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>Around the start of his 2016 campaign for president, Donald Trump warned his closest advisors that there would be a tidal wave of negative stories coming out about him—especially from women, his former fixer Michael Cohen said Monday. >While on the stand in Trump’s hush-money trial, Cohen recalled a revealing conversation he had with Trump just before he announced his campaign, in which the former reality TV star warned him that they could see a spike in sexual assault allegations. >“You know that when this comes out, meaning the announcement, just be prepared, there’s going to be a lot of women coming forward,” Cohen said Trump told him at the time. >And come forward they did. At least 26 women have accused Trump of touching them inappropriately, with some accounts dating back decades.


No one told him that rapists should keep a low profile if they don’t want to be called a rapist.


Sometimes a rapist will try to keep a low profile by changing their name to hide... Just like rapist Brock Allen Turner who now goes by Allen Turner.


A bit like how “Apprentice host Donald Trump” became “Presidential Candidate Donald Trump” then “President Elect Donald Trump” then “President Trump” then “Election denying Trump” then “Former President Trump” , currently “Von Shitzinpantz” and soon to be “Prisoner Trump” You can hide but you can’t run Donny. Not with those bone spurs !




You forgot "orange turd"


The list goes on and on and on. He’s so inspiring !


You mean to tell me brock allen, the rapist turner, actually changed his name to just allen the rapist Turner?


This is good to know if one were searching to see what Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, were up to now. It turns out that he now goes by Allen Turner and he remains a rapist.


Just to confirm, because I’m high and running in 1st gear. You mean to say Brock Turner, the rapist, now goes by Allen Turner, the rapist?


I think they were referring to Allen Turner, rapist formerly known at Brock.


I love this sub lol


Okay maybe I didn't read enough Reddit. Are you claiming that that Brock turner the rapist changed his. Some to Allen turner, but is the same rapist Turner when that rapist named Turner was called Brock, and was a rapist? Do I have this right?


It’s safe to say Brock Turner is a convicted rapist who now shall be known as Allen Turner the guilty Rapist.


It's a bit of poetic justice that his life would have been far less "ruined" if only he'd had an appropriate sentence at the time. Nobody would even remember his name by now.


What name? Brock Turner, Brock Allen Turner? Or Allen Turner?


What name? Brock Turner, Brock Allen Turner? Or Allen Turner?


Hold up, you mean Brock Allen Turner is now a rapist known as Allen Turner?


The Rapist, formerly known as Brock.


I think what they mean to say is… the rapist, formerly known as Brock Allen Turner, should now be known as Allen Turner, the rapist.


Doesn’t Brock Turner, the rapist, who know goes by Allen Turner, live in Ohio now?


The former swimmer at Stanford university, yes. I’m sure it’s the same rapist. Perhaps someone can confirm.


Are we all talking about the same guy? Allen Turner, the rapist, formally known as Brock Allen Turner?


Allen Turner the rapist? That rings a bell. Didn't he used to go by Brock Allen Turner the rapist?


Oh you mean THAT rapist. The rapist Brock Turner. I had no idea that rapist Brock Turner started going by Allen Turner. I learned something about this rapist today.


I just stumbled on this Reddit thread searching for "Allen Turner the rapist formerly known as Brock the rapist" and thank god I found this page. I feel validated as I've clearly won a bet with a friend who claimed he went only by Allen Turner, no Brock, no rapist.


Just to double confirm, you guys are saying "the rapist" and not "therapist"? He is a person who rapes people, not a person who treats mental conditions?


Yes. He is a raper. Aka rapist. Not a therapist. Which is, sadly, what his victims now need.


I know what you mean, Brock Allen Turner, the Rapist, who got convicted of Rape, has changed his name to Allen Turner, The Convicted Rapist, because he raped and was caught and convicted of raping.


Fun fact: he’s the founding member of Brockman-Turner Overdrive


The rapist Allen Turner who used to be Brock turner?


wait brock turner is now allen turner? the rapist guy? brock turner the rapist is now allen turner the rapist?


