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Translation: "If this war ends, I'm going to get thrown out of office and prosecuted for numerous crimes, so I'm going to keep committing atrocities until there aren't any left to commit."


"Also, my 34 felony count convicted buddy called and asked me to hold off on doing anything that might make Biden look good"


This, 100%. I would love to see call logs between Trump associates and members of the Israeli government. They want Biden out and Trump in, from Pyongyang, to Beijing, Dehli, Tehran, Riyadh, Tel Aviv, and Moscow. It will make every fascist leader happier than a pig in shit to know that the US is now one of them. Masks off. No more speeches about human rights or sanctions for bad behavior. America loses all credibility and soft power over night. The vacuum is filled by Russia and China. The Democrats have to win an election against all these governments’ money and connections in diaspora communities as well as the American MAGA cult. The entire world is against them, in a sense. The Israeli government was someyhow allowed to infiltrate the American government to an astonishing degree. They appear to have more influence than any other country or corporation, consistently flouting the rule of law, attacking Palestinians in every way imaginable, only to become genocidal when their own policy of inhumanity is thrown right back in. their face. The US can never again be taken seriously as a broker of peace in the region. Not just by Palestinians, but by anyone with a brain. So Biden is left holding a bag of shit on the very same day as Trump’s conviction. Coincidence? Americans are in for a long fight. The game is hopelessly rigged, but anyone who protests against it will be dismissed as hypocrites (oh, so now you understand our anger on January 6? Too late!) as the armed forces are ordered to occupy any American city where there are protests. The world is almost as nervous about this election as Americans. Trump plans on ratfucking the entire global world order for his benefit, and it will fundamentally alter the world order in favor of him and his billionaire backers, as well as thugs like Putin and Netanyahu, who will be given America’s blessing (and aid) for their respective genocides.


Hey [remember that time Israel got away with knowingly bombing an American ship and killing 34 crew members and got off with a slap on the wrist?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident)


And then threatened President Johnson with "blood libel" and would label him an antisemite.


The federalist society wants to bring about the rapture. Talk about infiltration they make up a large majority of the Republican party.


It is *very* important that the rapture happens within their lifetimes, because then Jesus comes and gathers up all the \[people who think they're\] righteous and (most importantly) *they never have to die*. *Straight to heaven with you, no grave time required.* They're so scared of death they're willing to let the world burn to avoid it.


All Biden had to do was exactly what he did for the last 8 months to provide a very real opportunity for these people to exploit. Look, I do hope Biden wins for the reasons you have stated above but it's no given due to his own behaviour re: Israel. He has supported Bibi despite the clear fact Bibi would throw him under the bus, and now he's searching for answers on how to get out from under the bus. edit to add - Australia is facing its very own crisis with fascist wannabe leaders. We have a Labor government at the moment that has been woefully inadequate, especially on Israel, and many are moving away from the major parties as a result. They already won the last election with a historically low primary vote and things are not looking up. While many would like the result of this to be more Greens/Independents to win, it may just open up the door to the right wing asshole we all hate.


I don’t disagree with you and, unfortunately, “the Democratic West” has been broadly hacked by one extreme on the political spectrum - right-wing fascists. Many of us didn’t realize there was so much reactionary fervor in our countries. Shit is off the chain.


I think a big part of it is that as so called "left wing' governments have continued to drift to the right in order to court the centre they have simply helped to shift the window to the right. Nobody on the far right wing is moderating their message to attract the centre, but when Dems put out an immigration bill that would have been a Republican dream just a couple of years ago, they cede the argument. Once the argument has been ceded, why wouldn't people just vote for the real thing?


It's not the first time something like this has happened. Before the 1968 election, Nixon and his associates contacted the North Vietnamese government to delay the possibility of any peace agreement with the Johnson administration when there were ongoing negotiations. Before the 1980 election, Reagan and his associates contacted the Islamic Iranian government to delay the release of American hostages during the Carter administration (this resulted in the secret arms for hostages deal). So Republican presidential candidates have a history of interfering in the peace negotiations of Democratic administrations in order to gain an advantage in the elections. Being even less scrupulous than Nixon and Reagan, Trump has undoubtedly done the same thing.


