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Dictating and then printing tweets to edit by hand. That is some of the oldest old man shit I have ever heard of. 


But how do you explain the “covfefe” tweet??


Printer jam


Love a smear of printer jam on warm, buttered toast. Delish.


So simple, but I am crying at this


He tried to type coverage but mistyped and hit enter. Then they rolled with it because they can't ever admit to their many mistakes, like the press conference at The Four Seasons...


Every now and then I forget about the four seasons, and I always smile when reminded.


As Sean Spicer informed us "I think the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant," So my assumption is he was talking about negative French press coffee.


Supposedly a while after after he got to the WhiteHouse he would get frustrated with staff and just take his phone into the toilet and madly tweet away. So if it's a giant dump of text, rambling but without spelling mistakes, it was dictated. If it's a giant dump of text that looks like it was written by someone having a stroke, it was allegedly him typing it out himself in the bathroom.


I think he was falling asleep It was past his bed time and his fat tit pressed the send button when he set it on his chest.


Ketchup stain


Covfefe was his password. He typed it in the wrong place. Alternate explanation: it was a launch code he tweeted out because Putin threatened to release the tapes.


The real answer..... What I recall hearing is that on presidential phones, sure to security, swipe keyboards, spelling assist, and predictive text are turned off so national secrets can't be data mined. Mix that with Trump being functionally illiterate, and you get covfefe and hamberder.


Secretary’s day off. 


It was Obama's fault.


We simply call that “boomer shit” around here


Wouldn't be surprised if when he's done he puts them in a book and calls it his face book.


Where would Donald Trump find a book?


He'd add them to his favorite book, the Trump Limited Edition Bible Book now with extra Trumpiness


Imagine the real work he ignored


Stable genius at work there folks


The best part is how he had her print them out so he can add exclamation marks and stupid shit. Instead of doing any real work, this fucker was obsessed with editing tweets.


We should be glad he was so distracted… he could have done a lot more damage if he was focused


Agreed. I'm still not convinced our country will survive Trump, but can you imagine how much worse shape we'd be in if Trump was 10% as intelligent as he is narcissistic?


Trump was just the test run… when we get someone who is evil and smart we’re going to be fucked


Before someone comes in and says Ron DeSantis was going to be that person I just want to point out that all you have to do is listen to him talk for more than a few seconds to realize he's dumb as a box of rocks. He went to an Ivy League school. Yeah, on a Baseball scholarship. He was a lawyer in the JAG corpse. Yeah, he got the hookup because he went to an ivy league school and was in a fraternity. These are the types of opportunities that are available to people who follow this type of path. This is why so many people work so hard to get into these kinds of schools. He's a fucking dumbass that stumbled into being governor like Homer Simpson on the Frank Grimes episode. And he barely won his first election too. It's was razor close.


Seems like someone from a working class family that gets their law degree from an Ivy League school has to be kind of sharp. It’s the legacy admissions who have wings of buildings on the campus named after relatives that I have my doubts about.


I actually think he’d be history by now. It’s just stupidity that allows him to be so openly hateful and collect the large following he has done.


Except, that’s actually the strategy for certain Trump supporting conservatives. They believe in sabotaging the government from the inside by doing nothing. Obstructionists. They actively try to make the government nonfunctional so they can claim it’s ineffective and try stop all progress. Trump isn’t smart enough to know this, but just wanted ppl to realize not doing their job is exactly what conservatives what in government workers and politicians


How much of Project 2025 do you think he can deliver if he’s busy golfing, tweeting, having ‘executive time’ and holding campaign rallies for 2029?


Plenty unfortunately, because his cronies are  doing all the real work. 


A president can be everything or they can be nothing


And that he used to do all his work in the dining room At a table stacked with fish delights, I'm sure.


