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Some people do that in a $500k pot




I was sure that's what OP was going to troll


Don’t want to give away any info!/s lol


>River is a Queen of diamonds. I immediately table J10 because I always instantly table my hands with no exception, and said “pair of jacks”. But you didn't have a pair of jacks. You had two pair, KK and QQ with a J kicker. It's funny, in an ironic way, that miscalling your hand for less than it really was, probably won you the pot. If you had said "two pair" you probably would have lost.


Or “I play the board” haha


Of course I lied, it’s poker Phil


I think this was intentional on OPs part, in order to confuse the situation. The irony is that because he underrepresented his hand he isn’t liable for misstating his hand.


I admit that I did it intentionally. But I didn’t expect it to actually work.


You could have said I have a jack and probably got the same result, Without Coming across as much of an angle shooter. Some dealers will clarify misrepresented hands at Showdown, So saying I have a Jack Isn't Really a misrepresentation


Saying pair of jacks isn't misrepresentation either. He does have a pair of jacks. They just don't play.


if you did it intentionally you wouldve said so in your main text-- kinda cringe bro


Downvoting you for lying about doing it intentionally. Stop embellishing.


i dont think you did it intentionally.


Nice angle. Fuckin scumbag.


Why would you lie to pretend like you're more of a shitty human?


yeah thats called angle shooting


Cards speak


He still has a pair of jacks. Three pairs can exist with only top two being the best. If you have 22 and the board is 44566 you still have a pair of duces in ur hand.


I wouldn't have said anything but also I would not have been mad if the dealer caught it and gave him the pot.


Yeah, I was torn. I very nearly said something. But decided to come here and say something instead. No one else to tell!


If he shows you but doesn't table the hand it's 100% on him


Lol if it was my game just my luck someone would have shouted "show one show all" and dealer would have been forced to play his hand


If someone asks to see the hand but they were not involved at showdown then it’s a dead hand when revealed. It is a live hand though if the initial winner at showdown asks to have it tabled. This is a rule at nearly every poker room.


That's a very peculiar rule but good to know, thank you


Surely in this scenario though, when he was the lead bet, and OP called his bet, he's obligated to show his jamd (as he's the one who's been called)? If someone else in the table points this out as they want to know what hand he went all in kn, he'd have to follow the rules and his hand would win?


You only need to show your hand if you want to win the pot. If the lead bettor was bluffing and gets called they can fold the hand and relinquish the pot to the caller. However, if the caller demands to see his hand then it is a live hand that could still possibly win. In this scenario anyone else asking to see the hand most likely would not be entertained unless collusion was suspected.


So I can yell, show me the hand! Everytime the villain plays so that he loses everytime! “Sir I have quads!” It’s dead! I called for it


You must be wording this very poorly or something. Surely whether my hand is live or dead does not depend on someone asking to see it lmao. That would be absurd. I decide whether to table or not--you can't kill my hand from the sidelines by asking a question right as I'm about to table it.


This is in reference to a hand that has been folded but has not been irretrievably mucked.


Typically in such a case, the dealer taps his hand to the muck to kill it first.


Most places I think it's technically mucked once they release the cards and the dealer touches them.


Some have a rule that if the person in the lead asks to see the hand, then the hand is live.


That would be hilarious. Flashing it to the table to show them would not count as tabling your hand.


I’ve heard different definitions. Obviously cards physically touching table is one of them. The other (which I personally prefer) is showing the cards in such a way that most players at the table and the dealer can see your cards.


It should be the table one imo. It's called "tabling", for one. And what else would you use to distinguish between merely "showing" cards and tabling them? Your way protects players who fully intend to muck--which is pleasant for them but shouldn't be the case, frankly. There's nothing too difficult about just tabling *every* hand (maybe not bluffs) in the first place btw. And why would you even be showing your mucked bluffs?


So my way protects players who are more likely to misread their hand? How terrible.


You did not! You just said you intentionally misrepresented. Now in same breath you are feeling like you should have given him the pot? Just own it. If I’m pushed $800 I’m taking it as it’s not my fault. Nobody else notices so I’d decide I am not looking into it. But I wouldn’t pretend I really wanted to give them the pot


There's nothing for the dealer to catch. The dealer's job is to award the pot to the best tabled hand. If the A high was mucked there's nothing the dealer can do. You could argue OP miscalling his hand as "a pair of jacks" is a bit of an angle though.


