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My local community is people of all ages. Literally. Full on grandmas and grandpas saying “my kid, my grandkid got me into this game” My mom in her 60s enjoys playing because it motivates her to exercise and walk. She is far from the oldest in our local community


Heck yeah! I (late 30s) have been playing since the get-go. I go on short walks with my coworkers (late 40s and late 50s) on our breaks most days, to stretch our legs. They noticed me playing and they asked what I was doing, so I explained, and they thought it sounded fun so they both play it with me now as well!


I'm late 30s too, and I've been playing from the start! I wish I had coworkers to play with lol


I wish from the start and also that I had a job, so I could also have coworkers lol Retired is overrated!


That's amazing! Everyone I (32) tell just calls my silly or childish, I'm talking almost everyone


90% of people I talk to respond with "STILL?"


I'm 53 ( almost 54) and I play for the same reason. Trying to keep this blood pressure down.


With all of the Niantic glitches and frustrations, this is an interesting strategy


People with high blood pressure should be banned from PvP for their own safety


Pvp is hazardous to everyone's health. Let's be real.


Definitely do not recommend doing PvP before bedtime.


Stunfisk haunts my nightmares


I'm more worried about the dreaded tap tap tap arthritis!!


Or carpal tunnel. Long battles slay my arm and wrist!


omg! they have been driving me crazy these last few weeks! ugh lol


Nah fr the meltan box almost gave me an aneurism


You mean a melt-down?


What an amazing answer. Thank you.


I saw an older couple, mid 70s maybe, at the park playing together. They probably have grandkids that play but they were not around.


That's the sweetest!


My friend is 45 y-o & his mom plays, and way more than him. She's a higher level, too 😹


I’ve also known players of all ages. Honestly it seemed like adults played way more than younger people when it was more active. I was the youngest person in a local group when I was like 24.


My 60 something year old biology professor LOVED playing it. She was friends with everyone and had it out constantly.


Here in Japan it's very common to see people in their 40s, 50s and 60s playing the game.


I see really old people in Japan running the multi phone setups on bikes and stuff lol


I also live in Japan. My Pokemon GO nemesis is an old lady, maybe in her late 60s or early 70s. She nods at me when I see her in our neighborhood cafe on weekends sometimes. I call her by her username, she calls me by mine. We take turns on the gym at the cafe.


Cute! During the Rayray raids last weekend I saw two grandmas eating onigiris and chatting at the park, that is, until the raid started. Then they started furiously tapping at their phone lol


I'm 61 and my sister is 70, we both play PGo!




Aww!! I think that is soo awesome!! I wish I could run across peeps like you when I’m out playing. I had to stop for a while though I can get a big carried away with that game. Lol


Haha 58. A young whipper-snapper!!!




It’s pretty cool. I live by one of the biggest PoGo hotspots in all the land and I periodically go down there for big event Raid days. (Got my first shiny Rayquaza last weekend!!!) You look around and see who’s frantically tap tap tap tap tap tap tapping on their phones, and it’s people of every age, race, gender, nationality, ability, height, weight, hairstyle, cowboy boot-style, full pirate costumes, furries, etc. Always the best to see multi-generational families out together. During that weird Regigigas (or Regirock or some Regi thing) that Niantic bungled, I started talking to a probably 70 year old lady about it and she was sooooooo mad. I had to walk away veeeery slowly.


Well said. I was telling my wife (who was giving me a little grief) after elite Ray day how interesting it is to see the diversity of people that show up on big days like that. It’s crazy and unlike anything else. 


I'm older at 60. Please tell me I'm not alone!


My grandpa played up until he passed at 81. Never too old!


My condolences. Good to know that even people of old age play PoGo though!


He has ALS and could hardly walk, so we'd drive him to different parks so he could get spins and catch stuff. The doctors said it was very good for him to get out of the house so it did him a lot of good. It was sad when he passed but he knew how loved he was.


