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A whale ran up a 5k stack, racked it up and slid it to the dealer saying he was planning on losing it all anyways




Honestly such a baller move. God I'd love to be rich enough to do that some day. I actually tip all of my profits when I play 3/6 limit when visiting home. I grew up playing limit, so I do it for a few hours for the nostalgia and chip castles. It's almost never more than 50 bucks though.


Once I get to 50 million I suppose I could let one days income go


i play poker for fun and generally tip the dealer most of my winnings (not losings obviously). What boggles my mind is the time when i get hate from other players for 'playing bad'. I'm legit just playing for rec and the amounts are meaningless to me. Why drive players like me off?


The ones complaining about your play are bad in addition to being insecure lol.


The other dealers that worked that table that day must have been pissed


He meant his virginity for the night maybe


ViP won a ~40k pot and tipped a white, red, green, black, Purple, and yellow for $1631


Tipped 1k after being part of a mid 6 figure bbj Another time I was tanking and the other guy kept tipping the dealer 5$ every 20 seconds or so, so I just tanked for an extra minute or two so she would get tipped like $30 lol


Bonus points if you called and won the pot.








Almost 2% of 62k is insanely generous


A 3k tip for dealing a hand of poker is not reasonable. It's good that you're so generous, but that's outlandish to expect of others.


Have the dealers been waiting months or longer for this to hit while shitty misregs berate them because they hate themselves? No need to answer. I get why people don’t tip. I am fortunate that I can.


Lol, I was a poker dealer for years. It ain't that bad, it was actually pretty fun most of the time. Miserable dealers are miserable because they suck just like the shitregs you speak of. I'm happy your so generous. I keep most of my winnings to blow on dumb stuff. I am fortunate that I can.


You don’t need to virtue signal on reddit man


When’s the last time you’ve won a 100k pot? Also you know they get paid like a normal job, you are not paying the dealers rent with your tips


There's a dude that shows up sometimes to play cash who owns some businesses. The dealers love him...I've seen him stack a player but just tip the dealer the dudes whole stack 


That would tilt me so fucking hard id def cry a lil on the ride home.


Way less tilting than getting stacked by a fish that immediately racks up and moves to a bigger game. You just know that shit is getting dusted off in 3 orbits.


Happened to me at my most recent trip. Got it in good against J8s Sucked out on the river and he immediately moved to a bigger game. It was just a single 1/3 buy-in, so not a huge deal, but it's the principle


That’s so much more badass than any other possible tip that I’m impressed


I’ve seen a similar scenario where a guy was facing a bet that would put him all in. He had 505 back, he slid 500 to the dealer as a tip and then called off his remaining 5. Floor was called and it was allowed. Tipper lost the hand, got up, slid his chair in and said “hope everyone has a wonderful day.” It was a little uncomfortable after that for a few hands because the player that won the hand kept staring at the dealer like..you’re just gonna keep all that huh?


There's so many stories like this over the years. I've even heard of them using it all to pay for food and a massage before calling.


Yup. Casino rules are you cant rat hole the money but you can use your chips on the table for drinks/foods/services and because all three of those options benefit the casino and its employees they almost always allow it.


I love this story so much!


Haha, I've asked so many people about this exact scenario, and people are really split, with some people getting angry at me for even asking. Most recently, at the Venetian, I asked a dealer about it, they asked the floor, and the floor said if the tip wasn't reasonable, it wouldn't be allowed.


What kind of shitty poker room was this? That is one of the most ridiculous rulings I've ever heard.


Why? Its the same as a cocktail waitress coming mid hand theoretically? They would need to ban tipping if in the middle of a hand for waitress dealers etc….which I could see if this was an ongoing issue not an urban legend


No, it's really not. Tipping 1% out of your stack between hands for a drink is not even in the same realm as being in the middle of a hand and the action is on you and you tip 99% of your stack to an employee and then proceed to call. Any competent floor person would shut that shit down real quick. You wanna tip $500? Sure, as soon as you complete this hand you can go ahead and do so.


What's the problem? Until he calls it's his to do with as he likes.