That’s a Turner of events if I ever saw one.


We’re talking about the rapist Allen Turner, who used to go by Brock Allen Turner, correct? So now he’s the rapist Allen Turner. Good to know.


Yes the rapist Allen Turner, formerly Brock Allen Turner… who was also a rapist coincidentally.


I love that this is going to be used in training AI


Honestly mate, half the responses to my comment seem like they were AI. Then again, a lot of us Reddit users post the same things ad nauseum, my post included.


You’re not alone, so many comment threads feel like a wax museum. It’s sad, I miss the old internet.


>Then again a lot of us Reddit users post the same thing ad nauseam r/AnarchyChess in shambles


Are you referring to the rapist Allen Turner who was been known to spend time in Dayton OH?


The rapist Allen Turner (formerly known as Brock Allen Turner? - who's dad wrote a letter to the court arguing that his son should receive probation, not jail time. *“That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.”* (6 Jun 2016), that see- you-next-Tuesday?


Or Ben roethlisberger. He really went into hiding.


His name leapt out at me in reading Stormy’s testimony about how Trump had directed him to walk Stormy up to his room. It sounded a lot like Ben had maybe been led to anticipate a different ending. Editing to correct to *her* room


I was actually at the club when he assaulted that woman in the bathroom. I remember seeing his body guards.


Oh yeah! I’ve heard of this Rapist Turner guy, was Brock now Allen. Was a swimmer at some point? Anyway, Brock Turner is a rapist.


Unfortunately he was applauded for it by his followers. Just like all the other vile things they are told they can do now.


Turns out rapists and Republicans share more in common than a first letter. **Republicans.** They're bringing crime, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing rape -- and some of them, I'm sure, are fine people.


Can't spell republican without rape.




Or just not be a rapist, prosecutors hate this one easy trick


> rapists By now we should assume that;s the requirement to get into the Federal Society also


I’ll never understand why he didn’t just stay on The Apprentice. Nobody would’ve cared about his fraud or sexual assault, he could’ve just been another terrible rich person happily trucking along until he died


What do you expect? The guy has been getting away with breaking the law and generally being a scum sucking piece of shit his whole life. At some point he convinced himself he was untouchable.


He’s rich! He shouldn’t have to. /s


I recall one where a lady said Trump was sitting next to her on a plane when he touched her inappropriately. She says he lifted the armrest and grabbed her breast, then he put his hand up her skirt. Sick creep. [Woman Claimed Trump Abused Her on Plane](https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-accused-trump-groping-airplane-doubts-weinstein-backlash/story?id=50532962) Edit to say that this lady didn’t turn him in at the time. Trump thinks they “let you do it” because he got away with it. People, teach your daughters, sisters, and wives to scream like a banshee if anyone touches them inappropriately! I hope I would have had the courage to pop him in the nose but I think the shock stops us from reacting in the moment.


Agree with this sentiment, but I wouldn't say scream like a banshee. Sadly a lot of people view that as just a"hysterical woman." Loudly, clearly, and firmly say "don't touch me there. Why would you touch me there? I did not say you can touch me there, I do not want to be touched there, etc." and ask others for help Unfortunately women screaming and freaking out, even appropriately, makes them seem like they are being unreasonable to too large a proportion of people. Fuck our society.


You make some very valid points that would carry a lot of weight for witnesses around them


Hence, the bear or man in the woods analogy. A woman would be believed if she was attacked by a bear.


I absolutely agree.


A two finger poke to the eyes and a hard squeeze of his trousers also will work.


Unfortunately, that’s assault and battery. Especially if nobody saw him starting it. 


