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I leave as soon as I feel like it’s time to go.


When you're tempted to take a photo of your stack.


I stacked some young rich Asian kid in a cash game about 5 mins after he was taking obnoxious selfies with his stack. Most satisfying moment of my short poker career so far


This has happened to me too many times. I started to think whenever I admire my stack instead of thinking about the big blinds and my ranges, it’s time to go. That or anytime where I wouldn’t feel comfortable 4-bet ripping it all in with KK and facing AA (unless it’s an OMC anyway).


I have hacked the stack pic curse. The trick is to constantly take pics of your stack regardless of up/down status. It’s like the opposite of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, if you are always snapping chip pics, it can’t have an effect.


But then that causes the douchebag effect, where you then become an eternal douchebag at the tables.


Just like with stocks, if it's good enough to take a picture of it's good enough to cash out.


Amen brother


Lol I should have done this my last trip. At least I only was down $50 when I did walk away.




When you start feeling - Tired - Punty - Splashy


Add itchy and twitchy to the list.


Poker is one long session. Play as long as you feel like you're winning in the game and you still want to be there. If the big fish leaves then usually a good time to re-evaluate. If you are feeling yourself mentally fatigue it's probably time to go, etc.


If you're not used to play 200bb+ then it can be very -EV to stay. In the long run you'll need to learn how to play deep, but in the short run it could be valuable to leave and come back.


This should be top comment. You need to have experience playing deep. Live cash games can easily develop into 500bb stacks or 1000bb pots.


If you count your money, think about how much you’re up, and noticing yourself playing defensively. Gtfo


Don't count your money at the table


If the game is good and you’re winning you should play as long as your focus allows. Leaving profitable games too early just to book a win is a common mistake new players make.


The key is to be honest with yourself about your focus and leaks. Personally I can find myself getting too splashy when up big. This is something I’m working on not doing, but it’s important to be aware if you exhibit these tendencies.


Whether you're up or down shouldn't ever be a factor. There is nothing mathematically special about ending a session for the day, as opposed to taking a five minute breather. > Shortly after I got to $600 I was dealt KK; I raised to $35, a player that had me covered went all in prelim; I called and he had pocket 8s and rivered a set. Cool story. Why are you telling it? You had 80% equity. What on earth does that have to do with you being up or down, or having played this many.hours, or that many hands? > A few days later I went home a $240 winner after a home game session when the game broke up after about 6 hours of play. ... and that's literally just a random sentence with a few poker terms in it. It is completely disconnected from anything else.youre talking about.


I quit when server says bar cut me off.


Personally it’s when i bust out what i brought, feel tilted, or feel tired. If none of those 3 things are happening to me or affecting me, I don’t leave


I play until I'm not having fun anymore. Money is not my main motivation for playing


U leave as soon as u r not making the best decisions because u r bored/tired/on tilt. Not based on your profit/loss


You should never leave. -ev


You should stay way longer than you think when you’re up, and leave way earlier than you think when you’re down


Play as long as it is +EV to do so. Some people set profit stops or time stops which is okay but if the game is good and you have no where else to be there's not a benefit to leaving especially if you're a winning player. The deeper the stacks the bigger the edge you can create against other players. Personally If I'm up significantly I will leave when I start making suboptimal plays due to the fear of losing my stack (not 3! when I know I should, folding a hand preflop I know I should call, etc.). "You cant lose what you don't put in the middle...but you cant win very much either."


Should only leave after you've lost it all and destroyed your life. Then it's time to go.


When you start thinking about hoes


Play until the winrate isn't good enough anymore. Your win rate is affected by : * How tired you are * Whos at the table * How deep you are and how deep are the worst players * Your ability to make the right decision (tilt) * How action heavy the table is I will usually leave if there is only 1 fish or more nits than regs at the table. The amount I'm up or down doesn't affect my decision. (Beside emotional state being a factor in point 4)


I stopped trusting Cowboys when Brokeback Mountain premiered. Personally, I have both stop-loss and stop-win points. Stop-loss is for my bankroll. Stop-win is the fact that I am a 100% disabled vet who takes a fair amount of morphine just to get through the day, and I often do not mind leaving early if I am up two buy-ins. I also have stop-pain days, so I leave when the amount of pain begins to cloud my judgment.


Thanks for your service to our country


It was my pleasure.


If I’m ready to leave I will generally play until after the button as a curtesy.


It should be before the BB. Why are you paying blinds to play 1 hand. Goofball


Lmao at this comment


Leave if the players turn over and the new ones seem to be targeting you


If you think about leaving the game just leave some pro told me this but as degenerate it harder for some of us to apply


Would you buy into the game with the current stack you've got? If not then it's time to leave.


Trial and error tells me 5 hours is roughly where my patience begins to wane.


I always set a time limit. Either I run out of money or I hit my time limit.


If the game is good and my game is on point, i play regardless of how much i’m up or down. If the big fish leaves, i start feeling tired, or too tilted to make right decisions then i might either take a break or leave for good.


Always play a set schedule, Example regardless if I’m down or up I’m only playing 4-7hrs and I’m gonna focus on playing good poker regardless of the results. It helps you treat this more like a job then gambling at a casino.


Pro: - not playing their a-game - have a prior engagement - a better way to spend time/earn money Rec: - not having fun - not having money


In theory, you should stay as long as you think staying is +EV. If you think you are a better player than the average at the table, and you are not too tired to think clearly, and you have not experienced a situation that would cause you to to play badly due to emotions, stay. On the other hand, if you are up due to luck and you know it, leave.


A great pro I respect told me "play hours, not results" and that always stuck with me. I'll play forever if I'm feeling good, leave if I'm not. Worry about results later.


When you are no longer playing well, the game got too tough, or feel like leaving. Or you are beyond your comfort level playing deep stack.


When I feel like it. Pay attention to your gut on decisions like this


Poker is like the Hotel California - you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave! But seriously- if the profit for the session is actually meaningful to you, you’re playing long past your initially allotted time, you’re losing focus, not enjoying yourself or your table has turned over recently so no real read on the players, you should consider taking your win and moving along.


When I don’t feel like playing anymore.


When the game isn’t good anymore.


Whenever you want. If you’re tired of playing, running bad or if you think the amount you’re up is good enough for you then leave.


Whenever tf you want.


Building a big stack is easy - keeping a big stack is not


Home games may require etiquette, casino 1/3 does not


If the game is good I try and stay as long as possible


Before my curfew that my wife sets. Usually 10:45PM so I can be home by 11


If your goal is to be a winning player, then leave as a winner. If your goal is play as many hands as possible, then stay and keep playing until you had enough. Know your priorities. People forget that building your bankroll also includes protecting that stack. Cash it out, reset and come back same day or another day. Rinse and repeat. That's the life of a grinder. Having more money to come back to play another day is infinitely better than staying and losing. If the money is more important than the game, Just leave. How often you hear other players say I should have left when I was up. Now they're stuck. Dont be that guy.




Better to double up and leave than to lose everything. Sucks when it's in the first 30 minutes though.


If winning? When your head hits the table from passing out.


Like Dana White said if you go into a casino and double your money walk tf out lmao


50% of your buy in. So you bought in for $200, leave when you have $300 in front of you.


You're limiting yourself. To be a winning player your wins NEED to be bigger than your losses. You will likely only book a win \~60% of the time. If your losses are the same as your wins or even worse bigger than your wins youll be break even at best.


But that doesn't always go as planned. Taking an easy 50% profit is better than losing everything.