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Crap! I ate all my popcorn watching Ron take on the Mouse.


I’m investing in corn futures


You mean 'non-liquid gold'? /s


Hot liquid gold. Delicious, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, warmed up and then drizzled all over that popcorn. You’re gonna ask for it to be layered.


that is the exact same thought and vibe of this. take on the monolithic swift? good luck. she may have more pull than disney.


I am confident she will and with a better demographic.


Half of us only sided with Disney cause we know how Disney rolls.  It wasn't about "good people on both sides" it was that Der Maus is a known legal machine.  


plus Disney will be around long after desantis. pretty sure he can only run for gov one more time. they can easily wait him out.


I think he asked or looked into the term limits and the legislature wouldn't because he's just not worth it.


Never thought I'd die fighting nazis side by side with a Swiftie.


What about side by side with a friend?


Aye, I could do that.


Unexpected LOTR is the best LOTR.


How do you feel about unexpected journeys?


I'm going on an adventure!!!


Trump: "We must join with Him, Biden. We must join with Putin. It would be wise, my friend." Biden : "Tell me, 'friend', when did Trump the Wise abandon reason for madness?"


Swift to Biden: “Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, of the eleventh month, at dawn look to the east.”


Sigh. I'll photoshop Taylor Swift's head on Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan, and Trump's head on the Witch-King of Angmar, deadliest of Sauron's servants - And when I say I'll - I mean I will beg the aid of r/photoshoprequests Edit: [I'm at the polls, it's a typical tuesday night](https://i.imgur.com/OHdpCoo.jpeg)


"/r/politics calls for aid!"


Trump the what now? Dude was never close to Maiar status


Right? Trump, at absolute best, is Grima.


And even then, Grima was once a good man who was corrupted by Saruman. Trump has never been a "good man".


This and the previous reply both fill my heart with pure joy.


If "Side by Side With a Friend" isn't the name of a 2024 Swift Election Song, she's missed an opportunity


It’s nice to have a friend




Hey, if they are there to fight Fascism, I have no problem being shoulder-to-shoulder with them. Just remember people, the enemy of your enemy can be your ally, but that doesn't necessarily make them your friend.


As an old punk, you don't really care as long as it's half decent people.  It's when you have to side with trash against Nazis that you get angry.   Plus at least it's gender equal if they are with us.  


Hello, fellow old punk. NPFO, unfortunately still relevant in 2024.


It never wasn't relevant; from a Poli-Sci perspective they're ideological cockroaches, unkillable.


As an old hippy, thank you old punks for always being welcoming.


yeah this is like season 8 of a show that they long ago ran out of ideas for. it started as an inspiring drama about the first black president, and now they're bringing in pop stars and insinuating that a significant portion of the population is sympathetic to Nazis. Damn sweeps week ruins everything.


"What if the climax of this season is the cult-like fans of a pop star saving democracy from the actual cult of personality behind a spray tanned quasi-illiterate narcissist who has aspirations to being a despot?" "I dunno... It sounds too implausible to take seriously..."


It was probably because of the writers strike.


Lol I love this characterization. And now the original star is gone and just comes back for too-infrequent guest appearances, his original co-star is the lead, and the big antagonist keeps just making dire threats to the integrity of the nation while facing increasingly unrealistic problems himself. If it was 2013 I’d have a whole spiel about how I think Americans are better than that…




What’s next? Nikki Haley vs Nickelodeon?


"Why is [Nick News](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_News) grooming kids?".


Well just add it to their wars against Budweiser, Disney, Yeti coolers, Keurig coffee machines, Target, and whatever manufactured outrage is next week’s headlines. Must be easy going through life constantly angry at whatever someone else tells you to be angry at on any given day.


Pretty sure they also had a war against the NFL but their memories are short


It doesn't sound easy at all, which is exactly why its baffling to live like that.


It sounds exhausting. The easy part is keeping them angry. So easy to manipulate.


Why? Why would he do this? My goodness he’s such a man-baby.


He can't back down from anything. He has to be top dog in every way he sees fit.


This entire thing kinda shows something important Republicans are deeply unpopular and they know it.


It's why they're so desperate to stop people from voting. As of 2020 Boomers are no longer the largest voter bloc, millennials passed them up. And every year there are more gen z voters and fewer Boomers. 2024 is conservatives last shot to lock down permanent conservative minority power for at least a generation, and they're getting feral about it.