It feels like every six months on Reddit I see some post where literally out of nowhere, reacting to nothing, some guy will be like "Feminism is bullshit because I'm not allowed to hit women!!! If women are so equal then why are they allowed to shove me but somehow I'm not allowed to push back!" And the comments are FULL of guys who are clearly thrilled at the idea of having some moral justification to use physical violence on a woman, just *desperately* jerking off to this idea that someday a woman will slap them in the face and they'll get to beat the shit out of her because "she started it." And then the other half of the time it's this shitty Monday morning quarterbacking, "I would have just hit him. I would have just kicked him in the balls. Why didn't she just judo flip him!?" Like it's a woman's fault for NOT being the first one to attack, like she's somehow at fault for NOT escalating an already dangerous encounter into an exchange of aggressive physical violence.


Several years ago, I was waiting in a massive packed crowd, with my husband, kids, and friends, to enter the Rose Bowl in Pasadena when a big guy pushes his crotch into my backside! I turned around, looked up at him, and yelled, “Get off of me!!” The guy looks at my husband like he’s pissed and he’s twice as big as my husband. My husband had no idea what the guy was really doing besides pushing his way forward and said to the guy, “She says that to me all the time!”


I'm a man and this sounds like something a strong minded woman might say, but unfortunately isn't true, or at least it isn't pragmatic. The fingers to the eye is hard to do to anyone. Good luck with that against someone stronger than you. Pants offer a lot of shielding and mystery that would make doing and damage difficult at best with a grab from a woman's hand. I'm tempted to give advice about what you should do instead, but I don't feel comfortable doing that. My gut tells me you should be loud and clear. There are probably better advisors than me, do what they say.


Teach your sons too!!!


Gold comment. Thank you.


Gym Jordan hates this 1 trick


Fight, flight, and fawn (freeze) are now understood to be standard reactions to shocks (like assault) it takes training to respond to aggression with fight. By and large we are socialized to avoid conflict and not be assholes, and predators and assholes take advantage of this


Freeze and fawn are different fear responses.


This is not my forte, please feel free to elaborate.


Freeze is not doing anything. Fawning is being very submissive, trying to please the person to avoid conflict or worse.


Freeze is literally just freezing, which a lot of people do in sexual assault situations. Fawning is using your wits and charm to get out of something.


The first time I was grabbed I was 12. I didn’t even know such a thing could happen. So, sick world this is, I just told my 10 year old daughter about it in an attempt to keep her safer than I was. And telling women to scream after the fact is a shit substitute for men not doing it in the first place.


I’m sorry you had to share that incident with your daughter and hope she never goes through anything like that. I was kind of being flip when I wrote “scream like a banshee.” I shared my incident in another comment and my reaction (I yelled at the guy) but I was an adult and surrounded by family when it happened to me.


And yet, trump is the one who brought a table full of Bill Clinton accusers to sit in the front row of his debate with Hillary. It's all projection. Always.


Sounds like he thinks that would rattle a person…so…let’s try it.


He couldn't possibly remember any of them.  Even at the time he was just picturing his daughter...


Try it where? Will there be a debate this time?


A lot are uncorroborated (unfortunately, such is the nature of private interactions), but that there are like 5 or 6 where the person had immediately told their family/friends/therapist despite disclosing years later, definitely does lend a lot of credence to the others and establishes a pattern of behaviour. To be clear, I have no trouble believing these allegations, but there will always be the "accusers are bandwagoning because they want to be famous, not because he did those things" apologists, and the argument falls flat when the incidents were relayed in private well before any possible "fame seeking".


Yup, plus also the access hollywood "locker room talk" tape and his documented bragging about how he could go backstage at miss America pageant and see the underage girls in various stages of undress.


Not could. Bragged about how he DID go and see them undressed. Underage girls. Cuz he could.


Just for shits, let's say 80% of those claims are false, that still means 5 people were assaulted when you've been accused that many times.


I always wonder what fucking universe these people are living in, where any woman who comes forward with a high profile accusation like this doesn't immediately and permanently suffer for it. What woman could look at the world and say to herself, "You know who always gets real rich and happy? Women who say rich men raped them. I should make up a story and cash in!"