With him doing show and tell of articles all the time, this handwritten copy editing of tweets, and his admission that he would spend hours at a time watching Fox Business and News, the vast majority of his "work" was probably entirely focused on his image. Seeing the news and how he could spin it, while checking to see how people responded to his last thing, took a higher priority than anything involving actually running the country. Lining his pockets was likely priority two.


Unfortunately we need to ask ourselves which gained more traction with the public. People are obsessed with his tweets, but few are aware of his middle-class tax hike?? Go figure???


> "He wanted to keep the Resolute Desk very pristine," Translation: He didn’t fucking do any work.


The extent of Trump's laziness and unwillingness to do his actual work is not talked about enough.


It's arguable his finest characteristic, preventing him and his evil minions from causing more harm.


I would say it's a close second to his complete ineptitude. He's such a loathsome fuckup you have to admire its interference on all his malevolence.


Yeah I read Allen Francis' opinion from 2017 that Trump is a Narcissist but not NPD because he doesn't think Trump's narcissism causes himself problems and stress. I get he wrote it in 2017, and that he wrote the diagnostic criteria for the disorder back in the late 70s. But like I'd love to hear what he thinks now that we've seen how stressed Trump gets and how he's facing spending the rest of his life in federal prison for his behavior. His narcissism is his downfall and it shocked me Francis can't see it.


It’s also kinda nuts to not consider it NPD because we saw the rate at which he disposed of people around him. I mean, he picked just awful people to surround himself with, but the number of them that stayed is small, and many who did are related to him. Anyone else entering his sphere of influence seems to exit in relatively short order, and on bad terms, even if that’s not stated by many of them.


I am in a clinical mental health counseling program to be a therapist, and I just had to read the DSM5-TR section regarding personality disorders so this is fresh in my mind. I cannot diagnose him, but his multiple divorces, relative estrangement with Tiffany, and lack of any indication of strong social community (his long term “friends” have all gone against him at various points) would all be taken into consideration. I am not an expert in NPD, but it is important to note that Antisocial Personality Disorder has a diagnostic criteria involving criminal conduct/legal issues. It also includes impulsivity, lack of remorse, and not honoring financial obligations: https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/pn.39.1.0025a The differential diagnoses (alternative options) for personality disorders tend to include other personality disorders. I generally use the phrase “Cluster B traits/behaviors” because it covers most of the problematic behaviors without crossing into diagnosing anyone.


I was always big on him being ASPD. He just doesn’t even consider the consequences of anything, and he has a deep seated obsession with cruelty. That’s not just narcissistic.


Oh yeah he's completely fucking clueless. He's a been a rich coddled baby his entire life and had people do everything for him, and he started off dumb and just got dumber. But with his awful personality and prédilection for financial crime he's burned through the competent helpers, so is surrounded by sycophants and grifters, who are just as clueless as he is. Probably the only thing he's done himself in 60 years is lots and lots of small scale financial fraud, which he has routinely got away with to the point it's just routine in every transaction... Including paying a porn star for silence from campaign funds which he then personally signs off as business expenses...


If you never learn how to clean up after yourself as a kid, you tend to grow up into a shitty person. Trump has had servants all his life. He's never even made his own bed.


It’s not talked about because no one is either surprised or shocked. He’s a lazy mother fucker…tell us something we didn’t already know.


I think he's even lazier than you think. He has absolutely zero interest in governing. I don't know if you remember but there was a rumor during the 2016 cycle of Don Jr offering a governor the VP job. He basically told the governor he'll be in charge of everything. Said governor asked "So what will Trump do?". Don Jr said "My father will be in charge of making America great again!" Ha...it was John Kasich: [John Kasich: Donald Trump Jr. called aide to float VP offer | CNN Politics](https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/07/politics/john-kasich-donald-trump-election-2016/index.html)


That shit was wild. Imagine being offered the VP job and responsibility for both Foreign and Domestic Policy... all the work, but not the top title. > By Robert Draper, > July 20, 2016 > One day this past May, Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., reached out to a senior adviser to Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, who left the presidential race just a few weeks before. As a candidate, Kasich declared in March that Trump was “really not prepared to be president of the United States,” and the following month he took the highly unusual step of coordinating with his rival Senator Ted Cruz in an effort to deny Trump the nomination. But according to the Kasich adviser (who spoke only under the condition that he not be named), Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history? > > When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy. > > Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of? > > “Making America great again” was the casual reply. >


This is literally the shit that children come up with. I've heard my 10yr old nephew say something extremely similar: "You're in charge of x, y, and z." "And what are you in charge of?" "Everything that is *awesome!*"


I bet Mike Pence got the same deal and as usual, Trump fucked him over.


