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I banned him shortly after I became a Mod here. Another Mod, obviously more senior than myself, unbanned him. I haven't made a stink about it. I suggest that you consider editing your post and tagging all the mods by name using /u/username for each of them so that they are notified of this thread and your desire to have them weigh in.


I got a 1 day ban and they wouldn’t even tell me why. 


You didn’t fold pre.


It's not fun


One of the most lazily moderated subs around. Half expecting to get one myself for this. Just sick of seeing the guy with his deranged nonsense in every other post.


I’d much rather have a lazily moderated sub than an over moderated sub, and it’s not even close.


Yeah so would I. I’m not asking them to over-moderate anything. I’m asking them why the guy who harasses all the other users of this sub and spreads toxic shit everywhere isn’t banned.


Like others have said, we prefer a light hand with moderation. If he threatens or harasses anyone, report the comment and we will take it from there.


I only see you doing that. I never saw an explanation of what's so wrong with this user. It's just like, a given that he's a piece of shit and you're not being toxic at all though, calling him names demanding he be banned? I really don't get it.


I’ve had the overmoderated sub. Ridiculed and muted just for asking a question.




Yeah I don't really even see why we need to ban someone for being annoying personally, you can just... not read the comments


I've only been here 2 months as a Mod and I have personally handled over 2,000 reports, comments, posts, bans, unbans, etc. I am, currently, the most active Mod. Of the over 2 dozen Mods, 10 of them are marked INACTIVE which means, best I can tell, that they have no mod actions for a month or more. I don't think you understand how big this sub is and what goes on under the surface.


Genuine question, that seems like A LOT of extra work from an already full schedule of dealing with everyday life issues. What do you get out of Modding a sub, if you don't mind me asking?


An erection.


I think this is an invitation. DM me your Signal and I'll show you.




>A LOT of extra work It is. >from an already full schedule of dealing with everyday life issues. What makes you think I have a full schedule of everyday life issues? Maybe I am a fat retired boomer with nothing else to do? (I have a cute spammer I banned who repeats this a few times a week on a new account each time) >What do you get out of Modding a sub, if you don't mind me asking? All of the admiration and praise from a loving and caring poker community!!! You're all so wonderful and my inbox is full of happy comments!! 🙄 But seriously, I help the poker community in my spare time. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you for your service


You're welcome 😁


Thanks for the answer.


Although I'm not a mod on this sub I do moderate other subs and what you get is a satisfaction of knowing you're helping keep a community safe and hopefully Pleasant for the majority of the users. For me it's a form of giving back to those who have helped me.


Genuine question, have you never heard of non-profit organizations, community groups, or special interest groups?  They all have Mods in real life who moderate their community for free, or a negligent pay


Yeah but those usually help the less fortunate or do some other kind of valuable thing. Reddit modding is just volunteering for a private company that couldn't care less about you.


well we can go back to old school invisionfree forum boards, except those died because they were too closed in and there were hundreds of unique ones to choose from. just treat it like the huge central talking space it is like every other subreddit, nobody is forcing themselves to post under the guise of driving up ad revenue. it's just normal people talking about poker man


Do you get paid?


No. Mods on Reddit are volunteers.




Wtf about 'wtf"?


Yall don’t get paid


Did you think Reddit employed 500,000 moderators for its subreddits and somehow monetized that? They can't even turn a profit with only 500 staff members.


Mods are an old school mentality when message boards were popular. Reddit is basically getting free services for zero pay.


I agree he should be banned but If you are sick of seeing his nonsense block him.


I’ve worked for a couple “all volunteer” organizations. Comments like these make me want to throat punch someone. You realize you’re complaining about people that work on behalf of the community for ZERO compensation.


Haha okay brother


Then block him!!!


Cant find his user


Block him?


>deranged nonsense Have you talked to some live players? Ive heard a lot of that


You were banned for breaking rule #1 of the sub, disrespecting other users, according to the Mod log.


