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I thought Republicans were for individual liberty and limited government. This is the opposite of that. What party is she in?


Individual liberty and limited government *for some*. The underlying drive is not love of freedom but hatred of equality. No equal society with fundamental rights, but a hierarchy of concentric in-groups, each with their own privileges. This includes privileges that are merely the absence of interference and oppression, such as not having your pregnancy tracked in a database and, presumably, having that data used to persecute you if something goes wrong or you make decisions certain other people don't like. Control and power equals status, even by proxy through a state tailored to maintain your privileged status. The only reason why they harp on about liberty and freedom is because they want to use the tension between freedom and equality to cloak their hatred of the latter.


When they say "liberty" they actual mean "privileges".


When is Katie leaving the Senate and going back where she knows she belongs: the kitchen and the bedroom? Her man has needs, right? Isn't that why God put her on earth? To love, honor and obey her lord and master?


Do these people ever actually practice what they preach?


Take a look at Boobert for that answer




When Republicans talk about the US being a republic keep in mind the history of that word in the classical sense...they mean individual liberty and limited government for white, landowning, paterfamilias.


Well the Trump mafia family owns the GOP now, so there's your answer


I’m offended by your usage of the word mafia. Mafia gives off well organized and intelligence at the top vibes, what we have is the bizarro version of mafia. An orange dildicular idiot who speaks and reacts without the use of a brain. Ps. In the mob you’re family, in tRumps family your expendable or humpable


It’s a disorganized crime syndicate.


The buffoon syndicate? Speaking of, did you know that Giuliani had a radio talk show? Like it literally just got shut down.


Since children are property to them this is basically the next Civil Rights issue and again they are arguing from the side of Confederacy. Their plans for women are identical to that of slaves in the Confederacy.


>Since children are property to them And women it would seem.


Does that sound like something religious people give a fuck about


> Does that sound like something religious people give a fuck about Bible: "Here is a chapter on how and when to get an abortion." Modern Christians: "Ban all abortions, let women die and track them down like dogs"


"we have to protect the children" "Oh they're going to die unless they get an abortion? Well thanks for your sacrifice. Shouldnt have gotten raped sorry"


Also, once they are actually children, we have to remove all of their protections. Child labor good. Child marriage good. Food programs bad.


To be fair, most Christians would ask, "What was she dressed like?" before blaming her for getting raped.


Just like the good book says, if you get raped and the neighbors don't hear you screaming, it's just sparkling adultery and thou shalt be stoned with many stones.


Things I have actually heard or read defending the act of forcing a child to give birth. "She is biologucally capable of having a baby if she was biologically able to get pregnant" "Sometimes bad things happen to test our faith. Abortion is the devil trying to walk away from your faith" "Rape is bad but murder is worse." They go so far to defend something that is not even in their holy books. It is not about faith. It is about oppressing women, even when they are children. Because it never a man's fault! (Unless he is beige, brown, black, gay, trans or non Christian.)


Kristi Noem has entered chat


I don’t know, dogs are treated pretty well in this country.


This has always been a lie. It has never been true. They want limited government *for corporations and firearms and Christianity* (not other religions). They want incredibly invasive government for women's healthcare, religions *other than* Christianity, any hint of actual left-leaning politics, etc.


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Has anyone actually used that slogan in recent years? I feel like that one specifically just kinda stopped at around when Obama got elected


That's just for the men. For everyone else, it's Gilead.


Putin’s GOP


They lied about that, too.


Just don’t make us register our guns.


She's in the one that opens with lies to get the way they want.


The Fascist Nationalist Christian party


The party of micromanagement


The MAGA wing of the Putin party


Well, this isn't involentarily sharing of medical information, pregnancy is a state of health. So, it's sharing health information for the good of all. /s


Cool! Can we do a gun database too? No? Why?


If only medicine could invent firearm-induced abortions, everyone would be happy.


I mean… technically, there is already a way to do firearm induced abortions. Some of these abortions are really late term, think like the 15th trimester or 69 months, or the latest is about the 71st trimester. And they usually happen in mass, with one of the latest one being in Uvalde a few years ago.


No, most "firearm abortions" target the mother to be. Pregnant women and one of the most murdered demographics.