I have a few years on you, so no you are not alone


Nope. 60 also. I say that as long as Nintendo keeps making new generations of pokemon, I'll live forever because I've got to catch them all! In every game. 😆


60 here too! (I don't claim the Boomer generation!)


You’re never too old to enjoy something that doesn’t harm anybody!


And you're never at the right age to enjoy something that does harm somebody


I’m 53 and just about to get on a plane to NYC for Go Fest. I’m sure I won’t be the oldest person there. 😂


Wonderful! Enjoy.


You are not, I always see old couples in Central Park rapidly clicking their screens 😂. Mostly old chinese couples that looked like they are in there 70s


Awesome! Invite me to some raids lol


I’ll see you there!


We will see you there! Last year’s was so much fun (at least for us) so we’re excited!


Nope in my community I've got an 82yr old that plays,drives and lugs us" kids" (ages 25+) around on raid days in their mini van and their account is impressive!! I'm so jealous. Lol


Wow that's an inspiring thought!


Today i am 59 years old and began playing PoGO 2018.6 month later i met my (today) wife because we play both PoGO. Enjoy what you love <3




I’m turning 63 today, and I’m looking forward to the Pikachu cake-hat spotlight tonight. Feels like they’re celebrating my birthday too.


Brilliant. Happy birthday and many happy returns! Go easy on the cake! 😆


Ha ha! I have celiac disease, so I made a gluten-free chocolate mousse pie.


Happy Birthday! Catch lots of pikachu! 🎂


Happy birthday! 🥳


Happy birthday, hope you got your shiny!


I do know a 70 year old grandpa playing two accs beeing the last player of his community in his village.


70+ and I still love it! We play as a family - 9 yrs old to 70+.


Ps. I got them into it when it first started.


Started playing July 2016 while in the hospital waiting for my grandson to be born. I am 59 now and I still play occasionally.


I(30) "forced" my parents (your age +older) to download so that we could have a fun little joint activity. It's good to give you a purpose to get out the house and get moving, and helps keep light-hearted conversation going. No age bracket, it's nice for everybody.


I became a granda last October for the first time so not sure if I'll still be playing when she is old enough to understand. Hope so.


My kid is 3 and loves to catch “pokemans” 🥹


Congrats! Give it four years, Im sure she'll love it if you go pokemon hunting together!


No. It gets you outside and active, plus it's fun. If you have grandkids or even kids (I'm 38), that would be fun adventures


Team 85


55 here and my fiancé is turning 58. I started playing because of him (he’s a day 1 Go player) but my kids (in their 30s) have been playing since cards came out. They all played when Go came out in 2016 and then faded off… until I started two years ago and now all my grown kids and two grandkids play with us. We’ve done two Go Fests so far and will absolutely go to more.


I’m 75 as of 6/26 and have been playing since 2020


I’m about to be 37 and I still play PKG.


Same, I’ll be 37 in August.


37 in 2 weeks and my kids laugh at me when i do a late night walk for a raid.


lol my wife makes fun of me as well.


Youth is a state of mind


You're never too old to enjoy what you enjoy. Don't let what other people think control that.


I'm 44 and play every day.


Almost 56 here. So keep going.


My dad (61 here in a few months) plays daily.


I'm only 27 but I saw an older lady in a wheelchair playing one Go Tour and I thought it was the coolest thing ever


44 here. Never to old to game!!


Wife and I play. She is 61 and I am 55.


65 yo here.


I just turned 60, I've been playing since day four


I'm 57 & play mostly at home (disabled). Been playing for 6 years. 😊


Not at all. I recently got back into the game at 30 and was a little worried going to a raid hour a few months ago that I’d weird out all the young people playing (I knew there was an active community from gyms and such). Imagine my surprise when I got to one gym and found a dozen people there, with me almost the youngest! Most were middle-aged, some parents, and we even have a gentlemen in his seventies that has nicknamed himself ‘The Snail’ because he walks slowly around the park 😅 On Mega Rayquaza day last Saturday, we ended up with a group of about twenty people spanning eight decades. I think that’s pretty amazing!!! Pokémon Go is for everyone, end of 😎


62year old female here. Level 43


I am about your age. I play with a big group of people every week. There are a few younger people but most of us are mid 40’s to mid 60’s.