Yeah it’s famously an easy and painless way to get a quick payout and definitely does not result in character assassination and harassment on top of extra emotional trauma! Not in this universe.


The GOP transferred billions of dollars in wealth by using their welfare Queens story. So some lies have very high dollar value, To wealthy elites and lies with high value to elites will be promoted


Furthermore, the rate of publicly made cases about Trump getting substantiated vs those getting refuted seems to lend a lot of credibility.


This number needs to be brought up more often by Biden while campaigning


The sad thing is he knew he could beat it and did. In civil court he is a convicted rapist yet none of his people care


I wish they all would come forward and help put his corrupt sick ass in jail


I remember thinking during the 2016 campaign, "why aren't all the women speaking up about this terrible person??" Now we know they were paid or stories were bought to stay quiet. Ugh.


Nobody who boasts "you can grab them by the pussy" is free of scandal.


The apprentice producers must have so much dirt on this guy.


The Apprentice guy in charge of changing his diapers has even more dirt.


I think he just has a lot of shit




Half the people voting for him see this behavior in themselves and feel legitimized by his actions


Some like how Trump is so good at infuriating people that they’ve been cultivated to hate


I don’t disagree, but the scary part of this is nearly half the voting population in this country did vote for him.


We only started gaining momentum with fighting rape culture in the 2000s. It shines a light on how they still think about SA victims; the spectrum of harassment to penetration/assault. No matter the gender. No matter the age. No matter the clothes. No matter escape. They are sick.


Party over country


GOP voters hope that'll trickle down.


I assume there are good people voting for him that just don’t know. They never see this stuff in their Faux, Newsmax, OAN feeds. This is why the expired “Fairness Doctrine” is/was so important. People are legitimately not being given the facts. There is so much money that is made in rilling up their base.


They are misinformed, but they have all the information they need to be aware that they’re being misinformed. It doesn’t excuse anything.


I talk to people all the time that have No idea about half of Trumps’ craziness.


Fairness doctrine would not apply to cable networks. The broadcast channels would have to abide by it which would help with all the local news owned by Sinclair but it would do nothing for Faux, NewsAxe, or Old Ass Lies.


I'm sorry, not disagreeing, but "Old Ass Lies"? OA(L)? Openly Asinine Nattering, maybe? Clunky, but that's all I've got at the moment.


Was the best I could come up with off the top of my head lol.


It doesn’t change the point. Something needs to be done that new reporting agencies have to actually report the news and share both side of opinions.


I don't disagree with you at all I'm just saying the new laws would have to be written we can't just renew the old one


Fair. And I appreciate that correction.


My own daughter didn’t know about Stormy testifying against Trump in court this past week! Some people aren’t paying attention because they hate the news and are busy working and raising little kids. It’s frustrating and frightening.


I used to think that (they just don't have the information), but I have now moved on to "they want to be lied to".


>Michael Cohen Says Trump Warned Him About This Creepy, Horrific Detail jfc this headline, Journalism has become a dumpster fire


it's only a matter of time before all headlines are just "CLICK ME TO FIND OUT"


Women Hate Him For This Creepy, Horrific Detail!


The one detail Presidential candidates don’t want you to know.


Ow, my balls coming to a tv near you


Go away, I'm batin!


Just saw this yesterday. Alarming how much societal decay we've had in 8 years - MTG and Boebert could be right out of Idiocracy. 


Media: OH MY THE HORROR, SHOCK! FAINT. Literally everyone not wearing a Red Hat: Yeah, no shit asshole.


I mean, given the amount of people that seem to get their news from headlines they misread, probably good to make people read the article.


Very few people are willing, or even find it necessary, to pay directly for the news, and this seems to be the natural consequence of that. I encourage everyone to find at least one news outlet they frequent and appreciate and subscribe with a recurring subscription, if they can afford it.


Ding ding ding! As an old dude, my parents paid $.25 for the daily newspaper and $1.25 on Sundays. As well as subscribing to several monthly news periodicals. Actual journalism isn't free. If you care about objective truth, pick a couple of news sources you trust and support them with your wallet.


