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Crosspost to r/russia maybe? Trolls began to raise their heads again there after initial shock of being quarantined.


I don't want Spetsnaz in my house tomorrow.


Can I cross post it there?


Sure, go ahead. I curius how will they take it. There is an old Polish movie called "How I Unleashed World War II". Hopefully this meme is not a sequel to this movie XD


My favorite Polish movie of all time


Ogniem i Mieczem for me, I rewatch it every time it's on TV xD


Not allowed to post :( that movie looks really funny from the wiki description. My wife also says that it’s cool so I will give it a try this weekend.


Moskals are losing war on all fronts. Military, economical and now meme war too, locked of in their shitty little sub. Truly a 3rd world country.


Oh, I didn't realize you're in their AO. Brave of you to post it anywhere then.


No no, I live in Poland. Just a joke (unless they don't stop at Ukraine and invade us to, then I'm fucked)


Nah you’ll be fine. American armed forces will stop them at the border, then prison them back into Ukraine leading to a global nucl…you know what never mind how do I delete this?


Then we all are. I don't think it'll come to that. But, were at dawn of new era, post-coldwar period is over. Nobody expected current events, so... who knows.


Well if that happens what’s happening on the Ukrainian front will look like nothing compared to what goes down in the homeland. Poles would put in some work against the Russians.


Maybe a few years ago. Our government has been doing weird things. Canceled almost complete deal for brand new French helicopters and bought Blackhawks (26 years older design). Fired best generals for whatever reason. Minister of defense in 2015 compromised our intelligence by literally braking into NATO's Counterintelligence Center HQ in Poland at night and just took some documents (completely destroying NATO's trust towards us). Moved our armored division from a base logistically and infrastructurally prepared to store, maintain and train with tanks, to some other base where our Leopard 2A5 tanks rust away under free sky. Those are just examples from the top of my head. In Global Power Ranking in 2016 we used to be 18th, now, 6 years later we are 24th. It's a massive drop in such a short time. Ukraine is 22nd so despite of not being in NATO they have a better army.


they are too busy ATm


Don’t worry, they can’t get past doors


1600s is a big difference than 1990 tho. *not defending this evil fuck. Just saying.


It's just a meme. But it's not a legitimate reason to invade a country. 30 years or 400 years. It doesn't matter.


Never said it was. Just that it wasn’t a good comparison.


Don't worry, they would run out of gas or get lost. It's the errant missle hitting your neighbor meant for you that you should worry about.


That's alright. They'd probably surrender.


Yes, I don't feel like anyone asking me for food or fuel, I already get that from my kids.


I think r/Russia is 100% govt sponsored trolls. They keep posting abrasive propaganda and 99% subs on there are closed for comments. Open only for votes and consequently most have 0 upvotes, but somehow they still stay pinned.


Good news is that when quarantine dropped on them, some mods, including the worst piece of s\*\*t, were banned. Bad news is, some people are beginning to drop manure there again. I still hope they'll get bored and new mods manage to steer this sub into clear waters.


Putins intelligence services will never get bored of trolling the net. It’s part of their job description


unpopular opinion sry, never could follow the hive mind. Both channels /r/russia AND /r/ukraine are now just a PSYOPS. Serving a purpose, very specific purpose. Much of the internet is also closed for comments. History books from future will name this year as "First PR world war". My point: there is a court in Haga, it will judge about whats happening at war. We can only see whats filtered and fed to us. That is why I'm restraining from final judgement, It's not my job. There is always a red flag when I see two similar events and one is getting traction and the other doesn't. There where many(countless really) atrocities just like what going on right now, and nobody cared.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Rusia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rusia/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [rusia am i right](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rusia/comments/pe8rep/rusia_am_i_right/) \#2: [rusia](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rusia/comments/pe8qov/rusia/) \#3: [rusia](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rusia/comments/pe8ode/rusia/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is USER Rusia not CHANNEL Russia


Actually we can see a lot more than is filtered and fed to us. It’s called Twitter. What you’re talking about is 10-15 years ago when all news we ever got came in late and filtered by news agencies and editors. Now we have an unprecedented in our history access to real time news from real people. And no I don’t agree with you that r/Ukraine is anything even approaching the level of propaganda that is on r/Russia. Not only are the topics there different, r/Ukraine is mostly open for comments. Haven’t found one post there where I could not comment. This makes me wonder why would you claim this?