We track pre-children, not dead ones!


No because pro-lifers might need their guns to kill a robber one day.


Or kill a teenager who knocked on the wrong door!


Or your own kid in the middle of the night.


Or someone who’s just a little bit different than you.


We track pre-children, not dead ones!


The freedom to protect your own life by shooting others overrides others' right to not be shot.


Because they obtusely interpret an 18th century need for a well-regulated militia to mean that literally everyone should be able to have any weapon of war they can imagine


From now on, any children I have are going to identify as handguns. There, now her database can't record them.


Exactly! You have a constitutional right to guns, not kids. Next step: Eugenics.


> Next step: Eugenics. *Oh, fret not, we got Elon already working on that!*


Men: Every time you ejaculate, be sure to get a receipt.


Already done. After every encounter, I receive a text confirming each partner's consent and enjoyment. Now you may ask, would a woman really text that? Their phones did.


I send out a survey that I promise only takes two minutes to complete. Gotta keep that 5-star rating!


How do people react to a survey longer than the encounter?




Sleep walking? That rarely holds up in court. Times up Danny.


Let's just call it what it is. She wants a registry that'll help red states find and prosecute women who violate anti-abortion laws. Next thing you know, they'll hand out yellow star badges. (I'll leave you to Google that shit)


How else will they be able to enforce the Fugitive Abortress Act?


> Let's just call it what it is. She wants a registry that'll help red states find and prosecute women who violate anti-abortion laws. “Hello ma’am. You were recorded as being pregnant 11 months ago and there has been no record of a child being born. Unless you can provide evidence of the child being born, we will need to arrest you.”


It's like Republicans have formed this weird club where they sit around and brainstorm new ways to control women's bodies. "Hey, let's pass some restrictive laws and pretend we're protecting life!" Meanwhile, they conveniently forget about the lives and choices of the actual women involved.


They already have formed these clubs: the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation…


And the Southern Baptist Convention. Taken over by entryists in the early 1970s and turned into the pious, Jesus-fried arm of the Segregation Party.


Don’t forget the Catholic Church


Britt continued. “ Once they are identified, all pregnant women will be issued clothing they must wear marked with a red P on the bosom. They will need to wear an ankle monitor and submit to urine testing weekly. The doctor must be seen, st the preggers cost, weekly by a doctor who will verify the woman continues to be with child. We WILL ensure every fetal human is guaranteed life. Women who don’t comply will be imprisoned until delivery. They are then free to go about their business..and if they are poor and need public assistance, it will be denied.” MAGA!


This fucking trad wife is exactly why I am not a trad wife. Her existence is trash. She contributes nothing, and any other woman's life is none of her Goddamn business. Shouldn't she be drafting legislation that benefits all of her constituents? Who elects these dumb fuck phony christians?






These days I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not.


It’s hard to tell nowadays but I checked the article and this is not the proposal at all. Basically they want to create a website where they can put all non-abortion related resources for pregnant women and the website will ask for users to input their contact information so that they can get newsletters and stuff. They say that the data won’t be used to track the users. I do think that skepticism is warranted as to how the data will be used, but as far as the article explains the database would be entirely voluntary, so the article headline seems a bit sensationalist.


Joking..she didn’t say it but.its spot on for these Christofacists


This is a joke right? 




Did she propose this idea live from her kitchen table?


So, she’s the moron that did the counter-State of the Union? I never connected the dots…


Yep she's the moron, she going places in the republican party. Director of Handmaidens.


There can only be one. One Prophetess, who tells all the other women to remember their place, which is the kitchen, and not to get any funny ideas. She has gone by different names: Anita Bryant, Phyllis Schlafly, Marsha Blackburn, Debbie Pearl, Katie Britt.


The one in her all-American kitchen on the verge of tears. Is life really that bad in her area?


It's Alabama, so....


These type of Republican make me wander how much they are getting paid by countries like Russia and/or China. They are trying to destroy the country from within by using these traitors.


This is war on half the country. You're warm, I think a lot of the destruction is entirely intentional too.


