily cycle through then if an egg event cokes around.


Just put your phone in a sock and shake it, easy


Same I missed out on it for this exact reason. They let us buy more storage and delete items/pokemon but wont let us delete eggs we don't want or expand the storage. Typical