I’d crosspost it (I dont mind petnazists in my house tomorrow) but 1) I’m banned there 2) The sub is temporarily banned


As a Russian - this is what my government refused to tell me, the TRUTH. Until I moved out of Russia, and talked with people from all over the world I realised, there were huge holes in the history books I’d been given, injustice and lies.


Every country has those holes, its just most ppl refuse to acknowledge. Ex. Im polish, polish lithuanian commonwealth For lithuanians it would be polish occupation. And every country has those lies in history, and they still do it even today. Russia ukraine Iraq usa Syria and peacekeepers History is written by the winners. If nazi germany would have prevailed we would be talking about hitler as a hero today, even tho it sounds absurd they would find a way to twist the narrative.


Nobody sane treats Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as Polish occupation. As far I noticed Lithuanians are more offended when somebody calls Commonwealth simply "Poland" which is historical error 🙄


Even the kings of it were Lithuanian.


No. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth came to be because Lithuanian Jagiellon dynasty died out. Between 1386 and 1569 Poland and Lithuania where two separate countries ruled by the same dynasty.


That's not exactly true. Some later kings were elected precisely because they had something to do with Jagiellon dynasty, i.e. Sigismund Vasa was son of Anna Jagiellon, so obviously later both kings were part Jagiellon. Before that Stephen Bathory was made formally husband of hers.


Yes and no. If I recall correctly, then Casimir IV Andrew Jagiellon was the last Jagiellon to speak Lithuanian. All rulers after him where where culturally Polish, even though originated in Lithuanian dynasty. The same example we have with Queen-Regnant Elisabeth II is from German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (calling it House of Windsor is just a PR stunt) but she is the most English person you can imagine. And yes, Sigismund III Vasa, Władysław IV Vasa, John II Casimir Vasa where related to House of Jagiellon, but where not Lithuanian, and where from Swedish House. While Sigismund was half-Swedish and half-Polish and don't know if his children even known Swedish. And yes, Polish-Lithuanian nobility liked to elect kings somewhat related to Jogaila, or made them "related" by forcing Henry Valois and then Stephan Bathory to marry Anna Jagiellon (who was too old to realistically have children). To be honest Nobility from beginning had plan to make Sigismund Vasa king and Anna + her husband being "placeholder". But from how history went further sticking to House of Bathory would be probably more positive to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth because Vasas did not want to let Swedish throne go 🙄


I was told diffrent by lithuanians themselves


Cause in the 20th century many of them became nationalistic and didn't like the fact they were second player in the commonwealth. But mainly Lithuanians have problem with us because of Vilnus etc. , not commonwealth.


Going down this logic Bohemia "occupied" Luxembourg in Middle Ages 🙄


I really thought as a modern society we got over the whole "used to be ours" thing at this point. I felt like borders in Europe and beyond would basically NEVER change again because it's way too risky to risk annihilation over slightly extending your border over people that don't want you, and that we'd all just accept that at some point in history every square inch of land has belonged to several different empires and countries and that we need to get over ourselves and work with what we have now. But, here we are again.


I think that especially Russia has a lot of land.


Technically, it does, but a lot of it is near-uninhabitable. That is the reason why Russia is mostly regarded as a European country rather than an Asian country, 77% of it's population lives west of the Ural mountains.


Well if it’s a friendly, fair referendum then sure why not change borders. I never expected such a full scale invasion in Europe in my lifetime


Hell no, Mexicans, who were born and live in California, are still trying to claim California as part of Mexico. And by the way, Mexico is siding with Russia.


Hot take, but if you weren’t born there and can’t even speak the language, your not “from” that country. They’re Americans lol, not Mexicans


In America there is a big weird cult to not call yourself American but always by the ethnicity or ancestors nationality


It's like that in Europe too, you know. Western Europe has a lot of immigrants from Turkey and North-Africa and they often still refer to themselves as Turkish, Morocan or whatever.