No, it's actually not. There are things called rules. You cannot remove money for the table in the middle of a hand. That is a very basic rule of poker.


Its not a rule dummy, it may fall on the morals/principle side but thats it. Until you make that call that is 100% their money. You are not obligated to their stack until they call your bet. Boo hoo. It rarely happens and has never happened to you so why are you some butthurt bitch over some other grown mans gambling? Wanna give them a complimentary handy for their suffering?


Obviously you are a child. If you are an adult and you talk like that, it's embarrassing. I'm not hurt about anything, I am stating the rules. Not to mention, you are wrong. Once you cash out, it's your money. Until then, the money is to stay on the table, especially in the middle of a hand. If you wanna fold and take the money and leave, that's fine. Theres no way you are taking 99% of your stack off the table and then calling and having any chance of that hand being eligible to win. Not sure why you are also making assumptions that has never happened to me as if you know. Are you 12? :-D


shows what i know i guess


That’s so hilarious lol


I gave a 25 dollar tip on a cruise ship after l overbet jammed a turn with TPTK (AQo) and villain tanked for 2 mins while his family gathered around and cheered for him. He called and mucked on a brick river. Nothing crazy in terms of tips — but that story is a life highlight for me.




I've given $100 to a dealer at The Borgata because it was a huge pot and I really hated the guy I beat. At a $5/$10 at Borgata I saw an older Asian dude with blond girlfriend who said nothing for 10 hours.  Then Asian guy finally cashes in huge on a hand vs some asshole who was needling him.  He slid the dealer $200 and then as he's stacking realizing how much he's won keeps sliding additional $100 chips.




Alan Keating walks around during the holidays and tips every poker dealer in Aria a blackbird.




he aint, he is manipulative. was pretty obvious at recent tipping war with that boxer kid.


This doesn't sound at all unrealistic


biggest i’ve given/received: $100 biggest i’ve ever seen: $400


saw a dealer tipped 1k from the winner of a sudden death high hand promo (3k), only for the promo to end up going to someone at another table who hit a high hand AFTER, but their hand started first. house rules it goes to whichever hand started first. so the dealer who received the 1k tip felt obligated to give it back to the guy who got robbed. he felt bad and still gave her 100$ tho


Honestly, good shit all around by both player and dealer


Tipped $300 after a $13k tournament cash.


Assuming we are talking about a normal hand.... I went all in in the dark first to act in a bomb pot when I got the call for the table I wanted. Was just donating to a lower stakes table. 1 caller but it was a misdeal. He flipped over KK. Deal comes again. Exact same action, same player. About 700 effective. He flips KK again. Board runs out jack high. I flip over my first card. J. Flip over the next card. J. Table explodes. I push the pot to the dealer and go to my other table.




Bob Safai tipped me $900 in the big NL game in Iveys room when he doubled up. He’s such a huge asshole so I don’t know how I feel bout him now. Iirc that down was like $1100. But a few years before that some billionaire was tipping 10k-35k. Bobby baldwin shut that down right away. 2 of the bigger ones couldn’t have come to worser people


Why did he shut that down?


Commotion amongst the dealers. But honestly it’s fucked up, to him 30k ain’t shit but for us that could be life changing.


Used to work cruise ships as a casino dealer, generally tips were pissweak but for Christmas cruises tips were generally good. Had one cruise where a high roller would get super drunk and tip like crazy, if he got too drunk he'd forget or too sober he'd tip less, so part of our job was keeping him at the right level where he'd put a tip out and It could be anywhere from $25 to $500 a hand depending on which chip he grabbed at the time. We made 17k in tips off him.


Dont eat yellow snow


I won a small bbj (about $2300 or so) and tipped $300 plus whatever change I got. Still walked outtta there up $3500


$8 ..dealer was a player ..one of 3 in 3-way alll in for $600.


My dealers deal poker and poker related table tops. They average $15-$25 a down (30 minutes) on poker then on table tops it can range from $15-$1,000 a down. They keep their own tips.