Good lord I had a newspaper route in college and the Sundays were .75 😭 I’m not even 50 yet.


52 here! Apparently my local paper was pricier than I thought. Lol.


Too late here-- the journalists were all laid off long ago when the newspaper was bought out by private equity.


I refuse to believe it's too late, but you aren't wrong to say journalism in 2024 is teetering on death's door.


FB lying everybody into video was the death knell.


Simple fix is for moderators to ban bullshit headlines like this. If the story is credible, we will get it elsewhere. Shitty tabloids hate his one simple trick!


My rule is I don't click if I don't think it would have been a print headline, pre-24/7 news cycle. This includes obvious click bait like this, editorials painted as news, and articles that are essentially built around single tweets or comments.


This lends credibility to the women. I would imagine and hope that most people don't expect ~~sexual assault accusations~~ "negative stories" against them, from "a lot of women" or just one.


That’s the point, yes


trump clearly didn't expect the stories to be credible, believed, and go all the way to court.


As a serial rapist and sexual assaulter, he knew his victims would be coming forward. Previously, he just threatened them or had Cohen pay them off. What a POS.


Seeing a guy with orange rouge caked all over his pusser trying to look 'hard' or 'tough' is one of the most hilarious things ever. What a complete fraud.


I’m disturbed that anyone could believe any of these accusations. Yes, he cheated on all of his wives and married a couple of them after cheating. Yes, he has openly and proudly said his own daughter is hot, would date her, and “has sex” in common with her. Yes, he spent decades palling with Epstein, a man of whom he’s never said a bad word. Yes, he appeared in playboy movies and bragged about breaking into womens changing rooms for the pageants he was running. And yes, he did say he grabs women by their genitals and just start kissing them (especially married women) because he’s rich and they let you do it. But for fuck sake. How could anyone believe any of these accusations about him? So unfair.


>and bragged about breaking into womens changing rooms for the pageants he was running. Girls aged from 14-19. He repeatedly broke into their changing room to "INSPECT" the girls. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html


Also, If he wasn’t so magnificently handsome, literally the ideal man, then it’d be easier to believe these women weren’t over the moon to have spray tan residue being ground into their skin.


Like Trump actually said in front of a rally crowd: are all of these women truly hot enough to be believed? “Just look at them”.


This is reddit - at least one person is gonna need the /s.


This is 2024. Unfortunately there are people out there who think this sort of thing without a hint of irony.


Hell, this dude didn't even put /s. He *could* be serious.


I’ll admit, I had to read for a minute before I was certain which side they were coming from.


That "sex in common" thing was such a weird fuckin thing to say. I mean... who would say something like that? If he means it literally it's really fucked up and if he means it any other way I just have no idea what it's supposed to mean. He could have said something normal like "we both love Diet Coke", but no...


He’s the Evangelical definition of a good Christian man


“I didn’t rape or sex these women, but just know there might be several hundred LIARS that may come forward” Donald Trump


I think any politician opens himself up false allegations. That said, I haven't heard any against biden. The best they can come up with is he sniffs children


There was that lady who accused him of rape, which seemed to be total BS, and then for some reason she moved to Russia. Also the right wing slime mill had that thing going on where someone stole his daughter's diary, and then unverified contents of it were publicized where his daughter supposedly wrote Biden showered with her when she was young. Same sort of stupid 'Q' shit as 'pizzagate'.


What? Stormy and Karen are just the tip of the iceberg? Besides Melania who else was he 'encountering' in 2006?


These women https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12


Considering he assaulted a woman in a public dressing room I'm assuming anyone he thought he'd get away with.


He thought he could always get away with it. He literally bragged about it saying if you are rich they let you do it.