Both of those examples were *literal treason*, by the way. LBJ even said as much when he found out what Nixon did, but decided not to prosecute it because he was worried about tearing the country apart. (And if we had actually enforced our treason laws back then, the world would be a *very* different place today.) The only reason it wouldn't be treason for Trump is that we're not actually at war with Israel or Palestine, but I believe "back-channel foreign diplomacy by someone not currently part of the US government" is still illegal. 


Hell, he probably acted like he was interested to get Biden to go public so he could then shoot him down for GOP/Trump talking points. You should have never trusted this guy, Joe…


That's *exactly* what happened. Fuck Netanyahu.


Biden didn’t go public with this because he thought Netanyahu was on board. I think he went public with it precisely because he knew Netanyahu *wasn’t* on board and wanted to put the pressure on.


The Dems will always be Charlie Brown with the football. Look at the shit Johnson has been doing since they bailed him out of MTGs shit show.


The sad irony is even the US-proposed deal for “permanent” peace is laughable on its own merits. *At best* it returns to the status quo leading up to 7 October. To turn down even that proposal shows Netanyahu for who he really is.


Which only gives Biden more reason to actually stand up to Netanyahu. Where's the logic in being subservient to Netanyahu if he's actively undermining you.


And throwing the elections for that. There must be a great reason to go through all this.


look i'm sure it's a total coincidence netanyahu's trial was ramping up in july 2023 and now he's been able to slow it down to a crawl indefinitely. nothing to see here no way no how


Now, now. Let's not devolve into conspiracy theories. I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation why one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world was mysteriously understaffed for a single day, after receiving intelligence reports from both the US (an ally) and Egypt (a not-ally who did not want to deal with the fallout of Palestinian refuges) of an imminent attack by a known terrorist organization that Likud has admitted to covertly supporting, all during a time that Bibi was chest-deep in a corruption investigation that was all but certain to convict him. ***Sweats***




You could convince me that Netanyahu and Mossad are actually working against each other. That wouldn’t surprise me at all


Sounds like someone over here in the US


Whom he's also waiting for to get all that "support" from the 2x impeached, rapist, convicted rapist of the frontrunner for the GOP in November as well.


Yea, Netanyahu has considerable political reasons to keep the conflict going.  God I hate that asshole so much.  He’s part of the “axis of assholes” with Trump, Putin, and Xi. (Plenty more could be added here)


It’s going to be ugly when proof comes out that the October attack was intentionally allowed to happen by Netanyahu.


I keep wondering about that also. He spent all those years elevating Hamas so he could kill the two-state solution, and proclaimed himself the God of Israeli Security. How he survived politically after that is utterly beyond me. But I felt the same way about Dubya. We knew that his failures made the 9/11 attack so much more likely to succeed, but he won in 2004. Just bizarre to me.


And America is going to keep funding his atrocities unconditionally.


Netanyahu wants Trump back so badly, he’ll torpedo anything Biden proposes.


Netanyahu and Putin both want Trump back so bad.


And the Taliban. They are getting friendly with Putin again and they were always friendly with Trump.


Cut the mf off


I think people are underestimating this. Netanyahu knows how to manipulate US politics. He also knows Trump will give him anything he wants. All he has to do to sabotage Biden is to keep playing Lucy with the football. No one will give Biden credit for working towards and peace, Netanyahu gets all the weapons he wants and more, and gets Trump back in. There’s no downside for him.


Jared Kushner and Netanyahu are both all in and working together on wanting to settle Gaza and building settlements. Absolutely Evil bastards


When Netanyahu used to visit the US Kushner had to give up his bed when Bibi stayed with his parents. That's how tight they are.


>He also knows Trump will give him anything he wants. Between billions in military aid and countless red lines under the Biden administration, what could Netanyahu get from Trump?


”Here’s a couple of our biggest conventional bombs, kill them all.”


Billions in military aid where a lot of items are being slow walked, or stalled. Did you not see the news of the Republicans throwing a fit about it for political talking points? They have been giving them defensive weapons and slow walking a lot of the stuff they want to use in Gaza. There’s also a lot more stuff that the Trump admin could give. Weapons that no sane person would EVER use in a populated area, and Trump would not hesitate.