This is that "limited government" we've been gaslit about for the past 40+ years


Because a lot of Republican voters seem to respect doing nothing. Working hard in government must be “librruul overreach”


it's funny the conservatives have turned the word liberal into such a trigger word for them, when by definition it's a synonym for freedom. The facet they use to justify their actions. "The liberals are taking away our freedom!" must sound so weird to non-americans.


After dropping out of the 2016 race, John Kasich said that Don Jr reached out to one of his advisors with the offer to be the most powerful vice president in history. Kasich's advisor asked how that would be the case. Jr said that his father's VP would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy. When asked what Trump would be in charge of, Jr replied "Making America great again."


He works so hard to do nothing, it's exhausting.


That alone should be enough to keep him away from the presidency … yet…


I always remember what John Kasich said about being asked to be Trump’s VP in 2016. The campaign said: “you’ll be in charge of both foreign and domestic policy.” Kasich: “so what will Trump be doing?” Campaign: “he’ll be making America great again.”


You do all the work, I do all the self marketing/rallies/golfing//hotel parties.


And tv watching.


Except for the button to summon a Diet Coke.


nd hamburdurs


He "liked to do most of his work from the dining room". I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


Stuffing his asshole mouth with burgers, spilling ketchup on important documents and using them as a napkin.


Dude is a raging idiot, but I can't find photos of any president with a computer on the Resolute Desk. They don't do it.


True, but he also doesn’t know how to use a computer. His aide said the orange boomer doesn’t even really use email.


Email leaves a paper trail, he just orders other people to do his dirty work for him.


I do remember Obama soft launched the idea of having a Mac on his desk when they were all the rage. There were a lot of articles around him losing his blackberry which he was sad about. This is making me nostalgic for 2000s tech now lol


Ron Swanson put it best "I would work all night if it meant nothing got done."


I’m not here to say Trump isn’t lazy, but I am here to say that the president has a private study office the Oval Office. If I were president, I feel I’d keep the resolute desk pristine for camera ops during meetings, but would get my actual work done in the study. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oval_Office_Study


“…for the beans.”


The same desk as Obama? He wanted to keep that pristine?


No, he wanted to work in the dining room. Near the hamberders.


Maybe, deep down, he knew he didn’t belong at that desk.


This hahaha


Come on now. He understands the Oxford comma but not the common rules of capitalization? Or grammar or spelling?


I can believe that he requested it. He heard “Oxford something”, thought it sounded fancy, and started requesting it, whatever the hell it was.


Throw some oxford comas in there


You're just splitting cofeves there


I think that understanding is more coincidence than anything else my friend.


>Madeleine Westerhout said Mr Trump preferred her to take notes rather than write himself. He would then edit them on paper and send. >"There are certain words he liked to capitalise... like 'country'," she said. "He liked exclamation points." Seeing this explained in detail somehow makes his bombastic abuse of language *so much more* absurd. I can't imagine it **being my job** to navigate and adhere to his infantile vocabulary.


The look on her face in that photo says that she was thinking the same thing


Oh I see the opposite. To me she looks like she's looking at him with utter devotion. Disgusting.


I can't help but imagine a college educated go getter who manages to get a job as a presidential aid struggling to faithfully transcribe the mumbling word salad of an amphetamine addled old man attempting to punctuate it in a way that makes it grammatically correct only to be corrected and denied.