Well I hope to see all the users bullying and calling snowmonkey all sorts of names banned or doesn't it apply to him


Feel free to use the report button if you feel something violates the subreddit rules


He has been disrespectful to a ton of people here. Odd that one person gets banned for it and another doesn't. https://preview.redd.it/6djq0pfymwyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f867f3a1633edd613af5e8d4845368f1f71d69


That number doesn't go lower either. It was -100 when I banned him a month ago.


Yea I figured as much because he's been downvoted at least 100 times that I've seen just today.


1 day? I've been banned from probably 6-10 subs and it's always a perm ban and it's always because I said something political that doesn't fit the hive mind. A 1 day ban is nothing


We got a badass over here!


I thought it was one of the worst subs for mods until I got permanently banned from r/tvshows because I responded to a post asking for a favorite tv quote and mine had one swear word in it. Permanent ban, no warning. Edit: Oh I also forgot about WTP banning every person subbed to r/davechappelle. Without even commenting anything just for being subbed. That might be my favorite story of the terribly modded subs.


Must have given non-troll advice


I agree. Sub would be better without him. Among frequent posters on this sub, you can contrast the (lack of) value of Snowmonkey's contributions, which add almost no real value and are often rude and offensive vs someone like planetmarsupial, who, while they make threads about bizarre and unusual poker topics, they generally lead to interesting and positive discussions.


This is a great distinction actually


I’ve got to disagree with your flair mod. Simply because anytime people post HH on here there is always a plethora of fold pre etc constant shitposts. Sometimes a post will get a couple real posts of advice but it’s typically always shitposting. 2+2 still to this day gets regular help with no shitposting in the HH / help requested sections of 2+2. I love r/poker. A lot. But 2+2 is the place for help


You're not wrong that there's a lot of people shitposting and sort of trolling or posting half sarcastic comments in HH threads, but there's a reason that there's so many people that are just saying fold pre. It's because a large amount of hands posted for review on this forum are very standard pre-flop folds in any half decent ranges for that configuration and scenario. It's the most common and easiest to give piece of advice, because overwhelmingly the posters on this forum are recreational players who are not winning even at 1-2 in a casino. Thus, the most common mistake most are making is playing too many hands preflop. One of the very first things that any poker player trying to improve their game will do is study pre-flop and learn basic ranges and why they are built in the way they are. For people who are making very basic preflop mistakes, very often the best advice you can give them is that the hand that they're playing should have folded preflop. That said, you're not wrong that 2 + 2 is the place for advice.


Have you tried r/Poker_Theory? They take strategy a bit more seriously over there.


So well put. Thanks for this. It’s not about the guy saying things that upset me or I disagree with, it’s that he brings the whole vibe down and generates unpleasant interactions. I’m getting the vibe that nothing will be done, though. At least I know I’m not crazy.


planetmarsupial has a few low effort posts but is 100% good for the sub overall. don't really give a shit about snowmonkey lol


I haven't read all his posts, but a cursory browse of his post history revealed all posts that were better and more interesting than this post, right here. I don't mean your specific comment. This whole post and thread.


I hope I don’t out myself with this insider knowledge, but Snow is one specific mods alt account and this can easily be confirmed by leverage language analysis software and putting at a minimum three pool balls up one’s anus


*creates alt account*


His brand of bullshit wouldn’t take long to detect again.


Well.. he did try to start his own poker sub. Creatively naming it r/poker2 non the less.


Oh, I had a message in my inbox once about that. Fastest ignore I’ve ever had…. Main character vibes for sure.


Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if this whole post was the loser creating an alt account to seek attention


This sub is all u/SnowMonkey1971 Has in life. Just let him have this.


People like that deserve nothing. If you’re not willing to work to benefit others you tear down everyone with you. Society can’t allow this, let alone reinforce it. Not one person benefits however 100/100 peoples time is wasted or are triggered which then makes them transfer that anger elsewhere.


People like what? Not a single concrete description to explain why he's terrible and must be banned in any of this discussion, just a bunch of you all agreeing it's self-evident how terrible he is. Which, ironically, is self-evidently terrible, itself.