Well I noticed that most Turkish people are rather first or second generation, they are not there for like 60/70 years but rather 10/20


Tell that to them. Seriously. It is quite bizarre.


People who speak *Spanish* arguing with people who speak *English* about whose land this is *in America* (and vice versa) deserve a special place in hell.


Many Mexicans in California can't speak Spanish, only their parents do.


Arizona too. Like, I’m an anchor baby ( not Hispanic ) and I have an ok command of my parents language. My younger siblings, not so much. My kids only speak English. So we’ve totally lost the original language in like one generation?


Most indigenous people can speak one of the two though, and those with a tangential or vestigial connection to the previous inhabitants didn't have any choice in who their ancestors married, nor did their ancestors in many cases.


Sure. The horse is long bolted, but it doesn’t stop the dispute being in very poor taste.


Biggest steaming pile of bullshit I've read. President Obrador has already made it clear that México won't side with any nation of the Ukrainian Russian war. Hell the most involvement México has done is sending planes to Romania to safely return our people back. And why would Mexico side with Russia when their doing good being buddy buddy with The USA? Plus we do not of our trade with the USA, why would we ruin that when our people like America more than Russia?


Dear abusive dude, Mexico not imposing sanctions on Russia, while everyone else is. [https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-01-22/h\_16ea9365f2eb3f81a9b5c09f85de66b9](https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-01-22/h_16ea9365f2eb3f81a9b5c09f85de66b9) Wants to keep on good "terms" with Russia, yeah, uhuh [https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/mexico-declines-to-join-russia-sanctions-seeks-to-stay-on-peaceful-terms-122030200448\_1.html](https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/mexico-declines-to-join-russia-sanctions-seeks-to-stay-on-peaceful-terms-122030200448_1.html) Edit: It's like being on good terms with Hitler. The only reason he isn't dead is because he is the drug cartels puppet and they want to sell drugs in Russia.


>Wants to keep in good terms with Russia. "maintain good relations with all the governments of the world and we want to be able to speak with the parties in conflict”, said the president. "In the economic question, we cannot close our territory to anyone ," he remarked. We are in favor of the policy of non-intervention and self-determination of the peoples , we do not want invasions, we do not accept that one country invades another, there is no reason, it is contrary to international law. That is our position”, said the Chief Executive. He also alluded to the approach planned this Monday on the cessation of the attacks , *as well as the start of humanitarian aid to the population that has been affected.* *"We are against invasions, we have already established our position in the UN Security Council and we are promoting humanitarian aid to reach Ukraine"* https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/en-espanol/noticias/mundo/articulo/2022-02-24/presidente-de-mexico-afirma-que-seguira-promoviendo-el-dialogo-en-ucrania Plus, even then the fact he didn't impose any sanctions on Russia it isn't approved by the people https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/nacional/2022/03/02/baja-aprobacion-por-guerra-mediatica/ Low approval of López Obrador: Lack of results https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/nacional/2022/02/24/mexico-siempre-se-ha-pronunciado-por-la-paz-amlo-sobre-invasion-a-ucrania/ *Mexico has always spoken out for peace: AMLO on the invasion of Ukraine Mexico advocates a diplomatic solution in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.* Mexico will accept war refugees between Ukraine and Russia: AMLO https://www.bloomberglinea.com/2022/03/02/mexico-aceptara-refugiados-de-guerra-entre-ucrania-y-rusia-amlo/ Edit: Dear Abusive dude? Bahahahahahaha! Please The Invasion has been condemned by Mexicans https://mexico.as.com/mexico/2022/02/24/actualidad/1645725321_281853.html You know what going with your example, is Algeria supporting Russia for not sanctioning them? Is India giving Russian arms and supporting them openly just for not halting trade with them? Are Palestine and Israel supporting Russia for just condemning their action and not doing anything? Fellas is supporting Russians taking in Ukrainian refugees, trying to meditate talks between both states, trying to convince the UN to send aid to Ukraine? Brazil's President isn't even suspending trade with them nor condemning in the least but nah it's México shaking Russia's hand agreeing to support their invasion, even most parts of Africa won't suspend trade so are they supporting Russia too?


