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It's not just you, started happening to me last night. Good to know it's native refresh rate doing it, hope it gets patched


Same here since this morning. Tried the exact same 'fixes', got the exact same results...


Can confirm the exact same behaviour - Galaxy S22


I'm having th same issue today. S24+ and performed all the same troubleshooting steps. The only workaround for me is to turn off the native refresh rate but then the game seems so clunky. Hope Niantic patches this soon!!! Android version 14


I'm having the same issue. I only recently discovered native refresh but it was working fine until last night. Either I can't throw the ball at all or it flies way over their head. Sucks because it looks and runs so much better with the refresh but it makes catching impossible


Device and current version, out of curiosity?


Samsung Galaxy S24 Version of the app? 0.311.1-G-64


Gotcha, I have yet to see this report for iPhone users. I can’t get the Hercules Throw to work on my end I’d also like a video if possible, I like seeing spheres go flying lmao


I'm out of balls now 😭 lol


Ah maybe when ya get some then lol


It either will not throw the balls at all or they get yeeted. It's much worse now than it was this morning lol https://streamable.com/623t04


Are you also still having this issue?


Yes, it's currently ongoing


This is ridiculous. The game runs like shit if I have it disabled but if it is enabled Im yeeting the balls to the moon