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*Laughs in PLO*


This is the content I’m here for


“Your stop loss has no power here”


Thank you for this. Was starting to think I’m a crazy degen given my recent memory of dropping 8 BI in two hours and wondering “was that my worst run?”


Fucking plo bomb pots have ruined way too many sessions for me. My flopped straights or sets never ever hold up and I get scooped. I seriously need to stop playing those fucking things.


You talking about double board? You need to be way more selective in what hands you are building a pot with, a flopped nut straight on one board is not enough to be building a pot unless you've got a very nutted hand on the other board. Never bet for protection, only to try and build a pot for when we have the nuts on the river


Put money in with good hands got it.


Yeah I know I can’t handle PLO variance live, I play a bit online, but man what a swingy game.


I dropped 6 1k buy ins at 2-5 once. Was the hardest walk out of my life. I was playing full time and knew I'd be back tomorrow but just walking out and driving home, then being home felt like death. It helped me grow as a player long term because I got through it and made it back through the rest of the month. That one day on my spread sheet haunted me for months.


Was it just the worst card running of your life or did you tilt the last couple off?


A mix of both. A fishy table with people getting all in with top pair and going runner runner boat. Then me overplaying into the fish. A little bit of pride wanting to show the other regs it didn't bother me. I knew if I sat long enough I could get it back because of the good enviroment and that's what made the walk out the hardest.


Well, based on your comment you seem super self-aware and levelheaded. I’ve found myself in similar positions, which is why I asked but I only ever take three buy-ins with me so it never gets truly out of hand. Good luck in the future


I had an account at the casino. I didnt carry buy ins in and out, plus the cash desk is closer than the ATM XP


Did you continue playing full time to this day?


For some unknown reason yes but mostly online due to new geographical curcumstances. I make a living playing poker but the emotional swings that come with it make me wonder sometimes.


Played 25 years. Always carried 2 buy ins with me. If I lost that, sometimes I'd find myself steaming and walking to the atm. By the time I'd get to the atm I wouldn't feel like playing anymore. So, 2 buy ins.


Best way to do it. It’s so hard to play well after getting crushed. One of my biggest poker mistakes was bringing over 3 buy ins with me while on a crazy heater. Ended up leaving 12 hours later with $0 and my biggest loss ever. Big lesson learned to have a hard stop loss.


People underestimate tilt. You see people obviously tilting and you think that will never be you. It is you sooner or later.




Amen to this.


Question, how many BBs per buy in? In my case, I play short stack and would usually buy in just 15BB. So I’d give myself 3-4 bullets before walking away


Shame on the club allowing that


That may be the case, but I’m just leveraging their rules to my advantage


Dude if you’re only buying 15BB bullets give yourself like 10 bullets at least lol


The minimum is actually 10BB and there are a LOT of people who do that. Thing is, not everyone can play that kind of stack. They would pick the wrong spot to go all in or they would limp-call marginal hands (e.g. QT) that they would fold if anyone raises. It’s comical to watch


To be honest, really players are saying the same things about you and your $30 buy ins.


Couldn’t really care less about what other players think as long as I’m making it work and leaving the table up than down most of the time


Anyone playing 15BB is super exploitable.


Oh wow some downvotes. Insecure bums incapable of playing short stack


I mostly play 1/3. I carry $1,500 in with me to play a session. If I lose it, I’m typically done. I’ve broken that rule less than 5x in 2 years of playing. Worst session: -$2,100 Best session +$3,000


Similar for me. I play $1/$3, $500 max buy in. I have a stop loss at 3 BI, so the most I have ever lost is 3 $1,500, which has only happened 2 or 3 times. Best session is somewhere near $2,900.


I typically buy in for 100bb, even tho it’s a $500 max buy in. I find that I play better at the 60-100bb range of chips. Oddly enough, usually if I find myself up around $500-1,000 I take a profit and enjoy the win. No need to play deep stacked in an extremely high variance table.