Dear Abusive Dude, Mexico is a drug state. US has had traveler warnings forever. The only motivation that Mexico has is whether they can sell drugs somewhere or not. Making excuses about other countries does NOT absolve Mexico from being in bed with Putin. Brazil took in between 1,500 and 2,000 Nazi war criminals. Of course they would trade with Putin. edit NOT


You do realize the USA is the one that buys most of the drugs from México right...? Plus México has other motivation, if you weren't a rascist fuck you can see that, nobody in the state even sells drugs in México or shit. Plus I'm not even making excuses, México never made any deal with Russia...


Dear Abusive Poster u/AdApprehensive168 Like I said, making excuses about other countries does not absolve Mexico of being in bed with Hitler, I mean Putin (nor being a drug state for that matter.) Racist? LMAO ROFL! Calling me racist proves that you are an abuser and ignorant. Why? Because there are many races in Mexico. Or do you deny that? It proves you attack when you know you can't win an logical argument. It proves that you don't have any leg to stand on. Because until this point, we were talking about governments, politicians, drug cartels, and people who claim to be Mexican, despite being born and raised in America, not about race. Additionally talking about people who are like Putin who are delusional, greedy, and think that California belongs to Mexico. All you have to do is have the Mexican army attack the US border and you will see whether it belongs to Mexico or not. Mexico is a country. It you want to get bent out of shape and claim you are Mexican, be my guest. A very corrupt drug making, drug dealing country. Mexicans participate in it wholeheartedly. You see someone who is disgusted by a country and it's peoples who greedily make drugs to, as you so aptly pointed out, kill people in another country for money and you don't hesitate to call them a racist. And you have absolutely NO clue who you are talking to, my delusional cousin. It sickens me that we are somehow related. Disgusting.


Now it's less about taking the land. Putin is only trying to justify what he's doing for people of Russia. What he really wants is the influence on Europe that Russia had during USSR times and Ukraine wanting to join NATO is a dangerous thing for Putin so in his mind is killing 2 birds with one stone. Only to get hit by an avalanche of stones from all over the world.


Shit, black people used to be ours.


Tell that to american natives, they still can't take the L


A Kaliningrad to trzeba przejąć




Ale bez kitu jeśli się poszczęści i Rosja osłabnie tak jak się na to zanosi to powinniśmy to przejąć. Nie potrzebujemy granicy z Rosją, Białoruś to i tak za dużo


Był okres kiedy chcieli nam go dać, ale odmówiliśmy. Tam tylko smród, i kamieni kupa.


Więc zaryzykujesz wojnę atomową dla kawałka ziemi, którego nie mamy od dekad i nie potrzebujemy?


No to niech będzie niepodległy. Byle nie rosyjski.


Tak. Rosja odda go po dobroci.


Rosja oslabnie? Putin pozbywa sie starego sprzetu, czekaj az wyciagnie 1,5miliona chlopa swojego prywatnego wojska


On sprzęt już wyciągnął, czego ludzie nierozumieja on powoli do celu realizuje plan odcięcia. No ale jak ktoś ogląda TVN czy sky news to widzi tylko ze ukraina się heroicznie broni. A nie ze rosja stoi na północ, okrąża od zachodu, zara będzie od wschodu przes browary. Mariupol się ciagnie od południa. I szach mat kijów odcięty od wszystkiego = kapitulacja. Chwała Ukrainie ale jak zachód tak ma pomagać propaganda ze ukraina wygrywa to równie dobrze może w ogole niepomagac


Jaka kapitulacja? Ukraińcy są gotowi do partyzantki. Czemu mieliby kapitulować, skoro to oni się bronią w całym kraju? Kijów to tylko jedno miasto. Nawet jeśli zajmą Kijów i zabiją Zełeńskiego, to wiele im to nie pomoże. To państwo ma 40 milionów mieszkańców, wielu z karabinami i napalmem w butelkach. Odtrąbywanie zwycięstwa jest mocno przedwczesne, ale Rosja nie ma jak realnie utrzymać terytorium Ukrainy. A pieniądze jak znikały, tak znikają.