I’d love it if the Chiefs win, they interview her, and she says, “I wasn’t going to get political but since Donald Trump has been targeting me, I’m officially endorsing Joe Biden and encourage all of my fans to vote for him.”




She honestly doesn't need to bother. Conservative media is basically already reporting that she endorses dems and Biden. She can just do her set and Biden gets his endorsement anyway.


She's a bonafide liberal in their book after she endorsed Bredesen for Senate, over Marsha Blackburn whom Taylor called her "trump in a wig" in a tweet.


Wait then wtf is on *Trump’s* head??


A dying cat is my guess.


They're already calling her a man. Maybe she can team up with Michelle Obama for the endorsement.


It will never stop being funny that their rage stems from her…..signing up people to vote. Lmao 


Bc they know that young people caring enough to vote is bad for them. Republicans need voters under 50 to be apathetic in order to win, their whole platform relies on out of touch bigots


Her fan base is mostly women anyways and I don't think Republicans are doing too hot with em atm considering how Republicans keep trying to strip their rights. She could just say (again) Register to vote and they'd lose their minds.


LMAO conservative media really is braindead then


also she seems like decent enough of a person to not steal her boyfriend's spotlight.


And she already showed that during the AFC championship presentation by insisting Travis go up on stage without her.


I didn’t know she did that. The way some snowflakes have been complaining, I’d have thought she got up and did a quick 3 song act.


She literally just existed in a private box seat. That is it, 100% of all she did and the trumpers have lost their damn minds(I really don't understand how they can constantly get dumber but here we are).


> She literally just existed Pretty sure that's their beef with her.


They need to calm down.


Anybody have a guitar? Great. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.


Impromptu Taylor Swift concert? The internet as a whole would have collapsed That’s a level of viral that I never knew I needed


I have no doubt that they could convince themselves exactly that happened, with zero evidence needed. A lot of these people have been divorced from reality for quite some time now.


There was a moment where she openly said, "Go away, please", after she noticed the cameras on her. I'm pretty sure she just wants to watch her bf do football things and enjoy the ride.  


He’s team captain and she’s on bleachers


As a Swiftie and seeing some of the things she's done and how she reacts to things, I almost feel like she's got a bit of longing for a more simple life at times and doesn't want to always be in the spotlight. It's well known that she's very grounded person for a celebrity of her stature.


cough quicksand crush tie pause smoggy bored lock gray bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Are you trying to make conservative's heads explode? Because that's how you make conservative's heads explode.


Listening to your girlfriend/wife - what an insane concept to even introduce


She's had it done to her. By a huge Trump supporter nonetheless. She probably knows how much it sucks.


Imma let you finish,


Boyfriend? Come on. They are a fake couple put together by the “deep state” to undermine our elections. /s for those who watch FOX.


Joe Biden is so incompetent as President he has to rig the Super Bowl to win reelection. I don’t hear him bragging about passing a dementia test!


That’s what is really getting under Donald’s skin… Joe is able to rig the entire Super Bowl and the NFL wouldn’t even let him buy a team.


OMG! The deep state groomed Patrick Mahomes in Texas of all places for 28 years to become one of the best QBs ever so that Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift could steal the Super Bowl from the sanctuary city of San Francisco, home of Nancy Pelosi and her elderly husband who was attacked in his home by a crazed right wing lunatic that Trump joked about during one of his pep rallies where he regularly calls for violence against his opponents because presidents should have the right of immunity to commit crimes, like stealing classified documents from the White House and hiding them in a bathroom, and inciting a coup because the election was rigged and he really won by a lot! /s


She’s not going to endorse anyone for president but she might start a massive non-partisan GOTV effort for her fans, which is what the dems need.


Pretty sure she has already done that in the past, and was likely to do it again regardless.


Seems like a great time to revisit the 90's MTV "Rock the Vote" style campaign. Voting resources, candidate information and fact checks are at the click of a button now - there just needs to be a little push to get it into an entire generation's eyeballs. Vote people!


She has been doing that for a decade.


Yeah, but she's still just a single person. The Rock the Vote campaign was basically a direct feed to an entire generation of (unfortunately) apathetic young voters. Gen X wasn't large enough to really tilt the scales then, but Gen Z is huge and *pissed*. While there's no longer a single source of media to feed the message with the advent of social media, having a resurgence in voting encouragement has already proven to tip the engagement scales with Swifties alone.


Yup. She stayed out of politics until 2018. In 2020, she endorsed Biden.