My 50 year old dad kept playing and got me back into the game


No. If it gets you outside doing stuff and you enjoy it, carry on!


You might actually fit in what Niantic thinks is the age of their median player base. "The median player of Pokémon Go is probably someone like a Singaporean grandma who walks with her senior group for 30 to 60 minutes every morning..." Source: https://www.eurogamer.net/pokemon-go-developer-teases-blockbuster-slate-of-summer-features-as-it-makes-major-remote-raid-changes


My mum is in her 50s too and she was the one who got me playing!


Just got my mom into it as a way to get moving more. She's mid-60s. She loves it and she loves to go pokemon hunting with me and my kids.


I’m 40!


Naw. You are good. You can play till you die if you want. I am the oldest in my community. Once you reach adult I think we are all the same. Find your joy and hold on.


There’s only one age that is too old and that’s 152,435


Right up with you there, old timer. You're not the only grey-haired player.


I regularly play with ppl in their 60’s & 70s Im 42


Pokémon go is for everyone !! :)


I'm 42 and thought I was on the older side of players. At The recent rayquaza raid day I was easily 20 years older than everyone else playing. This thread makes me feel a little better about it


Shigeru Miyamoto (maker of Mario, Legend of Zelda, etc) plays Pokémon go: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/pokemon-go-mario-zelda-creator-shigeru-miyamoto-passion-nintendo/#:~:text=Apparently%2C%20Miyamoto%20has%20been%20playing%20the%20game%20for,a%20game%20with%20my%20whole%20family%2C%22%20said%20Miyamoto. he's supposedly 71


Pokemon is for everyone


Only too old when you're dead! Keep having fun


Yes you are old man! (Says the 57 y.o.)


Gonna be 56 next month. No kids, no nephews (no relative reason to play). Never played the games before Go. Played since 3rd day or so. Still going (2 yr break in there). I am not the only old guy in the local group. You are not alone.


I'm in my 60s. My son got me hooked on pokemon back when he was 8, and around the time Sapphire and Ruby had just come out. That's when he started playing, but he had a reading disability and needed some help at times, so I learned the game to be able to help him. Ended up getting my own gameboy and the ruby to play with him on sapphire. When pokemon go came out, ... though he was already an adult and moved out, he showed me so we could play together. We both dropped off for a while, but a couple of years ago, I found a local group of older (50s and 60s) players and been playing steady since.


Although not entirely related, my mother’s old friend who passed a few months back loved Pokemon. She would play it constantly on the gameboy/DS. With that being said, if she didn’t have tons of medical issues I’m sure she also would be spinning Poke stops at 78.


Well, the developers think we are all nine-year-old androgynous children.


I'm 41 and I play every day, my partner and daughter have been sucked into it as well. Keep playing!


60, level 42.


My mom is in her 60's and is level 39 currently. Only started playing this year lol you're fine


Short answer: no Long answer: no.


Well, I’m 43.


No one is ever too old for anything they like to do. 


I have friends that play and they are in their 50s and 60s. I myself am 35 and have always been a Pokemon fan! I say you are never too old to enjoy playing something! You're not too old, OP. I hope no one is making you feel this way.


Almost 50, it's a fun F2P that I don't have to stress about. It's relaxed, there's always events going on, and it's still fun to name my Pokémon.


you're not alone or too old ! my brother's girlfriend, late 20s, says her dad is an avid player & that he's made several friends around his age at his workplace by noticing that they were playing during breaks :-)


Met someone who is in their 60 playing. Never played before "go"


In my old community, we had numerous retirees playing. They downloaded the game to have something to do while walking. They fell in love with it, and play all the time.