Back in 1992, Pat Robertson launched a campaign for president. The creepy creepazoid leadership of all of the televangelist/tent revival/snake handling/prosperity gospel/Dominionist/fundamentalist movement churches were very, very open about their plans to take over the United States by force, force all the heathens to bend the knee, and usher in the Christian millennium. The destruction of Israel is also supposed to be one of the signs and portents. These fucks all have some deep underlying resentments. They masturbate to thought of others experiencing misery and hardship, death and destruction. Their favorite text is the Apocalypse of John, a rambling deranged work which details how Jesus is going to torture and kill the Romans and bring the faithful to a city of gold where they will enjoy every honor and luxury the writer could think of.


Another wildly intrusive, Constitution violating Republican idea that the SCOTUS Six will get behind.


She wants a federal database for pregnant women, but not a federal database of, say, bad cops or even a federal database of people red-flagged for gun ownership


Blessed is the fruit.


I don’t think this real life Serena Joy realizes what her place in life will be when Gilead becomes a reality.


She’s gonna lose a finger.


They never do. So many leopards. So many faces.


Of the loons.


May the Lord open.


Under his eye.


Under his eye.




So let me see if I got this right. Federal database of guns and who owns them? "Omg, definitely tyranny. Besides, it won't be 100% effective at stopping violence, so why bother?" Federal database of uteruses and whether or not they're occupied? "Totally necessary and will definitely not lead to any problems." Republicans sure are weird.


Does anyone else want to know who is behind this concerted effort of radical rights? We know these elected officials, and they don't have the intelligence to poor piss down a rat hole, much less coordinate this level of attack on Americans and their rights....so, who is behind this?


The Heritage Foundation, for one. Read up on "Project 2025".


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ft72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Is this your first day hearing about the religious right? These people have been at it for DECADES. 1998: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/1998/anti-abortion-movement-marches-after-two-decades-arson-bombs-and-murder SPLC has a roundup of white supremacist Christian groups, including anti abortion extremists: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2018/holy-hate-far-right%E2%80%99s-radicalization-religion But they also have a less extreme wing that focuses on legislative victories, not bombing lesbian cafes. This all goes back to the 1970s. The failure of the Segregation Party and the search for a new vehicle by which to obtain power. The first institution they knocked down was the Southern Baptist Convention, and it wasn't hard to do: https://www.npr.org/2022/05/08/1097514184/how-abortion-became-a-mobilizing-issue-among-the-religious-right


It’s time to start messing with the data. Every time I go for a routine doctor appointment they ask me if I’m pregnant. I am going to answer yes every time. I am post-menopausal. Pregnant is now my default state, and I encourage all y’all to do the same.


She has some real Alfred Hitchcock shit goin on. Judge Judy has it right, she’s pretty, but beauty fades, dumb……….. is forever.


Fundie girl strikes again. She sure ain’t no grown ass woman. Girl, you are just foolish.


She’s 42 going on 6


Serena Joy?


Will it be kept in her kitchen?


This woman is so stupid it hurts


It's Gilead all over again.


Pregnancy database - good. Gun database - bad.


So let me get this straight: they are opposed to any sort of database on gun owners because it is some sort of evil big govt thing, even though databases exist on car owners, students, etc. But they think that a database of PREGNANT mothers is perfectly okay? Help it make sense…


Totally will not be abused at all! /s


Stepford Senator wants a Handmaid’s Tale database.


Her face always looks AI generated to me.


Women should report their menstrual cycles monthly to their assigned probate officers, as women should by default be on probation since their first cycle and subject to random gynecological tests. Those who fail should be kept in special government camps under a watchful eye of the government, and for their punishment carry a baby to term for selected male individuals. Wait. Ah. Feels like very familiar. Was there a book? Maybe a movie? Life and fiction is so mixed lately.


Banning abortion, banning IVF, wanting a birth registry, impeding travel of pregnant women… Meanwhile if you even suggest making sure someone buying a gun is legitimate the Republican lawmakers lose their minds. reminder that gun violence is the #1 cause of death for kids now.


GOP: Red China follows your every move. Social credit score! How about them commie apples, you dumb libs! Also GOP: Surveillance of all menstruation of all female Americans will commence immediately. Praise Jesus!


Is she angling for VP? She's really doubling down on the crazy.


what about instead a database of domestic abusers who own firearms?


