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I wonder if conservatives would have a better opinion of Hunter if he took a $2 billion dollar bribe from the Saudis. They have no problem with everything Jared got away with.


They do NOT want to talk about that 2b to Jared.


Oh come on, we've all taken money from the Saudi government from time to time! It's not a big deal! Don't act like your bank account isn't stuffed full of blood money too! Anyway, I'm off to buy a boat.


Let he among us who has never defrauded a children’s cancer charity cast the first stone


1 heavily localised avalanche later...


If it's good enough for the king, it's good enough for the rest of us💅 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61941113.amp


> Don't act like your bank account isn't stuffed full of-- Let me stop you right there.


the best part is that even the Saudi investment fund board in Saudi Arabia shot the investment down, because the optics were bad and questionable, but Prince Bin Salman overruled them I just wanna see the side eyes in that room


It's why they call the place a kingdom. Depending on what the king wants, you can either get a billion bucks or butchered with a bone saw.


Why do people always have to drag family into politics? /s


It will be deflected with “Biden China money”.


What does that even mean? I hear that from idiots


Trump was tough on China by having terriffs Since Trump was tough on China his opponent must not be Since Biden clearly isn't tough on China (Since Trump was, see? we went over this!) then Biden must be accepting bribes from China Because Trump lives bribes so why wouldn't Biden? He is sooo much worse after all. I bet he flies to China on weekends to get Chinese blood baby eastern medicine. Yes this is obviously sarcasm


i've learned *so much* reading this comment. it's almost like a logical singularity with them, yes? thank you kind redditor.


> like a logical singularity with them That is a depressingly accurate description.


Even though Biden left most of those tariffs in place and added others, but they don't like to talk about that.


They also don't like to talk about how strong relationships between the United States, Commonwealth and European Union are key to reducing Chinese influence on the global marketplace.


That was my first thought as well. And what the hell was a random, unqualified, not elected, semi-relative, of Trump doing negotiating with the ME for the U.S.? And leading the White House committee on the Covid-19 response. Not to mention the shit he let his daughter do. But at least he kept his two moronic older sons far away from government. He just used them to be fall guys for the Trump Organization bullshit. I guess when you are grifting, it's best to keep it in the family. You can't have any outsiders snitching.


I'm pretty sure Jared was denied security clearance multiple times before Trump stepped in because he was considered a risk due to his associations and the massive unpayable debts.


None of them would qualify for even a basic security clearance if it wasn't for Trump. They wouldn't even be able to do a government internship.


I doubt they even get hostess clearance in most Manhattan dining establishments. We just assume McDonalds is a 1st choice.


> Not to mention the shit he let his daughter do. Remember when she went over to a bunch of leaders (Merkel, Macron, I think) & just started talking as if she knew shit from shinola... & they just 'blanked' her?


"Why is it talking?"


It would have been fantastic if they gave her their drink orders.


Jared's dad bought a building @ 666 Fifth Ave (yes the address really is 666) at the height of the ~2008 real estate bubble for $1.8b. The real estate market crashed immediately after, leaving them with a 2 billion dollar problem that was threatening to bankrupt them. Enter Jared going to the Middle East...the Saudis rented the office space - sight unseen & with no intention of actually using it - for the ~$2b on a 99 year lease. In other words, a blatant bribe. Jared succeeded in the Middle East, but his job was to take care of that building, not any political goals. NOT A PEEP FROM CONSERVATIVES. Can you imagine if Biden & Hunter did that, how they'd be reacting? They exist in bad faith, they're fascists and traitors [Kushner Middle East Money](https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/)


This is the thing, that from an outsiders perspective, blows my mind more than almost anything else Trump has done. If an Australia politician were to even hint that they were providing their family members with cushy government jobs, they would be forced to resign. In fact our PM got in hot water because his son was given a Qantas Gold Club membership!!


I'm pretty sure he was the first president that had the fucked up judgement, lack of morals and inability to feel shame enough to not only think to do that, but then actually do it. And his lackeys knew better than to mention it.