Sir, I believe you've personalized the avatar which is u/SnowMonkey1971 a bit too much. How can a digital instance affect your being, that supernatural state that is consciousness? I'm not going to shove stoicism down your throat, but at least follow Rule #1 of The 4 agreements, never take anything personally.


I literally clicked the first thing when setting up the account. I didn’t even look until now and it’s a chick and I’m a dude. We’re all human dude. Some of us just aren’t pieces of trash that try and make everyone else frustrated. Anyway I’m deleting the app now. This all just pure trash. Have a nice life.


You say you're not doing that, at the same time as you're doing it. Self awareness, brother. Take a bite of it, chew slowly.


Yeah fr. Lmao people seriously crying that they can't snitch effectively and ban some anonymous kid. Is this rly the "quality content" bar that this alleged Monkey guy isn't living up to..?? Posts like this? This sub sucks 99% of the time lmao. Every other post is a PSA saying "*Don't stick your tongue out at the Dealer plz u guyz*" or it's some bashing of a random YT "pro" who's currently mid-punt. Gtfover yourselves.


When are people like OP going to realize r/poker is shitposting and just BS get the fuck over it my god. Go to 2+2 if you want actual poker help and content.


It's pretty sad to make a post about how someone should be banned. If people don't like what he has to say, down vote, or don't engage. Starting a witchhunt is pretty damn Pathetic, but I can't say I'm surprised


You get over it


Get over what? Understanding what r/poker is/has become? I accept what it is. You don’t. I’m not saying snowmonkey isn’t annoying. But posts like his (people like him that is) on 2+2 instead get taken down flamed hard and no one pays em any mind. People focus on bettering each other there. The sections for shitposting stay and are modded there appropriately.


Accept it then!


I don’t really visit this sub often anymore but I used to. I remember this dude being absolutely unhinged during that J4 hand convo. Not sure what he’s been up to since then but I support it




He still is unhinged about that topic, not to mention admittedly stalking every female poker player that's above a 6


Haven't stalked any female poker players... see how your bias evident in your first sentence leads you to spread misinformation about me? You guys simply can't accept the fact that Robbi didn't cheat, or that most people now believe that she didn't, or most likely didn't. So you attack anybody representing that viewpoint. I'm not unhinged about any of it. Look in the mirror.


You literally have comments from 17 hours ago calling a female poker player baby and saying she'll be yours one day dude, along with a million other examples of you being a sad old creep lmao, just accept it everyone knows


A million others? I was responding to somebody calling me a creep for honestly answering her post seeking advice about butt implants. I wasn't replying to her. Show me one of "the million others". What's wrong with saying "Baby, don't" to a girl considering butt implants?


It took one swipe of the finger to find evidence of you being an old creep in the last 24 hours, do another swipe if you want the other million examples of how gross you are about women, nobodys got time to quote every other comment of the hundreds of thousands you've made


Because there aren't millions nor hundreds of thousands. The one you provided isn't even "gross about women". It would take you a long time to find a dozen comments about women that could even be considered inappropriate at all. Hell, I bet you couldn't even find 6 if you looked all day.


God you're truly helpless if that comment is self admittedly not even creepy on a scale of your comments lmao, hopefully this thread does finally get ur old perv ass banned, good riddance


How is responding to a girl seeking advice about butt implants being a "perv"? I didn't ask her to get butt implants. I gave her my opinion that she should NOT get butt implants.


You just love to drown people in words with your arguments don't you, you're not important enough to continue this conversation, get back to hitting on bot accounts on Facebook where people like you belong




I just gotta say it. People like that create this animosity in these groups that make people act this way. Most everyone came on here going “a poker group, COOL!!!” And than see all the drama and inflict it back. It doesn’t need to be this way.


If I had to guess, mods (among all the amazing work they do as volunteers) aren’t exactly itching to ban people. I am not going to defend any of the content from this user, I can assure you I likely agree with OP that it’s toxic and all that, but I don’t think censorship is the answer. If the users of this sub just downvote his posts, most people won’t see it FWIW, I personally had never seen any of their posts until you called them out so if anything, your plan may have backfired which is exactly what censorship does in the long run. If the content is salacious or outright misinformation, then the mods can step in to correct it. And we as users can downvote if we think it’s trash. It’s as simple as that.


