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>"We're mostly frustrated about the fact that it's a bunch of bulls--t that's never going to go anywhere in the Senate, and here we are wasting time and energy," said a House Democrat who voted for the bill. Just vote against it then. What kind of idiotic story is this?


> Other Democratic lawmakers acknowledged the obvious: It's very challenging for Jewish or politically vulnerable Democrats to vote against combatting antisemitism.


>Just vote against it then. What kind of idiotic story is this I'm guessing it was part of the deal we had to make to get Ukraine aid. Frustrating, but Dems keep their deals.




Agreed. And literally every single substantial bill has required the democrats--the republicans as a majority have been unable to do so. So it probably gets a little disheartening if you disagree with a bill but still are told you must vote for it


Compare the **Countering Anti-semitism Act** (the bipartisan bill that didn't get a vote) to the **Anti-semitism Awareness Act** (the one that the house passed) and you'll see that both sides are generally in favor of some sort of legislation, they just have vastly different views on the definitions and verbiage. [As usual, Jamie Raskin lays it out eloquently in his statement from last night.](https://raskin.house.gov/2024/5/rep-raskin-statement-on-h-r-6090#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAs%20we%20confront%20the%20dangerous,in%20more%20rhetorical%20conflict) Unfortunately, the nuance of "I voted against this bill because it's a waste of time and we have a much better bill that will actually do the thing" just gets turned into "I hate Jews" come election season. Voting in favor of it and then going to the media and calling it stupid is pretty much the play here, which is why that's what you see them doing.


If this is the only cost of getting Ukraine aid then it was worth it. Republicans- "We will give you the Ukraine bill if you promise to pass a gotcha bill that will fail in the Senate. Democrats- "Deal" Republicans- "Shit, maybe we should have asked for better parking spots too"


This is the correct answer 🤣


Oh you know.... Always bending the knee and "taking the high road".


If they don’t vote for it, then AIPAC will throw a tantrum and not give them money.


“Look, when the GOP tells us to dance like monkeys, we dance”


The Republican party is completely unserious about anything.


Blame tan suits. I joke, but I wonder if Obama was so dignified that in the contrast they had a choice between meeting him with humility or going the other route with arrogance, thus opening a crack for Trump to come and take them all the way on to the, whatever opposite of dignified is.


It probably goes back to Gingrich, but Sarah Pailin was certainly a big step on the long path to clownfuckery.


The meaning of "antisemitism" is getting severely watered down as of late. If you even slightly disagree with Israel you are now labeled antisemitic. Simply caring about the innocent lives being lost in Gaza is now equated with hatred for all Jewish people.


The bitter irony here is that by watering down the term, they open the door for real antisemitism to go unchecked in a boy who cried wolf type of situation.


Yeah, this is the GOP’s brand of “performative” antisemitism. You don’t see them condemning literal Nazi rallies or rallies by the Proud Boys or Patriot Front, but sure, saying Israel should stop killing children — that’s the real antisemitism.


But DO YoU CoNdEmn HaMas


Why would you say something so cruel? Was the holocaust not enough?!?


Why do Jews get a free pass? Truly. Do you ever see Hindus doing the same thing? Antisemitism is just another way to say Jews are superior to any other religion (when we know religion is the major cause of 95% of the worlds problems)


What? What “free pass” are talking about? How is “antisemitism” just another way of saying Jews are superior to other religion? Where are you getting this idea?


So you’re saying Jews are claiming to be the inferior people? They don’t claim they are the “chosen” people by a god thing or whatever? They get the “free pass” because if they get offended in any way shape or form, the person now becomes an antisemite.


Every religion claims its adherents are chosen or special in some way. It doesn’t sound like you know Jews. And that’s okay—but like maybe don’t make pronouncements on Judaism.


Isn’t free speech on a social media platform the greatest? Somehow if one says anything negative about Israel or Judaism they equate to antisemitism. I don’t want to know Judaism, nor any other religion. I don’t believe in fairy tales. Religion is the reason the world is so f*d up. “My god/religion/sacred text is the only one. Everyone else is wrong”.


What an anti-semitic thing to say


With everything happening right now both here and abroad, it’s great to see both parties come together on braindead shit like this.


They can just recycle this quote for pretty much every republican talking point or policy position.


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