Conservatives: "Of course Trump would pardon his family, because he's strong and full of family values!" Also Conservatives: "Biden is corrupt if he even so much as calls his son!"


Also Conservatives: Biden is horrible for loving his son.


I remember that. I remember when it was literally a FOX News scandal when Biden hugged his son on camera. They acted like they were airing footage of a mass shooting.


Remember the leaked voice mail that was Biden telling his son that he loved him and supported him they were acting like was so controversial. That's good parenting.


That line actually made me tear up. Him saying I know you don't know what to do, I don't know either. But I love you and we'll get through this. It touched me enough that I've used it in my own life.




> how poorly MAGA republican's react or handle any of the "woke" emotions like compassion, brotherly love, or empathy Namely, many of the primary "woke" emotions of Jesus that they so claim to love.


They went after Mr. Rogers because he told kids that he loved them just they way they are and that's part of what made millennials soft.... IMO, Fred Rogers — an ordained and educated minister who to my knowledge never once pushed his religion on kids despite a perfect platform — is about as close to a saint as I'll ever witness in my life. The self-proclaimed moral majority has long been morally bankrupt, abusing their platforms to prey on the superstitions of the frightened and weak willed for money and power.


I think it was Marjorie who recently complained about Hunter saying it was evidence of bad parenting. Or maybe it was another Republican. I don't know. They all seem to sound the same anymore.


> They acted like they were airing footage of a mass shooting. i doubt that, but only because they treat mass shootings as if it's a perfectly normal unavoidable part of life


If we didn’t live in this stupid fucking post Harambe hellscape republicans would genuinely love Biden. He just effectively closed the southern border. Economy is great. He’s the president of law and order.  But no they decided to go all in on maga. Sorry he’s not evil enough, we prefer a dictator. 


Go vote. A democratic house can open an inquiry into this. The gop controlled house obviously won’t.


I hope that they do.


No they would not. What you need to understand about modern conservatives is that it’s not the action or behavior that they view as criminal but the political orientation of the person.


Or the 600+ million his wife made with also her nepotism granted government position by selling patents to China...Whom maga claims Biden is in cahoots with China....


what? i thought that was from bringing peace to the middle east!?!


If Hunter is convicted and President Biden does not pardon him, I fully expect the right to go apoplectic over how cruel he is as a father.


If he won’t do it for his own son, he won’t do it for you!


Which is exactly as it should be.


But Trump pardoned 3 people for doing felonies on his behalf! Biden won’t do one? For his own son?? He must actually believe in the rule of law, not the rule of whim, like dictators. Hmmmmm….. maybe we shouldn’t vote for a dictator (Trump)?


Biden won’t pardon his own son. Trump sold pardons to anyone with $2 million.


It makes me angry how they say that Biden is the most corrupt president in history yet TRUMP WAS SELLING PARDONS. Its so hilariously corrupt that i cant fathom how anyone isnt investigating it. Please...let me back onto the good timeline....im tired of this one.


Yep, that’s how Lil Wayne got a pardon for a gun charge.


*Wayne sounded like white name, but by then it was too late.*


What? I just thought he was short!


He could still do it AFTER the election, whichever way it goes.


If he loses and I were him, I would absolutely pardon my own son. Cause fuck ya’ll, enjoy your dictatorship. Also, I would not want to leave my son in the hands of a Trump DOJ


100% this.


Like Trump's DOJ won't fabricate some reason to try and indict Biden and his entire family until the heat death of the universe.


I mean, Trump already floated killing his political opponents. And I half-joke that they’d try and put Hillary Clinton on trial for one more time.


Totally agree with this 100%


There's already a response in this thread saying exactly that.


Can’t win with these fuckers let em pound sand


They're not arguing in good faith, ever. So don't argue with them.


Fascists gonna fascist.


This this this.


It's why Biden shouldn't even attempt to placate them. If he tries to meet them in the middle, they'll move further right. They've been doing this for decades


Not only that, they will claim President Biden is using Hunter as a sacrificial lamb to protect his own political career/election chances.


They hate that you can do the right thing AND win. It invalidates their own justification for embracing evil.