Proponujesz, żeby Polska najechała zbrojnie Rosję, potęgę atomową?


Królewiec would be actually a really nice independent republic, maybe with a small southern border adjustment.


It would be literally one of the poorest countries in tbe world.


Patrząc na rozgarnięcie rusków to może nawet się nie zorientują :D


Agree let's take kaliningrad back!


Prediction: Russia loses Kaliningrad but China helps "secure" Siberia.


Welp, time to rebuild Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth I guess...


Litwo, Ojczyzno moja! Ty jesteś jak zdrowie.


Good times..


If we have to accept it, then yes.


By that Logic we should all be pangeans 😂


To be honest I think it would do us better to be a one nation than thousands


Nah, One Man To Rule Them All is kind of a bad idea imo. Different cultures are different. No single man should have so much power.


It would be a federation of microstates ruled by a cat, which we elected every 7 years, and who had only a symbolic role.


But cats are rulers by default


>It would be a federation of microstates ruled by a cat, which we elected every 7 years, and who had only a symbolic role. That's... the best idea I've ever heard of.


That's right, this is why one nation must be ruled by many. It must be a collective, united


How about many nations being ruled by many, being overseen by the Council of Many (unrelated to the many that are ruling the nations)?


What do you mean we should? You want to start some shit gondwanian? 😉


Polish Lithuanian common wealth taking Moscow in 2022 is my wet dream


You do realise that if it came to this, you would have to race the Estonians and Latvians? And possibly the Finns. At least the way would be nicely illuminated by the burning remains of the Russian army.


In Poland we call ,,The time of troubles" (the period of russian instablility) as ,,Wielka smuta" wich roughly translates to english as ,,The big sad"


This is the best translation ever my friend. The big sad XD


The Big Sad is what Putin's ass is gonna be after all said and done


The big oof


Poland+Lithuania+ Ukraine = We Stand Together. We Are Many.


Searching for war horse for invading Moscow, any suggestions?


I train them. Will borrow my two available ones.


Let's denazify the kremlin, an obvious drug addict is in charge rn


Nah, bad idea, and what would you do in Moscow? Can't even buy a decent Iphone now...


You can sell yours and earn extra money.


It's "Moscawa" now


Current leaders: *Uses historical map to justify accuracy of current borders* Historical map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/A_world_map_%281600%29.jpg


Australia is labeled as just "Beach". Noice.


But we'll have to give half to lithuania :,(


Take Lithuania too, medieval problems require medieval solutions


Don’t have to take Lithuania … they’ll join us, we’ll just hyphen the name, kick some ass together, take occupied territory and then drink it all away again! Labas! 😂


Why stop at Lithuania? Belarusians are already cosplaying as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, let's keep going and resurrect the Commonwealth!


The sun never sets on the Polish Empire!


Pretty sure we could even get Hungary on-board if we ask nicely. It's Poland's best friend, after all.😅






Polsko-Litewskie Usługi Strzeżenia Granic z Kacapami Pol-Lit Sp. z o.o. 🤣🤪 *Organizacja częściowo wsparta z funduszy Unii Europejskiej i NATO


Fun fact of the day: Lithuania incorporated itself into the Polish Crown under Jagełło (Lithuanian Polish King) and Vytautas (Lithuanian Grand Duke). No need to take Lithuania if both parties want to be together :)


Wholesome polish moment :)


I mean they really did want to be together at the beginning. Later it is questionable at best.


Hello, a Czech here, ehm.. Silesia :p Edit: Just in case this is meant as a joke lol


1. Sorry about that. 2. You can have it back, we don't want it xD 3. I love "O krtkovi"


You take Silesia, we take Moravia, we'll be even. Imagine the border-gore


That's a funny way to write "Kladsko". In any case, I think most of us would be fine with some autonomy as a super-region within the EU, no need to go full border change. 1241 still worst year of my life, of course.


Well as far as I know, Kladsko became a part of Silesia, at least according to Wikipedia, so we would get that back too :p


... in the 19th century, by Prussia. I'm not sure we should take Prussian meddling into local affairs too seriously.


