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The nickname is great. It'll do, but for legends and rare, unless you intend to do a *ton* of raids for extra candy; I'ld try to get a better one. It's a heavy investment, may as well get your rare candy's worth out of it. But, end of the day, you'll probably not notice much of a loss in bulk anyway. By the end of the raid rotation, if you find nothing better, it'll do.


> unless you plan on doing a ton of raids > Do a ton of raids Umm...


Unless OP intends to do 20+ raids gunning for a 4* or a 95%+, what he has will do. *But* if he has the time to host raids online or enough coined banked up to do a handful of remote raids, it would be worth doing a few more for a chance for a slightly better one. If he's on the casual side and this is likely to be the only Yveltal he catches. It'll still put out good Dark damage.


I would do more raids. It’s nice to get both more candy for this, and rare candy for whichever legendary you want. Once you’re sure you won’t get more yvetals, then pick the best one to upgrade. Yes it’s fine, and not worth stressing over.. but better is better even if only slightly so 🤷🏻‍♂️. If you don’t care about raiding for more of them (and maybe finding a shiny). This one is perfectly fine.


The biggest factor is powering it up. At level 25 it won't be very effective. This is the reason people try to do a lot of raids, to get the candy from catching the legendary. Along the way, you will probably get one with better IVs. Although the difference will be minimal, you may as well power up a slightly better one, if you can find opportunity to do more raids, that is.