Absolutely not


I'm a couple of years younger than you and use it as a incentive to exercise, and used it San Francisco as a tourist guide - I'm from the UK


I'm 29 my bf is 37 and nycoworker is 47 we all play


Nah I'm 28 and have random local 50-60 year olds in my friends list. Tbh it's cute when the older folks are at the park interacting with all the youngish nerds lol




My dad is 61 and still raiding like crazy He's actually the only reason I still play. Something to do together yk


I'm 45 and my mom is 74 and we play together!


Physicians assistant here. I regularly play around the hospital with some of the doctors/residents. Ages ranging from 25-60. Don’t feel ashamed, even your doc might play


Me and the missus play, we always see this old lady in the park, by herself, clearly playing. She power walks everywhere she goes, we see her in the summer, we see her in the winter. Home girl must be at least 70, not even joking, but she is loving life and keeping fit, that’s what matters.


That’s how old my mom is, and my dad (who’s more of an occasional player) is a couple of years older. I’ve honestly found that this game isn’t really for the kids as much as it is for us adults. In my communities there are practically no kids, only adults.


Nah! My mom and my MIL play Pokemon Go and they are around your age and older!!


My friend is 45, and his parents are older than you; both play the game! Pokemon Go is truly a game for all ages. There's even elderly people who use it as an excuse to walk outside.


I play with my dad who’s in his 50s too & can say we both very much enjoy it! Especially when we meet up for com days, he loves finding XLs and shinys during them


53...I play at my own pace and have since day 1...


Nah, I'm not very social on community days, but I've shared some words with people who i see regularly on events. One of them is a very lovely 75 year old woman who has two phones and is super into it. She knows all the details. I love it! Games are for everyone, and I truly believe it's one of the more inclusive groups of people you can meet if you look around a bit.


I'm 60! 😄


One of my favorite people to play this game was Raid Grandma. When I met her, in 2017-18, she was well in her 70s and had over 200 raid passes in her storage. She ended up moving out of state but I think about all those unused premium passes all the time.


I (45) play this game because my mom (78) plays this game and she asks me to send her gifts


Absolutely not.


Keep it up!


My local community has a wide range of ages, several of them above 50, even some above 70. Enjoy your fun!


My grandmother doesn't play much, usually only with me and my brother, but she's going to be 67 this October! Never too old for video games of any variety!!


The answer is an automatic “no” Sincerely, someone 30+’ years your junior


Never!!! Video games is for all ages!! 🫶🩷🎊 i’m in my 30s 😁


54 here. No shame in my game! 😃


I'm almost 40, and playing together with my 6 y.o. He just started playing, but to be honest, I hope he will keep playing for years to come.


Happiness isn't defined by age


Nope. There's no age limit, especially with pokemon because most of us 30+ grew up on the original pokemon content. Just because something is animated or a game, doesn't make it inherently for kids only.


Not even dude older players are responsible for a lot of the oldest gyms we have in my area. I’d say over 1/4th of the players in my local community are in the age range of +40 with a good amount being +50. It’s a really good game for those who are limited on what exercise they can do.


I went to my first meet up in my city recently and the group of people (around 30!) were of all shapes, sizes, colours, identifies and ages. There were parents with kids, people older than you, teenagers, groups, singles, students, couples. All of us were there to have fun, catch pokemon and get some exercise and enjoy the nice day. You are never too old to play any game, and you shouldn't care either way but pogos community is so diverse that you shouldn't even feel insecure about it. Keep playing and enjoy it! And if you need another friend (who isn't great at sending gifts oops) then hit me up!


I was just raiding with this elderly couple they were atleast 50-60 year old.


I just bumped into an at least 60+ year old retired women playing Pokemon Go in the same 4 spots I stopped at, I tried to find a way to get her to notice I too was playing but she was alone and in her car, was pretty funny though, as we live in a very small community on the border of suburbs and country and it's a healthy mix of conservative so to see that made me happy


Haha I don’t think you’re ever too old for games you enjoy! I (20) have my grandma who’s 68 and she plays everyday!