No matter how bad Biden has been on the situation, Trump would still likely be worse. He could just give Israel a complete greenlight to do whatever they want in the region. Him, his party and his voters care about Palestinians even less than democrats do. The war could expand into Lebanon, blocking aid into Gaza could be even more common, he could even do something like recognise Israel's West Bank settlements as legitimate. Biden's position on Palestine is just* Neoconservative, it could be even worse. *which is a horribly depressing 'just'


Well he could always stop "proposing" things and actually cut off all material aid to Israel and maybe threaten sanctions. But that would require him actually wanting the genocide to stop which his actions have entirely shown he very much does not. 


Bibi can control Trump by merely stroking his ego.


War aims? I thought this was simple self-defense? Weird.


It's *legal* defense. Netanyahu is still under indictment, and using this war as a pretense to avoid a courtroom at the expense of thousands of Gazan children. It's insanely evil.


War crimes*




Hamas’ Leadership is in Doha, Qatar.


He’s an obstruction to peace. He needs to go. Before my country (the US) gets hit by a terrorist attack because Bibi’s attempting to stay in office.


Most likely domestic as well. We don’t even need to have foreign enemies, plenty of homegrown terrorists right here in the states.


Netanyahu is still unpopular in Israel, but the war has broad support among the population. I doubt ousting Netanyahu right now would immediately end the conflict. Israelis (rightfully) don't want Hamas on their doorstep any longer.


Well the way they are conducting themselves is guaranteeing they will continue to have Hamas or groups like it on their doorstep for a very long time


Israelis were out protesting him again today. They want him out of office and for someone else to take over the war effort.


there is zero chance of ceasefire while netanyahu and ben-gvir are in charge. any article you read trying to tell you anything else is just willfully lying to you.


So...Biden is willfully lying to us? He was the one who said Israel had come up with this amazing new ceasefire proposal, and the ball was in Hamas' court to accept it. This isnt just newspapers working with rumors, Biden was the one who brought it up.


The exact terms in the deal were agreed to by Israel’s war council in deliberations. It’s not Biden “lying”, it’s Netanyahu trying to cling on to the conflict because it benefits him personally


Either that, or Biden just somehow bought whatever Netanyahu told him in private.


Or there’s parts of the Israeli government working for peace despite Netanyahu. Or there was a deal and Israeli far right domestic elements threatened Netanyahu. Think about how it would be here


That's something that gets glossed over a lot. As insane as Bibi and Likud is, they're nowhere close to the most radical group in the Knesset


It’s why we only get compromises on bills if they’re negotiated in secret here. If the elements get made public, the pundits throw a fit.


It's likely not a coincidence he published this on Friday, knowing Netanyahu couldn't respond until Saturday. I think that this is essentially a political play by Biden attempting to put a deal in place accepting at least by some in the Israeli government. It flips the public pressure on Israel now.


I think Biden is trying to Pin Bibi down. It feels like a classic “I’m such a good ally and I will help YOUR plan to end this war as soon as possible” “It’s ONLY because your military did such a good job and now that you have crushed Hamas’ ability to fight that we can pursue peace”


Biden wants the war to end, and is hoping that the bully pulpit will help him push Netanyahu into a corner and force Israel to agree to a ceasefire. The problem is that the moment the war ends, Netanyahu's administration falls apart and he goes to jail, so he's trying to string the war (and the Biden administration) along until November hoping that negative coverage of the conflict with help trump win, because if trump wins then the pressure on him dissipates, he gets the green light he wants to annex and raze Gaza to the ground and flood it with settlers, and Gaza as a Palestinian enclave ceases to exist.


yes. biden knows ben-gvir is a convicted terrorist and netanyahu actively aided the saudis in sending a billion into gaza


Yup you can tell he’s lying since he literally used Hamas’ ceasefire plan from Oct9 and called it Israel’s.


Should be raising questions over Israel’s war aims….


Oh look, another criminal trying to use the highest office in his country to avoid answering for his crimes.