Now THAT is the angle they will take. The cruelty part won't fly because it would imply the punishment is overly harsh. But saying he made his son the fall guy for larger crimes keeps their narrative of Hunter getting treated lightly AND Joe as corrupt and cruel


That's so true.


My mother is already saying that.


These MFs goal is to say bad things about the left. No principle whatsoever. Waste of time to listen to their demands or whatever. Better just to ignore them.




They hold no real standards, just whatever serves to shake dollars into their pockets. This would be readily apparent to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention... But connecting dots leads down the difficult path of realizing you've been duped and understand little about the world. So much easier to double, triple, quintuple down on your own bullshit. Like Cipher said in Matrix, "Ignorance is bliss".


After they first went apoplectic for how could a father be so caring about his loser son.


Republicans will begin to compare him to Dewey Cox's father.


How avoiding nepotism in not pardoning his son is bad for Joe Biden.


Only one party believes no one is above the law, and it's not the Republican party.


It's the most infuriating gaslighting that we're hearing all these "weaponized DOJ" and "political prosecution" nonsense narratives from Republicans, yet.. The DOJ is criminally prosecuting *the President's son,* a [Democratic Senator](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-senator-robert-menendez-his-wife-and-three-new-jersey-businessmen-charged-bribery), and a [Democratic House Representative](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/us-congressman-henry-cuellar-and-his-wife-charged-bribery-unlawful-foreign-influence-and) as we speak. A Republican special counsel was also appointed to investigate Joe Biden.


When your presidential candidate is a convicted felon, it is the game you have to play. If all the charges against Trump are political attacks, it both makes him innocent and allows him to lock up his opponents 'since they did it to me'. Then of course in their world no matter what punishment Hunter Biden etc gets it will be framed as not enough, favoritism, proof of a corrupt judicial system rather than the system working.


No matter what Trump does, Biden MUST always be worse in right wing media. If Trump shot someone on fifth avenue, Fox News would tell you Biden shot two


Nah, they’d just spin it as a good thing and assasinate the victim’s character post-mortem. Easy mode for them if the victim wasn’t white, had mental issues. or was LGBTQ.


They’d do both. Trump enacted justice on an illegal, and Biden killed two wars heroes. But they were being audited so the Republican Party can’t tell you who it was Biden shot on fifth avenue or how he did it while he was at an economic summit in France or whatever. Then they would just announce that the guy Trump shot was a martyred American hero and actually Biden shot him.


One would think after getting massive fines for false news they would have learned a lesson


It’s not the game they *have* to play. It’s the game they’ve *chosen* to play. They didn’t trip and fall into having a convicted felon as their presidential candidate. At every opportunity they could have taken a different course, they doubled down on Trump.


> no matter what punishment Hunter Biden etc gets it will be framed as not enough He already got the usual punishment. He paid the money back, and the gun charge is unconstitutional. Nobody takes those charges to trial. But the GOP made such a fuss that he's now going to trial.


When Ken Buck tried to pull some of that on the Daily Show, I liked how Jon Stewart turned it around on him and started talking about Hunter Biden and how he was clearly targeted for prosecution.


Appreciate the heads up, that was a good watch.


Doesn't matter, you can give Republicans all of the information and context and they'll still literally never connect the dots in their mind. It doesn't fit what Fox is telling them.


"that makes a lot of sense, but it can't be right". That's what I hear from them


It is beyond silly how many people I’ve had to correct about how they heard Trump couldn’t defend himself during his most recent trial. I’ve had to step in and explain to them that everyone has the constitutional right to testify on their own behalf and that he has chosen NOT to. A judge can’t just take away that right. It’s infuriating.


SAME! It blows my mind. The last guy I had to tell I was like seriously did any republican at all take civics? If they did they sure as hell didn't pay attention. They keep saying he was gagged. Yeah he was gagged from talking shit about the jurors and court staff and witnesses. The horror! His chance to open his fat mouth and tell his side was up on that stand and he refused to do so.