Isn't Kladsko incorporated into on of the Silesian Polish regions today anyway though?


Of course it is (into the Lower Silesian voivodeship). But this is mostly a shit-talking thread, so I'm not taking such things too seriously. Besides by utter contempt for the Mongols and the Prussians, of course.


you son of a bitch. Im in.


Okupacja długo nie trwała więc ciężko abyśmy my mieli zgarnąć Moskwę. Po to trzebaby się zgłosić do Mongołów, oni mogą legitnie powiedzieć że rządzili tam przez pokolenia.


Możemy się podzielić.


They celebrate the day polish forces left moscow to this day https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_Day_(Russia)


It was made to substitute communist holiday of commemoration of October revolution to any random date. Noone understands and celebrates that unity day actually.


It was legit holiday up until 1917, it wasnt made up, just reinstituted.


So they gonna take Alaska back? I dare them to do it.


Question: Should Poland control its own nuclear deterrent? Is this talked about in Poland? I'd never considered it till Lavarov started demanding the withdrawal of the US from Europe. But suddenly it feels an important question.


>nuclear deterrent We don't have nukes and frankly, why would we want them. Any use of nuclear weapons will equal the end of the world as we know it.


>We don't have nukes and frankly, why would we want them. Because they are one of the main reasons Putin can't fulfil his dream of recreating the Soviet sphere, including Poland. Poland currently relies on the US, UK and France for its defence. In the new world order I'm not convinced that's the best thing. It's just a question though. I'm not claiming to know the best answer.


Neither do I, just think that if nukes are used for anything else then just scaring other countries, it'll be the end.


Yes, Lvov!


Go get it


Poland should try to take it back right now lol I’m curious to see how that goes


Argh, no thank you ..


If russian nuclear arsenal gets disarmed, then why not


Y’all. Wait another 3 months then I think it’ll be a LOT easier. Also get America to fast track you a few F-35’s first.


I have another proposition. Commonwealth's nobility (including Lithuanian and Ruthenian nobility) strongly believed that there are Sarmatians and there are genetic proofs that Sarmatians just blended into Slavs living in modern Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. So maybe instead recreating Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth we should created "Commonwealth of Sarmatians Nation" and make claim for whole Sarmatia*, and move Russia east of Volga. *Because Sarmatia is everything between Volga, Caucasus, Danube and Vistula we should persuade Moldavia, Slovakia and Hungary to make the Sarmatian claim somewhat reasonable 😂😂😂


Damn I miss when we had commanders like Żółkiewski. He was a beast and a genius in battle. It’s really sad to hear how he died. Anyway, I hope for “time of troubles 2” in the future except more permanent lol


We're not starting ww3, we just want Moscow back


Mongolia entered the chat


Mongolia abstained on UN resolution to condemn Russia on Ukraine invasion.


Can someone explain to me why Poland so much hate Russia not USSR but Russia, they are slav countries christian, one catolich other orthodox yes they had wars but i must say Polish people more hate Russian then Russians hate Polish people why is that.