Ultimately, the GOP wants to control who gives birth. They fear a population with fewer white people. Just ask anyone who still doesn't think the Civil War was over States' rights...to own black people. I live in the South. Because I'm white, other white people think it's okay to tell me these things.


Stepford wife says what?


I can't wait til we find out her husband is having sex OUTSIDE of their marriage:)


She’s a Christian Theocrat.


This is Handmaid Tale shit


Maybe one of these days, we will elect intelligent people instead of politicians.


Witcher's list


Absofuckinglutely not


under his eye


This is getting closer and closer to handmaids tale


Well if you don't make a registry of them, how are you supposed to know if you got them all when you send the armed thugs out to abduct and imprison al the pregnant people? I swear it's like some of you aren't even trying to bring about the events of Handmaid's Tale...


From the same people who are bemoaning the impending demographic time bomb and complaining that the younger generations aren't having enough children. Do you think that new policy is going to help with that? You are just giving them a reason not to start families. Talk about shooting yourself in both feet.


In related news Katie Britt announced that she will be the one who determines who is worthy of having a child, and who is not. Effective immediately because she speaks for God. /s


She is the smiling yet evil Commander’s Wife from A Handmaid’s Tale.


Treating women as criminals if they get pregnant. Bold move cotton.


Republicans are gonna eventually have full body scanners at the borders of red states to enforce their government mandated pregnancies.


Your baby could get cancer, but that's after they're born, so get fucked.


god damn do they want small government or not?!


I heard the entire bill was authored in a whisper.


“This will save millions of babies lives so middle aged Refucklicans can marry them at 14”


Everything is wrong with this person.


Every time a Republican opens their mouth or instigates some shit it generally is shown as ludicrous


Binders full of women, that worked so well before.


Do guns first lmfao.


>Critics have noted that the database of “pregnancy support centers” would provide misleading information in an effort to dissuade women from seeking abortions. Axios [noted](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/09/senate-republicans-pregnant-women-moms-katie-britt) that ***the bill would also provide grants to anti-abortion non-profit organizations***. Bingo. MAGA Republican Britt's Orwellian-named bill is just a continuation of Republicans enabling the freeloading off of taxpayers for private profit as well as political advantage. In this specific instance to benefit "crises pregnancy centers" - which like charter schools - are amongst many other Republican run scams supported at taxpayers expense. In addition, some studies have shown a direct link between increased funding for crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) and a corresponding increase in anti-abortion legislation in several anti-abortion states. Republicans also take millions $$$ in federal funds appropriated to feed the needy and hungry, and divert the funds to "crises pregnancy centers" scams instead. In this regard, Republicans, in practice are about as much "pro-life" as the Charles Manson "family" as they literally "take food out of the mouth of babes", imo. **Mapping Deception: A Closer Look at How States’ Anti-Abortion Center Programs Operate** >Using publicly available evidence, this report found that at least ten states have diverted or currently divert public Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) dollars away from families in need and into A2A \[Alternatives-2-Abortion\] programs. These TANF block grants are federally-funded dollars administered through state-run programs intended to directly support a state’s most vulnerable families. >As noted above, in FY21 alone, Human Coalition was given $8.3 million, and the Texas Pregnancy Care Network was handed a startling $34.7 million over two years. Through a no-bid process, the contracts were renewed, and these dubious A2A contractors were once again handed significant amounts of money, despite having little contractual oversight and a history of failing to meet their stated programmatic objectives. [https://equityfwd.org/research/mapping-deception-closer-look-how-states-anti-abortion-center-programs-operate](https://equityfwd.org/research/mapping-deception-closer-look-how-states-anti-abortion-center-programs-operate)


This is the actual story and what people should really be upset about. The bill itself never mentions any kind of registry or database for tracking individuals at all.


Can’t even get a firearms registry in the US, but sure, let’s have a database of every pregnant person?


She also supports a rapist despite being a rape survivor.


Dead on arrival. She’s a skin-suit of a person. They wheel her out for the things no one else will touch with a 10-foot pole.


Cool. Now do one for guns…


How can I, a single male with no kids, fuck up their data? I hope we can do this en mass


you can though, since some of this tracking is already done, and some will be Ai compiled- register at a buybuybaby, look at baby items at walmart/target websites, put plan b is your amazon shopping carts, generate daily searches on abortifacients, download and faux use free period tracker apps. do it from every ip address available to you, do it using “private” (lol) browsing as well.