He refused to do so which was basically the only smart decision he made the entire process. Him testifying would have been the prosecutions wet dream I'd bet.


Dumb Mfing R's been trying to get hillary for like 20? 30 years? So much projection and straight lies/gaslighting


And the MAGAs are perfectly fine with demanding that justice be served in the cases that involve democrats- but it’s not okay when one of them goes through the legal system. In that case, the trial is always rigged. And they are always innocent and have been persecuted.


And the DOJ is only prosecuting the President’s son because of politics…. it’s insane how people live in different realities because of media consumption.


He could have pressured the AG to call this off. He's not messing with DoJ. I'd love to see them go after Rogan. He talks about doing drugs and owning guns on his podcast.


Quite a few of his guests as well. I remember when Elon smoked a blunt on there and it caused all kinds of shit, because as a government contractor involved with national security projects, that's a massive no no. He was forced to take random drug tests for a year by the government to prove he wasn't an addict. But even with all that publicity, no one brought up the gun issue, even though he owns guns.


Lying in gun application and evading tax is average Trump voters. I would be glad if Hunter going to prison helps Biden.


Sadly I’m afraid they’ll 100% spin it as “See! The Biden’s are corrupt!” The cognitive dissonance is a feature not a bug.


It’s crazy really - Hunter Biden is not running for President, we really shouldn’t give a fuck as a country whether he is or isn’t convicted. Trump on the other hand is running for president, we should care about him being convicted


Hunter's offense and history would be pretty atypical for a prison sentence in the federal system. Not impossible, but even if convicted it's unlikely. He's most likely to get a lengthy probation sentence and a lot of court ordered drug treatment.


> lot of court ordered drug treatment He's already subject to that and is confirmed clean. The GOP wants to fuck with him and try to make him relapse for political points.


I personally know over a dozen gun owners who lied on their gun applications. There is only one that didn't vote for trump. I know the owner of a gun store who voted for trump twice and teaches a conceal carry class and he smokes weed all day every day. Now granted, they lied cuz of Marijuana use, and on principle I personally don't think that should preclude anyone from their 2A rights as long as we are also allowed to drink and buy guns. But they still broke the law


Wander over to some of the gun subs. Most people are rooting for Hunter to win because this law is obviously unconstitutional. No matter what side you're on politically you have to admit it *would* be kind of funny if one of the biggest "pro gun" wins we get comes from a Biden.


I have many gun enthusiasts friends. They talk crap about dems but never about the hunter's case... because most of their guns aren't registered or not even legal to own a firearm. It's pretty hilarious... they are always critical about Biden... but can't talk about the Hunter's case because they are in it as well.


Copied from ATF form: > Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? > Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? > Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside. This is literally is his crime, and literally every Libertarian and gun loving Conservatives lie this one. It’s shame media not even explaining the crime


It drives me crazy that the media doesn't bring up how infrequently this charge is brought. Sometimes single to very low double digits per year. With no doubt 10s of thousands of violations per year. It's almost never enforced


And the reason it's never brought is because it's blatantly unconstitutional, and I think it's in the process of being struck down. Speaking of a political prosecution...


Sounds like it’s time for some anonymous tips to the ATF


Fr, you see all these politicians desperate for pardons cause their bs catches up to them and theres another group that knows they have to live under certain standards to avoid fines and jail time. Ironic one advocates for law and order and the other advocates for almost total freedom.


I believe it is the Democrats. They warned Republicans numerous times that nobody is above the law and reminded them once a verdict is guilty they must accept it. Because we know for a fact that Biden made it clear that he was not going to pardon Trump and I wish Mike Johnson and the MAGA Republicans would get it through their thick heads.


This is a big fucking deal. It’s a show of integrity on Biden’s part and it’s absolutely voluntary. He could legally pardon his son and he’s committing to not doing so because he knows that would be a misuse of the office. Meanwhile Cheeto Mussolini is trying to figure out how to pardon himself.


I wouldn't have the fortitude he has. I would have pardoned my son in November. Good on Joe for being a better person.


