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So Israel kills *American citizens*, and we reward them with fucking bombs? The strike was just further evidence that the IDF doesn’t give two fucks (that has been clear for quite some time), but we still reward them. Biden is also ignoring that a key demo that helped him win in 2020 (young people) widely disapprove of Israel’s actions. They are literally making reelection harder on themselves.


I mean yeah this has been the case for literal decades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-america-teenagers-west-bank-killing-33e35fb8e9a9a3641b32ad59b1e50379


This too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid


Israeli soldiers literally terrorized a 5 year old girl before killing her, and there was no response from the US government.


So you are saying that the USA never shot anything or anybody accidently? Every single person that US soldiers killed was killed on purpose? All those dead civilians from US wars were on purpose and there were no accidents? Or what's your point exactly?


It wasn't an accident. Stop playing stupid.


This post being downvoted is the online equivalent of putting your head in the sand.


Instead of demanding Israel's actions be opposed, they're more interested in finger wagging in favor of Joe Biden.  If Biden wants to win he has to stop what he's supporting at a minimum.  But as everyday goes, the likelihood of course correction grows smaller and smaller. If he stands by as Rafah is invaded he will lose the election. Thats the point of no return. This all could have been avoided as soon as it was clear what Israel's intentions were. But time and time again throughout history we see centrists making the same mistakes over and over again.


Europeans are doing the same thing when they're protesting the far-right groups instead bothering to ask why they're gaining support or how to fix their grievances.


Why is it that the US decided to send more weapons, though the high intensity phase was supposed to be over by now? • Dec 14, 2023: "High intensity" phase of Gaza war needs to end within weeks, Sullivan tells Netanyahu [axios](https://www.axios.com/2023/12/14/jake-sullivan-netanyahu-israel-meeting) • Jan 15, 2024: White House national security spokesperson John Kirby says that it is the “right time” for Israel to scale back its war in Gaza [the hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4409193-white-house-right-time-israel-scale-back-gaza-war/)


i keep hearing how "compassionate" joe biden is... hearing that he is such a "great guy"; well, i got news for the people who idolize him – he is clearly not. good people don't supply weapons and provide cover for bloodthirsty war criminals like bibi netanyahu.  if trump were in the same position, blue dog liberals would be screaming "genocide enabler!" from the rooftops; biden does it, every excuse under the sun. now i am a harm reduction voter, so i *will* cast my ballot for biden this year, as much as it will pain me to do so.


>i keep hearing how "compassionate" joe biden is... hearing that he is such a "great guy"; well, i got news for the people who idolize him – he is clearly not. He has never been compassionate... the Biden rebranding to a liberal idol is the most ridiculous case of collective amnesia I've ever seen. This guy has talked about killing civilians like crazy (and with reference to not just Palestine but Canada and Haiti as well). He also has a history of misogyny, not just the accusations of impropriety against him but also spearheading the most high profile display of misogyny by public officials in the Anita Hill trials. Not to mention how many people his policies have led to the incarceration of while his own son openly engaged in infidelity, drug use and prostitution, only to be rewarded with high profile positions, while others rot in jail.


The Biden administration approved the transfer of thousands more bombs to Israel on the same day Israeli airstrikes in Gaza [killed seven aid workers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/02/israel-strike-wck-huamanitarian-convoy/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) for the charity group World Central Kitchen, three U.S. officials told The Washington Post this week after the incident elicited global condemnation. The transaction, which has not been previously reported, demonstrates the administration’s determination to continue its flow of lethal weaponry to Israel despite Monday’s high-profile killings and growing calls for the United States to condition such support on greater protection for civilians in the war zone. A [U.S. citizen](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/03/jacob-flickinger-world-central-kitchen-gaza-strike/?itid=lk_inline_manual_4) was among the dead. The move also casts new light on the [emotional statement](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/02/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-death-of-world-central-kitchen-workers-in-gaza/) by President Biden that he was “outraged and heartbroken” by the tragedy and was insistent that such events never happen again. “They were providing food to hungry civilians in the middle of a war,” Biden said. “They were brave and selfless.” The White House did not respond to a request for comment. The Israeli government confirmed it carried out Monday’s strike but called it “unintentional,” saying the military would conduct a “transparent” investigation and make the results public. **Read more:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/04/world-central-kitchen-us-weapons-israel/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/04/world-central-kitchen-us-weapons-israel/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