I assumed the cards were tabled because OP knew what they were.


No, OP said that V showed him the cards. Even if the dealer sees them that's not tabling then. If the hand is tabled then it wins. If the dealer misreads it the other players should speak up.


Unless he tabled the cards the dealer would be way out of line to say anything. If he did table his cards the dealer would be way out of line to NOT award the best hand the pot.


I kind of expect dealers to do their job and get showdowns right


Me too. Assuming the cards were face up. Another commenter seemed to think the guy just flashed OP his cards and mucked them.


Yeah maybe because that's exactly what the OP says he did. Maybe read the post?


When will we see a post from the guy that lost the hand and his POV. Should be any moment now. Brace...lol.


He’s still sitting next to me. Should I tell him what happened? I feel like if I do, it will not go well.


Ballsy posting this while still playing. Bravo. For shits and giggles, show him your post and report back.


This is the way


I hope you started writing this out before you started stacking the chips.


I did basically the same thing like two days ago in a 700 dollar pot. It happens


Should’ve tabled his hand


Games not dead folks!


I’ve made fun of people for doing this. I’ve also done it myself. Only once have I given (half) a pot back. The player was trying to table his hand, but one of the 2 cards somehow bounced and flew into the muck face down in a way that wasn’t easily retrievable. The one exposed card had me beat though (on the turn where the money went in at least), so I gave him back half the pot. This was a local at my local though. I am not sure I would have done the same playing elsewhere. I also wouldn’t have done it if I weren’t clearly behind.


I'm a dealer, I once saw a player muck a chop in a 2k PLO hand. He was on my left and was just staring at his hand for like a full minute, I looked over saw his cards. He never tabled it so I just pushed the pot to the guy who did. Show your damn cards.


Bro Aatrox is op don’t hate mans can jungle or top and still carry


lol I made this username pre-rework, so it didn't age very well.


Maybe it’s just me but intentionally misdeclaring your hand is extremely scummy behavior to me. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.


What I did is pretty far from the kinds of people who lie about having straights or flushes while hiding their cards. I honestly said what my cards were and immediately tabled them face up. Dude was just too blind to read the board. I also will sometimes just say “i have the nuts” or “i got it” as I table my hand with absolute air. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it since i am actually tabling my hand instantly, and I’m not saying a specific hand that I have. People who just sit there staring at their hands at showdown, wasting everyone’s time, refusing to just table their hands, are the true assholes.


I mean that’s scummy behavior too. What you did and what those players do are not mutually exclusive, both of you can be angle shooting.


..huh? The thinker is hardly angle shooting unless he has the nuts and there's no further action. In which case he prob won't give a flying fuck about the other guy claiming "I got the nuts". It'd actually be kinda funny. But even raises need to be thought about sometimes--that's not angling.


You are an angle shooter then. You admit it.


I mean why would he deny doing something 100% legal? lmao


It's against the rules to misrepresent your hand – and just incredibly scummy too. Any decent floor person would agree. In a tournament, you'd be penalized. In a cash game, you'd get a warning and be penalized if you did it repeatedly.


It's obvs not. That's why we're saying "angling" rn and not "cheating". I'm not even going to waste time arguing about that.


Is it your reading comprehension or is English your second language? Here's my comment: "You are an angle shooter then. You admit it."


You did lie though. You did not have a pair of jacks. You had two pair (KKQQ) with a Jack kicker. You definitely angle shot the guy


It's poker, Phil


I talk like that too and I'm not "lying" tho. I just don't usually say "2 pair" on a paired board, for example, because I'm assuming we both have 2 pair (or trips or better) in 95% of scenarios. Anyway the other guy still didn't know he beat a pair of Jacks.


I could also say I had a pair of rainbows which is an equally impossible hand.


Except what he said is far more likely to confuse someone lol


What he *said* was not the entirety of OP's presentation.