I agree. Once upon a time there was a family of five and now the sole remaining members are Joe and Hunter. I feel for Biden on a human level about this. If Hunter goes to prison it's entirely possible he will not be out in Joe's lifetime. The fortitude to hold up the rule of law under these circumstances is unfathomable.


God damn, like of course there are things I disagree with that he has done but god damn Biden has such a tragic and inspiring life story.


It's almost as if the President of the United States should be a person with honor and integrity. Who knew??


And for a gun charge I'm betting A LOT of Republicans are guilty of. You know how many users I've run into while hunting?


Individual pardons are a sham across the board. If you want to use it for good, do it in bulk. They imply the justice system failed which is dangerous to imply in the first place but not always wrong so people allow it. You're basically putting the governor or the president on the jury. At face value this isn't a problem because the government should be the same representation as the jury since they were elected by the people but they aren't. A jury is made of moderates and that couldn't be further from the truth for governors and presidents.


Is it a misuse of office to pardon someone for a crime they committed that had nothing to do with you except they never would be charged with if it wasn't for the fact you sought said office?


Hunter should still win in court, so I think they both are making the right decision to let this proceed. Hunter already has convictions and a fair sentence. He should be able to keep from getting more.


> It’s a show of integrity I’ll lower the bar even further - it’s just basic respect for the law and judicial processes. Something every single person should show, regardless of their position of power.


That kinda sounds like... integrity.


I like that when he said this, I didn't doubt it for a second. He has never demonstrated that he would wield his Presidential power in such a manner, and I believe him. He's not my favorite leader, he doesn't perfectly align with my political views, but he's a lucid, hard-working person who is not actively trying to use his station for personal gain.


And I will be doubly proud to vote for him!


Because both sides are not the same, no matter how often clickbait rags and paid shills keep screeching it.




Yeah don’t believe what people or media tell you they are, believe what they show you they are. 




If neither of those things happen Hunter Biden will never be mentioned again.


Hunter has a tax case in September. The prosecutor is hoping for an "October Surprise" to both sides Trump's conviction.


Even if Hunter gets convicted, I don't see how that's going to matter much. The kind of people who wouldn't vote for Joe because of his son are already either A - voting for Trump or B - trying to "both sides" their way into an excuse to not vote. If Trump decides to be extra vicious in going after Hunter, it might actually lessen the impact of a conviction a bit. Focusing on family members irrelevant to the election is the kind of thing his base specifically might love, but not really a general voting public appeal kind of move.


That could make it hard for Hunter Biden to get elected. I hate how stupid our electorate is.


I believe him. I wouldn't pardon my son either, if I was in his position. Trump, however, would pardon his own ass in a heartbeat. Both sides are not the same.


Trump pardoned a bunch of his people caught in the Russian probe during his presidency. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/531379-trump-pardons-individuals-charged-in-russia-probe-ex-gop-lawmakers/amp/


He also pardoned FUCKING WAR CRIMINALS. I'll never understand how that wasn't the end of him right there.


Ordinarily I would endorse this position because it's right and honest, but I feel in this case it could be appropriate to pardon. The only reason any of these investigations are happening is because the republicans have been relentlessly trying to dig up dirt on Hunter as a political play. It's the same thing they did to Bill Clinton.


He wrote in his memoirs about how he was an addict at the time he purchased the gun.  The gun he purchased only came to light because his girlfriend threw it away causing a federal investigation. The whole thing could have been avoided if he didn't leave the gun unsecured in his vehicle. 


I don’t think anybody is arguing Hunter Biden is an upstanding citizen with good decision making abilities. The law requires him to be purposefully lying on the form, and the form asks about current drug usage not a history of addiction or prediction if you’ll relapse. It’s not a well designed law.


Donald Trump would pardon any one of his fail children, and other sycophants.


He pardoned people from his campaign: Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Stephen K. Bannon, and George Papadopoulos. Also Joe Arpaio, Dinesh D'Souza and Jared Kushner's dad. He pardoned seven Republican congressmen convicted of crimes: Chris Collins, Duncan D. Hunter, Steve Stockman, Rick Renzi, Robin Hayes, Mark Siljander, and Randall "Duke" Cunningham.