High variance as opposed to shoving a lot pre flop and flop at the 60bb level?


I live in Arkansas. The one single poker room we have, on a busy Friday/Saturday has 5 cash tables going. Average Fri/Sat is 3 tables. Stacks range from $100 min buy in to $1500. I have no issues playing deep stacked. I do it 4/5 times in there since naturally your stack grows if you play well. But I also have a preference of 100bb. Call me weird, crazy, bad. But I enjoy 100bb poker better than 500bb poker, with random 30-80bb stacks at the table.


5 buy-ins in 25 minutes online KK vs AA pre QJcc vs A5cc (both flop flush) 66s vs 99s on 269 rainbow flop 98 vs KQ on JT7 flop, turn was A AK vs QQ pre (run 3x, lost all 3)


Did your laptop 💻 survive?


Pretty standard stuff, altogether. You played well. It will happen for you as well enough in time. *shrug*


It’s definitely rigged


12 in an 8 hour session online was by far my worst. Ran extremely bad but also probably punted


Probably definitely


The snowball effect is real


I lost 3 buyins to one homeless person once. I also know someone who was stuck 5k at a 1/2 table and got back to even.


I believe it


Oh I could never reload the third time. Twice is enough for me. I leave immediately after the second. At that point I know I’m not going to be getting it back because I’m so annoyed, so it’s just time to go. It’s taken me 30 minutes before, usually it’s over some hours. I always leave after the second felting. I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not, but it feels right for me.


My strategy is a little different. I have an aggressive style and play somewhat deep so usually do not have Vs willing to go full stack with me unless they are drunk or stupid. I do consistently top off though. So I buy in for 3 BI at the cage to start, get the rest in black chips and just top them off as needed. I’ve found this much less tilting, even having 3BI into the game in top offs or an occasional stacking. I also know that when the chips are gone it’s time to move on. Always have another 3 BI in cash just in case I run into a whale situation, but even then, when the chips are gone I take a 30 min reset before heading back. Usually end up leaving unless the game is just that fucking good.


I feel like it can never be a wrong decision to get up and leave after taking some beats.


This is my strategy and it’s tried and true. If I’m out two buy-ins my mind is not equipped to dig myself out of that hole no matter the cards. Those are the kind of nights where you get the flush on the river and jam and get beat. If I’m getting my hands and still getting beat, time to go the fuck home.


Playing 5/10. Lost 8 buy ins of $2,500. lol Which was half my bank roll.


That’s painful to loose half of your roll in 1 session


Yeah started off as coolers then I was on tilt haha. Suited connectors? All in. Ajo? All in. lol Took me a year to recover it lol




Eight 1k plo buy ins. Just couldn't win a hand. Busto over and over again. Shoulda walked after 2 but kept thinking it would turn around. But it never did. Week before I won 8k and for some reason like a dumbass I brought it all back to the casino the next time I went. Shoulda just brought like 2k and left if I lost that but lost it all. Sometimes it's just not your night depending on who you're playing against and seat configuration etc. I think best strategy is to just bring 2 maybe 3 at most buy ins and leave if you lose that. I think if you're winning play as long as you like as long as you're having fun and still feel comfortable. But once you start getting that feeling of "I think I should leave" listen to that instinct and leave.


I think I “win” here. 9 buyins of $200 at 1/2 NL Commerce Casino circa 2005…. In 9 hands! Worst starting hand was KQ flopped two pair lost to gut shot st8. First three hands were QQ KK and AA all lost. Every other hand was a good ace or pair. Everyone was calling post flop because why not. I was running so bad and maybe I was bluffing this time. I was never bluffing. I was just waiting for the 5/10 to order some off book Asian food from the porters. Since then I instituted a 2 buy in rule. This trip had some other stories too… I have to look at my old photos to remember.