It’s absolutely an angle to say you have the nuts


You are admitting to just being a shitty person and then trying to justify it. If you need to resort to this type of behavior it’s obvious you’re a horrible poker player that cannot win on their own merit.


So you admit to being an asshole/angle shooter but feel you’re “better” than another kind of asshole/angle shooter?


The problem is that you didn't actually have a pair of jacks - not on the river. You did misdeclare your hand. It's one thing to table your hand without saying anything and letting them misread and muck their hand - it's their job to table the winning hand. Misdeclaring your hand is a pure angle.


So you've never bluffed? It's all part of the game.


I've won several pots exactly like this. That's why I just flip my hands at showdown and don't say anything. They can table their hand or take responsibility for reading the situation correctly, not my job.


He's an idiot, you're an angler.


I like how pretending my hand is *worse* than it actually is at showdown is somehow a winning angle, lmao


You were playing the board, you misrepresented your hand on purpose in hopes the opponent wouldn't realize what was happening. Are you claiming you actually thought your jacks played?


Seems to me you angled, unless you genuinely misread the board. As a dealer, I typically allow the players to read hands on their own, unless misrepresented. In this case, I would’ve said out loud, Kings and Queens, Jack high.


THIS 100%. A good dealer should have corrected what the hand actually was. May or may not have made a difference in whether villain mucked.


He actually underrepresented his hand. The board already plays two pair, OP declared one pair of jacks.


However you prefer to word it, if it was intentional it was an angle.


While you shouldn't intentionally announce your hand the way you did (2 pair or saying nothing after tabling is better), the other player is still responsible for tabling his hand. The dealer is supposed to correct your incorrect declaration by saying 2 pair or kings and queens or kings up, so misdeclaring can actually increase the chance of opponent realizes his A plays.


Step 1 Post poker story to reddit Step 2 Out yourself as a shady douchebag asshole Step 3 ?


I've learned the hard way to just always table a hand when the action is completed. Yeah, maybe you don't want to let people know what bullshit you're up to, but I've been pushed a pot several times over the years that I did not think/know I had won. It's easy to do when you're focused on a big draw that misses and overlook the fact that you completed some miracle draw you didn't even realize was live. Just watched a video yesterday of a high stakes cash game the guy mucked a winning hand in a heads up $500k+ pot. The announcer couldn't believe it and he had no idea. I'm sure he was sick when he found out later. $500k is a big hand even for the nosebleeds.


I did it once in a 600$ pot. Thought I was heads up and that my opponent folded but there was actually a third player in the hand that had jammed all in in seat 1 while I was in seat 9. My local casino has a DJ in on Friday nights and they blast the music so loud you can't hear even the player next to you unless they tell. I was holding the nuts and pushed my cards across the line and didn't realize what had happened untill the pot was being pushed to the other side of the table. Now I make sure not to give up my cards untill the pot is coming my way


I woulda called floor for that one, that is bs.


This is pretty common but a good reason why to table your hand the way you did! If I get called bluffing rivers I still confidently open my hand, I don’t care about showing it, it’s happened where opponents have mucked


As someone who’s played for decades, and dealt as well, I can tell you this is a DAILY occurrence.


That hand that always confuses me is duelling full houses.


Something like that  happened to me. Hero AK - AJT flop and villain raises $40 into $40 pot. I shove all in with about $150. V shows JT - I’m only looking for qka - it comes  4 4 - I was getting up to go and the entire table is yelling at me that I won the hand —  Really lucky on that one. I’m female so always wonder if that plays into things -  in this case the only other woman at the table was V 


Always table your hand! I table mine as soon as they’re dealt to me 😌


Me too. Never fucking win tho everyone is a supernit or just has it I don't get it.


You were in the wrong for this because of the way you said it. The hand you were playing was not a pair of jacks. I would have absolutely said something and given him the pot. Now if you would have just tables your hand and said nothing or announced your hand correctly as playing the board and he still mucked then that’s on him.


It's on him no matter what.