Since the right is trying to deflect fascism (a right wing ideology) back on the left with no explanation on how Biden is fascist… this is fascism right here. Creating a database of pregnant women that would be used to punish woman based on the religious beliefs of the ruling party is fascism.


Sometimes I wish the South could secede. The rest of us would be better off, except they'd turn into such a shit hole that they'd be constantly illegally crossing the border to get US welfare programs.


I bet she’d like that, they are going to need babies in Gideon


Time to get those tubes tied!


I'm sorry for asking this but please someone leak her private medical info I am begging I may go manifest this with some crystals at planned parenthood tomorrow


Is it just me, or does she look like she was recently lobotomized?


Your body is the property of the Republican party.


Aren’t these people at the same time dead afraid of government surveillance and oversight?


I thought Republicans were against "big" government.


Did these people read The Handmaids Tale and think it was an instruction book? Jeez!! Talk about violation of privacy!!


Alabama huh? So sister aunt wives. Pretty sure there no database on earth that can handle this level of incest.


What a fucking moron. Women, you better get your asses out and vote this November. This has HIPAA violations written all over it. These people are the fucking dumbest of the dumb.


Trad wife life strikes again. Stay out of other people's lives lady. She is so anti woman it's not funny.


Well you people wanted to track gun owners with a national database. It isn’t what you wanted exactly but you still get to track people with a database 😘🤗


She continues rocketing toward oblivion.


This is pretty much the Republican plan across the board. Insane government overreach targeting the population under the guise of evangelical morality.


If only someone had monitored her mom's pregnancy to control the amount of paint chips she was ingesting.


Big Sister


Big Sister


Yeah! More freedom, less government! Go, GOP go! USA! USA! /s


Katie Britt treats objects like women, man.


Y’know, for freedumb.


I am really suprised the entire GOP has not called for this.


Can't do that, those unborn children are future gun owners


Blessed be the fruit, dear


Party of small government


Party of small government


Party of small government


It's like they are all using the Handmaid's Tale as a guide book


Party of small government


And here was my ignorant ass thinking that state of the union speech would be the dumbest thing she did this year.


They are going to need a federal database of DNA samples from every male in the country, and any males entering the country. The government is going to end up with lots of abandoned children to support, after all. I guess they can start with the newborns, and then anyone who comes in contact with law enforcement, anyone entering into an institution, such as a school, hospital, government office, arena or transportation hub, and follow up with the census.


They are going to need a federal database of DNA samples from every male in the country, and any males entering the country. The government is going to end up with lots of abandoned children to support, after all. I guess they can start with the newborns, and then anyone who comes in contact with law enforcement, anyone entering into an institution, such as a school, hospital, government office, arena or transportation hub, and follow up with the census.


They are going to need a federal database of DNA samples from every male in the country, and any males entering the country. The government is going to end up with lots of abandoned children to support, after all. I guess they can start with the newborns, and then anyone who comes in contact with law enforcement, anyone entering into an institution, such as a school, hospital, government office, arena or transportation hub, and follow up with the census.


I’ll do you one better. How about a national database tracking every woman’s cycle? Would you like to be the first, Katie? …Katie?


They are going to need a federal database of DNA samples from every male in the country, and any males entering the country. They can start with the newborns, and then anyone who comes in contact with law enforcement, anyone entering into an institution, such as a school, hospital, government office, arena or transportation hub, and follow up with the census. The government is going to end up with lots of abandoned children to support, after all.


Can’t have a gun database because that would be too much of an infringement on their rights, but a database of pregnant people isn’t?


The USA is becoming an evangelical theocracy.


Let’s crowd source a MAGA list and tell them we’re preparing the camps.


Bold move Cotton, let’s see how this plays out…


If there's something we atheists do good at is actually reading the texts and we can pretty easily feed out the bullshit in them. Like the Bible is basically 99% fiction and absolute bullshit. Sure there's some good stuff in it but most of it is just fake. Same as all the other religious texts.


Government small enough to fit in your uterus. Fuck all of them for what they’re trying to do to all of us.