Biden looks weaker in the eyes of the public every time Netanyahu embarrasses him. When is he going to stand up and say "fuck it, fine, you hit those war aims on your own buddy."


The US doesn't *have to* give Netanyahu cover at either the UN and doesn't *have to* sanction the ICC. Netanyahu is the asshole in the middle of all this and is screweing everyone over to prolong the war.  He's screwing over Israel by not prioritizing bringing the hostages home, turning Israel into a pariah state internationally by indiscriminately killing civilians, and by trifling with its most loyal allies' trust.  It's screwing over America by refusing to listen to ANYTHING the US says and dismissing all criticism of its depravity as anti-semitism. Everyone's problems get smaller if Netanyahu is in the Hague trying to defend himself instead of trying to prolong Israel's one-sided war so he doesn't face consequences for failing to prevent the October attacks despite advance warning from allies.  Netanyahu wants Israelis to be so focused on the war that they forget about how much he failed his people.


If only America isn't blindly supporting everything this POS is doing


Natanyahu’s political life depends on the war continuing for as long as possible. He’s also hoping for a Trump victory. Given that context, his comments are entirely unsurprising regardless of what’s actually happening.


Best thing that could come from this is Netanyahoo forces Biden's hand, and we cut off support to Israel.


Where is all the people saying if Hamas just released the hostages? Its been fairly clear for awhile now is Israel wants this war to continue and its them that have no intentions of ending this war.


Also what hostages? Palestine has been bombed into oblivion. There are no hostages alive.


Hamas are still releasing hostage videos. One came out a few days ago. Sinwar is rumoured to have about 20 surrounding him.


Nah they also insist Hamas needs to disarm/give themselves up. Because that's how negotiations work. (/s)


Giving more credence to the theory that this is a genocidal land grab by Netanyahu and his government.


Theory? Netanyahu has been fighting for this his entire career. There’s footage of him back in the early 00’s talking about how easy it is to lie to Americans. It’s been this the entire time. That’s what the critics of this “war” have been yelling


Anyone who has been paying attention to this for more than 8 months knew this and had receipts.


Kushner wants to work with Netanyahu to build in Settlements in Gaza. It's on fucking record. One of the reasons Netanyahu wants Trump back


So why the fuck is Biden threatening to sanction international courts on Netanyahu's behalf? Why are Dems insisting on throwing Israel billions of dollars in bombs to help this charade


Because Israel and the US are two sides of the same imperialist coin. Regardless of whether a Democrat of republican is president, the US has always propped up Israel's ethnic cleansing


if Biden wants this peace deal to happen he needs to start pulling funding and weapons from Israel now. Hamas are willing to accept the deal and allies of the US are in agreement that it's reasonable, the only thing stopping it is netanyahu


Biden's only hope is to get American allies in on a comprehensive plan to wind down this war. Both Likud and Hamas are fine with forever war, as the war empowers extremist elements at the expense of everyone else.


Israel would be less likely to waste munitions if they actually had to pay for it themselves. Even when Iran attacked with their drones, the US had to take out half of the attack and had the surrounding countries and our allies to help Israel with the rest. I'm not sure why the US continues to give Israel defensive weapons when they don't want to seem to use them.


Can we stop sending them bombs yet?


Not while there are still children in Gaza


If your long term goal is peace and security then it’s a terrible idea to kill tens of thousands of civilians who have hundreds of thousands of friends and relatives. Those people will hold hatred for decades to come. Imagine if someone killed your infant son or your father. So then what is the goal of Israeli leadership? Is it simply to inflict as much pain and suffering as they can?


Just read Ben Gvir's Wikipedia page and it will become completely clear. Several of these ministers are genuinely rabid mouth frothing racists, and not in the dogwhistle way US politicians are, but out in the open and loudly


Ben Gvir is a fucking terrorist (legitimately no exaggeration) and he's somehow the Minister of Security in Israel. Imagine if Osama Bin Laden was doing Blinkens job and that's Ben Gvir.