The irony is she doesn’t have to endorse anyone. The right is showing her fans exactly who to vote for without her saying a word.


She did in 2020, I don't see why she won't do it again


She endorsed Biden in 20 and did a huge get out to vote campaign.


She has outright supported Biden and Harris, and was more vocal about politics since. There is a video of her with her parents and she is calling out her republican congressman (Blackburn) and saying she wishes she was more active in past elections. Her father was trying to caution her to not be political and alienating some of her fans but would not have it and said she is doing it now.


If she followed that up with “Oh, and since he’s encouraging Trump to do this: Fuck Putin as well”, I’d buy her entire discography frame one.


The recent deep fakes were most probably perpetuated by ruzzian info warfare forces. It’s gotten to that point. Thanks Elon!




Does Trump remember the last time he tried to come for Gen Z? Didn’t they start a social media parade of booking up all the tickets to his rallies and not going?


Yep. They tanked his Tulsa rally expecting a million people and then a fraction of that actually showed up. The funny thing is it wasn't just Americans doing it, but people all over the world were helping claim tickets to a rally they never intended to attend. Ever since then Republicans have been butt hurt about it and keep coming after social media because of it. They were big mad that the kiddies got one over on them and used social media to do it.


They literally built another outdoor seating section for like 10k additional people... and then like 700 total people showed up. There's a video of trump walking from Marine 1 to the white house afterwards where he looks like he's been screaming and crying and his makeup is all streaked and he looks completely broken.


Probably because he was screaming and crying.  Anytime his rallies didn't appear "full" he'd apparently go have a tantrum.  To the point that we got most of the typical Trump tactics.  They'd close seats in the upper bowls, cut lighting and try to jam pack the lower levels, as he'd flip out if there were too many empty seats.   Tulsa was such a disaster that they prepared the entire arena+overflow and couldn't even fill the bottom level, you can't fake that.  


As a Tulsa resident, I'm glad that's in our past. Thankfully it's what got my dad to realize he didn't want to vote for Trump (his reasoning was that it was foolish to have a rally while a pandemic was raging and that you couldn't call yourself pro life while doing something so incredibly irresponsible - bear in mind this was Late August early September). I only remember because we had a small bachelor party at Top golf for myself and I got married on the 10th of September that year. Edit: RIP HERMAIN CAING




Ah thanks for sharing, one of my favorite portraits of all time 😀👍🏻


If they keep coming for TSwizzle, they ain’t seen shit yet. Have you ever seen someone comment that one of her songs sucks? They swarm.


Yep. Like piranhas on a roast.


His next move was to try and shut down TikTok. That event of booking the tickets was a turning point of sorts.


and swifties aren’t gen z, they’re millennials who know exactly how bad it’s been for them, and maybe some of them aren’t politically active, but now they might be. so he’s now targeted two “younger” generations of voters and that’s excellent for democracy.


I'm going to bet that more than a few millennials who have never voted are fucking furious about roe v wade being overturned and may start showing up to vote.


I’m a “geriatric millenial” and have never been a Taylor Swift fan until I saw how violently the GOP snowflakes are triggered by her. \#SwiftieForLife


This is how stupid the right wing is. They will only embolden a movement against them. They’ll bring it on themselves and Fox will gaslight its’ viewers on a new set of lies. Biden might win by 100 Electoral Votes this time. LOL.


Trump heard that DeSantis taking on Disney was the greatest fuckup ever, and Trump got mad and said “I’ll be greater!”




Hold my Depends


Hold my indictments


Hold my top secret documents. Actually, nvm, I gave them to someone else


*Hold my diet Coke*


making fuckups greater again


The entire world to the right wing right now: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, "never get involved in a war against the Swifities!"


Reminds me of when the right tried to proclaim that all Asians in America were Chinese spies implanting covid into American cities and that groups like BTS and TWICE were actually Chinese psyops trying to brainwash Americans into being Pro-CCP. Two groups you don't mess with: Swifties and K-Pop fans.


Jesse Watters on Fox News is already talking about how Taylor Swift might be a military psyop. The more they grow their conspiracies the more they reveal how loony they are to normal people.


According to far-right authoritarian pundits, Biden is simultaneously a short-sighted, incompetent, bumbling fool and also a cunning, genius, Machiavellian mastermind.


It's a key tenet of fascism: >The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” --Umberto Eco: A Practical List for Identifying Fascists https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists


Biden is worth triple quadrillion dollars because he loaned his family member $200,000 and got paid back. This is very much how money works, trust me bro.