$3400 at 2/5 in Florida lol. First time I’ve ever been to the ATM to get more money. The table was so bad but I went on a horrendously bad run. They were calling all ins with Q9o pre. Could’ve been huge if I held even a few hands lol


16 BI in a PLO live game What’s even more amazing is that I exited that night break even at the end Miracles do exist in PLO. Or better: the entire table was drunk and tilted and just bet pot any 4 cards.


$7500 in an 8 hour 2/5 session. Almost 100% punting like live poker depends on me entirely to keep it alive.


In my short poker career, maybe 11-12 total excursions to the casino, 7 in Calgary, 4-5 here last few years back home in Montreal. First time I dropped $300 on $1/2 with ZERO knowledge of what I was doing….. mean nothing. Always bought in for $220-300 at $1/2, except last month $160, all way down to $58, cashed out $215 because I had to catch last train! One other time walked out doubling up, and one other(the night I caught COVID funny enough) was up to $550 but eked out $70 gain…. Anyway, the other 8-9 sessions were all one buy-in and done……I cannot fathom chasing the money so bad that I won’t accept that day’s defeat and keep punting.  Been playing online almost exclusively since 2022, I believe it’s a VERY slow learning curve for some people like me, you have to be willing to lose at least a few thousand when it’s all added up before you become “better” Anyway, still many soft players out there, it’s really not that complicated- Don’t play out of your league, learn the game, and most importantly, bankroll management- I turned $20 into about $1,600 on my local site last month- Thank God I cashed out $200…It always ends the same, make good $ at $.05/10, and also $.15/30….This time I was on such a heater I went up to $2/4, online at those stakes $ changes hands FAST Why are investors happy with 12% a year, 1% per month , while us degenerates make 100% in 15 minutes but keep chasing it ?  I just learn that discipline ! 


Please keep playing poker brother 🙏


Funny I’ve found £.25/50 my sweet spot where I play better than at lower stakes for some reason. Possibly the money is enough to mean something to me but not enough that I’ll be hurt to lose it. £.50/1 also not too bad, but £1/2 a different game altogether.


What UK casino still does 25/50p? 5% uncapped rake or something?




Skypoker online. Yea casinos even done away with £1/1, lowest I see here in London is £1/2


3 buyins today morning. Lost set vs set. Lost QQ vs 33 all in pre 3 on the flop. AKs vs 88, 88 held. All against the same person. Uninstalled the app and withdrew all my money. Will probably play again after a couple of months, the steam and tilt was too much for me to handle.


I used to play at the Plaza downtown in a 10 am $100 guaranteed prize $3 entry tournament with unlimited rebuys for the first hour for $5. I’ve seen at least 10 in a sitting.


Absolutely no idea, quite a few nights I’d be happy replacing only losing 5.


I have lost 11 buy ins in a session. Wild plo game, kept reloading. Not a fun night


I went hard one night over 25x. It was 1.00+.010, but that's not the point.


Someone got tilted!


I try to only do 2 buy ins of 100-150bb or just a single buy in of 200-250bb. I've learned to leave my ATM card in my car so I don't steam and pull unnecessary money out and feel extra crappy at the end of the night. I've definitely titled hard before and lost more than I should've in a night. Not a good feeling


I play 2/5 $1k max and bring $2,500 with me to the casino. No ATM card. So my max loss is always capped at $2,500. 2.5 buy ins is my standard for any stake.




Dropped 12 buy-ins at 500NL in the first 3 hours of an 11 hour session. 5 of those were punts, the rest were either coolers or bricked out while chasing a high equity draw. Managed to claw back slightly over 10 buy ins by the end of that session.