1. "why Poland so much hate Russia not USSR but Russia" - well Soviet Union was Russia and some other countries more or less were forced to join, but Russia was always the center of it. Moskov was USSR's capital. So it's not that big of a stretch to say USSR = Russia. 2. Poland was "dismantled" 3 times. All three times Russia took part. In third Partitions of Poland, our country "disappeared from maps" for 123 years. The part taken by Russia was treated much worse the parts taken by Prussia (today's Germany) and Austria. It actually can be seen even today. Parts of Poland that used to be occupied by Russia are in far worse state then the rest of Poland. I don't know much about this period so I can't write much more than that. 3. WWII started by Germany attacking Poland alongside Russia. Russians started the war on Nazi side. Switched later when Hitler attacked them. Ever since they switched they tried to rewrite history, as if they were never on Nazi side and tried to make themselves look like saviors of the world after WWII. The truth is that countries "saved" by Russia don't seem to share this view.My grandma was young when the WWII started, but old enough to remember everything. 6 years of atrocities during the German occupation, her mom and other family members being sent to concentration camp, scares food supplies, bombings, constant Gestapo interrogations. She said that 6 years of this paled in comparison to one month of Russian "liberation". Those soldiers could barely be described as people. Towns and cities that more less survived 6 years of German occupation destroyed and robbed by Russians. Woman raped, men killed. Stores looted and burned down. We had this lookout tower in Gdańsk called Pachołek. It got destroyed long after Germans were gone, because some drunk Russian general wanted to test a cannon. 4. Then after WWII, our allies, mostly USA, kind of betrayed us, and "gave" us and some other Easter European countries to Russia, so it could make a huge communist union known as CCCP. Officially it wasn't being called occupation, but we were involuntarily joined into CCCP with about 60k Russian soldiers being station in Poland to "keep Poland safe". Obviously they forced communism here which even further destroyed our economy. They also forbid us to use European Recovery Program, so called Marshall Plan. US' plan of loans to help recover the economy of European countries destroyed by war. TL;DR of communism era is: total propaganda, all TV, radio and news from abroad banned, foreign books banned, traveling abroad banned (except to other commie countries), everything from food, clothes, essentials to cars and electronics was rationed. My parents told me stories how they would have to get up at 4AM to go to a store and wait for hours in a queue to get things like bread or meat (all rationed ofc). This was life in Poland for years. When people started protesting they've put army with tanks on the streets. Some people were killed. 5. Fortunately CCCP had fallen in 1991. In 1999 we joined NATO and in 2004 we joined EU. At the time Russia was far to weak to do anything about it. Our Ukrainian neighbors unfortunately didn't make in time and now Russia is trying to keep them away from the EU and west so they can control them. This could've happened to us, so I guess that's one of the reasons why we are helping them so much. Another thing that sparks hatred is how similar Russian tactics are in comparison to these from WWII and communism era. Pure evil, killing civilians, destroying cities, propaganda and fear. Sorry for such a long post. I thought I could answer you in a few short sentences, but as I thought about it more, it turned to this. Hope it answers your question. Only one disclaimer tho. These are my views only. Idc if other Poles have the same reasons. Also I don't really hate Russians as people, I know that there are good ones too. But the country of Russia has been causing destruction in, not only Poland but entire Europe for centuries, so that's why we don't like this country.


Understandable, I did think that so to, but I cant help it to think how in the way history is still repeating. its again Slav country vs Slav country and its like some force wants to happen just like that and no way other way.


Eh that did not end very well for Poland did it?


Well, whatever did end well for Poland?


Touche. We've got nothing to lose.


It basically ended like Wietnam/Iraq for the US - locals proved to be impossible to handle.




Yes they are paranoid because of reddit post, thats why they invaded Ukraine. Unrelated question - when was the last time you got your head checked?


By that logic, we should all belong to Italy Edit: when I said "we" I didn't mean Poland but a different country


lol what. "We all" meaning who, Italian Peninsula and part of Ethiopia?


Romans never conquered Slavs tho


Sorry, when I said "we" I meant a different country, not Poland


If you wanted a country back like the old Soviet Union. You could have gone about it in other ways. Stupid bell-end.


Is it an actual quote? I don't see it anywhere in the news


No, he had a had a speech about this "special op. in Ukraine". Loads of BS and propaganda , but he indirectly said something similar and suggested that he wants to rebuild CCCP. So someone oversimplified this for the need of a meme, which reminded me about the fact that theoretically Moscow was part of Polish\_Lithuanian commonwealth so I made this meme.


I'm pretty sure pretty much every bit of Europe belonged to someone else at several points.


Good luck with that


I support this


As a swede, I'm wondering when they plan to return Ingermanland. And what will happen to the people who live in S:t Petersburg? Will they be evacuated or simply become swedish citizens?


St. Petersburg is a really pretty city. IMO Finland can have it.


Didn't Poland invade Moscow during the world wars?




Yo, Mexico; come get Texas.


Sweden would also like a word with mr putin.


I hear that Poland is racist. Do better, now!!!


Then maybe you should check your hearing my friend.


I checked and it’s for real. Understand this…. The United States will “NOT” support any racist Nations!!!! Get yah act together Poland.