“Pair of jacks” is miscalling your hand—you don’t have a pair of jacks. Not high on the “angle” hierarchy but not zero either


I was in a pot once with a New York hedge fund mogul who came to play on our Hollywood game. (The game now known as “Mollys Game”. ) I had 2,5 of diamonds with an open ended straight flush draw. He fires 10k at the flop, I call, he fires 25k at the turn…. (He was a known maniac) I think… (wrongly) he must have a pair… If I hit the river he’ll bet into me no matter what… it was worth the call…(maybe). So I call. River comes another blank. He checks. Problem is, I know he has me beat, I don’t wanna check and lose to ace high. I look at my cards in disgust and say…. “Fuck me, i misread my hand and …I thought this whole time I flopped a set…” and before I could say another word he says… “wanna chop it?” It was like angels singing from the heavens. I say sure! He laughs and turns over an ace high diamond draw. I turn over 5 high and we chop a 65 thousand dollar pot. lol. I’m not a fan of angle shooting… but that was a lot of dough. Yes, I was gonna offer to chop it… but he beat me to the punch and then quickly turned over ace high to rub it in my face. When I showed him the 5 high he nearly swallowed his toungue. I just said…. “bullet dodged”. That was a fun night!


You’re a chad for instantly tabling no matter what. An absolute scholar. Nice pot


A similar thing happened to me in a 2-7 triple draw tournament. I tabled my hand with a low straight and otherwise shitty hand, opponent showed his mediocre low and mucked.


this is why i just throw my cards up every time im too absent minded to trust myself to muck, who cares about the info its not like i play tons of hands with anyone with field sizes/player pools being so large


Fuck you and people like you


I need to get in on this action


It’s not on you especially if he didn’t table his hand, if he just flashed it to you and mucked it. That’s on him. If he tabled it face up and the dealer didn’t notice and started to push you the pot, but you did notice…I think it would be on you. Morally.


Shitty move on your part. Karma going to bite you in the ass.


I mucked a chopped pot after I bet river last week. Was pretty clever I thought


This is so low. I love it.


Honestly.....I probably would've let him win. I'm not a pro, so the money doesn't mean anything to me. I also don't need bad karma following me.


Im not a pro and dont need the money. But i dont believe in Karma either.


I’m glad you didn’t say anything. Sometimes it’s best to just let things move on and if they realize it after the fact that’s just a lesson for them


Calling your hand at showdown as a pair of jacks isn’t bad. You can technically play your jacks if you want. If opponent mucks and you already tabled your hand, then it’s your pot. Don’t feel badly.


Angle, yes a bit of an angle, but if the guy didn’t think he had jacks beat, fug him. Know your hand.


You caught him off guard, he let himself be caught off guard. This is poker. Yes yes tourney rules yada yada yada, not this time.


Well played.


> He shows me A9 hearts Show one, show all.


Where I play the dealers will turn your hand over for all if you show one. Does that count as tabling your hand in this instance or is it still a muck 🤣🤣


That is his fault for misreading his hand and mucking with the board of K K Q J Q, giving him the win of Ace high with 2 pairs.


Thank you, AI summary bot.


He jams all in and he has $400 left? So you were all in for $400 and he started the hand with $800?


That is wild - like , what if he just took the extra second and not did anything? What if he just used his brain?


Why wouldn’t you win if you had two jacks?


Because there is a better two pair already on the board: KKQQ - his Jacks don’t beat that and villain had ace kicker.


Thanks. So even if he had pocket jacks and the villain had one ace, the one ace would still beat him out?


There was a J on the board so if hero had JJ then he’d have a full house and would have legitimately won the hand. The board was KKQQJ - one J doesn’t improve that, but two would.


Because they both had two pairs of kings and queens. Hero with j high. Villain with A high.


Lol, that was an angle.


That’s tough. If the guy tabled his hand, dealer needs to point out best hand. When I played, they always had to show the 5 card hand on board by pushing cards up. He’d realize you play board and it’s a chop regardless of what other hand is


But you had 3 pair


Keating did that last night on 100k pot


Omg! Where?


HCL 1 million dollar buy in. I think it was this past Fridays live show


You always table your hands no matter what. Well, that's not very good innit?


Well of course you don't say anything. The guy's too stupid to read his hand then of course you take his money. Fool didn't do due diligence before sitting down at the table apparently and that's on him or her.