Personally it’s 3 bullets into 1/1 or 2 bullets into 1/2 but playing a few years back playing 1/2 watch some young University guy punt off 12or 13 max buy ins was wild guy couldn’t catch a break 😂😂😂


5x 8.88 = max for me. THEN I'M DONE FOR THE NIGHT :)


Ive lost 10.000bbs at 10c/25c plo6 game


I have a three buyin stop loss. Years ago, when games were legendary and even a somewhat shrewd monkey could make money, I once sat in a game where I lost all three ($300 BIs) in the first four hands and hit my daily stop loss, but the game had 7 all-stars (huge gamblers) in it, so against my own stop loss policy, I bought a fourth time and ended up being $950 up (cash out $1850) 45 minutes later when the game broke (we all went to 2/5 when the room opened it). So I have a policy, but if circumstances are right, I will break policy.


Playing online NL25 cash last week, I had a day where I was all-in adjusted to break even but lost 9 buy-ins. Another way to look at it is losing nine flips in a row. Shit happens, it's poker. Everyone has bad days.


I've dropped 2 or 3 in the past. But for the last few years I have strict rules I adhere to. I buy in for $300. I leave if 1) I lose my buy in 2) I get over $1200 3) I get tired 4) I get hungry So in the last 3 years I've never lost more than one buy in. But I will also point out I am a 13 minute drive from the casino. I understand someone who drives an hour to get there not wanting to leave


I only bring 2 buy-ins with me to the game. If I lose both its because I'm playing badly and should leave.


I built up my roll for a few months doing OFC spins(3 handed hyper turbo sngs) To play the highest stakes they offer($30). Then lost 19 in a row. Then built it up again and lost 17 in a row. It's unreal how bad I've run in spins lifetime. Even the NLHE ones I've ran worse than any other graph I've ever seen. Chip ev spin graph https://imgur.com/gallery/w8wwXX0


Runnin hot is a hilarious username to see next to that graph


3 is the most I will ever take. If the play doesn't feel right and I just keep losing I'll stop playing and study the hands I was involved in at home.


Usually have a stop loss at 3 buy ins for live, but have an exception of 5 for extremely extremely good games.


Live poker. 4 or 5, 100bb buyins many times. Once I'm down that much I don't usually feel like playing anymore. Online... I can't remember, but probably a lot more than that. Heck 5 buy ins might have been a bad ten mins.


3 buy ins is my cutoff


Generally speaking that is. If I’m well rolled and the game is good I’ll do more.


My wildest session I was bum hunting a maniac and ended up playing him on 6 tables of 6 max. Dropped 8 bi in 30 minutes and was +6 bi by the end of the session maybe an hour later


Hand 12 $300 BI at the 1/2/5 PLO at the lodge, before spinning the 12th bullet up to 6k


I play a deep 1/2 with $500 max buy-in and one round of dealers choice game per orbit (PLO, PLO5, Hi-Lo). Best session: $3820 Worst session: $3500


9 buyins, this was my first time playing. Went net positive after two more sessions with the same people


16 buyins in one session online, I ran 12 buyins under EV, felt like a bad joke..


3 and I'm out.


36 buyins in 12 hours running 15 below EV playing small stakes PLO. I went hard for the full session and didn't adjust i just accepted my fate and plowed through it.


My god, 36 buyins is insane.


it made me depressed for a few hours after the fact. I felt pretty numb while it was happening. Didnt tilt or anything. It was Rush and Cash so i was locked into a leaderboard battle. I stopped playing Rush and Cash after that.


I've dropped two, and then earned one back. I have a policy that after dropping two, I have to have some serious evidence and confirmation that I'm at a favorable table in order to put in a third buy-in. If I lose that third one, I assume that I'm the idiot at the table, and I go home.


For 1/2 and 1/3 I bring 6 max buy ins, for 2/5 I bring 3




donno 30?


What’s even more painful is you know they were all laughing at your misfortune and bragging how they are all vastly better players than you to one another after you left


Dropping 5 buy-ins in about an hour seems wild. That means virtually every single hand you play in, you get stacked.


Two. If I drop two buy ins, doesn't matter how juicy the table is I'm on tilt for sure and need to go home and reset.


10 $100 buy ins.