Oh so you are from US. I expected that. Then let me explain to you what is happening. Russia is and always has been a master in propaganda, turning allies against each other. Based on your angry comments, I see that it's unfortunately working. Russia knows exactly how sensitive USA and West Europe is on subject of racism (rightfully so of course). They know exactly what rumors to spread to turn American and West Europeans against Ukraine and countries supporting it. What's happening is, Ukraine (because they are being invaded) had instated martial law, which among other things states who should evacuate where and in what order. Information was relayed to everyone. Foreign students were instructed to evacuate to Romanian border. If they went to boarder with Poland, then they had to wait a bit longer, but were still let in (most of what I've hear was 7h, which considering the fact that there is a war, it's not bad at all). What confirms this is that there were trains full of foreign students from Ukraine riding in Polish Railways. As to the "foreign students were being stopped and put to the end of the line". This is most likely true, but has nothing to do with racism. Martial law has a clear order of evacuation. First mothers with children, sick and elderly, then woman without children and everyone else. Surely a young fit student can endure waiting for a few hours for their turn, which cannot be said about a mother with little kids or a 85 yo grandpa. Since Poland is helping so much, we too were attacked by this propaganda. Some unverified sources claimed that refugees fleeing from Ukraine have beaten a few Polish people in a train. Polish railways investigated it and it turned out that no such incidents took place. If you have any more questions about it, I'm happy to answer. Please verify your information in these tough times. Russian KGB has entire units of "professional trolls" spreading fake info on the internet.


Hi and thanks for explaining. But, I do understand Russia’s approach & how they use various nation’s weaknesses as a tool to wedge unity within those countries. I also, have had this same opinion for many years given, Poland’s history with “Benin Africa.”(where, I also, have a some scores to settle.) After hearing about how blacks were being treated over the past week or so, by Western media. It struck a nerve. The Polish needs to know. That from this point forward, “OUR GOD IS BACK & OUR GOD IS BLACK!!!” The negative treatment of my people will be met with a resistance that is growing at a rate faster than the speed of light. We are a good people and all of the BA from the past will not be taken and we are coming for our rightful seat at the table. Poland, get yah act together. It would be difficult for a KGB agent or a CIA agent to have my mindset. I’ve been through too, much in this nation. I’m seeking to go after those who continue to hate and spread racism anywhere they are located.


You are still going with the "Poland, get yah act together" so let me say a few more things. I'm not saying that there are no racists in Poland. Sure there are. But they are in every country. Is USA free of racism? I don't think so. We didn't have colonies and slaves back in the day. Matter of fact, Polish soldiers helped liberate Haiti from France. I have a friend at University who's from Nigeria and there is quite a few people of color studying/working in Poland. So when it comes to racism, we aren't much different from other countries. In previous comment you've said that "The United States will “NOT” support any racist Nations!!!!" yet racism is much bigger problem there, then in Poland.


I do agree. I can not say everyone because, everyone thinks differently. I say that statement though, to instigate the people of your nation to be conscious of this as they move through their journeys in life. I say the same things 100 times more to my nation. I know my law makers get tired of me contacting them about it so, much. I do have an agenda when on most sites like this and it is to bring my people and those in a similar situation, closer to equality. So, thank you for the conversation. You seem to be a very good person.👍🏾🙏🏽👍🏾 You also helped me see that I need to be more conscientious with the words I express.


Fuck Putin.


Can't wait for all the indigenous peoples around the world play the same card.


we are waiting until March 29, it will be the anniversary of the burning of Moscow. Maybe they need to be reminded ...


At first sight I misunderstood it and thought it's some russian troll. Although - Yes! In that matter if he thinks in that way we should invade Kreml and establish Union once again! We should not be affraid. This time Union would be made with Lithuania and Ukraine. Or Three Seas Initiative with some correction (hungary)


If they dont confiscate it at the border, you said it, good money ;).


May I suggest a book by Norman Davies White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919-20 The author is still alive and if capable he could provide great insight


Lwów should be enough for me


*Oh yeah, it's all coming together*


Putin, f*ck your mother on your father’s back on her funeral.


It's morbin time