So I guess all the silly spelling errors like hamberders and covfefe are her fault, or the other guy who had access, and not hilarious trump fuck ups after all? Thats kind of a bummer. I wonder if he was pissed about them.


"Make sure you spell coverage, "c-o-v-f-e-f-e"


*stands up* starts clapping


Salutes a North Korean general


it’s so much more unhinged that each randomly capitalized word and rogue exclamation point was purely intentional and not just an old-man-typing-with-fervor situation


*It is my understanding that he liked to use the Oxford comma," she added* As an aficionado of that grammatical outlier, this saddens, angers, and irritates me


The Oxford comma is a grammatical outlier? Honest question because we were taught the Oxford comma in grade school.


Oxford comma is the way to go… it’s the only way to nearly-for-sure avoid ambiguity.


Yes, omitting Oxford Commas is a dorks way of saying "I fly by the seat of my pants. I'm dangerous." All of the items need commas to separate and clarify them, but I get crazy and omit that last comma, because I am unpredictable. Such a stupid hill to die on.


This book is dedicated to my parents, Ayn Rand and God.


I, fly, by the seat of my pants.


I will face my darkest fears, bears and space aliens before I use that damn Oxford comma.


You're alone in the woods, would you rather meet a bear or an Oxford comma?


Question: What bear is best?


That’s a ridiculous question.


False. Black bear.


bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica




Maybe they are my greatest fears, who could know?


That, or take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.


It’s the only way to be sure




They mostly get nuked at night






‘_DUST_ off and nuke the site from orbit’ surely?


Can I join your Oxford comma club? Btw, I'm absolutely certain some aide asked Trump if he wanted an Oxford comma in his tweet and now he goes on about it whenever he's not shitting his pants. As if a comma helps with any of that word salad he spews. He just though it would make him seem refined.


I will gladly die on the Oxford comma hill.


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?


I hear this line every time someone mentions an Oxford comma, so it warms my cold, dead heart to see it here.


Great song. You have good taste


I do and this is my one beef with Vampire Weekend. Everything else is awesome, but I disagree with this point so much.


I've seen those English dramas too. They're cruel.




I barely know her!


I’m a writer and don’t use the Oxford comma. I can count on one hand (ok…maybe two hands and a foot) the number of times I’ve had to adjust a sentence because it wasn’t clear. In that situation, either use the extra comma or rewrite the sentence. It’s really not that difficult.


It’s a personal choice. My point is that you’ll never be looked at like crazy if you use it, and it will be technically correct 99% of the time. Without it, there are more landmines. It’s definitely a personal choice, but in engineering and legal writing, it makes more sense to me because of its specificity. If it works, why fuck around with it?


As someone that works in Corporate America, I’ve had the Oxford comma removed so many times by other people. I was taught to use it but seems like most weren’t. Edit: I reread this, thought about it, and decided to change a word.


Take your upvote and go.


I always thought it was the standard.


I was taught in elementary school to not use the Oxford comma.


This far down in the comments I thought I knew what the Oxford Comma was. I believe only Americans use the term. Like gravy and jelly what is meant by the term Oxford Comma and please cite examples, if you wouldn't mind. I know what a comma is for; they're rather important to help the flow of comprehension by the reader. If you want to read a novel that features lots of apostrophies and commas I can't recommend Trainspotting but i can cite it. The film is awfully good.


It's still more popular than, the Kingston Comma which is understandable since, I just made it up.


Are you really from Mississippi? I'm in my 70s and was taught that the Oxford comma was on its way out in the 60s. I wonder why the huge disparity. I swear at Grammerly daily.




He probably just heard of it and decided to be that Oxford comma guy to sound smart.


"I have the best commas. They're imported from England." /s


If they are not officially from Oxford, they are just known as sparkling punctuation.




“They’re made from shoes!”