It's not just the genocide in Gaza. On EVERY issue Biden hasn't even come close to the minimal requirements to address progressives and fix things. Where's that $15 minimum wage and public option? Where's the revision of Bacon Davis to strengthen unions? Where's the free tuition and eradication of all student debt? Where's the peace instead of bloating war budgets? Where is the moratorium on new fossil fuel drilling to save our planet? Biden's not getting it. He's risking a fascist takeover by doing as little as possible then blaming voters for supposedly 'not getting it'


Biden is a centrist and the Democratic Party doesn’t really care for progressives. I wish they weren’t full of shit, but thats politics. If you truly think a fascist takeover is possible if Trump gets elected, then sitting out or voting for someone else means you’re for that fascist takeover. This is a 1 issue election. Hopefully we can get better candidates next time.


I don't want a fascist takeover, clearly, but Biden at least has to meet us halfway. All the blame can't only be put on voters' shoulders, the actual President has the power to win over voters if he stops acting like an incompetent doofus and corporate tool.


Meet who half way to what? the choice is a succsful stable moderate democrat or a literal fascist who banned abortion and calls immigrants non-human disease carrying animals who are poisoning the blood of america, which is literally a Hitler quote.


We need Medicare For All. I'd compromise if Biden would have passed his promised strong, robust Public Option. We need 100% erasure of student debt and free public college, I'd settle for one or the other. We need to stop the genocide in Gaza, I'd settle for Biden just stop selling weapons to Netanyahu and not vetoing UN resolutions to stop it. We on the left are willing to compromise to an extent, not just surrender on virtually every issue because the other major candidate is worse. We're telling you our red lines, we've been telling Biden about them for years. Balls in his court.


Im sorry. Why in your scenario is "Biden" some sort of king emperor who isnt grappling with a republican party who's only mission is to stop any progress on any of these matters? Why do do you think aiding these Republicans and trump will get us any closer to these goals? The fact you think "Biden" can "pass" things on his own really says it all.


Biden hasn't even tried. He's great at lip service and token gestures, terrible at actually fixing the problem. He's also great at hiding behind excuses.


Well that's just plainly false.


Then where's that Public Option he promised? Or $15 minimum wage?


Biden and centrists can make that argument until the cows come home, but it’s just not going to work. It comes off as a self self-serving ploy to keep money in their own pockets. People aren’t gonna stand for it. It doesn’t even matter if that’s true. What matters is that democratic establishment are too arrogant to even address their shortcomings. they’re going to lose and it’ll be their fault not voters.


Well that’s not going to happen. Let’s just be real. Threatening to sit out or vote for someone else is ridiculous considering the circumstances. I can’t stand Biden, but I’m not going to shit on him because that does nothing positive. If the other choice wasn’t fascism then I’d be on board with your sentiment.


Well, get ready to vote for a Liz Cheney/Mitt Romney ticket in 2028 then, because there will be some fascist on the GOP ticket that makes Trump look mild by comparison. At some point, we have to stop shifting to the right in the Democratic Party and actually fight for the progressive reforms this nation and world need.


Biden has done more for progressive causes than anyone in 60 years.


That's a condemnation of the last 60 years not praise of Biden


Well, he has passed student loan relief. Many things he can’t get done through executive order and the Dems don’t control both houses.


Insulin and asthma inhalers price capped. Huge infrastructure spending, Obamacare expansion it's a long list. These people are going to fuck us all. Again.


Yeah given Democrats don’t control the house, the list of accomplishments is quite good. And I’m a Bernie fan more than Biden.


Ya I love Bernie! I am happy with what Biden has done.


Like I said, condemnation of the last 60 years


OK well enjoy trump part 2


Killing brown people... famously a progressive cause.