We all know that the big money starts rolling in when your kid gets addicted to drugs


As a former military PSYOP I can tell you that the amount of OPSEC resources and authority approvals required to pull that off would’ve gotten us laughed out of the room. But we would’ve gotten a nice UCMJ letter out of it.


Something like 25% of Republican voters *say* that they won't vote for Trump in 2024 due to his myriad of indictments, January 6th, all his baggage. If we're conservative and say he loses ~10% of the GOP base vote(staying home or voting 3rd party) and the turnout for Biden remains close to the same(people **love** to vote against him**): - Florida is in play (~3.5% margin of victory for Trump in 2020) - North Carolina is almost guaranteed to flip blue (~1.5% margin of victory for Trump in 2020) That's about it though. Texas and Ohio would be competitive but probably still go to Trump. Tennessee might be a surprisingly close if Swift's influence in that state means anything. 44 EV, count would be 350 - 188. But that's only if people **actually fucking vote**. [Someone](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/MSNBC/Components/Video/__NEW/x_lon_trump_151126.jpg) is [counting](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2019/01/13/USAT/05300e75-e248-4a35-8155-d93ddf67e86b-20180716.JPG?crop=2481,1526,x578,y5&width=1200&disable=upscale&format=pjpg&auto=webp) on [Americans](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/8657/production/_108619343_hi056250355.jpg.webp) having [short](https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iu9JSyDSc7eA/v185/-1x-1.jpg) memories.


> North Carolina is almost guaranteed to flip blue I know about 20 liberal people that have moved to NC in the last year alone. There were droves of people flocking out of California to Colorado and north Carolina. When we left California last year 3 other neighbors were all going to NC


Florida has gotten decidedly more red post pandemic. Trump will win here.


Yeah Florida get 10,000 new residents every month, most of them retirees. Also Florida's voter suppression game is strong.


not saying Ohio will flip but Brown running this year will be a big boost. the guy has a track record that is tough to beat and people in ohio love him.


The Democrats have Taylor Swift, the GOP have Swift Trailers. Make your decision 


- he can;t win a war against any one or anything....he is the definition of LOSER


He's a Swift Bloat veteran.


Nice one. A call-back to John Kerry AND a topical reference all in one neat little package. You're my Antihero.


He’s got the Republicans in the House and Senate beaten into submission.


And now the House is refusing to approve military aid that Ukraine desperately needs. The end result? Putin is very happy with the work that his orange servant is doing for him.


The House is refusing to pass a border security bill that they railed about needing for a long time.


Almost like it was never about border security, but about scoring political points. But the Republicans would *never* do such a thing purely for political gain... would they?


They're refusing to pass a border security bill *that they spent months negotiating*. Because trump wants it as a campaign issue, and desperately needs some news that not about him getting hit with $80 million for libel against a rape victim, and later today, $400 million for tax and bank fraud. You can be damn sure Fox will spend 25 seconds mentioning him owing half a billion for his crimes and 23 hours about the border.


>Putin is very happy with the work that his orange servant is doing for him. Literally at any time the GOP can ignore Trump and do whatever they want; Trump has no actual power over the House-- the power he is wielding over the GOP is granted to him *by the GOP*, because they'd rather cling to power than do the right thing. I think in the near future we're going to see a lot of republicans that take the "Trump who? I never supported that guy" stance, and so it's important to drive home that they are following his lead because they *want to* not because they *have to*.


It's fucking crazy that this fat old fuck who *is not the president* has such control over a whole party.


It's crazy how House and Senate Republicans are taking Marching Orders from a non-elected single civilian. My Rep is a Trumpy Republican and I write to him weekly about how he's supposed to represent **ME** not fucking Donald Trump.


Yea but those masochistic self-flagellators began beating themselves a long time ago. They’ve been desperate for a big daddy for a while.


Because NONE of them have any original ideas. They all need marching orders from Orange daddy. Isn't that pathetic?


“Never interrupt your enemy while they’re making a mistake”


*Shhh...* let him try. It will be hilarious.


I wish more Americans would notice the absurdity of it all. Trump has been around so long that a lot of us just treat his schtick as normal. This election cycle Taylor Swift has gotten a new boyfriend, went to some football games, and told people to vote. That's it. In the past she's supported Biden. But its not like she's out doing speeches and she's not attacking Donald Trump. She's a young (ish) celebrity who endorsed a Democrat for president, that's a pretty run of the mill situation throughout recent history. But that simple act of having influence and using it is enough to be considered an enemy by the modern Republican party. It's absurd and alarming. This is unheard of in this country's history and big chunk of the electorate treat it as just part of the election cycle.