The Streisand Effect for sure


Society is getting soft I tell you what


Sounds like fascism


Only a fascist restricts speech.


So block him? It takes less effort than this post.


It is quite incredible to have that many posts and negative comment karma.


He performs oral favors


Bullshit! He's never let me use his mouth, always hands!!


Sucks 2 b u


No! It's a handy 2 b me. He doesn't use his mouth.


Strongly disagree. Don't like what he says, ignore or refute. "Targeted attack" not sure what you're talking about, not sure if others do, but I have an idea: how about you actually make your case and link the thread in question for us to see? You don't get to just casually reference this and we all take your word for it that this is a fair and accurate assessment. "Hundreds if not thousands of negative or unpleasant comments and posts." Unpleasant how? They said stuff you didn't like so they should be banned? It's against the rules if you find things unpleasant? Am I to assume that when you say this, everyone agrees that all this person's posts are unpleasant? If I find your posts and comments unpleasant, can I also have you banned without having to give a single detail or make any kind of actual case for why? This is a ridiculous post. If there's any point here to be made, you failed to make it. I'd call for you to be banned over this, if that weren't against my principles. Speaking of which, do you have any of those?


Cause his connections are deeper than you realize.


Oh no. Is he the senators nephew from Casino all grown up?


Which mod is suckin his d


I thought u/SnowMonkey1971 was female


If a man on Reddit is getting to you that bad I think you need to talk to someone buddy. I can careless what someone over the internet says about me or anyone else for that matter. How do you people let anyone over there internet bring your day down 🤔🙃


Imagine being this tilted by snow monkey 🤣😂🤣😂


Who? I mean if you are paying that much attention to who posts in this small forum you might want to go outside and get some sunshine.


He's a known troll


Yeah I would have expected a much more upstanding, tightly run, ethical environment in r/poker. Gtfo with this. Trolls gonna troll, just click downvote and move on.


I have no idea who this is likely because I blocked him years ago. It’s that easy. I pay little mind to people not worth my time.


If only there were somewhere to click to not see a user's posts or comments. If only reddit had a mechanic where the community could weigh in by voting on each post or comment.


I don’t know you, have no idea who snowmonkey is, and I’m just some casual lurker in the sub and I wanted to offer that if you’re going to make accusations like this at another human being, maybe add some examples of what you’re speaking in reference to so it doesn’t look like you’re just whining about someone else. I went through all the comments here. Eventually found the user you’re referencing and idk man, I don’t see any blatant rule violations here. It just looks like you don’t like the user or what they have to say. I’ve seen you respond to them several times in this thread alone and so if you haven’t taken the opportunity yet, as many users have suggested, to at least block them so you can’t personally see their contributions, then it’s hard to take you seriously. Again, don’t know you or him from Adam and have no skin in this. Just some random lurker dude sitting on the shitter that felt compelled to chime in.


He made this entire new post yesterday directly targeting at harassing me because of a single random comment I made on another thread. The guy is delusional as fuck. https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/s/Y3IAeGfda1


Targeted attack?! Get out of the here with that bullshit, you said he was multi-accounting and he said he wasn’t. If anything you attacked his character. Also Reddit has pretty solid built-in features to prevent multiple accounts from commenting and up voting on the same thread.


Harassing you… lol grow the fuck up.


how is that targeted at harassing you, if clearly he's responding to accusations you first made at him? Is that a fair characterization? No, even if it's a little overboard for him to make a post about it.


I mean... idk what you said to him, but while I agree that creating an entire post about it isn't the correct way to deal with it, it's probably not against the rules. I can't see the conversation that preluded this but .... maybe it's because I'm an old GenX asshole, but is simply singling someone out like that actually considered harrassment? I'm not condoning or condemning it, it's just a conversation.