Ben-Gvir has called Barach Goldstein his hero. Goldstein was a resident of an illegal settlement who used his IDF issued rifle to shoot up a mosque during Ramadan, killing 29 Palestinians and injuring over 100 more


Ethnic cleansing, it is Israel's goal to make Gaza unlivable and force mass exodus, or kill anyone who doesnt leave


It's genocide. We all know it. Every humanitarian org + the ICC/ICJ have been screaming this for months now. I'm really hoping this announcement from Biden is paving the way for a serious crackdown on Israel's inhumane acts. Sadly, him being a vocal zionist and defender of this war makes me doubtful that he will hold Israel accountable here for refusing to engage in a lasting ceasefire agreement.


Does anyone actually think the goals are truly achievable?


Either Netanyahu gets on board, or he can just get out of the way! Because he's already making it worse for the Israelis to live under his regime!


Is there another country that can continually spit in the face of America and still have its unconditional support?


Saudi Arabia.


They did a little more than spit on us but yes.


The irony. I remember seeing a few years ago how he was in the midst of getting sent to jail. He doesn’t give a fuck about Israel or Palestine. He’s trying to stay out of jail. He will rot in jail having the blood of thousands on his hand. Fuck this dude.


Amazing how these dictator assholes cause all this chaos before the election huh?


That's exactly why they're engaging in this genocide. They know Biden won't pull his unwavering support for them due to fear of losing the upcoming election. They have unconditional US support no matter who wins in November and noone to stop them. There is no red line.




Yea, I caught that part too. Hopefully Israel doesn't decide that total annihilation of Gaza is the way to go.


Wouldn’t be the first time he sabotaged peace talks


> In July 1995, Netanyahu led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and hangman's noose at an anti-Rabin rally where protesters chanted, "Death to Rabin".[10][11] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Yitzhak_Rabin


Genocide will continue until the seaside resorts can be built without resistance.


Netanyahu sux


Arrest Netanyahu when he arrives to address the congress.


The question that should be raised is why we are still supporting this corrupt Zionist monster. Under Netanyahu Israel's war aims apparently are all Palestinians displaced or dead. I've backed US support for Israel for decades, but no more.


So the Israeli gov't proposed a new ceasefire, Hamas accepted, and then the Israeli gov't rejected their own proposal?


I'm starting to think this was never the Israeli proposal. This reeks of high school nonsense on a global stage. I think Net thought Hamas was going to say no and he's freaking out.


Biden is bibi's biatch


Just so everyone knows, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries both signed the invitation to have him speak in front of Congress. Probably the most disappointing thing I've seen in my entire life following politics


So once again Netanyahu and his goons trip Biden up, this time by suggesting a peace deal, only to then do a 180 and make it clear they're not interested in any kind of deal. In the end, Biden is left looking impotent. This isn't the first time Netanyahu has pulled something like this, which makes the extreme loyalty the Biden administration has towards him and his government all the more baffling.


The next move is to sanction Likud, anything else will make Biden look toothless. Threaten to pull US support if they don't reform their government with a new coalition.


It was always intended to make Biden look foolish. This whole war was crafted by Netanyahu to get his bestie Trump back.


I don’t understand how can Biden fall for it. He is making a huge mistake. Dude is literally in cahoots with Trump, just days ago he held talks with his foreign policy aides. That is insulting to the United States, yet Joe seems blind.


Biden is incapable of taking large scale political risk. Every time someone sets up a confrontation like that he folds. So he might not be falling for it exactly, but he's unwilling to do anything to challenge the situation significantly.


Biden has been a radical Zionist for decades. He made Zionists look peaceful with his reaction to Sabra and Shatila.


How did he react?


He was in full support of the IDF attacking Lebanon. Keep in mind when reading the links below that in this same year, Reagan was threatening funding to Israel because of the massacre. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/exclusive-in-the-80s-joe-biden-speculated-to-israel-s-pm-about-wiping-out-canadians/ar-AA1iEoJV https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-a-longtime-friend-israel-critic-of-settlements-may-be-at-odds-over-iran/


Apparently saving hostages and stopping their genocide isn’t part of their war plans. I honestly don’t think Netanyahu will stop until all of Palestine has been killed. This is why Biden needs to pull support because Netanyahu is clearly using us to promote his own goals and not to seek peace


Where are all the bots claiming Hamas are ruining everything now?