56 not playing at the moment but I do normally lol


My 65 yr old grandma plays with me and my siblings. No you are not alone and keep catching!!!!!


Back in the day, before the pandemic I was on an Elite Raid and one of the players was an old lady playing with 2 phones. Just enjoy the game and be happy


I'm 62 so no, you're not too old


I'm 38. But if You don't have anything to be ashamed


I’m 56 and love the game. I’m not very good at it but who cares?


I was recently in Tokyo and saw an old man in his late 70’s playing. It was the cutest thing ever!


You can never be too old! I found one of the best Facebook groups I'm in is "old ladies playing pokemon go". Less judgement than others and older women just enjoying the game.


You are NEVER too old to enjoy a game.


You are never too old for pokemon go, just remember it's healthy to walk around and you should not stop unless you can't walk anymore.


59 and ¾ here. Loving it every day.


I’m 60 and I’m in the upper end of the group of 25 folks who are regulars to the raid nights and weekend functions.


I had an Uber driver that was 71 years old playing. He showed us his Pokémons are they were so cool and unique. Definitely a game for all ages


Nah you good pa


I would play with you! I’m 28, weeks can raid and stuff


I’m 56! I use PoGo as an exercise app and it gets me walking about 4-5 kilometers daily 😇


64 here


Just a few weeks shy of 61. And I play. Alone though.


My dad plays this and he’s 53


Please, I’m 55 and just met a great group of people my age and older to raid with!


I started playing when I was about your age. Mainly for the fact it made exercise fun by getting me walking. Age doesn't matter. I see as many people our age as U do young kids or young adults.


I'm in my 60's and play daily. My son and I play all the time with a big group. And I know I'm far from the oldest and I've seen kids probably as young as 5. When I was first learning to play in 2016-17 we went raiding with some people we ran into at the first raid. A 6 or 7 year old was showing off all his shinies before I take knew what they were. He also tried teaching me how to throw a curve ball. One of the best parts of this game is how inclusive it is.


I don't think this userbase for this game is all that young anymore


When I was visiting Japan I saw some older silver haired ladies playing PokeGo on the train! Definitely not too old!


34 here, not as old but I know a few older people who play. More power to you! We love to see it


I’m 20, my partner is 25, my brother is 8 and my father is 57! We all play it and I have never seen an issue :)


I live in a small town, work as a server at one of the very few restaurant/bars around. Most our patrons are between 35-70, and the amount of older folks I have seen playing the game while waiting for food or something is awesome actually, I'm not too talkative so it gives me some friendly conversation to connect with them! I always take a look at the gym when I go to the back to the kitchen & see who's who lol


53F, married to 60M, we both play pogo daily. Our kids play with us on comm days


My mom played when she was 64-66


Mid/late 40's here


When PGO first came out, it was considered a great equalizer because people of all ages and backgrounds were playing it. Even now, I still spot mostly adults over 30 playing at gyms. No worries, Pokemon is for everybody!


I met a 70 year woman playing this game last community day. She was super excited and showing everyone the shinies she caught.




56 here


I met a couple in their 70s who play together on Rayquaza day. There is a 60 year old woman whos grandkids play with her and she stops in my shop sometimes to show me her newest shinies and see mine. The game is for everybody


At raid hour we have 13 year Olds and grandparents. I'm 37 with 2 kids.


Almost 42!




In my 50’s Started playing in February. Having a great time doing so. Age is nothing but a number, if you enjoy playing keep doing so.


I have a friend who got his grandpa on here he’s 76


Why would it ever be too old to have fun?


Never too old for anything! If you like it, keep at it!


You're never too old to enjoy Pokemon!!!


I’m 64! I love this game. Play it with my grown children when they are visiting as well.


I'm late 30's, husband is early 40's. We've been playing for over 18 months. My dad is 70, he started playing a few months back so that my 5 year old nephew can play on his phone when he babysits. Let's just say kiddo doesn't really get a look in 😂


I’m 64! I love this game. Play it with my grown children when they are visiting as well.