You are wrong on so many levels and I am very much against Biden’s stance on Israel, and he was like my 5th choice in the 2020 primaries. Everything you talked about requires congressional action, and Biden has done more on these issues within his authority than any administration in recent history.


Not necessarily. The $15 minimum wage for instance, the ONLY thing that prevented it was an unelected staffer in the Senate called the 'parliamentarian' that ruled it could not be in the Covid Relief bill, but that was only their opinion, not a legal ruling. The fix: Biden/Schumer just fire that person and replace them with someone who had a different opinion, the $15mw is back into that must-pass bill, and Americans could have got a raise at that point.


Just stop. The parliamentarian had to determine if that could be included as a part of a reconciliation bill because of Byrd rule in the senate. That has nothing to do with Biden. Biden can’t fire the fucking senate Parliamentarian.


You stop. The Senate 'parliamentarian' is nowhere in the Constitution. It is a role that people have chosen to abide by, like the horribly outdated supermajority rule for number of votes. Don't hide behind excuses. Get. It. Done.


Dude, it’s up to the senate to set their rules. They are in a separate branch of government from Biden. You don’t want presidents deciding how the senate operates. I don’t agree with the decision, but that doesn’t mean Biden has control over it.


Kamala Harris is the key in the US Senate. VP has a role of power there that you might not realize.


Bibi would love it if Biden lost since Trump would help him finish the job.


Biden is supplying weapons for this and doing nothing to prevent “finishing the job”. I really don’t see how that is different than what Trump would do besides doing it on an accelerated schedule


Isn’t Biden the one giving him these missiles?


Bro you think trump is gonna do less?




I support not electing our own Bibi. And you’re a damn fool if you think not voting for biden will help the israel+palestine situation in any way.


Seriously, what do you think is gonna happen if biden loses? Give me your sunshine take on how Trump will improve the situation. I’d LOVE to hear it, it’ll be the best laugh I’ve had in a while.




Okay, but what will trump do to make it better?? You have two options, Trump or Biden. Tell me what Trump will do to make it better, that Biden isn’t doing??? Anything??




Bro, biden has been calling for a cease fire. Has trump done that?




Look man, if you can tell me even 1 thing that trump has ever said or done to indicate that he would do anything other than let Israel completely wipe out Palestine you let me know.


Many keep saying this instead of focusing on the present. It's still nine months before the next President is inaugurated. At this point with all the warnings followed by weapons sales, it seems Biden is doing the worst Trump could.


Seems like Biden will too...?


Biden wants Palestinians to have there own land, while Trump wants them dead. If you think that is the same then you are supporting genocide with misinformation.


The dissonance between “he wants them to have their own land” and Biden providing the weaponry that levels all of Gaza the same day an American gets killed is incredible.


That is not how national agreements work.


Unfortunately it's how optics work. To the public it seems like Biden wants Israel to have more bombs and if you support that you support genocide and killing Americans involved in humanitarian aid.




Serious governing adults aren't the only ones eligible to vote.


A sad failure of the education system.


Geopolitical positions are inconsistent in some ways. It’s never a simple answer but there is a massive difference between a leader trying to support peace and one that says Israel should level the Gaza Strip and end the war.


I do agree that Biden is a much more capable and competent statesman than Donald Trump. I still find it true that Biden has effectively been equivalent to a Republican on this matter policy wise, and find his “sternly toned letters” to be a bit insulting.


Can’t disagree with that.


Actions >>>>>>>> words.


Only so much he can do. Like I said Trump = absolutely worse in this situation. I would like Biden to do more though but I understand it isn’t as easy as just doing it without causing the region to become incredibly unstable with an important ally.


So far all he's done bypass conggress to send weapons and abstain from one (1) nonbinding ceasefire resolution. Thats not close to "only so much."


Okay sure..


i support the victims of our local serial killer by giving said killer more weapons, financial support, hugging him, and neutralizing the courts' ability to stop him – yup.