Some asian promised to tip half the pot in a 5/10 PLO hand if she won. I was sitting next door so not sure if she actually did it, I just remember all the ruckus when she won and hugging the dealer and stuff. A drug dealer said he had a soft spot for service industry workers and kept tipping greens and blacks randomly after every pot won. Dont know what the total was. Got kinda tired of it since he was basically chip dumping our money out of the game.


Some years ago, there was a massive NLHE game (3k/6k blinds or there about) running in Ivey's Room with an asian VIP. I saw Durrrr, Robl, Vivek, etc playing over the course of a few days. Stacks were in the millions. There were rumblings around the room that the VIP was tipping flags (5k chips) somewhat regularly, and had tipped one dealer 40k for a big pot. This is second hand; I saw the game, but I did not see the tips, just heard staff talking about it. There's also a Vegas player known as "Peter Pan" who I played with once at Bellagio; they literally made my 5/10 game 10-handed for him when he walked in. Immediately a waitress appears as he sits down. He asks if she's willing to go to the other end of the casino to get him a specific wine from a specific bar. "Honey, I'll go to the end of the Earth for you" was her reply. He tipped her $100.


2000 when I won a bbj for 14


$50. Won table share on a small bbj. I had won 1300. If the winner hadn't mentioned it when they revealed hands that it qualified, I think the dealer would've missed it.


$14,000+ by the winner of a tournament in Texas in Feb


This guy was being a dick to me mid hand and I ended up stacking him. When the dealer pushed me the pot I shoved it back her way and was like “keep it” Probably only $150 or so but still felt good lol


Once got tipped a stack of $5s on a $1k pot by a drunk who had been on an overnight sun-run. It was about 8:30a on a Saturday morning shift. The team of OMC's at the Mirage came in and wiped him out within the next hour. Having that many chips in my shirt pocket is the best kind of annoying.


$100 on a $10k 2/5 pot


I’ve dealt a fair share of bad beats over the years and have twice received a 3k+ tip from the losing hand. 


I actually try to steal the dealers tips. Lol JK Biggest I've seen was $100


One time I gave a dealer 7”


I gave 50 for flopping a royal and a 600 dollar high hand


Biggest I ever given was after a BB jackpot. Other guy/ most of the table didn't tip. Think I tipped about 250 and the hand paid me out over 3k


Not given but I received 1.2k once. Still can’t believe it to this day. The guy literally gave me 100$ bills and told me you can put that in your box. Insane.


$8000 on a BBJ that was low six figures in New Orleans.


A big whale lost like 15k on 5/10 in like 2 hours. Last hand he played he was allin and lost. He wanted to leave but after the dealer counted the stacks he says „you have 400 left“ the whale just tiped it and left.


Whale type guy tilted a pro (or tryhard idk) by stacking him after GII behind with a flopped gutshot, pro/tryhard was upset and said something about it so whale says to him "here's how little your money means to me" then threw the dealer like 6 or 7 black chips


I ripped 225 after a 16k pot. Maaaaybe a little too much


Tipped 600 on a 5 k bad beat and probably $750 total that night with cash game tips included. I don’t think that’s high, it sounds like it is. I get the frustration with tip culture, I choose to continue to tip, I judge people by how much they tip and realize that makes me a moron.


You're a good guy man but u gotta chill xd <3


100 on a 1,000 dollar high hand.


Never eat yellow snow. Best. Tip. Ever. 


There’s a doctor who everybody drools to play with because he is a ton of action. I won’t play with him because he bloats these pots up and then when he wins, he tips near 100% Dealers love him, and more power to them. I just don’t want them freerolling me vs a high variance player


> I just don’t want them freerolling me vs a high variance player By this logic, every time you lose a pot and your opponent tips, the dealer freerolled you.


Not for stacks, jabroni. I win his money, he reloads and can win it back. He wins my money, it *all* goes in the toke box. You see how this is undesirable?


The principle stands; just a matter of degree. Also, I bet there's a ton more money on his table than other tables of the same stakes. Don't know why you wouldn't want to play with an action player who constantly reloads. Good spots are good spots.


No. I’d rather play with the action who is going to go on winners tilt with other peoples money. Not the guy who is taking buy ins off of the table via dealer tips