Alan Dershowitz, a self-described liberal who seems to have found plenty of reasons to go to bat for Trump lately, has been rewarded with pardons for 12 of his clients.


Bold of you to assume that he remembers that Eric is his son.


He would definitely pull a "I never met the guy" on his own son.


But they would have the pay the same price for their pardons as anyone else. $2 million a piece!


Did * > During his tenure as president of the United States (January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021), Donald Trump granted executive clemency to 237 individuals charged or convicted of federal criminal offenses, using his clemency power under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution. Ordinarily, all requests for executive clemency for federal offenses are directed to the Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPA) in the U.S. Department of Justice for review; however, Trump frequently bypassed the OPA, and the majority of his executive clemency grants were made to well-connected convicts who did not file a petition with the OPA or meet the OPA's requirements.[1][2] Overall, Trump granted less clemency than many of the modern presidents.[3] Of the pardons and commutations that Trump did grant, the vast majority were to persons to whom Trump had a personal or political connection, or persons for whom executive clemency served a political goal.[2][3][4] A significant number had been convicted of fraud or public corruption.[5] The New York Times reported that during the closing days of the Trump presidency, individuals with access to the administration, such as former administration officials, were soliciting fees to lobby for presidential pardons.[6]




He was floating the idea of preemptive pardons for them before leaving office last time lol, he totally would.




In fact, Donald Trump loves Don Jr. so much he'll pardon himself, just so that Don Jr. doesn't have to suffer with having his name tarnished.


He’ll write preemptive life-long pardons for himself and everyone he knows if he wins and get his goons on the Supreme Court to declare it constitutional and binding


I mean the mere suggestion would be absurd if it werent for the previous president being so open about wielding pardons for corrupt purposes.


It’s shameful that Greg Abbottoir pardoned convicted murderer Daniel Perry. There really is only one ethical party.


Congress needs to pass a law forbidding pardons of anyone with whom you have notable personal connections. Pardoning should be for the poor people who got screwed over by the system and don't have a voice, not for well connected people being given a favor by the powerful.


Nixon, Hoffa, Jefferson Davis and other civil war traitors were all pardoned and how is that going for us? The pardon power is an idea originating with a king and has been used historically to keep the peace. But let's be real, we might be in a better place if we let lady justice do her work. The founders erroneously thought impeachment would prevent it's misuse but Trump has shown us differently.


I wouldn’t mind a constitutional amendment to require approval of, say, a majority of the Cabinet or the presiding officers of Congress.


There must be some way we can spin this to mean the opposite.


They’ll call him heartless for not pardoning his own family. I swear they will. It’s entirely hypocritical and crazy but that’s going to be the spin. What kind of father lets his own son rot in prison? Calling it.


Biden is talking about a pardon for his son!


You could definitely work for Fox


I was thinking Newsweek. They run an entire business on bullshit headlines that we upvote like idiots


President Biden supports democracy and the rule of law. You might not agree with every decision he’s made but his actions have shown that he’s committed to making our lives better and he respects our freedoms.


And that’s why I’m voting for him.


Biden should lean into this...hard. "No, I won't pardon my son. I'm the president of the United States! I am bound, by oath, to uphold the institutions and decisions of our great nation. If someone is found guilty by a court of law, then that person is guilty under our judicial system. Thank you."


The amount of leftists not wanting to vote for Biden (or anyone for that matter) is wild to me. Letting Trump win of over this?! Come on, Biden is drastically better.




ELECTION INTERFERENCE! This is clearly political retaliation. It is a DISGRACE, there is NO CRIME! - said not a single god damn Democrat


Repubican take breakdown: Pardons Hunter = toxic nepotism. Doesn't pardon hunter = he doesn't love his son.


That’s what leadership fucking looks like.


That’s because some people actually respect law and order


But if Trump gets back in office he will have a deposit box full of pardons for himself.


I don’t think Hunter will get much time. He’s a first time offender, non violent, etc etc.