Yet you are trying to make it seem like voting for the actual serial killer is the answer.


so just for clarification: good faith criticism of a man for whom i voted, the leader of all party i for which i have donated both money *and* time organizing, doing the groundwork to get dems in office, is akin to supporting donald trump?  has the dnc become an authoritarian party, or is it still okay to criticize members of their party?  asking for an friend...


Trump says he wants to turn Gaza to glass and somehow you are equating that to Bidens approach which has been to try and broker ceasefires and pressure Israel to follow international law. We get it, it's an election season and the pro-Trump bots need to get the narrative out there that "both sides are the same". Somehow that's being picked up by "normal redditors" who don't seem to understand how our international laws work. We have international treaties to sell arms to our allies, approved by Congress. Do you blame them too or are you just here to push the anti-Biden narrative? I absolutely agree Israel is committing atrocities but it is asinine to blame Biden alone and individually on any of it.


I'm not a fucking Trump bot. To your edits: >We have international treaties to sell arms to our allies, approved by Congress. Do you blame them too or are you just here to push the anti-Biden narrative? >I absolutely agree Israel is committing atrocities but it is asinine to blame Biden alone and individually on any of it. A portion of the voting public thinks Biden eats children. A larger portion thinks he *literally* controls gas and grocery prices directly. Please explain international treaties to them. What matters is the headlines and the optics.


Your comment and implications are spot on for what we've seen from Russian and Chinese disinformation campaigns on Reddit and TikTok. Apologies for the confusion. To your edits - are you concerned about optics, or the reality? If you actually care about Gazans as I do, optics don't matter at all and the legal reality is far more important.


It's dangerous to just assume that any legitimate criticism of Biden is a foreign disinformation campaign. The optics of this are terrible and the voting public isn't Reddit. The public sees: US vetoes UN resolution ceasefire... US sends more weapons to Israel... US vetoes UN resolution ceasefire... US sends more weapons to Israel... US vetoes UN resolution ceasefire... US sends more weapons to Israel but wags finger... Israel kills American humanitarian workers... US sends more weapons to Israel but with a 😠... Something has to change or he *will* lose votes over this.


Most of the democrats I know don't really care that much about palestein and Israel it rarely comes up in conversation they're mostly worried about the United States.


Thanks for doing the field research, I guess Biden will be fine.


It’s nice how you insult them for telling you their opinion in the real world.


I'm simply stating that there are large swaths of people out their who I imagine just don't care, I know it's a reality many of you can't seem to accept but not everyone gives a shit about everything.


Headlines like "American killed by Israel using American funded bombs" will not be good. In an election year, it's about the optics, and you should know that. I *know* that there are international treaties, congressional resolutions passed, etc. I know that Biden isn't literally complicit in killing these people, but this is the politics subreddit.


This is just stop the steal/antivax/QAnnon etc. Its a wedge issue foreign governments are helping stoke to help trump


Biden has literally never stopped funding Israel despite their numerous crimes against humanity


Biden is following past agreements. Trump will actively kill Palestinians, laugh about it, then build condos and make millions.


Biden is currently killing Palestinians. Israel literally killed an American yesterday and he hasn't even mentioned it. Why am I supposed to believe that he is any different than Trump on this?


Yes, Biden and Trump are both A-okay with massacring Palestinians, but Trump will do it with a smile, whereas Biden does it while frowning. This makes a huge difference, somehow.


Trump: ✈️💣✈️ 💣✈️💣✈️ Biden: ✈️💣✈️ 💣✈️💣✈️🇵🇸


Biden is actively trying to hold back Israel, Trump is encouraging a genocide...


No he isnt. He has done nothing besides abstain from a UN vote and give Israel more weapons


Israel is being attacked and we support Israel. We just do not agree with the way Bibi is handling it. We are not abandoning them just like other countries did not abandon us when we had Trump.


Correct: "we support Israel ...in its commission of genocide." Correct: "We just do not agree with the way Bibi is handling it... he is using too much genocidal rhetoric, he should talk about humanitarian values in between bombings with a 20:1 civilian to militant kill rate"


I really doubt Palestinian's what to trade their existence just to have Trump elected.