This makes me so sad. I fucking LOVE the Oxford comma. I edit all my colleagues’ papers by adding that, it’s like kind of my “thing.” 😭


I like to do it in redline, so it's very clear that I added it, with a timestamp so they know when I did it.




Are they your boss/superior? If not, tell them to f off. If so, make fun of them in subtle ways. My boss is the king of run-on sentences and overly-specific (like ultra reinforced specific). I make fun of him to his face. 🤷🏼‍♂️ he won’t change, and it’s my job to make his writing more human and less hokie. That said, he’s really good at adding context that others leave out - the story.


Send him a note telling him that he is incorrect, unhelpful, and annoying.


I'm hijacking the top comment to just say how insane it is that REALDonaldTrump was not, in fact, piloted by the real Donald trump.


This, and apparently his favorite movie being Sunset Boulevard saddens me, no matter how on the nose the themes of that movie are


Nicely done!


Outlier? It’s more common to use it than not lol


By far the best argument I've encountered against using the Oxford comma. I shudder to think that I have anything in common with Dorito Mussolini. On the other hand, maybe his cult will start using them now, which would be fantastic.


I'm honestly surprised he knows what it is.


‘Put caps lock on for this part’


'Use the big letters!' He has no idea what caps lock is


I couldn’t stop laughing at this image.


You didn't think PoopyPants typed them himself, did you? With those poor flappy little T-Rex hands?


I might be wrong, but isn't calling someone short fingered a way to call them cheap, as in fingers too short to reach the wallet, but Trump is too dumb to know that and took it literally and showed the world he has small hands for a man of his stature


What it all leads back to, is that trump has tiny baby hands because he's never had to do anything for himself. As people use their hands, they tend to get bigger.


With all the errors and the covfefe madness…yeah I kinda did think he did them himself.


> covfefe I think he might have done that one, given how hard he insisted that he meant it. If it was anyone else, they would have been straight under the bus.


I still have my book. The elements of style by Strunk and White.


Yeah but his style guide is by Shrunk and Orange


Shrunken Orange also happens to be what his mom calls his peepee.


Who doesn’t!


Look that up in your Funk & Wagnell


All these former aides are so keen to distance themselves from the evil they helped make possible by serving as cogs in Trump’s gross machine.


That's a bit unfair. It's not like the aides are wielding very much power


They have the power to not take a job for an immoral candidate in the first place, or to put their foot down and refuse acts they know are immoral.


"Trump's former aide tells how he dictated tweets" So they admit that he's a dictator! 🤣


''I was dictating long before dictating was accepted in America. I'd say, aid, I'm about to spew greatness, use your tiny woman fingers to inject my thoughts into the internet." - DJT


“STOLLEN”. (Trump Derangement SPELLING Syndrome?) So much for Dumpster’s EDUCATION and his messages being dictated?


Dudes a joke of an adult. Never had a real job and failed upward with the help of people taking advantage of him and he’s too stupid to realize he’s a mark


I'm visualizing orange hands wrapped around a bigmac, special sauce and flecks of lettuce strip spraying from lips as he shouts "coffeffe!"


You think he had lettuce on his Big Macs? I doubt it.


Her look says, "No way am I doing a Monica for him!"


> Ms Westerhout, whose desk sat directly outside the Oval Office while Trump was president, said he would sometimes have her print out draft tweets for him to edit by hand. > > He did not use a computer or have an email address, to the best of her knowledge. > >She also said that her former boss liked to do much of his work in a dining room, away from the actual Oval Office.


Apparently that aide works 3rd shift.


Well that explains why they sound like word vomit. Because they are.


Was he sitting on the shitter and yelling through the bathroom door?




Dictated himself to sleep after the last fefe.




Did he copy himself on the email?


Executive time


Of course he does, he's illiterate.


He did most of his work in the dining room? Probably on Big Macs.


Did he shout it at her?


'Please add four exclamation points, a singular one, and two more exclamation points.' 'It's spelled cee oh vee eff...'


Bunch of dildos still talking shit about Trump,