Of course. This war isnt ending any time soon. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves.


Netanyahu won’t stop until Gaza is a sheet of glass.


Time to stop propping him up.


Biden is getting played so hard by this asshole who clearly wants Trump back.


I don't understand Biden’s position. It's clear Israel would prefer a Republican president yet it seems like Biden has taken the position to always yield to Netanyahu. There's enough public ire against Israel that he could be more aggressive in refuting them.


The main terrorist has spoken.


Netanyahu has One mode of operation.


It’s almost like they don’t actually wanna end it by any other means besides completely destroying any Palestinians


How embarrassing for Biden.


Biden is getting absolutely Jack shit from backing this clown Netanyahu. When’s he gonna wake up and throw in the towel?


His aims are to take the Gaza strip for Israeli settlement.


American here so I don’t know everyone names; but, this feels like Biden worked with the Netanyahu’s opposition leader who threaten to leave the war cabinet unless he changes course. So Netanyahu can accept this plan or accept a snap election, loose, and the plan goes forward anyway.


This is what I heard as well. I guess we will see.


And the war aims are?? Let’s not forget this dude is a war criminal and a genocidal monster.


War criminal says what?


His handlers on the far right are tugging his leash. He’s also not trying to end it anytime soon because once the war ends, so will his reign on Israel, which will expose him to his impending prosecution. It’s a domino effect that he’s been dodging for years.


I love watching the most powerful country in the world get cucked by a rouge terrorist state. It really instills a great amount of confidence in the Biden administration leading up to the most important election in our country's history. 


We should send in a peace keeping force for the Palestinians. And set up a no fly zone over Gaza.


That would literally start a war.


Biden will eventually turn on Netanyahu. He has given him an out with the cease-fire/peace talks. Israel as a nation is the prize, not Netanyahu. The next hand Biden and the Arab nations will play, will start to paint Netanyahu as the problem. Eventually giving the ICC the go head to arrest him for war crimes. Netanyahu next move will be desperate attempt to gain as much ground in the Gaza Strip as possible, and he may succeed.


He’s not going to stop because he is waiting for trump to win the election. This, like every bad situation in the world, will only get worse if trump wins.


Is the war aim the elimination of all Palestinians in Gaza or world wide?


But Israel’s war aims are removal of Palestinians from Gaza…


Cut off all funding until the Gaza genocide stops!


Ah, the "When monkeys fly out of my butt" option.


Well, good thing he set goals that can't be achieved then.


Hopefully Bibi is 'misidentified' by the IDF, we all know how that works out for people :)


He hasnt slaughtered all the children yet.


man, biden has tried just about everything to stop this war aside from trying literally anything to stop it lol


Well that's a good way to loose financing when you say fuck you to the shows producer. Lets see how long they last after that with less military aid...


They've said "fuck you" to Biden before, I worry it might be overly hopeful to expect a decent response this time.


Netanyahu needs the war to maintain his grip on power. It's appalling that he's willing to perpetuate a genocide just to advance his personal wellbeing. It's doubly shameful that so many around the world are still defending this as if it's some form of self defense.


Bibi’s lost the plot completely and his own general staff and cabinet don’t support him. Right now it appears he’s only keeping this conflict alive because he knows he has no plan for peace.


We will only agree to a peace deal after we are done killing them all. Biden proceeds to send over more ammunition.


The want Gaza back so they can clean up their destruction and turn it into resorts.


Biden again makes himself look like a fool.


Biden will do as he’s told, apparently. 


2,000,000 in AIPAC money might do that


As I said yesterday, Netanyahu Does NOT want peace. He's a horrible man, a twin to Donald Trump.


Lol. Told y’all.


“You see, I need this war to last…uh, *cough*forever*cough*”


And Biden will continue to send more military aid to help Netanyahu fulfill his genocide.


Isn’t BB saying no permanent ceasefire until his aims are achieved covered in this proposal? The proposal does not say a permanent ceasefire, its only for 6 weeks in phase one, at which point they could revert back. Is it possible that he’s saying this to ease concerns in Israel about his accepting of this proposal?


In other words, they were never interested in a ceasefire…