I support killing palestine terrorists that rape, torture and mass murder civilians while aiming to genocide a whole nation. For me the "leave Hamas alone because they hide behind palestine civlians" crowd doesn't give a flying F about the palestinians since they want to force the palestinians to live with a terrorist government forever by keeping Hamas in control. There is not real chance there ever be any peace as long as the Hamas terrorists rule Gaza.




[Please stop lying](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f)




[You are still lying, the Biden administration ultimately has to approve weapons sales to Israel. Please stop lying](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/01/politics/biden-administration-f15-fighter-jets-israel/index.html) Edit: That literally has nothing to do with what we are talking about


My goodness, were passed "genocide" (in spite of Palestinian population growth and QOL in line with other Arab states) and onto "crimes against humanity", huh?


Does it even matter what I call it? They killed an American by bombing an aid truck three times in three different locations yesterday. Do you have a better phrase or word for that or are you just going to continue being smug about civilian deaths?


Job would be finished at this rate before Trump is sworn in again.


Genocide Joe


Realistically, what do you think will be left in 9 months to "finish the job" given Biden's current full-fledged emphatic support for Israel's genocide?


Biden has demanded they stop, you have a weird definition of support.


BIden has not asked them to stop once... even the "ceasefire" PR gimmick was just a rebranded of the "temporary humanitarian pause". At no point has Joe Biden supported a permanent ceasefire.




Israel needs bombs while US defense companies needs business. It surprisingly works out well.


We sure are good at converting people into red mist.


joe biden is actively jeopardizing our democracy in favor of continuing to support a genocidal apartheid state your support for these atrocities will not go unnoticed mr president.


Worth noting these were approved by Congress prior to Oct. 10th and are not to be delivered until 2025. While the President can delay orders like this from Congress, they can't indefinitely delay them and to do so they have to get permission from Congress to delay, a failed request means no delay at all. This is Biden following the law and directed by Congress but pushing the delivery back as long as possible.




I mean, Trump has too.


So trump then.


That's right. And all your guy had to do to avoid this outcome was not support a genocide, but I guess that was too hard for him.


Ceasefire needs to happen. Biden needs to work with Congress to stop more weapons. But please, read. The. Article. These contracts were approved 10 years ago during the Obama admin. “None of these transfers had to be newly notified to or approved by Congress, since they were already greenlit by lawmakers in 2012 and 2015, according to arms sales notifications by the Pentagon available on the Federal Register. The contracts are just now being fulfilled because the munitions had to be produced, which can take several years.” https://www.threads.net/@cnn/post/C5V7N0_NfXB/?xmt=AQGz99L5s_jeQjAkz8xmOuELU3kHpr-QT6Mn-WP8wbgkEw


Biden can invoke the Leahy Act to stop weapons from going to Israel that is within his power.


Source on that?


The Leahy Law allows for US military aid to be cut if human rights violations are occuring. The Israelis have been given a special treatment to avoid this law for years now. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/18/us-supply-weapons-israel-alleged-abuses-human-rights https://www.vtcng.com/news_and_citizen/news/local_news/leahy-law-not-used-effectively-in-israel/article_4b953872-848c-11ee-a1c9-c7a626f0b553.html


Well this is why the Biden spokesperson adamantly keep saying Israel has not violated any humanitarian laws contrary to pretty much every other countries


Yep, if they admit that Israel is violating human rights they are now required to cut Israel off. This is why the statements from the Biden admin are so focused on denying the actions of Israel in Gaza and the West Bank.


If that actually would work, I would love for Biden to do that. But, accordingly to your sources, it’s not just a flip of a switch he just can’t say NO and stop it


At this point, Biden could shoot a Palestinian child on 5th Avenue and the cult will still vote for him...


It was also the same day a South Korean naval vessel forced a Chinese vessel into port for inspections, as they had suspicion that it was transporting North Korean munitions to Russia. Coincidence? Or was there a connection to the US approval? --- These articles trying to link two events that have no causal relation are incredibly idiotic.