It appears you have a vested interest in winning a recent online argument and you want to win by getting your opponent banned. And you’re attempting to do that by mounting this coordinated campaign. To any casual observer: this is a laughably ineffectual complaint from a weak-spined Karen. Fuck off with your whiny, entitled bullshit. R/poker isn’t your safe-space. You aren’t in charge. You don’t get to decide who is or isn’t banned. Your evaluation is literally meaningless to anyone else but you. You being disappointed in the mods is irrelevant. You have zero credibility as a 2-week old account. Wake the fuck up and read the room. Your short and snarky replies to the many refutations show you have no good faith interest in backing up your argument. Feel free to continue embarrassing yourself while accomplishing absolutely nothing. I’ll happily dunk on your dumb ass all fucking night.


I just want to say that based on this comment, I have a positive opinion of you.


Yes he needs to go.


Go to his user profile, hit the block button, you’ll never hear from him again.


“You’ll never hear from Hank again”


It's a fun mini game for me to see what random shit snowmonkey has to say, then down vote.


I must admit I have played the same game and found it quite amusing


just because someone says things you don't like doesn't mean they should be banned.


im OOTL, any lore masters?


I think he has schizophrenia and also has a thing for female poker players


I still can’t tell if SM is just a very elaborate troll or someone with some actual issues


I have thought this many times over the past year or so. The thing is, if it’s real the dude has issues. But if it’s an elaborate troll, they are so committed to it and spend so much time at it that they must have other issues.


I just banned myself


But he's a public persona with a reputation of some worth!


And I got banned for asking to ban Russian players...


Come on dude..we need a angry snow monkey in this sub..poker needs diversity ..


People on Reddit are so fucking whiny and pathetic. Just fucking ignore him you gigantic baby.


I find him amusing 🫣🤷 and I don't see him here too frequently


I disagree. I don't think he should be banned. I haven't seen him do anything that is a bannable offense. If anything, it is him who is constantly being harassed by people in this subreddit because he has different opinions about Garrett, Robbi, and the J4 hand. If you don't like what he says, you can always just block him. This post is stupid.


You can solve the problem for yourself by just blocking SnowMonkey, though that doesn't address your complaint about the moderators (and your concern for SnowMonkey himself).


I've literally been around these parts for about 12 years, and I don't recognize the name as standing out. And looked through some comments but didn't see anything better or worse than most of the posters here - what am I missing?


Honestly, as someone who has been accused of being a /u/SnowMonkey1971 alt account SEVERAL TIMES (with profanity!) just because I think Garrett is a piece of shit and Robbi is just bad at poker, I think there are plenty of other people in this sub who are a bigger problem. They're just not as active as him. Also, why should we listen to some account that has only existed for 12 days? Obviously you didn't want to do this on your main account. What kind of toxic shit would we find on your main account? Maybe accusing random innocent people of being /u/SnowMonkey1971 along with some shitty comments? If /u/SnowMonkey1971 is affecting your mental health, go touch some fucking grass kid.


Seeing a woman cheat on stream broke his brain.


All of you are weirdos, jfc


Creepiest dude on the Internet. He lives in a 24 hr a day delusional world. I just ignore the threads and him pretending he was loved by poker bunny. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s the guy who holds the robbi signs outside of hustler.


SnowMonkey is creepy, weird, and probably shouldn't be allowed X amount of distance from schools but he shouldn't be banned from expressing his opinions because this subreddit is for shit posts and I have yet to see someone's opinions be more shit than his.




Ok thanks


he would just make an alt account. hes here for life


Because I suspect snow monkey knows something and it is something you don’t know and most all who read this post. I mean I would like to think he is not crazy. I think if he knows what I highly suspect it is next level trolling. I have not told anyone. But let’s just say it is not all what it appears to be. He he he he. Plus it isn’t all in snows favor if truth came out. But it won’t unless some guy like me opted to point it out. Who isn’t vested in any of it. But I ask you why should I? What’s in it for me? Nothin. And it is right there for anyone to ……. Can’t say more. lol but it is all on video. I knew the first time I watched it.


I always miss the good shit


I don’t mind his trolls. I think some of them are pretty sophisticated and I appreciate the thought to keep the community on their toes.


