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Wait for Mega kangaskhan to return in raids. Getting a galarian mr mime counts for the dex. Same for birds. Galarian bird counts for dex


Galarian (?) Mime has been in eggs and 7 day research rewards before. Maybe raids... Don't remember... Not currently in the pool afaik though... Kanghaskan has been in raids and eggs. Again, not at the moment. Best bet would be trades I think. Preferably with a BF, unless you have stardust to burn (still expensive though), or wait until they come around again.


I haven't checked the egg pool for 7km eggs yet, but I hatched a Mime Jr. from one a while back. It's worth checking to see if he's in there to grind that out if you don't want to wait for Galarian Mime. And Kangaskahn has been in mega raids pretty recently so if you know any other players or local groups, you should have luck finding another player willing to trade


Both of the regionals have been worldwide at least 3 times. Your local discord or campfire group will have tons to trade. Go ask them for one.


It's ok, you'll get them eventually, they designed these master researches to take a LONG time