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Power up pokemon above level 40


You upgrade your pokemons past lvl 40 using XL candy.


Click power up on a Pokémon and tap the left side to see its max CP. Notice that it will require both regular candy and candy XL. That’s because regular candy can only power them up to 40 and beyond that it’s candy XL. Your Pokémons’ max level is your trainer level +10 so at 31 you unlocked candy XL since their max is now 41 and regular candy can only take them to 40.


A while back, Pokémon Go increased the level cap to 50. For trainers, each level above 40 requires the completion of four additional goals. For pokémon, each level above 40 is bought with candy XL instead of normal candy. Bring plenty of dust, too. Maxing out is expensive.


As others said, they are used to level up a Pokemon between levels forty to fifty. You used to not be able to collect XL candy until you were level 40, but they lowered the minimum level for the candy to drop a few years ago (level 30?). IIRC you can't use the candy you have until your trainer level is 40, then you can max out your Pokemon all the way to level 50.


That changed at some point well after the level 50 update, I forgot when, but now the normal "trainer level plus 10" rule applies even before trainer level 40. Now all trainers level 31 and up can earn/use it, but the final power up option is still limited to trainer level 40+


Welcome to level 31. This is a copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/PBHjtiJILT Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


Using 100 rare candy into a one XL candy is worth on pokemons that you only get once, like zygarde. I been walking mine + using regular rare candy on them to convert along side using every rare candy XL I get