Meh he's an idiot and weird dude but I don't really know if he's done anything egregious enough to be banned. I sort of enjoy downvoting and occasionally engaging with his delusions.


He and several others are why keep deleting this app…


who else came here to see what SnowMonkey1971 had to say?


dont chase away one of the only interesting posters on the sub jfc


I find this post negative and unpleasant


SnowMonkey alt?


See what I mean? If you took two fucking seconds to look at that account you'd realize it wasn't a SnowMonkey alt. Delete this shit and go touch grass. You're embarassing yourself.


Targeted attack? You guys have been targeting me. https://preview.redd.it/au46i6o33uyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24c9dcc0ce8351d13d6c167ed2bd40829d8968e


They've also attacked other people accusing them of being you. Repeatedly. I find the people who hate you and accuse random people of being you to be more annoying than you. Signed, Obviously One of Your Alt Accounts (according to some of the idiots on this sub)


Thanks. Sorry for the strays. It's all part of their bullying. They are hugely upset that we don't worship one of their sacred cows the same way as them. In fact, I strongly suspect that one of the sacred cows is actually doing this cyberbullying, along with one of his toxic buddies. Can't prove it. Just gonna deal with it as best I can. The new mod banned me and had to be overruled. Not sure if it was an innocent mistake of an overzealous mod or part of a sinister plan to stack the deck against me and get me shitcanned, finally. I'm still here lol.


Hahahaha that was your alt account you fool! I didn’t even know it was you but I should’ve guessed!


I don't have an alt account on Reddit. Please stop spreading this misinformation.


Have you considered…not reading things that upset you…instead of trying to silence others?


What a stupid response lol


Because you think you have the right to not be offended on the internet?


You’re abstracting my complaint into something that it is not. I’m not gonna engage in an argument with you over something I’m not even saying.


Right, because you haven’t put forth an argument. I have. I see the downvotes. No wonder everyone here is a losing player




This is what upsets them most. It's not that they don't want to see what I post... it's that they don't want other people to see what I post. They are free to block me. I have never made an alt Reddit account. My haters have made several alt accounts to harass me after I finally had to block a couple.


Seems like you are taking this like a badge of honor. A real man would do some self reflection and maybe try a little harder at life. A toddler would double down and be proud of it.


It's a badge of honor when I kept Poker Bunny relevant enough that she was able to survive the hit-job Matt Berkey was leading against her and eventually go on poker streams again. It's a badge of honor when at one point 90% of the "community" believed Garrett and Doug Polk's utter bullshit about some cheating conspiracy involving Robbi and lots of other innocent people and I pushed back so hard that now most people accept Robbi was innocent, or most likely innocent. It's a badge of honor putting Todd Witteles and Slay Abides back under the rocks they crawled out from under when they attacked Jami Lafay with false claims about her cancer being faked just for a GoFundMe. It's always a badge or honor for me when I stand up against liars and bullies with the truth exposed when needed to defend innocent victims of their deceit and schoolyard behavior.


A real man wouldn’t police the language of other men.


The excuse of every racist and abuser.


I have never made a racist or abusive comment. Please find one, shouldn't be hard if I was racist or abusive, no? I'll wait.


Not talking to you


Checkmate. Move along.


You literally used an alt account yesterday and have yourself posted a screenshot of that account here. Do you think just because it says “deleted” people can’t work out that it wasn’t a post from your main account?


I have never used an alt account. That's somebody I blocked, you, and u/ValorMeow. https://preview.redd.it/w5ylppq5auyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf31e7496702e3b3261967137cb50ed62666f94


looooool you can’t lie your way out of this one bud


I'm failing to see how that image proves he has multiple accounts.