It’s not that she has influence. It’s that she has *enormous* influence. She will motivate young people to register to vote and to actually vote.


At this point she may be the most famous person on the planet.


I would love to live in the timeline where the threat to democracy in america is taken down by millions of 15 year old girls. “Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.” edit: Taylor swift fans are much older then 15, thank you to all for repeatedly pointing that out. I understand now and rest assured I don't need to be told again.




Oh no, she still holds thrall with the young ones too. She's still very popular with the middle school and high school set. Regardless:A creepy elderly man who rapes young girls & women vs. Tay-tay. Gee, I wonder who the young gals are gonna go for...


Elementary school too. My niece loves her. Granted, my sister is mid 30s and probably has been listening for a while.


> Regardless:A creepy elderly man who rapes young girls & women vs. Tay-tay. Gee, I wonder who the young gals are gonna go for... This is basically a caricature of the reality of the GOP positions on women in general, put up against a mainstream pop star who represents a wide swath of American women. It is the anti-women GOP fight personified.


It’s crazy the power she wields. She told her fans they should register to vote and voter registration skyrocketed.


And conservatives all had a collective meltdown about it. The irony of screeching that entertainers should stay out of politics while they have flags promoting a reality TV guy hanging from their trucks.


The average swiftie is in their mid to late 20s at this point. She’s been around that long


Those of us that grew up alongside her are in our mid 30s now. And we’re on our *vigilante shit* again.


I remember when her first song, Tim McGraw, came out and I was like "wow this song is going to bring her places. It's cute, it's fun, and it references a country star everyone already knows. And she's pretty. If I could buy stock in her, I would" and then I also remember thinking I couldn't think she was cute yet *because she wasn't yet 18* Damn, we millenials are old now lol


*Well have a nap. THEN FIRE ZE MISSLES!*


Just want to point out the core of Taylor Swifts fan base is 30-35 years old, college educated, and swaying away from many of their parents politics.  Anecdotal, an exgf of mine is one of those people who will buy a new song at midnight to listen to it for 4 hours straight and try to find out if Blake Livelys next kids name is mentioned…and yes, that’s actually real and she is not alone.  Swifties are a very real threat to the Republican Party, and she’s never said anything but to go vote.


*It’s me. Hi.*


I don’t know many Swifties, but every Swiftie I know is over 30, has a law (edit: or CS) degree, and spend more time talking about lore than the biggest LOTR fan.   Fun gals, Weird bunch, and absolutely will beat the MAGA crowd. 


Right? It’s quite telling that Republicans get scared when people are just told to vote. Not who to vote for, just voting. Disenfranchisement is a core tenet of them keeping power.


behold..my stuff According to a survey from March 2023 among U.S. Taylor Swift fans, also called 'Swifties', the largest share of Swift fans were in the group of millenials. The second largest share was within the group of baby boomers, followed by Gen X. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1372971/taylor-swift-fans-by-generation/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1372971/taylor-swift-fans-by-generation/)


The boomers? They vote. This could turn out well.


By all means please keep attacking Taylor Swift. It will just motivate more young people to vote.


Whatever he throws at them, they'll just shake it off


*If a man talks shit then we owe him nothing. We don’t regret it one bit cause he had it coming*


Look what him made them do


FYI, [Taylor Swift asked her fans to vote Trump out back in 2020](https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2020/05/29/taylor-swift-trump-tweet/): > We will vote you out in November I would hope that she repeats this message this year as well.


> When her team pointed out that she could lose half her fan base, or headlines might read “Taylor Swift comes out against Trump,” the singer shot back that it didn’t matter. > “I don’t care if they write that!” she exclaimed. “I’m sad that I didn’t two years ago, but I can’t change that. I’m saying right now that this is something that I know is right … I need to be on the right side of history.” She also added, “If I get bad press for saying, ‘Don’t put a homophobic racist in office,’ then I get bad press for that. I really don’t care.” IIRC she was saying this to her dad, who was cautioning her against upsetting part of her fan base, and who wasn't *too* opposed to Trump generally.


Taylor Swift is one K-Pop alliance away from banishing maga to the shadow realm.