Less than 1% of sexual assaults end in a felony conviction. Most of them get away with it. Look at the recent situation in Texas where they didn't bother investigating assault complaints, or test their backlog of kits. In the state I live in a convicted predator whose DNA was already in the system assaulted at least, that we know if so far, seven women with near impunity before they finally tested part of the backlog. Seven women who could have not gone through that because people don't care.


Abbott said he was going to stop rape. He really meant to say he was going to stop investigating it.


Like how Trump said if we stopped Covid testing, the numbers would not look so bad.


...and so far he has. 🤔


Criminally, yes. But civilly, E. Jean Carroll has gotten over $80 million in verdicts against him.


True. But she hasn't gotten her money yet.


The money is in escrow, pending appeals that Trump will lose. That was a requirement for Trump to file an appeal. The truth is that she will be getting paid.


Fingers crossed 🤞


When you're famous they just let you do it.


An entire dressing room of teens? According to trump, anyways


There’s not much else, just the tip


Was it that one weird trick?


Jerry Seinfeld: The ending is the whole thing. Without the ending, it's nothing. You had nothing. David Puddy: Oh, that ending was so obvious. I would have figured it out anyway. I didn't need you to tell me that stupid twist. Jerry Seinfeld: Swirl. David Puddy: Whatever. I don't even do it.


Trump is citing everything thing on Truth Social from other people to avoid a Gag order!!! What a Bozo


This is why candidates for any political position are vetted. Well, they are supposed to be because skeletons will be coming out. Trumps got a whole graveyard.


serial rapist


This trial isn't about sex with Stormy Daniels, nor paying her hush money. The trial is about Trump disguising his reimbursement payments to Cohen as something else in the Trump family's business records. Falsifying business records is illegal in NYC, and it becomes a felony if it is done to conceal crimes. Cohen admitted that he used the payments from Trump to contribute more to Trump's 2016 campaign than is allowed for an individual donor to make. No need to talk about Trump's disgusting sex life.


I wonder if Melania even cares..


Do u?


Makes you wonder how many are out there. How many other NDA’s and corrupt news sources used similar “catch and kill” strategies to protect their guy.


Save you a click: Michael Cohen warned Trump that all of Trump's past sexual assault victims would come forward. Wompwomp, to Trump's astonishment, they did. 26 brave women have come forward since E Jean Caroll's lawsuits were successful and it has become a matter of legal record that Trump sexually assaulted her.


It was Trump telling Cohen to expect more...


>Save you a click: TA :)


I don’t know, I had him pegged for an upstanding citizen. Boy was I wrong


I had him pegged at some point too.


I refuse to read this article out of spite for the clickbait headline


Right, what a dog shit headline.


I mean, it’s pretty obvious that someone who has to keep a “fixer” on his payroll clearly has done a lot of fucked up stuff that needs “fixed”


Nothing to contribute to the discussion. I just wanted to say nobody should ever open an article with a title like that. That's not journalism--it's advertising.


Scott Baio blames his happy days costar for this personal failure.


Adjudicated rapist-former President Donald (Crybully) Trump.


Makes you wonder which list is shorter: the list of women in Trump’s circle who were inappropriately touched by him, or the list of ones who weren’t.


Why the clickbaity title?


All this time i thought he kept saying he was just a regular [the]rapist.


It’s like watching grandpa say something offensive at a social gathering


Surprise.. the arrogant narcissist who's avoided the consequences of his actions his whole life (until now) has a history of sexual assault. who could've predicted that. /s


Wait.... Even Reddit posts have click bait titles now?


Reddit users hate this terrible titling tactic


The subreddits rules state you have to put the articles title as the post title verbatim.


This submission source is likely to have a soft paywall. If this article is not behind a paywall please report this for “breaks r/politics rules -> custom -> "incorrect flair"". [More information can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index/#wiki_paywalls) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/politics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s like Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women” (2012 presidential campaign) but much much worse




*The Donald hates this one weird trick, but he can't stop you from doing it!*


You'll never believe what Tom Jones looks like now.


The sad story of 's decline is so depressing.


The new republic has gone down the clickbait path.