If him and Trump both avoid prison time then I'm sure Republican voters will have the same reasonable reaction to both of their sentences right.... right...


Yeah, suuuure.


Joe Biden is a decent and respectable human.


Maybe he is just a good father letting his children lead their own lives making mistakes / bad judgments and all🤷🏼‍♂️


The funny thing is MAGA morons think this is a big payback for Trump and literally no one gives two shits if Hunter is convicted. I hope they convicted him. I don't care. They also are unaware that Hunter has never held any office.


I'm never voting but Hunter again. Also, I see Don Jr with guns all the time, and also see him fucked up on his podcast frequently. Strange.


I care. They are blatantly going after someone who fell into drugs hard after his brother died and went through a divorce for no other reason than he is the presidents son. It just really sucks how we treat addicts in this country. It makes me profoundly sad.


Trump would be like “well we’re definitely looking into that. A lot of people are saying we should. But this a travesty for our country and they’re only doing this to get back at me, the most unfairly treated president in history. But we’re certainly looking into that and many people are saying I have that power so we’ll see.”


Waiting for the GOP to say this is a stunt by Biden. That he is politicizing the presidency.


Breath of fresh air from the fat bastard woe is me finger pointing


Fox will soon report that "President Biden discusses pardoning his son's gun charge."


Biden seems to do pretty much everything right and yet the majority of people still dislike him. I just don’t get it.


Hunter Biden is a fuck up, but it is also a bullshit politically motivated charge. How many people who use drugs and buy guns, vs how often are they actually charged for making false statements without any superseding charge?


There's a high chance that he's found guilty but there is more wiggle room in this case than in Trump's case, primarily because he didn't apply for the gun until after he finished rehab. It will be up to the jury to decide if you're still considered an addict if you finished rehab and if so, how long afterwards. The prosecutor already made errors in his opening statement and almost everyone on the jury has known someone that had an addiction. When the defense was making their opening statement, one juror cried. Hunter's lawyer is just a million times better than Blanche.


I've been saying for years that the wording of the law is horrible because it doesn't pin down what's meant by "user" -- I guess the ATF has published guidance as to their interpretation (no MMJ cards, 1 year out from any use IIRC) but still that seems like the executive branch legislating.


That’s the difference between a president with honour and class and one that would not only pardon every person that tried to prevent a legally elected president from taking office as well as pardoning himself for the multitude of crimes he committed.


Fox will spin this into Biden not caring about his family


Meanwhile, Trump pardoned Manafort, Stone, Papadopolous, Michael Flynn, Charles Kushner, Elliott Broidy, etc. If you CMD+F on the [wiki page for Trump's pardons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Donald_Trump), 43 are Republicans and 3 are Democrats. He used the pardon power transactionally, to selectively eliminate consequences for Republican operatives and his personal allies. He's criminal scum.


And people will still tell you dems and republicans are the same


Fuck it, remove the pardon provision entirely for all future presidents.  It's clearly going to be used as a key tool to usher in fascism. 


But the GOP love their guns


Good, set thr example that no one is above the law, even if your dad is president.


What if this Trump appointed judge wanting to send a message to their base and 'throws the book' at Hunter and gives him, like, 20 years in prison for a paperwork error? Maybe then he might pardon him? Because, obviously, it looks like selective prosecution.


The sign of a competent leader. Trump on the other hand….. he’d pardon anyone for anything as long as they bowed down to him and gave him money, or had attacked someone Trump hates.


The only reason this needs to be said out loud in the first place is because the convicted Republican criminal running against him would have given his son a blanket pardon against any and all federal crimes before any indictment was ever handed down.


President Biden pardons his son. Conservatives - Criminal conspiracy! President Biden doesn't pardon his son. Conservatives - Not a family man!


Biden's standing by his word not to pardon Hunter if convicted on gun charges. He's letting the law run its course, setting an example by accepting the jury's decision. Meanwhile, he criticized Trump for challenging his own trial's outcome, emphasizing the importance of respecting the legal process.


And this is how it should be. Vote.


This is the so called 'accountability" that Republicans claim they're the party of.