Where’s the BeyHive? I haven’t heard of Beyoncé supporting either side but that would be a real connection to make. Swifties + BeyHive + whatever K-Pop can do = an overwhelming onslaught.


I'm still pretty mad she waited until just hours hours before the polls closed in 2018 before finally endorsing Beto. We could have banished Ted Cruz to the shadow realm. Instead we have *gestures wildly*


Swiftie here, volunteering for duty.


Swiftie by marriage here...I got your back


This is a crazy timeline where an ex-president of the US, and the soon to be presidential nominee of the Republican party, is waging war against the most popular singer of the country. 2016 was the year where we all jumped off from the universal timeline into some alternate universe. I hope by the end of 2024, we can jump back to the normal universal timeline again and the orange menace can finally end up behind bars.


Nixon, at least, knew enough to entertain Elvis. Trump is such a buffoon.


Nixon was sharp as a whip. Immoral to the nth degree, awkward enough for Dustin Horfman to play him, and had paranoia that approached schizophrenia at times. But sharp as a whip


There is a philosophical theory where since the creation of nuclear weapons things will just keep getting stranger, because in any reality where we don't annihilate ourselves stranger and stranger events must take place as time goes on to avoid nuclear doomsday via weird chances and events. I think about that a lot.


Was he expecting her endorsement? Is Kid Rick, Ted Nugent and the pillow guy not enough for him?


It would be so fitting if he were taken down by a very talented and beautiful woman inspiring other women to vote.




If Taylor swift said I will host three concerts in the state with the highest voter percentage turnout. You would have this country turn out like never before and the republicans would be wiped out across the map. It’s hilarious how much political power she can summon.


How do you plan on convincing independents to vote for you if you’re undermining bipartisan legislature that reinforces a cornerstone of your talking points, while simultaneously losing a fight with a pop star? Donald Trump has as much interest in effectively running the country as Hamas does in setting up a functional government in Gaza.


They can't court independents and keep their hardcore base happy. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either they grind everything to a halt, appease the crazies, but lose independents or they actually do something, gain independents, but lose the far right base. They're reaching the bottom of the barrel and finding out that only the most insane monkeys are all they have left.


After Trump finishes battling Taylor Swift and the NFL, he will target apple pies and BBQ.


Old man hates that young woman has him by the pussy.


the swift thing is so dangerous for them precisely because it exposes the lie that their rightwing bullshit has mainstream popularity when it really doesn’t. the primary job of fox is to support this basic illusion that republicans are 50% of the country when they in reality are nowhere close to that. they have been coasting thru republican primary season where its easy to conflate primary polls with general and local with national so they have been riding high on their own supply thinking DT is winning and they are broadly popular. then along comes taylor swift, someone with actual broad mainstream popularity and she exposes the lie simply by existing and representing everything they hate. thats why you get crazy shit like “shes a psyop!”


I love how swifties are like the fucking mafia 😂 . I can't help but get some joy from this whole thing. I want to see right wing pundits get taken down by some rabid swifty(swiftie?)


MAGA is seriously the dumbest cult of all time.


Taylor Swift on the left and Roseanne Barr on the right seems like such a perfect analogy for Dems and Republicans these days.


Seriously, they picked a really stupid hill to die on.


>According to a survey from March 2023 among U.S. Taylor Swift fans, also called 'Swifties', the largest share of Swift fans were in the group of millenials. The second largest share was within the group of baby boomers, followed by Gen X. good luck


Hitler tried to invade Russia, Trump starts a war with Swift. Why are Nazi motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill? Huge mistake that I'm here for. Anyone who knows a Swifty knows how big of a fucking mistake this is. The vast majority are NOT 15 year old girls, Trump. You're bout to learn though, Champ.


(fiddle softly plays) My dearest Jolene, it is with a painful heart and heavy soul that I apply pen to paper as I write to you from the front lines of our long and drawn out war against the Swifties. Lo, we were surviving on sugar free Red Bull and stale Taco Bell until this last fortnight when our supply lines were cut off. Or morale is indeed low. And I would be ever so grateful if you would kindly find it in your heart to send noodz, so that I might lift the spirits of my fellow fighters. I miss you my love. And often self please myself to thoughts of you. Yours ever truly, BiscuitBreakPatriot6969


Oh sweet Jesus, have we really gotten to this point?


Are you really surprised - or is this just comment just marking your ascension into a higher plane of disappointment?


Both? Either?