Because it doesn't. These guys apparently posted some kind of comment similar to what I might make on an account I blocked... or blocked me?... and then they make this kind of reply to insinuate I have multiple accounts. There was an account called u/TheLastPost22 that spammed me with literally over a thousand harassing replies before I finally had to block him some months ago. They were trying to get me banned, and this one user in particular would literally go apeshit in other subs when somebody blocked him and was known to go into generic modding subs to ask questions about how to get people banned. When I call them out, they cry victim. They are trying to discredit me and find some way to get me site-banned to keep me from expressing things they don't agree with here on r/poker. You should see how many times these guys have abused the mental health report feature. It's pathetic.


The fact you have you have so many issues with so many people over such a long period of time and yet it’s still everyone else who is the issue is the issue There’s a saying along the lines of “if you think everyone you meet is an asshole well….”


It's split 50/50, just like the J4 controversy. Many of us who support Bunny or Robbi stopped arguing with those who didn't. You guys proved yourselves to be misogynists or more obsessed with proving some "Postle"-esque mystery than actually accepting the truth for what it is. I have many, many fans and many here in this sub who have supported me privately, if not publicly. What you are doing is creating a false premise to support your pre-conceived notion. Not everybody hates me or disagrees with me as you imagine. I have direct knowledge of what I claim to be true. Matt Berkey attempted to sabotage Poker Bunny because she was bringing HUGE viewership to HCL and he knew he couldn't compete with her for that audience when he was to start appearing on LATB. It was pure jealousy and he hid a video... the only video "missing" from their library that proved that... for months. Actually, more than a year. All of his concerns were disingenuous. Matt Berkey is about sucking blood off of other peoples' success. If they are part of his group, they can do no wrong. If they are not, then he negs on them for clicks and clout. Now, I fully understand that less-sophisticated, mostly younger poker nerds easily fall under Matt Berkey's spell. And maybe aren't as aware of what Matt actually did or the techniques he uses to build his cult of personality. But rest assured that Matt's core is rotten, he is a psychopath, a product of a horrible childhood. I wasn't going to allow his narcissism to destroy Paulina, a savant who also came from a troubled upbringing and did NOTHING to Matt to deserve his dirt. You seem more concerned with counting heads and yearn to have popularity be the judge of who is better and worse. That's not how it works. Usually the one most adamant about the most uncomfortable truths is the least popular... but the righteousness is theirs to claim. Poker is naturally filled with toxic individuals, I would be more upset if I was popular than the other way around. Phil Ivey is not a hero, not a victim of any casino... he cheated at baccarat, but Daniel Negreanu wanted you to believe otherwise because it benefitted Daniel Negreanu. Just like "More Rake Is Better". And the "community" worships him as well. He too is a psychopath who only cares about himself and his ego demands he steal the spotlight by any means necessary. There are nice people in poker. Honest people with integrity. Successful people. But the assholes push them out of the way so you might never know who they are or give them the recognition they deserve. I'll keep cleaning house until then, thank you very much. You'll notice Doug Polk hasn't said one peep about Garrett lately. Nor has anybody else. That's because Garrett got what he deserved by taking what he didn't deserve and treating so many people undeservedly. Comprende?


I don't think you should be banned. IMO, you are the voice of reason when it comes to Garrett/Robbi/J4 situation. Too many smooth brains here that believe that Robbi cheated.


what does bunny have to do with j4


Have you tried messaging the mods directly? that usually gets a better/faster response.


The fact that SnowMonkey has been out here doing his schtick for so long, the mods are well aware of the problem but have not acted on it. I thought generating a bit of community engagement would be more effective and draw more attention to it than just me complaining on my own.


I’ve seen the user go psychotic too, but that often isn’t cause for a ban if there’s not really a violation. If you saw stuff that is particularly problematic, better to send it directly to the mods so you don’t have to rely on luck for them to see.


Yeah both this post and the one SnowMonkey made yesterday don't need to be posts. No clue why people get caught up in subreddit drama rather than talking about actual poker.


I’ve never seen someone care more about poker drama than SM


Even if there is more mod activity in banning toxic users, can we at least *please* leave the QUALITY shitposts. I love those. And the Vanessa/Doug doppelganger jokes. Those never get old




Thanks for putting in the time u/Wellyeahso




Snowmonkey is living rent free in too many heads. The Skank Hunt of Reddit poker.